987 resultados para Convergent-divergent half-sib selection


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The objetive of this work was to evaluate the influence of intergenotypic competition in open-pollinated families of Eucalyptus and its effects on early selection efficiency. Two experiments were carried out, in which the timber volume was evaluated at three ages, in a randomized complete block design. Data from the three years of evaluation (experiment 1, at 2, 4, and 7 years; and experiment 2, at 2, 5, and 7 years) were analyzed using mixed models. The following were estimated: variance components, genetic parameters, selection gains, effective number, early selection efficiency, selection gain per unit time, and coincidence of selection with and without the use of competition covariates. Competition effect was nonsignificant for ages under three years, and adjustment using competition covariates was unnecessary. Early selection for families is effective; families that have a late growth spurt are more vulnerable to competition, which markedly impairs ranking at the end of the cycle. Early selection is efficient according to all adopted criteria, and the age of around three years is the most recommended, given the high efficiency and accuracy rate in the indication of trees and families. The addition of competition covariates at the end of the cycle improves early selection efficiency for almost all studied criteria.


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The objective of this work was to list potential candidate bee species for environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) cotton and to identify the most suited bee species for this task, according to their abundance and geographical distribution. Field inventories of bee on cotton flowers were performed in the states of Bahia and Mato Grosso, and in Distrito Federal, Brazil. During a 344 hour sampling, 3,470 bees from 74 species were recovered, at eight sites. Apis mellifera dominated the bee assemblages at all sites. Sampling at two sites that received no insecticide application was sufficient to identify the three most common and geographically widespread wild species: Paratrigona lineata, Melissoptila cnecomola, and Trigona spinipes, which could be useful indicators of pollination services in the ERA. Indirect ordination of common wild species revealed that insecticides reduced the number of native bee species and that interannual variation in bee assemblages may be low. Accumulation curves of rare bee species did not saturate, as expected in tropical and megadiverse regions. Species-based approaches are limited to analyze negative impacts of GM cotton on pollinator biological diversity. The accumulation rate of rare bee species, however, may be useful for evaluating possible negative effects of GM cotton on bee diversity.


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Abstract: To understand the processes of evolution, biologists are interested in the ability of a population to respond to natural or artificial selection. The amount of genetic variation is often viewed as the main factor allowing a species to answer to selection. Many theories have thus focused on the maintenance of genetic variability. Ecologists and population geneticists have long-suspected that the structure of the environment is connected to the maintenance of diversity. Theorists have shown that diversity can be permanently and stably maintained in temporal and spatial varying environment in certain conditions. Moreover, varying environments have been also theoretically demonstrated to cause the evolution of divergent life history strategies in the different niches constituting the environment. Although there is a huge number of theoretical studies selection and on life history evolution in heterogeneous environments, there is a clear lack of empirical studies. The purpose of this thesis was to. empirically study the evolutionary consequences of a heterogeneous environment in a freshwater snail Galba truncatula. Indeed, G. truncatula lives in two habitat types according the water availability. First, it can be found in streams or ponds which never completely dry out: a permanent habitat. Second, G. truncatula can be found in pools that freeze during winter and dry during summer: a temporary habitat. Using a common garden approach, we empirically demonstrated local adaptation of G. truncatula to temporary and permanent habitats. We used at first a comparison of molecular (FST) vs. quantitative (QST) genetic differentiation between temporary and permanent habitats. To confirm the pattern QST> FST between habitats suggesting local adaptation, we then tested the desiccation resistance of individuals from temporary and permanent habitats. This study confirmed that drought resistance seemed to be the main factor selected between habitats, and life history traits linked to the desiccation resistance were thus found divergent between habitats. However, despite this evidence of selection acting on mean values of traits between habitats, drift was suggested to be the main factor responsible of variation in variances-covariances between populations. At last, we found life history traits variation of individuals in a heterogeneous environment varying in parasite prevalence. This thesis empirically demonstrated the importance of heterogeneous environments in local adaptation and life history evolution and suggested that more experimental studies are needed to investigate this topic. Résumé: Les biologistes se sont depuis toujours intéressés en l'aptitude d'une population à répondre à la sélection naturelle. Cette réponse dépend de la quantité de variabilité génétique présente dans cette population. Plus particulièrement, les théoriciens se sont penchés sur la question du maintient de la variabilité génétique au sein d'environnements hétérogènes. Ils ont alors démontré que, sous certaines conditions, la diversité génétique peut se maintenir de manière stable et permanente dans des environnements variant au niveau spatial et temporel. De plus, ces environments variables ont été démontrés comme responsable de divergence de traits d'histoire de vie au sein des différentes niches constituant l'environnement. Cependant, malgré ce nombre important d'études théoriques portant sur la sélection et l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie en environnement hétérogène, les études empiriques sont plus rares. Le but de cette thèse était donc d'étudier les conséquences évolutives d'un environnement hétérogène chez un esgarcot d'eau douce Galba truncatula. En effet, G. truncatula est trouvé dans deux types d'habitats qui diffèrent par leur niveau d'eau. Le premier, l'habitat temporaire, est constitué de flaques d'eau qui peuvent s'assécher pendant l'été et geler pendant l'hiver. Le second, l'habitat permanent, correspond à des marres ou à des ruisseaux qui ont un niveau d'eau constant durant toute l'année. Utilisant une approche expérimentale de type "jardin commun", nous avons démontré l'adaptation locale des individus à leur type d'habitat, permanent ou temporaire. Nous avons utilisé l'approche Fsr/QsT qui compare la différentiation génétique moléculaire avec la différentiation génétique quantitative entre les 2 habitats. Le phénomène d'adapation locale démontré par QsT > FsT, a été testé experimentalement en mesurant la résistance à la dessiccation d'individus d'habitat temporaire et permanent. Cette étude confirma que la résistance à la sécheresse a été sélectionné entre habitats et que les traits responsables de cette resistance sont différents entre habitats. Cependant si la sélection agit sur la valeur moyenne des traits entre habitats, la dérive génétique semble être le responsable majeur de la différence de variances-covariances entre populations. Pour finir, une variation de traits d'histoire de vie a été trouvée au sein d'un environnement hétérogène constitué de populations variants au niveau de leur taux de parasitisme. Pour conclure, cette thèse a donc démontré l'importance d'un environnement hétérogène sur l'adaptation locale et l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie et suggère que plus d'études empiriques sur le sujet sont nécessaires.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the carbon isotope fractionation as a phenomic facility for cotton selection in contrasting environments and to assess its relationship with yield components. The experiments were carried out in a randomized block design, with four replicates, in the municipalities of Santa Helena de Goiás (SHGO) and Montividiu (MONT), in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was performed in 15 breeding lines and three cultivars. Subsequently, the root growth kinetic and root system architecture from the selected genotypes were determined. In both locations, Δ analyses were suitable to discriminate cotton genotypes. There was a positive correlation between Δ and seed-cotton yield in SHGO, where water deficit was more severe. In this site, the negative correlations found between Δ and fiber percentage indicate an integrative effect of gas exchange on Δ and its association with yield components. As for root robustness and growth kinetic, the GO 05 809 genotype performance contributes to sustain the highest values of Δ found in MONT, where edaphoclimatic conditions were more suitable for cotton. The use of Δ analysis as a phenomic facility can help to select cotton genotypes, in order to obtain plants with higher efficiency for gas exchange and water use.


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The objective of this work was to select the most informative morphoagronomic descriptors for cassava (Manihot esculenta) germplasm and to evaluate the ability of different methods to select the descriptors. Ninety-five accessions were characterized using 51 morphoagronomic descriptors. Data were subjected to a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), whose information was used in the following four methods of descriptor selection: reverse order of the descriptor for the pth factorial axis of the MCA (Jolliffe); sequential, multiple correspondence analysis (SMCA); mean of the contribution orders of the descriptor in the first three factorial axes (C3PA); and C3PA method weighted by the respective eigenvalues of the full analysis (C3PAWeig). The correlations between the dissimilarity matrix with all descriptors and the most informative descriptors were high and significant (0.75, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.84 for C3PAWeig, C3PA, SMCA, and Jolliffe, respectively). The less informative descriptors were discarded, considering those common among the selection methods and relevant for the breeding interests. Therefore, 32 morphoagronomic descriptors with correlation between the dissimilarity matrices (r=0.81) were selected, due to their high capacity to discriminate cassava germplasm and to their ability to maintain some preliminary agronomic traits, useful for the initial characterization of the germplasm.


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of using physiological parameters for water deficit tolerance, as an auxiliary method for selection of upland rice genotypes. Two experiments - with or without water deficit - were carried out in Porangatu, in the state of Goiás, Brazil; the water deficit experiment received about half of irrigation that was applied to the well-watered experiment. Four genotypes with different tolerance levels to water stress were evaluated. The UPLRI 7, B6144F-MR-6-0-0, and IR80312-6-B-3-2-B genotypes, under water stress conditions, during the day, showed lower stomatal diffusive resistance, higher leaf water potential, and lower leaf temperature than the control. These genotypes showed the highest grain yields under water stress conditions, which were 534, 601, and 636 kg ha-1, respectively, and did not differ significantly among them. They also showed lower drought susceptibility index than the other genotypes. 'BRS Soberana' (susceptible control) was totally unproductive under drought conditions. Leaf temperature is a easy-read parameter correlated to plant-water status, viable for selecting rice genotypes for water deficit tolerance.


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Temperature reconstructions for recent centuries are the basis of estimations of the natural variability in the climate system before and during the onset of anthropogenic perturbation. Here we present, for the first time, an independent and physically based reconstruction of mean annual temperature over the past half millennium obtained from groundwater in France. The reconstructed noble gas temperature (NGT) record suggests cooler than present climate conditions throughout the 16th-19th centuries. Periods of warming occur in the 17th-18th and 20th century, while cooling is reconstructed in the 19th century. A noticeable coincidence with other temperature records is demonstrated. Deuterium excess varies in parallel with the NGT, and indicates variation in the seasonality of the aquifer recharge; whereas high excess air in groundwater indicates periods with high oscillations of the water table.


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The current study aimed to explore the validity of an adaptation into French of the self-rated form of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (F-HoNOSCA-SR) and to test its usefulness in a clinical routine use. One hundred and twenty nine patients, admitted into two inpatient units, were asked to participate in the study. One hundred and seven patients filled out the F-HoNOSCA-SR (for a subsample (N=17): at two occasions, one week apart) and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). In addition, the clinician rated the clinician-rated form of the HoNOSCA (HoNOSCA-CR, N=82). The reliability (assessed with split-half coefficient, item response theory (IRT) models and intraclass correlations (ICC) between the two occasions) revealed that the F-HoNSOCA-SR provides reliable measures. The concurrent validity assessed by correlating the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the SDQ revealed a good convergent validity of the instrument. The relationship analyses between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR revealed weak but significant correlations. The comparison between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR with paired sample t-tests revealed a higher score for the self-rated version. The F-HoNSOCA-SR was reported to provide reliable measures. In addition, it allows us to measure complementary information when used together with the HoNOSCA-CR.


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Mating with more than one pollen donor, or polyandry, is common in land plants. In flowering plants, polyandry occurs when the pollen from different potential sires is distributed among the fruits of a single individual, or when pollen from more than one donor is deposited on the same stigma. Because polyandry typically leads to multiple paternity among or within fruits, it can be indirectly inferred on the basis of paternity analysis using molecular markers. A review of the literature indicates that polyandry is probably ubiquitous in plants except those that habitually self-fertilize, or that disperse their pollen in pollen packages, such as polyads or pollinia. Multiple mating may increase plants' female component by alleviating pollen limitation or by promoting competition among pollen grains from different potential sires. Accordingly, a number of traits have evolved that should promote polyandry at the flower level from the female's point of view, e.g. the prolongation of stigma receptivity or increases in stigma size. However, many floral traits, such as attractiveness, the physical manipulation of pollinators and pollen-dispensing mechanisms that lead to polyandrous pollination, have probably evolved in response to selection to promote male siring success in general, so that polyandry might often best be seen as a by-product of selection to enhance outcross siring success. In this sense, polyandry in plants is similar to geitonogamy (selfing caused by pollen transfer among flowers of the same plant), because both polyandry and geitonogamy probably result from selection to promote outcross siring success, although geitonogamy is almost always deleterious while polyandry in plants will seldom be so.


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Summary Background: The combination of the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) and troponin testing could help physicians identify appropriate patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) for early hospital discharge. Methods: This prospective cohort study included a total of 567 patients from a single center registry with objectively confirmed acute symptomatic PE. On the basis of the PESI, each patient was classified into 1 of 5 classes (I to V). At the time of hospital admission, patients had troponin I (cTnI) levels measured. The endpoint of the study was all-cause mortality within 30 days after diagnosis. We calculated the mortality rates in 4 patient groups: group 1: PESI class I-II plus cTnI <0.1 ng mL(-1); group 2: PESI classes III-V plus cTnI <0.1 ng mL(-1); group 3: PESI classes I-II plus cTnI >/= 0.1 ng mL(-1); and group 4: PESI classes III-V plus cTnI >/= 0.1 ng mL(-1). Results: The study cohort had a 30-day mortality of 10% (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.6 to 12.5%). Mortality rates in the 4 groups were 1.3%, 14.2%, 0% and 15.4%, respectively. Compared to non-elevated cTnl, the low-risk PESI had a higher negative predictive value (NPV) (98.9% vs 90.8%) and negative likelihood ratio (NLR) (0.1 vs 0.9) for predicting mortality. The addition of non-elevated cTnI to low-risk PESI did not improve the NPV or the NLR compared to either test alone. Conclusions: Compared to cTnl testing, PESI classification more accurately identified patients with PE who are at low risk of all-cause death within 30-days of presentation.


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Background: The divergent glacial histories of southern and northern Europe affect present-day species diversity at coarse-grained scales in these two regions, but do these effects also penetrate to the more fine-grained scales of local communities?Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out a cross-scale analysis to address this question for vascular plants in two mountain regions, the Alps in southern Europe and the Scandes in northern Europe, using environmentally paired vegetation plots in the two regions (n = 403 in each region) to quantify four diversity components: (i) total number of species occurring in a region (total gamma-diversity), (ii) number of species that could occur in a target plot after environmental filtering (habitat-specific gamma-diversity), (iii) pair-wise species compositional turnover between plots (plot-to-plot beta-diversity) and (iv) number of species present per plot (plot gamma-diversity). We found strong region effects on total gamma-diversity, habitat-specific gamma-diversity and plot-to-plot beta-diversity, with a greater diversity in the Alps even towards distances smaller than 50 m between plots. In contrast, there was a slightly greater plot alpha-diversity in the Scandes, but with a tendency towards contrasting region effects on high and low soil-acidity plots.Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that there are strong regional differences between coarse-grained (landscape- to regional-scale) diversity components of the flora in the Alps and the Scandes mountain ranges,but that these differences do not necessarily penetrate to the finest-grained (plot-scale) diversity component, at least not on acidic soils. Because different processes can lead to a similar pattern, we discuss the consistency of our results with Quaternary history and other divergent features between the two regions such as habitat connectivity, selection for vagility and environmental differences not accounted for in our analyses


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomalaisen sahakonevalmistaja Veisto Oy:n kannalta lähitulevaisuuden merkittävimmät markkina-alueet, joiden sahateollisuuteen tehdään lähivuosina eniten korkean teknologian investointeja. Markkina-alueiden valinnassa sovelletaan sekä numeerisiin tilastoihin että asiantuntijahaastatteluihin pohjautuvia ranking-menetelmiä. Työn ensimmäinen osa käsittelee kansainvälisten teollisten markkinoiden ominaispiirteitä ja niiden analysointia. Pääpaino on kuitenkin screening-menetelmillä, markkina-alueiden vertailumenetelmilläja päätöksenteon työkaluilla. Työn toisessa osassa keskitytään markkina-alueiden screeningiin, analysointiin ja maiden eri ominaisuuksien vertailuun. Päätöksentekomatriiseja hyödyntäen valitaan Veisto Oy:lle kolme tällä hetkellä houkuttelevinta markkina-aluetta, joita ovat Venäjä, USA:n kaakkoisosan Southern Yellow Pine -alue sekä Etelä-Amerikan suurimmat sahaajamaat (Brasilia, Argentiina ja Chile) yhtenä alueena. Valituilla alueilla on Veiston kannalta omat haasteensa: USA:ssa vahvat kotimaiset kilpailijat ja uusien referenssien saaminen, Venäjällä investointien epävarmuus ja markkina-alueen laajuuden tuoma monimuotoisuus sekä Etelä-Amerikassa vahvat ruotsalaiset kilpailijat sekä etenkin Brasilian osalta tuntuvat suojatullit.


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Adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer are increasingly based on the pathologist's assessment of tumor proliferation. The Swiss Working Group of Gyneco- and Breast Pathologists has surveyed inter- and intraobserver consistency of Ki-67-based proliferative fraction in breast carcinomas. METHODS: Five pathologists evaluated MIB-1-labeling index (LI) in ten breast carcinomas (G1, G2, G3) by counting and eyeballing. In the same way, 15 pathologists all over Switzerland then assessed MIB-1-LI on three G2 carcinomas, in self-selected or pre-defined areas of the tumors, comparing centrally immunostained slides with slides immunostained in the different laboratoires. To study intra-observer variability, the same tumors were re-examined 4 months later. RESULTS: The Kappa values for the first series of ten carcinomas of various degrees of differentiation showed good to very good agreement for MIB-1-LI (Kappa 0.56-0.72). However, we found very high inter-observer variabilities (Kappa 0.04-0.14) in the read-outs of the G2 carcinomas. It was not possible to explain the inconsistencies exclusively by any of the following factors: (i) pathologists' divergent definitions of what counts as a positive nucleus (ii) the mode of assessment (counting vs. eyeballing), (iii) immunostaining technique, and (iv) the selection of the tumor area in which to count. Despite intensive confrontation of all participating pathologists with the problem, inter-observer agreement did not improve when the same slides were re-examined 4 months later (Kappa 0.01-0.04) and intra-observer agreement was likewise poor (Kappa 0.00-0.35). CONCLUSION: Assessment of mid-range Ki-67-LI suffers from high inter- and intra-observer variability. Oncologists should be aware of this caveat when using Ki-67-LI as a basis for treatment decisions in moderately differentiated breast carcinomas.


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Tutkielmantavoitteena oli luoda ohjeistus toimittajan valinnasta ja suorituskyvyn arvioinnista case - yrityksen, Exel Oyj:n, käyttöön. Ohjeistuksen tarkoituksena oli ollalähtökohtana toimittajan valinta- ja suoristuskyvyn arviointiprosessien kehittämisessä. Tutkielma keskittyy esittelemään toimittajan valintakriteereitä ja toimittajan suorituskyvyn arviointikriteereitä. Kriteerit valittiin ja analysoitiin teorian ja empirian avulla ja kriteereistä tehtiin selkeät listaukset. Näitä listoja käytettiin avuksi pohdittaessa uusia valintakriteereitä ja suorituskyvyn arviointikriteereitä, joita case -yritys voi jatkossa käyttää. Tutkielmassa käytiin läpi myös toimittajan valintaprosessi jaapuvälineitä ja mittareita toimittajan arviointiin liittyen. Empiirisen aineiston keruu toteutettiin haastattelemalla hankintapäällikköä sekä keräämällä tietoavuosikertomuksesta ja yrityksen internet sivuilta. Tutkielman tuloksena saatiinlistauksia kriteereistä, joita yritys voi hyödyntää jatkossa sekä listaukset kriteereistä, jotka valittiin alustavasti yrityksen käyttöön.


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Kahalalide compounds are peptides that are isolated from a Hawaiian herbivorous marine species of mollusc, Elysia rufescens, and its diet, the green alga Bryopsis sp. Kahalalide F and its synthetic analogues are the most promising compounds of the Kahalalide family because they show anti-tumoral activity. Linear solid-phase syntheses of Kahalalide F have been reported. Here we describe several new improved synthetic routes based on convergent approaches with distinct orthogonal protection schemes for the preparation of Kahaladide analogues. These strategies allow a better control and characterization of the intermediates because more reactions are performed in solution. Five derivatives of Kahalalide F were synthesized using several convergent approaches.