967 resultados para Convergência clube
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie Nachrichten, die vom Nachrichtenportal Deutsche Welle in portugiesischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden, produziert werden und inwieweit sie Brasilien und Deutschland bezüglich kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten repräsentieren. Der staatliche deutsche Auslandsrundfunk zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Reichweite aus und schafft Dialoge zwischen Deutschland und anderen Nationen. Angesichts der Schnittstelle zwischen Journalismus und Internet, haben wir uns auf den Sender Deutsche Welle, und dort vor allem auf die brasilianische Nachrichtenredaktion fokussiert. Dadurch war es möglich, den Kontext, in dem der analysierte journalistische Inhalt produziert wird, genau zu verstehen. Die Nachrichten wurden über einen Zeitraum von einer Woche im Portal gesammelt und anschließend einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen (BARDIN, 2009). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie die Inhalte beide Länder repräsentieren und gleichzeitig die Redaktionsstrategie des Senders bestätigt wird. In Anbetracht des Effekts, den die Nachrichten und die übermittelte Repräsentation der beiden Länder in den Beiträgen auf die Meinungsbildung der Zielgruppe haben könnten, trägt diese Studie zum wissenschaftlichen Verständnis im journalistischen Bereich bei und regt zu weitere Studien über die Deutsche Welle an
Current paper discusses manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry as one of the distinguishing characteristics within the Parnassian orientations predominant in his cultural context. The particular way that Kilkerry employs the sublime´s expedients demonstrates the dialogue of his poetry with Romantic ideals, whose traits in his lyrical stance are directly linked to Symbolist influence, far from traditional Parnassian models. The sublime in Kilkerry develops through an elliptical and suggestive language that demonstrates the impossibility of the ideal being directly expressed and shows the affinity of his poetic work with the idealist crisis that marks post-Romantic poetry and provides the basis on which the poetics of Modernity is structured. The poetry of Pedro Kilkerry develops within a complex zone of convergence between the models provided by the Parnassian aesthetic, Romantic idealism with an atavic presence to Symbolism, and the search for new answers to old idealistic concerns. The meeting of these three conflictive currents, perceptible in the manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry, demonstrates his lyrical sensitivity to the trends of Modernity.
In 1954, it was celebrated the centenary of railways in Brazil. The date refers to the first section of 14.5 km of railway in Brazil (30/04/1854), in Rio de Janeiro, between Mauá and Fragoso, of the Petropolis Railway Company (Estrada de Ferro Petrópolis). Some of the texts and commemorative events indicated the symbolic values that the railroad took in the Brazilian history. Firstly, on 30.04.1954, the railway section Mauá-Fragoso and steam locomotive “Baroness” (the first used on the track) were declared national monuments(Decree No. 35,447-A, April 30, 1954). Secondly, some entities (Clube de Engenharia, Conselho Nacional de Geografia, Ministério da Viação e Obras Públicas) highlighted the importance of celebrating the Brazilian railway history and its historical significance, economic and geographical. For this, some events was occurred (the commemoration of one hundred years in Rio de Janeiro and Recife on 30.04.1954). Among the texts wrought produced, we highlight the text I Centenary of Brazilian Railroad (1954), released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), and the National Council of Geography (Conselho Nacional de Geografia). The emphasis given to the railway refersto the geographical perspective (territorial expansion), but also makes mention of the Barãode Mauá, the founder of Petropolis Railway Company. We aim to understand the celebration from evocations about the Brazilian railroad history and some ideas that is assigned to the railway (and the Barãode Mauá), and railway heritage (the track and the locomotive “Baroneza”). On basis of this review will seek to understand how it was reconceived the railroad memory in view of these values and material elements.
In this essay, we sustain the idea that structuralist thinking is part of spontaneous criticism against the reductionisms that surround psychology. We depart from the radical split-up between the scientific viewpoint and that of metaphysics, expressed in the end-19th century scientific psychology projects. Next, we highlight the importance of the structuralist perspective in the review of the antinomic relations between the subjective and objective, operated at the heart of psychology throughout the 20th century. We show that the rejection of unilineal causality in favor of network causality curbed the advancement of unilateral or reductionist theories in psychology. Moreover, we consider the idea of structure as a point of convergence between psychology and philosophy. More than its explanatory nature, the notion of structure reveals an epistemological register capable of re-approximating psychology to the relativization of the ideal of scientific neutrality. The importance of structuralist thinking in psychology makes us consider the history of psychological knowledge as a type of research that belongs to cultural history.
There will be a review on the collaboration of Eça de Queirós in Gazeta de Notícias (Rio de Janeiro-1880-1897), written directly to the Brazilian public. In some of these texts Eça makes reflections on the mediation that the newspaper plays in society, particularly in southern Europe. We believe that in these texts there are manifestations and traits of doctrinal-programmatic nature, metalitterary aspects and also a kind of history of occidental press. These press texts are now gathered in Textos de Imprensa IV – da Gazeta de Notícias, which includes the volume critical edition of the works of Eça de Queirós, coordinated by Carlos Reis. The study of these texts will contribute to the analysis and interpretation of his fiction and journalistic works.
Using the concept of influence, well explored by Sandra Nitrini (2000), the purpose of this study is to verify the characterization of the main characters of O Xangô de Baker Street (1995) and Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (1928) – Sherlock Holmes and Macunaíma – as rogues in their novels, heirs to the Spanish picaresque, a genre that has taken on new meaning in Brazilian literature, as pointed out since the 1960s by Antonio Candido in his famous essay “Dialética da malandragem” (2010). With these theories, we analyze the composition of the tricksters, whose starting point is the question facing the country, the Brazilian. Although the distances in time and style of separating the protagonists created by Jô Soares and Mário de Andrade, we have noticed the interesting procedure of re-creation of the renowned English detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle and the reinterpretation of aspects of Brazilian folklore a convergence of interests with regard to representation of the national character.
The roots' powder of timbo species collected in different regions of Amazonia that were tested in larvae groupings, didn't produce differential significative effects in two strains of Musca domestica. The two species with the greater number of plants used in the trial were Derris urucu and Derris nicou; the individuals from the species came from regions considered as "forestal refugies" during the Amazonian pleistocene. Among each species the plants varied since that inefficient to control, until plants lethals to the fies. This differential capacity for larvae control among plants of the same species, originated from different regions, suggests that both species had their populations isolated, during the quaternary epoch. In regions or "forestal refugies", where both species were represented, D. urucu was superior to D. nicou in the capacity to control larvae. While among plants from F region (Peruvian-East refuge) of the State of Acre, the two species had convergence in the values of damage to larvae groupings. Among the another species, Derris sp. (yellow timbo or watermelon timbo) didn't show differences in larvae control between samples from the two regions; while the species that was introduced in the Amazonia Denis elleptica showed damage in the larvae groupings similar to the most effective plants of D. nicou and D. urucu.
The text is the initial result of a project called Global iTV, Interactive and systems Hybrid TV: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, contemplated by Call MCTI / CNPq 13/2012 – EUBrazil Cooperation Program in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which has as its central theme the development of a standard that enables interoperability between the various digital TV systems operating jointly, exchanging and using information. Thus, using bibliographical and documentary research, the article goes on to demonstrate how this perspective panorama is drawing from the advent of digital television and the use of technology in Latin America, seeking to identify similarities, differences, problems and solutions arising from the use and consumption of digitizing television signal in the region. The results demonstrate the importance of media convergence, but point out that there are still large sections of the population on the margin of the Digital Society and the benefits provided by digital networks and that poverty and poor education are important contributions to this scenario.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This paper aims to discuss the influence of the Public Relations professional in the current market environment, where the client's relationship with the organization is visibly marked by greater freedom of the latter in the decision of buying. The importance of the work and vision of this professional can be observed trough the paths marketing area had been taking, like the appearance of Marketing 3.0. In this paper the intention is to study the paths who lead to the convergence of both areas and in what way both professionals can allied their knowledge aiming to succeed in the market, without ignoring the fact that the results will be better and better the more genuine is the philosophy of respect for the client practiced by the organization and its employees
Consider a finite body of mass m (C1) with moments of inertia A, B and C. This body orbits another one of mass much larger M (C2), which at first will be taken as a point, even if it is not completely spherical. The body C1, when orbit C2, performs a translational motion near a Keplerian. It will not be a Keplerian due to external disturbances. We will use two axes systems: fixed in the center of mass of C1 and other inertial. The C1 attitude, that is, the dynamic rotation of this body is know if we know how to situate mobile system according to inertial axes system. The strong influence exerted by C2 on C1, which is a flattened body, generates torques on C1, what affects its dynamics of rotation. We will obtain the mathematical formulation of this problem assuming C1 as a planet and C2 as the sun. Also applies to case of satellite and planet. In the case of Mercury-Sun system, the disturbing potential that governs rotation dynamics, for theoretical studies, necessarily have to be developed by powers of the eccentricity. As is known, such expansions are delicate because of the convergence issue. Thus, we intend to make a development until the third order (superior orders are not always achievable because of the volume of terms generated in cases of first-order resonances). By defining a modern set of canonical variables (Andoyer), we will assemble a disturbed Hamiltonian problem. The Andoyer's Variables allow to define averages, which enable us to discard short-term effects. Our results for the resonant angle variation of Mercury are in full agreement with those obtained by D'Hoedt & Lemaître (2004) and Rambaux & Bois (2004)