948 resultados para Contraction Principle


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Maturation of the fetal pituitary and adrenal glands allows the secretion of cortisol, which in turn leads to an increase in prostaglandin and mesotocin production. The production of prostaglandin and mesotocin results in an increase in uterine contractions and initiates birth in marsupials. The major metabolite of PGF(2alpha), 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGFM), has been found in the plasma of the possum at the time of birth and administration of PGF(2alpha) to female possums induced the adoption of the birth position. Evidence that mesotocin is an integral hormone of birth in the tammar wallaby indicates that both PGF(2alpha) and mesotocin or oxytocin are required for marsupial birth. The presence of PGF(2alpha) receptors in the uterus and corpus luteum of the possum, and the in vitro uterine responsiveness to PGF(2alpha) or oxytocin, were examined. PGF(2alpha) receptors were not observed in possum uteri and the inability of PGF(2alpha) to cause contractions indicates that PGF(2alpha) is not involved directly in contraction of the uterus at parturition. The presence of oxytocin and mesotocin receptors in the uterus of possoms and the ability of oxytocin to induce uterine contraction in vitro supports the view that mesotocin is required for expulsion of the young from the uterus. Low numbers of PGF(2alpha) receptors were found in the possum corpus luteum at birth, indicating an involvement of PGF(2alpha) in regression of the corpus luteum.


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Objective: This study compares myoelectric manifestations of fatigue of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles between 10 chronic neck pain subjects and 10 normal matched controls. Methods: Surface electromyography (sEMG) signals were recorded from the sternal bead of SCM and AS muscles bilaterally during submaximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25 and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The mean frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity of the sEMG signal were calculated to quantify myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue. Results: For both the SCM and AS muscles, the Mann-Whitney U test indicated that the initial value and slope of the mean frequency in neck pain patients were greater than in healthy subjects (P < 0.05). This was significant both at 25 and 50% of MVC. Conclusions: These results suggest: (a) a predominance of type-II fibres in the neck pain patients and/or (b) greater fatigability of the superficial cervical flexors in neck pain patients. These results are in agreement with previous muscle biopsy studies in subjects with neck pain, which identified transformation of slow-twitch type-I fibres to fast-twitch type-IIB fibres, as well as the clinical observation of reduced endurance in the cervical flexors in neck pain patients. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OTseeker (Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence) is a new resource for occupational therapists that has been designed with the principle aim of increasing access to research to support clinical decisions. It contains abstracts of systematic reviews and quality ratings of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) relevant to occupational therapy. It is available, free of charge, at www.otseeker.com. This paper describes the OTseeker database and provides an example of how it may support occupational therapy practice.


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On 2 November 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations Scientific, Economic and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) adopted the convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. Among the many complex issues addressed in the convention is the legal status of sunken state-owned vessels, including warships. Prior to the adoption of this convention, no conventional or customary international law existed with regards to the question of abandonment of state-owned vessels or the application of the principle of sovereign immunity to sunken state vessels. While difficulties between coastal states and maritime and former colonial powers resulted in a regime that does not comprehensively address the issues, the convention does provide some guidance in this regard and may provide a basis for further development.


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Agriculture in limited resource areas is characterized by small farms which an generally too small to adequately support the needs of an average farm family. The farming operation can be described as a low input cropping system with the main energy source being manual labor, draught animals and in some areas hand tractors. These farming systems are the most important contributor to the national economy of many developing countries. The role of tillage is similar in dryland agricultural systems in both the high input (HICS) and low input cropping systems (LICS), however, wet cultivation or puddling is unique to lowland rice-based systems in low input cropping systems. Evidence suggest that tillage may result in marginal increases in crop yield in the short term, however, in the longer term it may be neutral or give rise to yield decreases associated with soil structural degradation. On marginal soils, tillage may be required to prepare suitable seedbeds or to release adequate Nitrogen through mineralization, but in the longer term, however, tillage reduces soil organic matter content, increases soil erodibility and the emission of greenhouse gases. Tillage in low input cropping systems involves a very large proportion of the population and any changes: in current practices such as increased mechanization will have a large social impact such as increased unemployment and increasing feminization of poverty, as mechanization may actually reduce jobs for women. Rapid mechanization is likely to result in failures, but slower change, accompanied by measures to provide alternative rural employment, might be beneficial. Agriculture in limited resource areas must produce the food and fiber needs of their community, and its future depends on the development of sustainable tillage/cropping systems that are suitable for the soil and climatic conditions. These should be based on sound biophysical principles and meet the needs of and he acceptable to the farming communities. Some of the principle requirements for a sustainable system includes the maintenance of soil health, an increase in the rain water use efficiency of the system, increased use of fertilizer and the prevention of erosion. The maintenance of crop residues on the surface is paramount for meeting these requirements, and the competing use of crop residues must be met from other sources. These requirements can be met within a zonal tillage system combined with suitable agroforestry, which will reduce the need for crop residues. It is, however, essential that farmers participate in the development of any new technologies to ensure adoption of the new system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Candidate prophylactic vaccines based on papillomavirus L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) are currently in human clinical trials. The main long-term goal of the vaccine is to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and its precursors. In animal papillomavirus models, systemic immunization with L1 VLPs can induce high titers of neutralizing antibodies that confer protection against high-dose experimental papillomavirus challenge. In humans, systemic vaccination with L1 VLPs has been well tolerated and induced high serum antibody titers (at least 40 times higher than titers seen following natural infection). A recent proof of principle HPV16 L1 VLP efficacy trial has shown excellent protection against persistent HPV16 infection and associated cytological abnormalities. Large scale efficacy trials of L1 VLPs from HPV16 and 18 (the HPV types found most frequently in cervical cancer), with or without HPV6 and 11 (the HPV types responsible for most genital warts), are planned. If the results of these large trials support the encouraging results of the early trials, they should lead to a commercial prophylactic HPV vaccine. Implementation issues may include how to make the vaccine available in the developing world, where the majority of cervical cancer cases occur, the appropriate age of vaccination, and the role of male vaccination. Because a VLP vaccine is likely to provide type-specific protection, increasing the number of cancer-associated HPV types in the vaccine is a likely approach to broadening the protection to additional types. There will probably also be efforts to develop alternative vaccine formulations better suited to implementation in developing countries as well as attempts to develop vaccines with a therapeutic activity against established HPV infection because a combined prophylactic/therapeutic vaccine may be expected to have an even greater impact than a purely prophylactic vaccine on HPV induced disease.


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Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] used a simple phytoplanktonzooplankton-nutrient model and a genetic algorithm to determine the parameter values that would maximize the value of certain goal functions. These goal functions were to maximize biomass, maximize flux, maximize flux to biomass ratio, and maximize resilience. It was found that maximizing goal functions maximized resilience. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] result was indicative of a general ecosystem principle, or peculiar to the model and parameter ranges used. This study successfully replicated the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] experiment for a number of different model types, however, a different interpretation of the results is made. A new metric, concordance, was devised to describe the agreement between goal functions. It was found that resilience has the highest concordance of all goal functions trialled. for most model types. This implies that resilience offers a compromise between the established ecological goal functions. The parameter value range used is found to affect the parameter versus goal function relationships. Local maxima and minima affected the relationship between parameters and goal functions, and between goal functions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: For treatment of various knee disorders, muscles are trained in open or closed kinetic chain tasks. Coordination between the heads of the quadriceps muscle is important for stability and optimal joint loading for both the tibiofemoral and the patellofemoral joint. The aim of this study was to examine whether the quadriceps femoris muscles are activated differently in open versus closed kinetic chain tasks. Methods: Ten healthy men and women (mean age 28.5 +/- 0.7) extended the knees isometrically in open and closed kinetic chain tasks in a reaction time paradigm using moderate force. Surface electromyography (EMG) recordings were made from four different parts of the quadriceps muscle. The onset and amplitude of EMG and force data were measured. Results: In closed chain knee extension, the onset of EMG activity of the four different muscle portions of the quadriceps was more simultaneous than in the open chain. In open chain, rectus femoris (RF) had the earliest EMG onset while vastus medialis obliquus was activated last (7 +/- 13 ms after RF EMG onset) and with smaller amplitude (40 +/- 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) than in closed chain (46 +/- 43% MVC). Conclusions: Exercise in closed kinetic chain promotes more balanced initial quadriceps activation than does exercise in open kinetic chain. This may be of importance in designing training programs aimed toward control of the patellofemoral joint.


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We investigated how the relative direction of limb movements in external space (iso- and non-isodirectionality), muscular constraints (the relative timing of homologous muscle activation) and the egocentric frame of reference (moving simultaneously toward/away the longitudinal axis of the body) contribute to the stability of coordinated movements. In the first experiment, we attempted to determine the respective stability of isodirectional and non-isodirectional movements in between-persons coordination. In a second experiment, we determined the effect of the relative direction in external space, and of muscular constraints, on pattern stability during a within-person bimanual coordination task. In the third experiment we dissociated the effects on pattern stability of the muscular constraints, relative direction and egocentric frame of reference. The results showed that (1) simultaneous activation of homologous muscles resulted in more stable performance than simultaneous activation of non-homologous muscles during within-subject coordination, and that (2) isodirectional movements were more stable than non-isodirectional movements during between-persons coordination, confirming the role of the relative direction of the moving limbs in the stability of bimanual coordination. Moreover, the egocentric constraint was to some extent found distinguishable from the effect of the relative direction of the moving limbs in external space, and from the effect of the relative timing of muscle activation. In summary, the present study showed that relative direction of the moving limbs in external space and muscular constraints may interact either to stabilize or destabilize coordination patterns. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Objectives: To examine the changes in torque output resulting from fatigue, as well as changes in electromyographic measures of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation and to compare these changes between directions of axial rotation. Design: Subjects performed fatiguing right and left isometric axial rotation of the trunk at 80% of maximum voluntary contraction while standing upright. Setting: A rehabilitation center. Participants: Twenty-three men with no history of back pain. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Surface electromyographic Signals were recorded from 6 trunk muscles bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were also measured. Results: During the fatiguing axial rotation contraction, coupling torques of both sagittal and coronal planes were slightly decreased and no difference was found between directions of axial rotation. Decreasing median frequency and an increase in electromyographic amplitude were also found in trunk muscles with different degrees of changes in individual muscles. There were significant differences (P


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the between-days reliability of electromyographic (EMG) measurement of 6 bilateral trunk muscles and also the torque output in 3 planes during isometric right and left axial rotation at different exertion levels. Methods: Ten healthy subjects performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100, 70, 50 and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in two testing sessions at least 7 days apart. EMG amplitude and frequency analyses of the recorded surface EMG signals were performed for rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results: For both EMG amplitude and frequency values, good (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.75-0.89) to excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.90) reliability was found in the 6 trunk muscles at different exertion levels during axial rotation. The reliability of both maximal isometric axial rotation torque and coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were found to be excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.93). Conclusions: Good to excellent reliability of EMG measures of trunk muscles and torque measurements during isometric axial rotation was demonstrated. This provides further confidence of using EMG and triaxial torque assessment as outcome measures in rehabilitation and in the evaluation of the human performance in the work place. (C) 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Latent left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in patients with valvular or myocardial disease may be identified by loss of contractile reserve (CR) at exercise echocardiography. Contraction in the LV longitudinal axis may be more sensitive than radial contraction to minor disturbances of LV function. We sought to determine whether tissue Doppler measurement of longitudinal function could be used to identify CR. Methods Exercise echocardiography was performed in 86 patients (20 women, age 53 +/- 18 years), 72 with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mitral regurgitation, and 14 normal controls. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (DTI) was used to measure maximum annular systolic velocity at rest and stress. Inducible ischemia was excluded by analysis of wall motion by an experienced observer. CR was defined by greater than or equal to5% improvement of stress compared with rest ejection fraction (EF). Exercise capacity was assessed from expired gas analysis. Results CR was present in 34 patients with mitral regurgitation (47%); peak EF in patients with and without CR was 74% +/- 11% versus 54% +/- 15% (P


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This investigation aimed to elucidate the relative roles of putative brevetoxins, reactive oxygen species and free fatty acids as the toxic principle of the raphidophyte Chattonella marina, using damselfish as the bioassay. Our investigations on Australian C. marina demonstrated an absence or only very low concentrations of brevetoxin-like compounds by radio-receptor binding assay and liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Chattonella is unique in its ability to produce levels of reactive oxygen species 100 times higher than most other algal species. However, high levels of superoxide on their own were found not to cause fish mortalities. Lipid analysis revealed this raphidophyte to contain high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 18-23% of fatty acids), which has demonstrated toxic properties to marine organisms. Using damselfish as a model organism, we demonstrated that the free fatty acid (FFA) form of EPA produced a mortality and fish behavioural response similar to fish exposed to C. marina cells. This effect was not apparent when fish were exposed to other lipid fractions including a triglyceride containing fish oil, docosahexaenoate-enriched ethyl ester, or pure brevetoxin standards. The presence of superoxide together with low concentrations of EPA accelerated fish mortality rate threefold. We conclude that the enhancement of ichthyotoxicity of EPA in the presence of superoxide can account for the high C. marina fish killing potential. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Recent studies have revealed marked variation in pyramidal cell structure in the visual cortex of macaque and marmoset monkeys. In particular, there is a systematic increase in the size of, and number of spines in, the arbours of pyramidal cells with progression through occipitotemporal (OT) visual areas. In the present study we extend the basis for comparison by investigating pyramidal cell structure in visual areas of the nocturnal owl monkey. As in the diurnal macaque and marmoset monkeys, pyramidal cells became progressively larger and more spinous with anterior progression through OT visual areas. These data suggest that: 1. the trend for more complex pyramidal cells with anterior progression through OT visual areas is a fundamental organizational principle in primate cortex; 2. areal specialization of the pyramidal cell phenotype provides an anatomical substrate for the reconstruction of the visual scene in OT areas; 3. evolutionary specialization of different aspects of visual processing may determine the extent of interareal variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in different species; and 4. pyramidal cell structure is not necessarily related to brain size. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of IBRO. All rights reserved.


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We consider pure continuous variable entanglement with non-equal correlations between orthogonal quadratures. We introduce a simple protocol which equates these correlations and in the process transforms the entanglement onto a state with the minimum allowed number of photons. As an example we show that our protocol transforms, through unitary local operations, a single squeezed beam split on a beam splitter into the same entanglement that is produced when two squeezed beams are mixed orthogonally. We demonstrate that this technique can in principle facilitate perfect teleportation utilizing only one squeezed beam.