902 resultados para Construction of roads


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This study extends previous attempts to assess emotion with single adjective descriptors, by examining semantic as well as cognitive, motivational, and intensity features of emotions. The focus was on seven negative emotions common to several emotion typologies: anger, fear, sadness, shame, pity, jealousy, and contempt. For each of these emotions, seven items were generated corresponding to cognitive appraisal about the self, cognitive appraisal about the environment, action tendency, action fantasy, synonym, antonym, and intensity range of the emotion, respectively. A pilot study established that 48 of the 49 items were linked predominantly to the specific emotions as predicted. The main data set comprising 700 subjects' ratings of relatedness between items and emotions was subjected to a series of factor analyses, which revealed that 44 of the 49 items loaded on the emotion constructs as predicted. A final factor analysis of these items uncovered seven factors accounting for 39% of the variance. These emergent factors corresponded to the hypothesized emotion constructs, with the exception of anger and fear, which were somewhat confounded. These findings lay the groundwork for the construction of an instrument to assess emotions multicomponentially.


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Our laboratory is interested in devising methods to identify functions for the vast numbers of arabidopsis genes now available. For this purpose, we have constructed a set of binary vectors that will allow the quick production of transgenic arabidopsis plants containing either sense or antisense copies of EST clones obtained from the PRL2 library. These vectors are based on the pSLJ series containing the bialophos resistance (BAR) gene that confers resistance to the herbicide BASTA. Tn addition, our vectors contain a 35S CaMV promoter-polylinker-nos terminator cassette that allows the direct cloning of arabidopsis ESTs in either antisense (pAOV and pAOV2) or sense (pSOV and pSOV2) orientation. We also describe the construction of two additional vectors conferring BASTA resistance and containing the pBluescript polylinker in both orientations inserted between the 35S CaMV promoter and nos terminator (pKMB and pSMB).


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The abundance and species richness of mollusc and crab assemblages were examined in a subtropical mangrove forest in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, which has been disturbed and damaged by the construction of a wooden boardwalk and a path. Sections of the forest immediately adjacent to the boardwalk and path were compared with reference areas to determine whether changes to the small-scale structural complexity within the forest affected the benthic fauna. The disturbed area was characterised by having 65-80% fewer pneumatophores, significantly fewer species and individuals of molluscs, but significantly more species and individuals of crabs than the reference areas. The abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the attached epiphytic algae were manipulated at two sites to determine whether observed differences in these features could account for the differences in the assemblage of molluscs in the disturbed area of the forest compared with reference areas. Five experimental treatments were used: undisturbed controls, pneumatophore removals (abundance reduced by ca. 65%), epiphytic algal removals (algae removed from ca. 65% of pneumatophores), pneumatophore disturbance controls and algal disturbance controls. The experimental reduction of the abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the associated epiphytic algae led to significant declines (by as much as 83%) in the number of molluscs utilising the substratum in the modified plots. There was no significant difference in the abundance of molluscs in the pneumatophore and algal removal plots suggesting any effect was primarily related to removal of the epiphytic algae from the surface of the pneumatophores. The responses by the biota to the changes in the physical environment demonstrate that even relatively small-scale modifications to the physical structure of subtropical mangrove forests can lead to significant effects on the diversity and abundance of macrobenthic organisms in these habitats. Such modifications have the potential to cause cascading effects at higher trophic levels with a deterioration in the value of these habitats as nursery and feeding grounds. Future efforts at conservation of these estuarine environments must focus on the prevention or reduction of modifications to the physical structure and integrity of the system, rather than just on the prevention of loss of entire patches of habitat. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Alzheimer's disease amyloid protein precursor (APP) gene is part of a multi-gene super-family from which sixteen homologous amyloid precursor-like proteins (APLP) and APP species homologues have been isolated and characterised. Comparison of exon structure (including the uncharacterised APL-1 gene), construction of phylogenetic trees, and analysis of the protein sequence alignment of known homologues of the APP super-family were performed to reconstruct the evolution of the family and to assess the functional significance of conserved protein sequences between homologues. This analysis supports an adhesion function for all members of the APP super family, with specificity determined by those sequences which are not conserved between APLP lineages, and provides evidence for an increasingly complex APP superfamily during evolution. The analysis also suggests that Drosophila APPL and Caenorhabdotids elegans APL-1 may be a fourth APLP lineage indicating that these proteins, while not functional homologues of human APP, are similarly likely to regulate cell adhesion. Furthermore, the beta A4 sequence is highly conserved only in APP orthologues, strongly suggesting this sequence is of significant functional importance in this lineage. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A unique collaborative, sociological study undertaken during 1995-7, explored the social construction of drought as a disaster, looking at farm families in two Australian states: Queensland (beef producers) and New South Wales (sheep/wheat producers). A. decision was made to interview the women and men separately to test our hypothesis that there would be gender issues in any analysis of a disaster, but particularly one which has had so much long-term impact on individuals, families and communities, Such as drought, interviews were conducted with over 100 individuals male and female, We conclude that drought as a disaster is a gendered experience. The paper draws on the narratives of some women involved in the study to identify 'themes of difference' which confirm the necessity to maintain gender as a variable in all studies of the social impacts of disaster.


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Background: Between 1998 and 1999, a burden of disease assessment was carried out in Victoria, Australia applying and improving on the methods of the Global Burden of Disease Study. This paper describes the methods and results of the calculations of the burden due to 22 mental disorders, adding 14 conditions not included in previous burden of disease estimates, Methods: The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing provided recent data on the occurrence of the major adult mental disorders in Australia. Data from international studies and expert advice further contributed to the construction of disease models, describing each condition in terms of incidence, average duration and level of severity, with adjustments for comorbidity with other mental disorders. Disability weights for the time spent in different states of mental ill health were borrowed mainly from a study in the Netherlands, supplemented by weights derived in a local extrapolation exercise. Results: Mental disorders were the third largest group of conditions contributing to the burden of disease in Victoria, ranking behind cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Depression was the greatest cause of disability in both men and women. Eight other mental disorders in men and seven in women ranked among the top twenty causes of disability. Conclusions: Insufficient information on the natural history of many of the mental disorders, the limited information on the validity of mental disorder diagnoses in community surveys and considerable differences between ICD-10 and DSM-IV defined diagnoses were the main concerns about the accuracy of the estimates. Similar and often greater concerns have been raised in relation to the estimation of the burden from common non-fatal physical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and osteoarthritis. In comparison, psychiatric epidemiology can boast greater scientific rigour in setting standards for population surveys.


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The beta subunit of the Escherichia coli replicative DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is the sliding clamp that interacts with the alpha (polymerase) subunit to maintain the high processivity of the enzyme. The beta protein is a ring-shaped dimer of 40.6 kDa subunits whose structure has previously been determined at a resolution of 2.5 Angstrom [Kong et al. (1992), Cell, 69, 425-437]. Here, the construction of a new plasmid that directs overproduction of beta to very high levels and a simple procedure for large-scale purification of the protein are described. Crystals grown under slightly modified conditions diffracted to beyond 1.9 Angstrom at 100 K at a synchrotron source. The structure of the beta dimer solved at 1.85 Angstrom resolution shows some differences from that reported previously. In particular, it was possible at this resolution to identify residues that differed in position between the two subunits in the unit cell; side chains of these and some other residues were found to occupy alternate conformations. This suggests that these residues are likely to be relatively mobile in solution. Some implications of this flexibility for the function of beta are discussed.


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This paper describes the construction of Australia-wide soil property predictions from a compiled national soils point database. Those properties considered include pH, organic carbon, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, thickness. texture, and clay content. Many of these soil properties are used directly in environmental process modelling including global climate change models. Models are constructed at the 250-m resolution using decision trees. These relate the soil property to the environment through a suite of environmental predictors at the locations where measurements are observed. These models are then used to extend predictions to the continental extent by applying the rules derived to the exhaustively available environmental predictors. The methodology and performance is described in detail for pH and summarized for other properties. Environmental variables are found to be important predictors, even at the 250-m resolution at which they are available here as they can describe the broad changes in soil property.


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The evolution of the historiography of psychology in Brazil is surveyed, to describe how the field has evolved from the seminal works of the pioneer, mostly self-taught, psychologists, to the now professional historians working from a variety of theoretical models and methods of inquiry. The first accounts of the history of psychology written by Brazilians and by foreigners are surveyed, as well as the recent works made by researchers linked to the Work Group on the History of Psychology of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Education in Psychology and published in periodicals such as Memorandum and Mnemosine. The present historiography focuses mainly the relationship of psychological knowledge to specific social and cultural conditions, emphasizing themes such as women`s participation in the construction of the field, the development of psychology as a science and as a profession in education and health, and the development of psychology as an expression of Brazilian culture and of the experience of resistance of local communities to domination. To reveal this process of identity construction, a cultural historiography is an important tool, coupled with methodological pluralism.


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This study investigated the organic and inorganic constituents of healthy leaves and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-inoculated leaves of citrus plants. The bacteria CLas are one of the causal agents of citrus greening (or Huanglongbing) and its effect on citrus leaves was investigated using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with chemometrics. The information obtained from the LIBS spectra profiles with chemometrics analysis was promising for the construction of predictive models to identify healthy and infected plants. The major, macro- and microconstituents were relevant for differentiation of the sample conditions. The models were then applied to different inoculation times (from 1 to 8 months). The models were effective in the classification of 82-97% of the diseased samples with a 95% significance level. The novelty of this method was in the fingerprinting of healthy and diseased plants based on their organic and inorganic contents. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The intention of this paper is to analyze the letters from Capistrano de Abreu to Barao do Rio Branco in the years between 1886 and 1903. The focus will be given to the divergences around the notion of territorial formation, a basic concept for these authors who were thinking about the construction of a historical narrative at the end of the 19(th) and beginning of the 20(th) century. Later, the question is the construction of the craft of the historian in the letters of Capistrano de Abreu and his distinction and proximity to the ideas of the Barao do Rio Branco.


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Widely used ''purchasing power parity'' comparisons of per capita GDP are not true quantity indexes and are subject to systematic substitution bins. This bias may distort measurement of convergence and divergence. Extending Varian's nonparametric construction of a true index gives the set of true indexes, including the new Ideal Afriat Index. These indexes are utility-consistent and independent of arbitrary reference price vectors. We establish bounds on the dispersion of true multilateral indexes, hence bounds on convergence. International price indexes understate both true GDP dispersion and, where prices are converging over time, the rate of true quantity convergence.


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This paper briefly outlines how the political scenario and the mobilization of different actors have contributed to the construction of a public health policy in response to the AIDS epidemics in Brazil. Three factors are presented and discussed: the political context of the 1980s, characterized by redemocratization, growth of social movements, and consolidation of the Brazilian health care reform; the socio-cultural context of the 1970s and 1980s, characterized by achievement of individual freedom, which was key to the organization of the AIDS movement; and finally the actions carried out in the international scenario to support the sustainability of the Brazilian domestic policy and the reinforcement of a global response to face the epidemics in lower-middle income economies.


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Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) was used to monitor the mass changes on a quartz crystal surface containing immobilized lectins that interacted with carbohydrates. The strategy for lectin immobilization was developed on the basis of a multilayer system composed of Au-cystamine-glutaraldehyde-lectin. Each step of the immobilization procedure was confirmed by FTIR analysis. The system was used to study the interactions of Concanavalin A (ConA) with maltose and Jacalin with Fetuin. The real-time binding of different concentrations of carbohydrate to the immobilized lectin was monitored by means of QCM measurements and the data obtained allowed for the construction of Langmuir isotherm curves. The association constants determined for the specific interactions analyzed here were (6.4 +/- 0.2) X 10(4) M-1 for Jacalin-Fetuin and (4.5 +/- 0.1) x 10(2) M-1 for ConA-maltose. These results indicate that the QCM constitutes a suitable method for the analysis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions, even when assaying low molecular mass ligands such as disaccharides. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of etching time on the tensile bond strength (TBS) of a conventional adhesive bonded to dentin previously irradiated with erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) and erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) lasers. Buccal and lingual surfaces of 45 third molars were flattened until the dentin was exposed and randomly assigned to three groups (n = 30) according to the dentin treatment: control (not irradiated), irradiated with Er:YAG (1 W; 250 mJ; 4 Hz; 80.6 J/cm(2)) laser or Er,Cr:YSGG (4 W; 200 mJ; 20 Hz; 71.4 J/cm(2)) laser, and into three subgroups (n = 10) according to acid etching time (15 s, 30 s or 60 s) for each experimental group. After acid etching, the adhesive was applied, followed by the construction of an inverted cone of composite resin. The samples were immersed in distilled water (37A degrees C for 24 h) and subjected to TBS test [50 kilogram-force (kgf), 0.5 mm/min]. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey statistical tests (P a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.05). Control group samples presented significant higher TBS values than those of all lased groups. Both irradiated groups exhibited similar TBS values. Samples subjected to the different etching times in each experimental group presented similar TBS. Based on the conditions of this in vitro study we concluded that Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation of the dentin weakens the bond strength of the adhesive. Moreover, increased etching time is not able to modify the bonding strength of the adhesive to irradiated dentin.