975 resultados para Constrained


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In this work, we consider two-dimensional (2-D) binary channels in which the 2-D error patterns are constrained so that errors cannot occur in adjacent horizontal or vertical positions. We consider probabilistic and combinatorial models for such channels. A probabilistic model is obtained from a 2-D random field defined by Roth, Siegel and Wolf (2001). Based on the conjectured ergodicity of this random field, we obtain an expression for the capacity of the 2-D non-adjacent-errors channel. We also derive an upper bound for the asymptotic coding rate in the combinatorial model.


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This article addresses the problem of determining the shortest path that connects a given initial configuration (position, heading angle, and flight path angle) to a given rectilinear or a circular path in three-dimensional space for a constant speed and turn-rate constrained aerial vehicle. The final path is assumed to be located relatively far from the starting point. Due to its simplicity and low computational requirements the algorithm can be implemented on a fixed-wing type unmanned air vehicle in real time in missions where the final path may change dynamically. As wind has a very significant effect on the flight of small aerial vehicles, the method of optimal path planning is extended to meet the same objective in the presence of wind comparable to the speed of the aerial vehicles. But, if the path to be followed is closer to the initial point, an off-line method based on multiple shooting, in combination with a direct transcription technique, is used to obtain the optimal solution. Optimal paths are generated for a variety of cases to show the efficiency of the algorithm. Simulations are presented to demonstrate tracking results using a 6-degrees-of-freedom model of an unmanned air vehicle.


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We present a comparison of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) five-day ocean analyses against in situ daily data from Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) moorings at locations 90 degrees E, 12 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 8 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E, 1.5 degrees S in the equatorial Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal during 2002-2008. We find that the GODAS temperature analysis does not adequately capture a prominent signal of Indian Ocean dipole mode of 2006 seen in the mooring data, particularly at 90 degrees E 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E 1.5 degrees S in the eastern India Ocean. The analysis, using simple statistics such as bias and root-mean-square deviation, indicates that standard GODAS temperature has definite biases and significant differences with observations on both subseasonal and seasonal scales. Subsurface salinity has serious deficiencies as well, but this may not be surprising considering the poorly constrained fresh water forcing, and possible model deficiencies in subsurface vertical mixing. GODAS reanalysis needs improvement to make it more useful for study of climate variability and for creating ocean initial conditions for prediction.


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The maintenance of ion channel homeostasis, or channelostasis, is a complex puzzle in neurons with extensive dendritic arborization, encompassing a combinatorial diversity of proteins that encode these channels and their auxiliary subunits, their localization profiles, and associated signaling machinery. Despite this, neurons exhibit amazingly stereotypic, topographically continuous maps of several functional properties along their active dendritic arbor. Here, we asked whether the membrane composition of neurons, at the level of individual ion channels, is constrained by this structural requirement of sustaining several functional maps along the same topograph. We performed global sensitivity analysis on morphologically realistic conductance-based models of hippocampal pyramidal neurons that coexpressed six well-characterized functional maps along their trunk. We generated randomized models by varying 32 underlying parameters and constrained these models with quantitative experimental measurements from the soma and dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Analyzing valid models that satisfied experimental constraints on all six functional maps, we found topographically analogous functional maps to emerge from disparate model parameters with weak pairwise correlations between parameters. Finally, we derived a methodology to assess the contribution of individual channel conductances to the various functional measurements, using virtual knockout simulations on the valid model population. We found that the virtual knockout of individual channels resulted in variable, measurement and location-specific impacts across the population. Our results suggest collective channelostasis as a mechanism behind the robust emergence of analogous functional maps and have significant ramifications for the localization and targeting of ion channels and enzymes that regulate neural coding and homeostasis.


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This paper presents a strategy to determine the shortest path of a fixed-wing Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV), constrained by a bounded turning rate, to eventually fly along a given straight line, starting from an arbitrary but known initial position and orientation. Unlike the work available in the literature that solves the problem using the Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP) the trajectory generation algorithm presented here considers a geometrical approach which is intuitive and easy to understand. This also computes the explicit solution for the length of the optimal path as a function of the initial configuration. Further, using a 6-DOF model of a MAV the generated optimal path is tracked by an autopilot consisting of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. The simulation results show the path generation and tracking for different cases.


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1. Plant reproductive phenology is generally viewed as an individual's strategy to maximize gamete exchange and propagule dispersal and is often considered largely dependent on patterns of floral initiation. Reproductive phenology, however, can be affected by proximate responses to pollinators, parasites and herbivores which could influence floral longevity or fruit development time. 2. We examined the influence of insect interactants on within-plant reproductive phenology in the fig-fig wasp nursery pollination mutualism in Ficus racemosa (Moraceae). Most figs support a wasp community comprised of a mutualistic pollinator, with several host-plant-specific non-pollinating herbivorous gallers and parasitoids. These wasps reproduce within enclosed inflorescences called syconia, which develop into fruit after pollination. While different wasp species oviposit into syconia at varying times during its ontogeny, all wasp progeny are constrained to exit syconia simultaneously just prior to fruit ripening. Developing larvae of early-ovipositing wasps may hasten syconium ontogeny through formation of earlier and larger nutrient sinks, whereas larvae of late-arriving parasites may lengthen syconium ontogeny to complete their development successfully. Seeds are also important nutrient sinks. The number of seeds and the type and number of developing wasps may therefore be expected to influence syconium development times, thereby affecting the reproductive synchrony of syconia on a plant. 3. Observations on naturally pollinated and parasitized syconia indicated that their seed and wasp content affected syconium development time. Experimental manipulations of syconia to produce only seeds or various combinations of wasps confirmed this finding. Early-ovipositing galler progeny reduced syconium development times, while gallers ovipositing concurrently with pollinators had no effect on syconium development. Late-ovipositing parasitoid progeny, the presence of only seeds within the syconium, or delayed pollination increased syconium development time. The differential development of syconia, which was influenced by mutualistic or parasitic progeny, accordingly contributed to within-tree reproductive asynchrony. 4. Synthesis. Individual reproductive units in fig trees called syconia, which also function as brood sites for pollinating and parasitic fig wasps, have plastic development durations dependent on pollination timing and species of wasps developing within them. Syconium development times are a likely compromise between conflicting demands from developing seeds and different wasp species.


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Single fluid schemes that rely on an interface function for phase identification in multicomponent compressible flows are widely used to study hydrodynamic flow phenomena in several diverse applications. Simulations based on standard numerical implementation of these schemes suffer from an artificial increase in the width of the interface function owing to the numerical dissipation introduced by an upwind discretization of the governing equations. In addition, monotonicity requirements which ensure that the sharp interface function remains bounded at all times necessitate use of low-order accurate discretization strategies. This results in a significant reduction in accuracy along with a loss of intricate flow features. In this paper we develop a nonlinear transformation based interface capturing method which achieves superior accuracy without compromising the simplicity, computational efficiency and robustness of the original flow solver. A nonlinear map from the signed distance function to the sigmoid type interface function is used to effectively couple a standard single fluid shock and interface capturing scheme with a high-order accurate constrained level set reinitialization method in a way that allows for oscillation-free transport of the sharp material interface. Imposition of a maximum principle, which ensures that the multidimensional preconditioned interface capturing method does not produce new maxima or minima even in the extreme events of interface merger or breakup, allows for an explicit determination of the interface thickness in terms of the grid spacing. A narrow band method is formulated in order to localize computations pertinent to the preconditioned interface capturing method. Numerical tests in one dimension reveal a significant improvement in accuracy and convergence; in stark contrast to the conventional scheme, the proposed method retains its accuracy and convergence characteristics in a shifted reference frame. Results from the test cases in two dimensions show that the nonlinear transformation based interface capturing method outperforms both the conventional method and an interface capturing method without nonlinear transformation in resolving intricate flow features such as sheet jetting in the shock-induced cavity collapse. The ability of the proposed method in accounting for the gravitational and surface tension forces besides compressibility is demonstrated through a model fully three-dimensional problem concerning droplet splash and formation of a crownlike feature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Smoothed functional (SF) schemes for gradient estimation are known to be efficient in stochastic optimization algorithms, especially when the objective is to improve the performance of a stochastic system However, the performance of these methods depends on several parameters, such as the choice of a suitable smoothing kernel. Different kernels have been studied in the literature, which include Gaussian, Cauchy, and uniform distributions, among others. This article studies a new class of kernels based on the q-Gaussian distribution, which has gained popularity in statistical physics over the last decade. Though the importance of this family of distributions is attributed to its ability to generalize the Gaussian distribution, we observe that this class encompasses almost all existing smoothing kernels. This motivates us to study SF schemes for gradient estimation using the q-Gaussian distribution. Using the derived gradient estimates, we propose two-timescale algorithms for optimization of a stochastic objective function in a constrained setting with a projected gradient search approach. We prove the convergence of our algorithms to the set of stationary points of an associated ODE. We also demonstrate their performance numerically through simulations on a queuing model.


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This paper considers linear precoding for the constant channel-coefficient K-user MIMO Gaussian interference channel (MIMO GIC) where each transmitter-i (Tx-i) requires the sending of d(i) independent complex symbols per channel use that take values from fixed finite constellations with uniform distribution to receiver-i (Rx-i) for i = 1, 2, ..., K. We define the maximum rate achieved by Tx-i using any linear precoder as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tends to infinity when the interference channel coefficients are zero to be the constellation constrained saturation capacity (CCSC) for Tx-i. We derive a high-SNR approximation for the rate achieved by Tx-i when interference is treated as noise and this rate is given by the mutual information between Tx-i and Rx-i, denoted as I(X) under bar (i); (Y) under bar (i)]. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the precoders under which I(X) under bar (i); (Y) under bar (i)] tends to CCSC for Tx-i is derived. Interestingly, the precoders designed for interference alignment (IA) satisfy these necessary and sufficient conditions. Furthermore, we propose gradient-ascentbased algorithms to optimize the sum rate achieved by precoding with finite constellation inputs and treating interference as noise. A simulation study using the proposed algorithms for a three-user MIMO GIC with two antennas at each node with d(i) = 1 for all i and with BPSK and QPSK inputs shows more than 0.1-b/s/Hz gain in the ergodic sum rate over that yielded by precoders obtained from some known IA algorithms at moderate SNRs.


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We propose a new approach for producing precise constrained slices of programs in a language such as C. We build upon a previous approach for this problem, which is based on term-rewriting, which primarily targets loop-free fragments and is fully precise in this setting. We incorporate abstract interpretation into term-rewriting, using a given arbitrary abstract lattice, resulting in a novel technique for slicing loops whose precision is linked to the power of the given abstract lattice. We address pointers in a first-class manner, including when they are used within loops to traverse and update recursive data structures. Finally, we illustrate the comparative precision of our slices over those of previous approaches using representative examples.


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Here, we show the binding results of a leguminosae lectin, winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) to N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (NTFAGalN), methyl-alpha-N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me alpha NTFAGalN) and methyl-beta-tifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me beta NTFAGalN) using (19) F NMR spectroscopy. No chemical shift difference between the free and bound states for NTFAGalN and Me beta NTFAGalN, and 0.01-ppm chemical shift change for Me alpha NTFAGalN, demonstrate that the Me alpha NTFAGalN has a sufficiently long residence time on the protein binding site as compared to Me beta NTFAGalN and the free anomers of NTFAGalN. The sugar anomers were found in slow exchange with the binding site of agglutinin. Consequently, we obtained their binding parameters to the protein using line shape analyses. Aforementioned analyses of the activation parameters for the interactions of these saccharides indicate that the binding of alpha and beta anomers of NTFAGalN and Me alpha NTFAGalN is controlled enthalpically, while that of Me beta NTFAGalN is controlled entropically. This asserts the sterically constrained nature of the interaction of the Me beta NTFAGalN with WBA I. These studies thus highlight a significant role of the conformation of the monosaccharide ligands for their recognition by WBA I.


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In this work, we address the recovery of block sparse vectors with intra-block correlation, i.e., the recovery of vectors in which the correlated nonzero entries are constrained to lie in a few clusters, from noisy underdetermined linear measurements. Among Bayesian sparse recovery techniques, the cluster Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) is an efficient tool for block-sparse vector recovery, with intra-block correlation. However, this technique uses a heuristic method to estimate the intra-block correlation. In this paper, we propose the Nested SBL (NSBL) algorithm, which we derive using a novel Bayesian formulation that facilitates the use of the monotonically convergent nested Expectation Maximization (EM) and a Kalman filtering based learning framework. Unlike the cluster-SBL algorithm, this formulation leads to closed-form EMupdates for estimating the correlation coefficient. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed NSBL algorithm using Monte Carlo simulations.


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A discrete vortex method-based model has been proposed for two-dimensional/three-dimensional ground-effect prediction. The model merely requires two-dimensional sectional aerodynamics in free flight. This free-flight data can be obtained either from experiments or a high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics solver. The first step of this two-step model involves a constrained optimization procedure that modifies the vortex distribution on the camber line as obtained from a discrete vortex method to match the free-flight data from experiments/computational fluid dynamics. In the second step, the vortex distribution thus obtained is further modified to account for the presence of the ground plane within a discrete vortex method-based framework. Whereas the predictability of the lift appears as a natural extension, the drag predictability within a potential flow framework is achieved through the introduction of what are referred to as drag panels. The need for the use of the generalized Kutta-Joukowski theorem is emphasized. The extension of the model to three dimensions is by the way of using the numerical lifting-line theory that allows for wing sweep. The model is extensively validated for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional ground-effect studies. The work also demonstrates the ability of the model to predict lift and drag coefficients of a high-lift wing in ground effect to about 2 and 8% accuracy, respectively, as compared to the results obtained using a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver involving grids with several million volumes. The model shows a lot of promise in design, particularly during the early phase.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been widely used in cancer treatment planning, which takes the advantage of high-resolution and high-contrast provided by it. The raw data collected in the MRI can also be used to obtain the temperature maps and has been explored for performing MR thermometry. This review article describes the methods that are used in performing MR thermometry, with an emphasis on reconstruction methods that are useful to obtain these temperature maps in real-time for large region of interest. This article also proposes a prior-image constrained reconstruction method for temperature reconstruction in MR thermometry, and a systematic comparison using ex-vivo tissue experiments with state of the art reconstruction method is presented.


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We present in this paper a new algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for solving Dynamic Single Objective Constrained Optimization (DCOP) problems. We have modified several different parameters of the original particle swarm optimization algorithm by introducing new types of particles for local search and to detect changes in the search space. The algorithm is tested with a known benchmark set and compare with the results with other contemporary works. We demonstrate the convergence properties by using convergence graphs and also the illustrate the changes in the current benchmark problems for more realistic correspondence to practical real world problems.