929 resultados para Consórcio modular
This paper describes a theory of inheritance theories. We present an original theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic hierarchies. The structures on which this theory is based delineate a framework that subsumes most inheritance theories in the literature, providing a new foundation for inheritance. * Our path-based theory is sound and complete w.r.t. a direct model-theoretic semantics. * Both the credulous and the skeptical conclusions of this theory are polynomial-time computable. * We prove that true skeptical inheritance is not contained in the language of path-based inheritance. Because our techniques are modular w.r.t. the definition of specificity, they generalize to provide a unified framework for a broad class of inheritance theories. By describing multiple inheritance theories in the same "language" of credulous extensions, we make principled comparisons rather than the ad-hoc examination of specific examples makes up most of the comparative inheritance work.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de girassol e o rendimento forrageiro de capins Brachiaria brizantha cultivares Xaraés e Piatã e o Panicum maximum cultivar Massai em plantios consorciados e solteiros com girassol BRS 122. O ensaio foi implantado no Campo Experimental do Gorutuba, em Janaúba, região Norte de Minas Gerais. Para análise dos dados das forrageiras, foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC), no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três tratamentos e cinco repetições, tendo na parcela a forrageira e na subparcela a presença ou não do girassol. Para análise dos dados do girassol, foi utilizado um DBC com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições,com as médias submetidas ao teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. Verificou-se a produção média de massa seca total de 5.916,6 kg/ha para as forrageiras em consórcio e de 13.534,7 kg/ha em plantio solteiro. As produções de grãos de girassol solteiro foram, em média, de 2.399,5 kg/ha e, em sistema de consórcio com as forrageiras, de 1.649,1 kg/ha. Os índices de Uso Eficiente da Terra (UET) foram de 1,12 para o consórcio com o Xaraés, 1,22 para o Piatã e 1,19 para o Massai. Nas condições deste ensaio, o consórcio com forrageiras perenes reduziu em 27% a produtividade média de grãos de girassol. Considerando os índices de UET e como alternativa para atender à demanda por biocombustíveis em regiões que apresentem vocação para pecuária, o plantio consorciado de girassol e capins pode ser recomendado aos produtores como forma de diversificação de produtos e de renda por meio da intensificação da produção vegetal em uma mesma área no período chuvoso.
Geologic interpretation is the task of inferring a sequence of events to explain how a given geologic region could have been formed. This report describes the design and implementation of one part of a geologic interpretation problem solver -- a system which uses a simulation technique called imagining to check the validity of a candidate sequence of events. Imagining uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative simulations to reason about the changes which occured to the geologic region. The spatial changes which occur are simulated by constructing a sequence of diagrams. The quantitative simulation needs numeric parameters which are determined by using the qualitative simulation to establish the cumulative changes to an object and by using a description of the current geologic region to make quantitative measurements. The diversity of reasoning skills used in imagining has necessitated the development of multiple representations, each specialized for a different task. Representations to facilitate doing temporal, spatial and numeric reasoning are described in detail. We have also found it useful to explicitly represent processes. Both the qualitative and quantitative simulations use a discrete 'layer cake' model of geologic processes, but each uses a separate representation, specialized to support the type of simulation. These multiple representations have enabled us to develop a powerful, yet modular, system for reasoning about change.
O trabalho objetiva definir a melhor época de plantio de Crotalaria juncea, feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformis) e guandu (Cajanus cajan) em relação ao plantio do milho e seu efeito sobre a produção de grãos desta cultura sobre a produção de biomassa das leguminosas mais milho para adição ao solo como adubo verde.
Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (ILPF); Preparo e seleção de material de plantio de mandioca; Diversificação da produção e segurança alimentar; Manejo da cultura da goiabeira: Práticas culturais; Adubação verde - Opões para outono/inverno, primavera/verão e especies perenes; Planejamento alimentar na bovinocultura leiteira; Cultivares de feijão; fixação biológica de nitrogênio: Uso de inoculante no feijoeiro; Milhos especiais da Embrapa - Variedades e multiplicação para a agricultura familiar; opções para diversificação na segunda safra. Integração lavoura - pecuária. Consórcio milho - braquiária; Sistemas agroflorestais em bases agroecológicas; Adubação verde e plantio direto em sistemas de base agroecológica; Aproveitamento de materiais orgânicos e produção de húmus; compostagem; Produção de mudas de videira; Baculovírus erinnyis para o controle biológico do mandarová da mandioca.
Qual a origem da melancia? Qual é a sua importância para o Estado de Roraima? Quais as exigências climáticas da melancia? Qual a melhor época de realizar o plantio? Quais as cultivares existentes no mercado? Quais as cultivares que mais se destacaram em Roraima nos últimos anos? O que é acidez do solo e porque corrigi-la? Quais os procedimentos para realização da calagem? Existe alguma outra alternativa prática para fazer a correção do solo? Quanto à aplicação de adubo químico, qual o procedimento? Como e quando aplicar o adubo na cultura da melancia? O que é fertirrigação? Pode-se misturar diversos adubos na fertirrigação? Quando e quanto aplicar de nitrogênio e de potássio viafertirrigação na melancia? Qual a importância da irrigação na melancia? Quais as vantagens e desvantagens do sistema de irrigação por sulco? Quais as vantagens e desvantagens do sistema de irrigação por gotejamento? Qual o procedimento para preparação da área para o plantio da melancia? Como deve ser realizado o plantio da melancia? Quais os principais tratos culturais da melancia? Como se deve fazer o manejo da água de irrigação da melancia? Qual o procedimento para o controle das plantas daninhas (mato)? Quais as principais pragas que atacam a melancia? Como fazer o controle dessas pragas? Quais as alternativas de controle químico? Quais as doenças que atacam a melancia? Quais as alternativas de controles das viroses? E para as outras doenças quais as alternativas de controle? Quais os sistemas de cultivos envolvendo a melancia? Em que época e como plantar a mandioca ou macaxeira em consórcio com a melancia e qual a produtividade. A mandioca reduz a produtividade da melancia? É necessário adubar a cultura da mandioca? Quias são os tratos culturais necessários para a mandioca? Rotação de cultura: quais são as vantagens do cultivo do milho em rotação com a melancia? Quando e como plantar a cultura do milho em rotação com a melancia? A cultura do milho precisa ser adubada? Qual a produtividade esperada de grãos de milho. Quais os itens de despesas que compõem os custos de produção num plantio de melancia?
As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.
In work that involves mathematical rigor, there are numerous benefits to adopting a representation of models and arguments that can be supplied to a formal reasoning or verification system: reusability, automatic evaluation of examples, and verification of consistency and correctness. However, accessibility has not been a priority in the design of formal verification tools that can provide these benefits. In earlier work [Lap09a], we attempt to address this broad problem by proposing several specific design criteria organized around the notion of a natural context: the sphere of awareness a working human user maintains of the relevant constructs, arguments, experiences, and background materials necessary to accomplish the task at hand. This work expands one aspect of the earlier work by considering more extensively an essential capability for any formal reasoning system whose design is oriented around simulating the natural context: native support for a collection of mathematical relations that deal with common constructs in arithmetic and set theory. We provide a formal definition for a context of relations that can be used to both validate and assist formal reasoning activities. We provide a proof that any algorithm that implements this formal structure faithfully will necessary converge. Finally, we consider the efficiency of an implementation of this formal structure that leverages modular implementations of well-known data structures: balanced search trees and transitive closures of hypergraphs.
Rachit Agarwal, Rafael V. Martinez-Catala, Sean Harte, Cedric Segard, Brendan O'Flynn, "Modeling Power in Multi-functionality Sensor Network Applications," sensorcomm, pp.507-512, 2008 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, August 25-August 31 2008, Cap Esterel, France
Two complementary wireless sensor nodes for building two-tiered heterogeneous networks are presented. A larger node with a 25 mm by 25 mm size acts as the backbone of the network, and can handle complex data processing. A smaller, cheaper node with a 10 mm by 10 mm size can perform simpler sensor-interfacing tasks. The 25mm node is based on previous work that has been done in the Tyndall National Institute that created a modular wireless sensor node. In this work, a new 25mm module is developed operating in the 433/868 MHz frequency bands, with a range of 3.8 km. The 10mm node is highly miniaturised, while retaining a high level of modularity. It has been designed to support very energy efficient operation for applications with low duty cycles, with a sleep current of 3.3 μA. Both nodes use commercially available components and have low manufacturing costs to allow the construction of large networks. In addition, interface boards for communicating with nodes have been developed for both the 25mm and 10mm nodes. These interface boards provide a USB connection, and support recharging of a Li-ion battery from the USB power supply. This paper discusses the design goals, the design methods, and the resulting implementation.
Complex systems, from environmental behaviour to electronics reliability, can now be monitored with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), where multiple environmental sensors are deployed in remote locations. This ensures aggregation and reading of data, at lower cost and lower power consumption. Because miniaturisation of the sensing system is hampered by the fact that discrete sensors and electronics consume board area, the development of MEMS sensors offers a promising solution. At Tyndall, the fabrication flow of multiple sensors has been made compatible with CMOS circuitry to further reduce size and cost. An ideal platform on which to host these MEMS environmental sensors is the Tyndall modular wireless mote. This paper describes the development and test of the latest sensors incorporating temperature, humidity, corrosion, and gas. It demonstrates their deployment on the Tyndall platform, allowing real-time readings, data aggregation and cross-correlation capabilities. It also presents the design of the next generation sensing platform using the novel 10mm wireless cube developed by Tyndall.
The goal of this work is to fabricate robust, highly-miniaturised, wireless sensor modules that incorporates ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). pH is one of the main parameters in assessment of the quality of our environment (water, soil) and these ISE/pH sensors will be deployed in a miniaturised, programmable modular system. The simplicity of ISEs (low costs and low power requirements) allow for the preparation of sensors that are all very similar in construction but can at the same time be easily made for variety of different environmentally important ions (i.e. heavy metals). This is important because of the increasing focus on the impact of the quality of the environment on society, both locally, and globally. The work described will contribute to a widely distributed sensor network for monitoring the quality of our environment, focused mainly on soil and water quality.
Experimental quantification and modelling of attrition of infant formulae during pneumatic conveying
Infant formula is often produced as an agglomerated powder using a spray drying process. Pneumatic conveying is commonly used for transporting this product within a manufacturing plant. The transient mechanical loads imposed by this process cause some of the agglomerates to disintegrate, which has implications for key quality characteristics of the formula including bulk density and wettability. This thesis used both experimental and modelling approaches to investigate this breakage during conveying. One set of conveying trials had the objective of establishing relationships between the geometry and operating conditions of the conveying system and the resulting changes in bulk properties of the infant formula upon conveying. A modular stainless steel pneumatic conveying rig was constructed for these trials. The mode of conveying and air velocity had a statistically-significant effect on bulk density at a 95% level, while mode of conveying was the only factor which significantly influenced D[4,3] or wettability. A separate set of conveying experiments investigated the effect of infant formula composition, rather than the pneumatic conveying parameters, and also assessed the relationships between the mechanical responses of individual agglomerates of four infant formulae and their compositions. The bulk densities before conveying, and the forces and strains at failure of individual agglomerates, were related to the protein content. The force at failure and stiffness of individual agglomerates were strongly correlated, and generally increased with increasing protein to fat ratio while the strain at failure decreased. Two models of breakage were developed at different scales; the first was a detailed discrete element model of a single agglomerate. This was calibrated using a novel approach based on Taguchi methods which was shown to have considerable advantages over basic parameter studies which are widely used. The data obtained using this model compared well to experimental results for quasi-static uniaxial compression of individual agglomerates. The model also gave adequate results for dynamic loading simulations. A probabilistic model of pneumatic conveying was also developed; this was suitable for predicting breakage in large populations of agglomerates and was highly versatile: parts of the model could easily be substituted by the researcher according to their specific requirements.