895 resultados para Congestion avoidance


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La gestió de xarxes és un camp molt ampli i inclou molts aspectes diferents. Aquesta tesi doctoral està centrada en la gestió dels recursos en les xarxes de banda ampla que disposin de mecanismes per fer reserves de recursos, com per exemple Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) o Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Es poden establir xarxes lògiques utilitzant els Virtual Paths (VP) d'ATM o els Label Switched Paths (LSP) de MPLS, als que anomenem genèricament camins lògics. Els usuaris de la xarxa utilitzen doncs aquests camins lògics, que poden tenir recursos assignats, per establir les seves comunicacions. A més, els camins lògics són molt flexibles i les seves característiques es poden canviar dinàmicament. Aquest treball, se centra, en particular, en la gestió dinàmica d'aquesta xarxa lògica per tal de maximitzar-ne el rendiment i adaptar-la a les connexions ofertes. En aquest escenari, hi ha diversos mecanismes que poden afectar i modificar les característiques dels camins lògics (ample de banda, ruta, etc.). Aquests mecanismes inclouen els de balanceig de la càrrega (reassignació d'ample de banda i reencaminament) i els de restauració de fallades (ús de camins lògics de backup). Aquests dos mecanismes poden modificar la xarxa lògica i gestionar els recursos (ample de banda) dels enllaços físics. Per tant, existeix la necessitat de coordinar aquests mecanismes per evitar possibles interferències. La gestió de recursos convencional que fa ús de la xarxa lògica, recalcula periòdicament (per exemple cada hora o cada dia) tota la xarxa lògica d'una forma centralitzada. Això introdueix el problema que els reajustaments de la xarxa lògica no es realitzen en el moment en què realment hi ha problemes. D'altra banda també introdueix la necessitat de mantenir una visió centralitzada de tota la xarxa. En aquesta tesi, es proposa una arquitectura distribuïda basada en un sistema multi agent. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta arquitectura és realitzar de forma conjunta i coordinada la gestió de recursos a nivell de xarxa lògica, integrant els mecanismes de reajustament d'ample de banda amb els mecanismes de restauració preplanejada, inclosa la gestió de l'ample de banda reservada per a la restauració. Es proposa que aquesta gestió es porti a terme d'una forma contínua, no periòdica, actuant quan es detecta el problema (quan un camí lògic està congestionat, o sigui, quan està rebutjant peticions de connexió dels usuaris perquè està saturat) i d'una forma completament distribuïda, o sigui, sense mantenir una visió global de la xarxa. Així doncs, l'arquitectura proposada realitza petits rearranjaments a la xarxa lògica adaptant-la d'una forma contínua a la demanda dels usuaris. L'arquitectura proposada també té en consideració altres objectius com l'escalabilitat, la modularitat, la robustesa, la flexibilitat i la simplicitat. El sistema multi agent proposat està estructurat en dues capes d'agents: els agents de monitorització (M) i els de rendiment (P). Aquests agents estan situats en els diferents nodes de la xarxa: hi ha un agent P i diversos agents M a cada node; aquests últims subordinats als P. Per tant l'arquitectura proposada es pot veure com una jerarquia d'agents. Cada agent és responsable de monitoritzar i controlar els recursos als que està assignat. S'han realitzat diferents experiments utilitzant un simulador distribuït a nivell de connexió proposat per nosaltres mateixos. Els resultats mostren que l'arquitectura proposada és capaç de realitzar les tasques assignades de detecció de la congestió, reassignació dinàmica d'ample de banda i reencaminament d'una forma coordinada amb els mecanismes de restauració preplanejada i gestió de l'ample de banda reservat per la restauració. L'arquitectura distribuïda ofereix una escalabilitat i robustesa acceptables gràcies a la seva flexibilitat i modularitat.


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The characteristics of service independence and flexibility of ATM networks make the control problems of such networks very critical. One of the main challenges in ATM networks is to design traffic control mechanisms that enable both economically efficient use of the network resources and desired quality of service to higher layer applications. Window flow control mechanisms of traditional packet switched networks are not well suited to real time services, at the speeds envisaged for the future networks. In this work, the utilisation of the Probability of Congestion (PC) as a bandwidth decision parameter is presented. The validity of PC utilisation is compared with QOS parameters in buffer-less environments when only the cell loss ratio (CLR) parameter is relevant. The convolution algorithm is a good solution for CAC in ATM networks with small buffers. If the source characteristics are known, the actual CLR can be very well estimated. Furthermore, this estimation is always conservative, allowing the retention of the network performance guarantees. Several experiments have been carried out and investigated to explain the deviation between the proposed method and the simulation. Time parameters for burst length and different buffer sizes have been considered. Experiments to confine the limits of the burst length with respect to the buffer size conclude that a minimum buffer size is necessary to achieve adequate cell contention. Note that propagation delay is a no dismiss limit for long distance and interactive communications, then small buffer must be used in order to minimise delay. Under previous premises, the convolution approach is the most accurate method used in bandwidth allocation. This method gives enough accuracy in both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. But, the convolution approach has a considerable computation cost and a high number of accumulated calculations. To overcome this drawbacks, a new method of evaluation is analysed: the Enhanced Convolution Approach (ECA). In ECA, traffic is grouped in classes of identical parameters. By using the multinomial distribution function instead of the formula-based convolution, a partial state corresponding to each class of traffic is obtained. Finally, the global state probabilities are evaluated by multi-convolution of the partial results. This method avoids accumulated calculations and saves storage requirements, specially in complex scenarios. Sorting is the dominant factor for the formula-based convolution, whereas cost evaluation is the dominant factor for the enhanced convolution. A set of cut-off mechanisms are introduced to reduce the complexity of the ECA evaluation. The ECA also computes the CLR for each j-class of traffic (CLRj), an expression for the CLRj evaluation is also presented. We can conclude that by combining the ECA method with cut-off mechanisms, utilisation of ECA in real-time CAC environments as a single level scheme is always possible.


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Tradicionalment, la reproducció del mon real se'ns ha mostrat a traves d'imatges planes. Aquestes imatges se solien materialitzar mitjançant pintures sobre tela o be amb dibuixos. Avui, per sort, encara podem veure pintures fetes a ma, tot i que la majoria d'imatges s'adquireixen mitjançant càmeres, i es mostren directament a una audiència, com en el cinema, la televisió o exposicions de fotografies, o be son processades per un sistema computeritzat per tal d'obtenir un resultat en particular. Aquests processaments s'apliquen en camps com en el control de qualitat industrial o be en la recerca mes puntera en intel·ligència artificial. Aplicant algorismes de processament de nivell mitja es poden obtenir imatges 3D a partir d'imatges 2D, utilitzant tècniques ben conegudes anomenades Shape From X, on X es el mètode per obtenir la tercera dimensió, i varia en funció de la tècnica que s'utilitza a tal nalitat. Tot i que l'evolució cap a la càmera 3D va començar en els 90, cal que les tècniques per obtenir les formes tridimensionals siguin mes i mes acurades. Les aplicacions dels escàners 3D han augmentat considerablement en els darrers anys, especialment en camps com el lleure, diagnosi/cirurgia assistida, robòtica, etc. Una de les tècniques mes utilitzades per obtenir informació 3D d'una escena, es la triangulació, i mes concretament, la utilització d'escàners laser tridimensionals. Des de la seva aparició formal en publicacions científiques al 1971 [SS71], hi ha hagut contribucions per solucionar problemes inherents com ara la disminució d'oclusions, millora de la precisió, velocitat d'adquisició, descripció de la forma, etc. Tots i cadascun dels mètodes per obtenir punts 3D d'una escena te associat un procés de calibració, i aquest procés juga un paper decisiu en el rendiment d'un dispositiu d'adquisició tridimensional. La nalitat d'aquesta tesi es la d'abordar el problema de l'adquisició de forma 3D, des d'un punt de vista total, reportant un estat de l'art sobre escàners laser basats en triangulació, provant el funcionament i rendiment de diferents sistemes, i fent aportacions per millorar la precisió en la detecció del feix laser, especialment en condicions adverses, i solucionant el problema de la calibració a partir de mètodes geomètrics projectius.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar os estilos de vida de alunos de Educação Física, e relaciona-los com a perceção de competência, orientação de objetivos para a mestria, performance aproach, performance avoidance, perceção de clima motivacional para a mestria, performance aproach, performance avoidance, atitude gosto e importância face a disciplina de Educação Física. Neste sentido foi aplicado um Questionário (Papaioannou et al. 2007, versão adaptada por Martins, 2010), em quatro escolas da rede de estágio pedagógico em Educação Física de 3º ciclo e Secundário, de modo a avaliar as perceções de 199 alunos com idades compreendidas entre os 14-20 anos. Os resultados revelaram diferenças significativas entre alunos ativos e sedentários ao nível da perceção de competência (p=0,000), orientação de objetivos para a mestria (p=0,000), orientação de objetivos performance avoidance (p=0,028), perceção de clima motivacional para a mestria (p=0,010), atitude gosto pela educação física e suas matérias (p=0,001), e a atitude e importância atribuída à EF (p=0,002). A análise das correlações demonstrou a existência de relação entre o estilo de vida sedentário relativamente à perceção de competência (p=0,004), e orientação de objetivos performance avoidance esta ultima no sentido inverso (p=0,010). Em relação aos alunos ativos apenas se verificou a existência de correlação para a orientação de objetivos performance aproach (p=0,048).


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Este trabalho discute a liberalização do transporte aéreo no mercado Europeu, o sucesso do tráfego aéreo, e a importância da regulação de slots aeroportuários para uma concorrência leal. Presentemente, dado o crescimento e a expectativa que o tráfego aéreo cresça ainda mais, os aeroportos e as companhias aéreas debatem-se com um problema de grande dimensão, que passa pela gestão aeroportuária de slots, uma vez que a capacidade dos aeroportos é limitada, e a procura por estas estruturas tem aumentado drasticamente. Face aos vários aeroportos Europeus, estima-se que essa capacidade seja atingida brevemente, fazendo com que a congestão não se dê só apenas por um curto período diário, mas que aumente não só a sua frequência como também a sua duração. Esta congestão pode ter efeitos sobre a concorrência entre as companhias e entre os aeroportos, o que implica que haja um impacto negativo, tanto no ambiente como na segurança. O estudo terá em atenção a capacidade do Aeroporto de Lisboa, ao pedido de slots aeroportuários, a legislação nacional e internacional, outros meios de afectação de slots aeroportuários, a posição da TAP relativamente à regulamentação existente, e aos meios paralelos.


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We examined nest site selection by Puerto Rican Parrots, a secondary cavity nester, at several spatial scales using the nest entrance as the central focal point relative to 20 habitat and spatial variables. The Puerto Rican Parrot is unique in that, since 2001, all known nesting in the wild has occurred in artificial cavities, which also provided us with an opportunity to evaluate nest site selection without confounding effects of the actual nest cavity characteristics. Because of the data limitations imposed by the small population size of this critically endangered endemic species, we employed a distribution-free statistical simulation approach to assess site selection relative to characteristics of used and unused nesting sites. Nest sites selected by Puerto Rican Parrots were characterized by greater horizontal and vertical visibility from the nest entrance, greater density of mature sierra palms, and a more westerly and leeward orientation of nest entrances than unused sites. Our results suggest that nest site selection in this species is an adaptive response to predation pressure, to which the parrots respond by selecting nest sites offering advantages in predator detection and avoidance at all stages of the nesting cycle. We conclude that identifying and replicating the “nest gestalt” of successful nesting sites may facilitate conservation efforts for this and other endangered avian species.


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The OECD 14 d earthworm acute toxicity test was used to determine the toxicity of copper added as copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)(2)), copper sulphate (CuSO4) and malachite (Cu-2(OH)(2)(CO3)) to Eisenia fetida Savigny. Cu(NO3)(2), and CuSO4 were applied in both an aqueous (aq) and solid (s) form, Cu-2(OH)(2)(CO3) was added as a solid. Soil solution was extracted by centrifugation, and analysed for copper. Two extractants [0.01 M CaCl2 and 0.005 M diethylenetriminpentaacetic acid (DTPA)] were used as a proxy of the bioavailable copper fraction in the soil. For bulk soil copper content the calculated copper toxicity decreased in the order nitrate > sulphide > carbonate, the same order as decreasing solubility of the metal compounds. For Cu(NO3)(2) and CuSO4, the LC50s obtained were not significantly different when the compound was added in solution or solid form. There was a significant correlation between the soil solution copper concentration and the percentage earthworm mortality for all 3 copper compounds (P less than or equal to 0.05) indicating that the soil pore water copper concentration is important for determining copper availability and toxicity to E. fetida. In soil avoidance tests the earthworms avoided the soils treated with Cu(NO3)(2) (aq and s) and CuSO4 (aq and s), at all concentrations used (110-8750 mug Cu g(-1), and 600-8750 mug Cu g(-1) respectively). In soils treated with Cu-2(OH2)CO3, avoidance behaviour was exhibited at all concentrations greater than or equal to3500 mug Cu g(-1). There was no significant correlation between the copper extracted by either CaCl2 or DTPA and percentage mortality. These two extractants are therefore not useful indicators of copper availability and toxicity to E. fetida.


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Amman the primate capital city of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan currently has a population in excess of 2 million, but in 1924 it consisted of little more than a collection of dwellings and some 2000-3000 inhabitants. The present paper sets out to document and explain the phenomenal expansion of "ever-growing Amman". The physical geography of the urban region and the early growth of the city are considered at the outset and this leads directly to consideration of the highly polarised social structuring that characterises contemporary Amman. In doing this, original data derived from the recent Greater Amman Municipality's Geographical Information System are presented. In this respect, the essential modernity of the city is exemplified. The employment and industrial bases of the city and a range of pressing contemporary issues are then considered, including transport and congestion, the provision of urban water under conditions of water stress and privatisation, and urban and regional development planning for the city. The paper concludes by emphasizing the growing regional and international geopolitical salience of the city of Amman at the start of the 21st century. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Active queue management (AQM) policies are those policies of router queue management that allow for the detection of network congestion, the notification of such occurrences to the hosts on the network borders, and the adoption of a suitable control policy. This paper proposes the adoption of a fuzzy proportional integral (FPI) controller as an active queue manager for Internet routers. The analytical design of the proposed FPI controller is carried out in analogy with a proportional integral (PI) controller, which recently has been proposed for AQM. A genetic algorithm is proposed for tuning of the FPI controller parameters with respect to optimal disturbance rejection. In the paper the FPI controller design metodology is described and the results of the comparison with random early detection (RED), tail drop, and PI controller are presented.


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New conceptual ideas on network architectures have been proposed in the recent past. Current store-andforward routers are replaced by active intermediate systems, which are able to perform computations on transient packets, in a way that results very helpful for developing and deploying new protocols in a short time. This paper introduces a new routing algorithm, based on a congestion metric, and inspired by the behavior of ants in nature. The use of the Active Networks paradigm associated with a cooperative learning environment produces a robust, decentralized algorithm capable of adapting quickly to changing conditions.


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This paper presents the results of the application of a parallel Genetic Algorithm (GA) in order to design a Fuzzy Proportional Integral (FPI) controller for active queue management on Internet routers. The Active Queue Management (AQM) policies are those policies of router queue management that allow the detection of network congestion, the notification of such occurrences to the hosts on the network borders, and the adoption of a suitable control policy. Two different parallel implementations of the genetic algorithm are adopted to determine an optimal configuration of the FPI controller parameters. Finally, the results of several experiments carried out on a forty nodes cluster of workstations are presented.


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Carbendazim-amended soil was placed above or below unamended soil. Control tests comprised two layers of unamended soil. Allolobophora chlorotica earthworms were added to either the upper or the unamended soil. After 72 h vertical distributions of earthworms were compared between control and carbendazim-amended experiments. Earthworm distributions in the carbendazim-amended test containers differed significantly from the ‘normal’ distribution observed in the control tests. In the majority of the experiments, earthworms significantly altered their burrowing behaviour to avoid carbendazim. However, when earthworms were added to an upper layer of carbendazim-amended soil they remained in this layer. This non-avoidance is attributed to (1) the earthworms’ inability to sense the lower layer of unamended soil and (2) the toxic effect of carbendazim inhibiting burrowing. Earthworms modified their burrowing behaviour in response to carbendazim in the soil. This may explain anomalous results observed in pesticide field trials when carbendazim is used as a control substance.


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Carbendazim is highly toxic to earthworms and is used as a standard control substance when running field-based trials of pesticides, but results using carbendazim are highly variable. In the present study, impacts of timing of rainfall events following carbendazim application on earthworms were investigated. Lumbricus terrestris were maintained in soil columns to which carbendazim and then deionized water (a rainfall substitute) were applied. Carbendazim was applied at 4 kg/ha, the rate recommended in pesticide field trials. Three rainfall regimes were investigated: initial and delayed heavy rainfall 24 h and 6 d after carbendazim application, and frequent rainfall every 48 h. Earthworm mortality and movement of carbendazim through the soil was assessed 14 d after carbendazim application. No detectable movement of carbendazim occurred through the soil in any of the treatments or controls. Mortality in the initial heavy and frequent rainfall was significantly higher (approximately 55%) than in the delayed rainfall treatment (approximately 25%). This was due to reduced bioavailability of carbendazim in the latter treatment due to a prolonged period of sorption of carbendazim to soil particles before rainfall events. The impact of carbendazim application on earthworm surface activity was assessed using video cameras. Carbendazim applications significantly reduced surface activity due to avoidance behavior of the earthworms. Surface activity reductions were least in the delayed rainfall treatment due to the reduced bioavailability of the carbendazim. The nature of rainfall events' impacts on the response of earthworms to carbendazim applications, and details of rainfall events preceding and following applications during field trials should be made at a higher level of resolution than is currently practiced according to standard International Organization for Standardization protocols.


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Knowledge of tropical raptor habitat use is limited and yet a thorough understanding is vital when trying to conserve endangered species. We used a well studied, reintroduced population of the vulnerable Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus to investigate habitat preferences in a modified landscape. We constructed a high resolution digital habitat map and radiotracked 13 juvenile Kestrels to quantify habitat preferences. We distinguished seven habitat types in our study area and tracked Kestrels from 71 to 130 days old during which they dispersed from their natal territory and settled within a home-range after reaching independence. Mean home-range size was 0.95 km(2) characterized by a bimodal pattern of intensity around the natal site and post-independence home-range. Compositional analysis showed that home-ranges were located non-randomly with respect to habitat but there was no evidence to suggest differential use of habitats within home-ranges. Native and semi-invaded forest and grassland were consistently preferred, whereas agriculture was used significantly less than other habitats. No difference was found between the available length of edge dividing native forest and grassland within a home-range when compared to that available within a 2.35-km buffer around their nest-site, based on the maximum distance a juvenile was found to disperse. Repeating the analysis in three dimensions gave very similar results. Our results suggest that Mauritius Kestrels are not obligate forest dwellers as was once thought but can also exploit open habitats such as grassland. Kestrels may be using isolated mature trees within grassland as vantage points for hunting in the same way as they use the natural stratified forest structure. We suggest that the avoidance of agriculture is partly due to a lack of such vantage points. The conservation importance of forest degradation and agricultural encroachment is highlighted and comparisons with the habitat preferences of other tropical falcons are discussed.


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Seed set of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is highly sensitive to short episodes of high temperature at anthesis events that are likely to be more frequent in future climates. Breeding for tolerance is therefore an essential component of adaptation to climate variability and change. Experiments were conducted in 2003 and 2004 at optimum (30 degrees C daytime) and high (35 and 38 degrees C) air temperature using parents of some prominent mapping populations (i) to determine whether there were differences in the daily flowering pattern and hence a potential heat avoidance mechanism, and (ii) to identify rice genotypes having true heat tolerance during anthesis, that is, high seed set in spikelets exposed to high temperature. Rice cultivar CG14 (O. glaberrima) reached peak anthesis earlier in the morning (1.5 h after dawn) under both control (30 degrees C) and high (38 degrees C) temperature conditions than O. sativa genotypes (>= 3 h after dawn). Exposure to high temperature (centered on the time of peak anthesis) for 6 h reduced spikelet fertility more than exposure for 2 h, and fertility was lower at 38 degrees C than at 35 degrees C. Genotypic ranking for spikelet fertility at 35 and 38 degrees C was highly correlated in both 2003 and 2004. Fertility was also highly correlated across years, suggesting a consistent and reproducible response of spikelet fertility to temperature. The check cultivar N22 was the most heat tolerant genotype (64-86% fertility at 38 degrees C) and cultivars Azucena and Moroberekan the most susceptible (<8%).