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While multimedia data, image data in particular, is an integral part of most websites and web documents, our quest for information so far is still restricted to text based search. To explore the World Wide Web more effectively, especially its rich repository of truly multimedia information, we are facing a number of challenging problems. Firstly, we face the ambiguous and highly subjective nature of defining image semantics and similarity. Secondly, multimedia data could come from highly diversified sources, as a result of automatic image capturing and generation processes. Finally, multimedia information exists in decentralised sources over the Web, making it difficult to use conventional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques for effective and efficient search. In this special issue, we present a collection of five papers on visual and multimedia information management and retrieval topics, addressing some aspects of these challenges. These papers have been selected from the conference proceedings (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020- 7060-8) of the Sixth IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (VDB6), held in Brisbane, Australia, on 29–31 May 2002.
Rumors collected from a large public hospital undergoing change were content analyzed, and a typology comprising the following five broad types of change-related rumors was developed: rumors about changes to job and working conditions, nature of organizational change, poor change management, consequences of the change for organizational performance, and gossip-rumors. Rumors were also classified as positive or negative on the basis of their content. As predicted, negative rumors were more prevalent than positive rumors. Finally, employees reporting negative rumors also reported more change-related stress as compared to those who reported positive rumors and those who did not report any rumors. The authors propose that rumors be treated as verbal symbols and expressions of employee concerns during organizational change.
Medication errors are a leading cause of unintended harm to patients in Australia and internationally. Research in this area has paid relatively little attention to the interactions between organisational factors and violations of procedures in producing errors, although violations have been found to increase the likelihood of these errors. This study investigated the role of organisational factors in contributing to violations by nurses when administering medications. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire completed by 506 nurses working in either rural or remote areas in Queensland, Australia. This instrument was used to develop a path model wherein organisational variables predicted 21% of the variance in self-reported violations. Expectations of medical officers mediated the relationship between working conditions of nursing staff and violation behaviour.
Predictors of non-attendance from BreastScreen NSW in women who report current mammography screening
Functional gastrointestinal disorders commonly affect people of all ages, including the elderly. While population-based studies report significant psychological morbidity in people diagnosed with these disorders it is not clear what effect age has in explaining this relationship. We hypothesised that psychological distress would be higher in older versus younger persons with a FGID from the community. A random sample of 4500 subjects were mailed a questionnaire on gastrointestinal symptoms in the past 12 months (response rate = 72%). Of those fulfilling Rome I criteria for a FGID (n = 988) we then classified subjects into older (>60 years) (n =126) versus younger (18-59 years) (n = 862) categories. Psychological variables included anxiety and depression (Delusions Symptom States Inventory) and neuroticism and extroversion (Eysenck Personality Inventory). Quality of life was assessed using the valid SF-12. Anxiety (4.5 vs. 3.1), depression (3.0 vs. 1.8) and neuroticism (5.7 vs. 4.9) were significantly higher in younger versus older subjects with a FGID. While mental functioning (43.1 vs. 48.3) was significantly more impaired in younger versus older subjects, the reverse was found for physical functioning (48.7 vs. 40.8). Younger people with a FGID experience greater
Introduction This is a case report of a 39-year-old patient with a 14-year history of clinically refractory cluster headache (CH), also presenting obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and complaining of tooth-grinding during sleep. Discussion Treatment of OSA with an intra-oral device allowed an immediate reduction in frequency and intensity of CH events. Furthermore, CH attacks did not occur during the 12-month follow-up period.
Objectives: To describe current practice for the discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy in a multinational setting and to identify variables associated with successful discontinuation. The approach to discontinue continuous renal replacement therapy may affect patient outcomes. However, there is lack of information on how and under what conditions continuous renal replacement therapy is discontinued. Design: Post hoc analysis of a prospective observational study. Setting. Fifty-four intensive care units in 23 countries. Patients: Five hundred twenty-nine patients (52.6%) who survived initial therapy among 1006 patients treated with continuous renal replacement therapy. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results., Three hundred thirteen patients were removed successfully from continuous renal replacement therapy and did not require any renal replacement therapy for at least 7 days and were classified as the ""success"" group and the rest (216 patients) were classified as the ""repeat-RRT"" (renal replacement therapy) group. Patients in the ""success"" group had lower hospital mortality (28.5% vs. 42.7%, p < .0001) compared with patients in the ""repeat-RRT"" group. They also had lower creatinine and urea concentrations and a higher urine output at the time of stopping continuous renal replacement therapy. Multivariate logistic regression analysis for successful discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy identified urine output (during the 24 hrs before stopping continuous renal replacement therapy: odds ratio, 1.078 per 100 mL/day increase) and creatinine (odds ratio, 0.996 per mu mol/L increase) as significant predictors of successful cessation. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve to predict successful discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy was 0.808 for urine output and 0.635 for creatinine. The predictive ability of urine output was negatively affected by the use of diuretics (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.671 with diuretics and 0.845 without diuretics). Conclusions. We report on the current practice of discontinuing continuous renal replacement therapy in a multinational setting. Urine output at the time of initial cessation (if continuous renal replacement therapy was the most important predictor of successful discontinuation, especially if occurring without the administration of diuretics. (Crit Care Med 2009; 37:2576-2582)
A measure of dimensional anxiety specifically designed for use in older people is urgently needed. Such a measure could be used in a variety of settings to screen for anxiety disorders and to measure response to treatment in older people with established anxiety disorders. We have developed a new instrument to measure generalized anxiety symptoms in older people, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI). This new instrument uses plain language, minimises somatic items and has a dichotomous response scale. Although it is a self-report measure, it may readily be administered to frail and mildly cognitively impaired older people by nursing staff. The development and initial validation of the GAI will be described. The scale was administered to community samples as well as patients with anxiety, depression, and mild cognitive impairment. Reliability was high and validity sound when compared to a range of standard anxiety instruments, and the instrument was well-tolerated among these cohorts. Sensitivity, specificity and cut-off scores for community and impatient samples will be presented.
We report a case severe hypomagnesemia in non-oliguric acute renal failure caused by leptospirosis that required large doses of magnesium replacement during the acute phase of disease. Biochemical studies confirmed kidney-related magnesium wasting and the mechanisms of this defect are discussed. Magnesium imbalance with its attendant clinical complications occurs in leptospirosis and should be monitored and treated aggressively in cases of leptospirosis-induced non-oliguric acute kidney injury.
An 18-year-old boy with refractory epilepsy and aggressiveness associated to a hypothalamic hamartoma was submitted to a stereotactically guided lesion by thermocoagulation. The target was based on magnetic resonance (MR) images merged with computed tomography scan images taken on the day of surgery while patient was on a stereotactic frame. In order to reveal structures not discernible in MR images, the Schaltenbrand digital brain atlas was merged onto the patient`s images. Target and trajectory of the depth electrode were chosen based on three-dimensional imaging reconstructions. A surgical plan was devised to disconnect the hypothalamic hamartoma from the hypothalamus, medial forebrain bundle, fasciculus princeps, and dorsal longitudinal fasciculus. Our target was placed at the inferior portion of the posterolateral component of the hamartoma, bordering the normal hypothalamus. The patient evolved with marked lessening of aggressiveness. Seizure frequency was reduced from several seizures per day to less than one tonic-clonic seizure during sleep per month and only two episodes suggestive of partial complex seizures during daytime. These results have remained consistent over a 24-month postoperative follow-up. Functional neuroanatomy of hypothalamic connections involved in seizure propagation and aggressive behavior was reviewed.
Amongst the infectious diseases that threaten equine health, herpesviral infections remain a world wide cause of serious morbidity and mortality. Equine herpesvirus-1 infection is the most important pathogen, causing an array of disorders including epidemic respiratory disease abortion, neonatal foal death, myeloencephalopathy and chorioretinopathy. Despite intense scientific investigation, extensive use of vaccination, and established codes of practice for control of disease outbreaks, infection and disease remain common. While equine herpesvirus-1 infection remains a daunting challenge for immunoprophylaxis, many critical advances in equine immunology have resulted in studies of this virus, particularly related to MHC-restricted cytotoxicity in the horse. A workshop was convened in San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy in June 2004, to bring together clinical and basic researchers in the field of equine herpesvirus-1 study to discuss the latest advances and future prospects for improving our under-standing of these diseases, and equine immunity to herpesviral infection. This report highlights the new information that was the focus of this workshop, and is intended to summarize this material and identify the critical questions in the field. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SEH) represents 0.3-0.9% of spinal epidural space-occupying lesions, and most surgeons advocate aggressive and early surgical intervention. In. this paper we describe a patient with SEH with sudden paraplegia. Case report. This 30-year-old man had experienced one prior episode of sudden dorsal pain two days before the current admission and while he waited medical attendance, his legs suddenly became weak, and immediately afterwards, he became completely paraplegic in minutes. The patient had complete paraplegia, analgesia below the T4 level and urinary retention. He had no anticoagulant agent and no coagulopathic disease. He was submitted to computerized tomography that demonstrated a dorsally located epidural hematoma extending from the T3 to the T6 level with spinal cord compression. A laminectomy from T3 to T7 was performed four hours after the onset of the symptom. In postoperative time the patient presented the partial sensorial recovery and motor force grade II. The patient was directed to a neurorehabilitation program and in the last medical evaluation he presented recovery for motor grade III-IV without pain. Conclusion. The SHE is rare, with severe neurological consequences for patients and early surgical treatment persist as essential for motor recovery.
Background Schizophrenia has been associated with semantic memory impairment and previous studies report a difficulty in accessing semantic category exemplars (Moelter et al. 2005 Schizophr Res 78:209–217). The anterior temporal cortex (ATC) has been implicated in the representation of semantic knowledge (Rogers et al. 2004 Psychol Rev 111(1):205–235). We conducted a high-field (4T) fMRI study with the Category Judgment and Substitution Task (CJAST), an analogue of the Hayling test. We hypothesised that differential activation of the temporal lobe would be observed in schizophrenia patients versus controls. Methods Eight schizophrenia patients (7M : 1F) and eight matched controls performed the CJAST, involving a randomised series of 55 common nouns (from five semantic categories) across three conditions: semantic categorisation, anomalous categorisation and word reading. High-resolution 3D T1-weighted images and GE EPI with BOLD contrast and sparse temporal sampling were acquired on a 4T Bruker MedSpec system. Image processing and analyses were performed with SPM2. Results Differential activation in the left ATC was found for anomalous categorisation relative to category judgment, in patients versus controls. Conclusions We examined semantic memory deficits in schizophrenia using a novel fMRI task. Since the ATC corresponds to an area involved in accessing abstract semantic representations (Moelter et al. 2005), these results suggest schizophrenia patients utilise the same neural network as healthy controls, however it is compromised in the patients and the different ATC activity might be attributable to weakening of category-to-category associations.
Background: During the past 15 years, polymethylmethacrylate has been used as a synthetic permanent filler for soft-tissue augmentation. Methods: This. article reports 32 cases of complications seen at Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, for procedures performed elsewhere. Results: The average age of the patients was 43.6 years (range, 22 to 70 years). Twenty-five patients were women. Sixteen injection procedures were performed by certified plastic surgeons, nine by dermatologists, two by urologists, and one by a nonphysician. Complications were classified into five groups according to main presentation as follows: tissue necrosis (five cases), an acute complication that can be related to technical mistakes but that can also be dependent on patient factors or caused by local infection; granuloma (10 cases), which usually presents as a subacute complication 6 to 12 months after the procedure; chronic inflammatory reactions (10 cases), which usually occur years later and can be related to a triggering event, Such as another operation or infection in the area that was injected (these reactions are immunogenic in origin and may have cyclic periods of activation and remission); chronic inflammatory reaction in the lips (six cases), which may be present with severe symptoms, especially with lymphedema, because of mobility of the lip; and infections (one case), which are rare but possible complications after filling procedures. Conclusions: Polymethylmethacrylate filler complications, despite being rare, are often permanent and difficult or even impossible to treat. Safety guidelines should be observed when considering use of polymethylmethacrylate for augmentation.
Bliacheriene F, Carmona MJC, Barretti CFM, Haddad CMF, Mouchalwat ES, Bortlotto MRFL, Francisco RPV, Zugaib M - Use of a Minimally Invasive Uncalibrated Cardiac Output Monitor in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section under Spinal Anesthesia: Report of Four Cases. Background and Objectives: Hemodynamic changes are observed during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Non-invasive blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) measurements are performed to diagnose these changes, but they are delayed and inaccurate. Other monitors such as filling pressure and cardiac output (CO) catheters with external calibration are very invasive or inaccurate. The objective of the present study was to report the cardiac output measurements obtained with a minimally invasive uncalibrated monitor (LiDCO rapid) in patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Case report: After approval by the Ethics Commission, four patients agreed to participate in this study. They underwent cesarean section under spinal anesthesia while at the same time being connected to the LiDCO rapid by a radial artery line. Cardiac output, HR, and BP were recorded at baseline, after spinal anesthesia, after fetal and placental extraction, and after the infusion of oxytocin and metaraminol. We observed a fall in BP with an increase of HR and CO after spinal anesthesia and oxytocin infusion; and an increase in BP with a fall in HR and CO after bolus of the vasopressor. Conclusions: Although this monitor had not been calibrated, it showed a tendency for consistent hemodynamic data in obstetric patients and it may be used as a therapeutic guide or experimental tool.