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This paper describes a method for the decentralized solution of the optimal reactive power flow (ORPF) problem in interconnected power systems. The ORPF model is solved in a decentralized framework, consisting of regions, where the transmission system operator in each area operates its system independently of the other areas, obtaining an optimal coordinated but decentralized solution. The proposed scheme is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach using the auxiliary problem principle (APP). An implementation of an interior point method is described to solve the decoupled problem in each area. The described method is successfully implemented and tested using the IEEE two area RTS 96 test system. Numerical results comparing the solutions obtained by the traditional and the proposed decentralized methods are presented for validation. ©2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents a nonlinear model with individual representation of plants for the centralized long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem over multiple areas. In addition to common aspects of long-term scheduling, this model takes transmission constraints into account. The ability to optimize hydropower exchange among multiple areas is important because it enables further minimization of complementary thermal generation costs. Also, by considering transmission constraints for long-term scheduling, a more precise coupling with shorter horizon schedules can be expected. This is an important characteristic from both operational and economic viewpoints. The proposed model is solved by a sequential quadratic programming approach in the form of a prototype system for different case studies. An analysis of the benefits provided by the model is also presented. ©2009 IEEE.


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Soil and subsoil pollution is not only significant in terms of environmental loss, but also a matter of environmental and public health. Solid, liquid and gaseous residues are the major soil contamination agents. They originate from urban conglomerates and industrial areas in which it is impossible to emphasize the chemical, petrochemical and textile industry; thermoelectric, mining, and ironmaster activities. The contamination process can thus be defined as a compound addition to soil, from what qualitative and or quantitative manners can modify soil's natural characteristics and use, producing baneful and deteriorative effects on human health. Studies have shown that human exposition to high concentration of some heavy metals found on soil can cause serious health problems, such as pulmonary or kidney complications, liver and nervous system harm, allergy, and the chronic exposition that leads to death. The present study searches for the correlation among soil contamination, done through a geochemical baseline survey of an industrial contamination area on the shoreline of Sao Paulo state. The study will be conducted by spatial analysis using Geographical Information Systems for mapping and regression analysis. The used data are 123 soil samples of percentage concentration of heavy metals. They were sampled and spatially distributed by geostatistics methods. To verify if there is a relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity an executed correlation and regression analysis will be done using the pollution registers as the independent variables and morbidity as dependable variables. It is expected, by the end of the study, to identify the areas relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity, moreover to be able to provide assistance in terms of new methodologies that could facilitate soil pollution control programs and public health planning. © 2010 WIT Press.


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According to the environmental legislation enforced in Brazil and the process of marketing globalization, the commitment of the nations to the preservation of the environment is intensified. By reason of nature's negative responses to its intensive use, awareness then appears from enterprises and agencies about how the anthropic action over the environment needs to be minimized, becoming a challenge: development and sustainability. In this context, the present work made use of the Mechanical tillage of the soil, as a technique to apply, in a large scale, the strategies and methods to recover mined areas that were researched and developed experimentally by researchers on a theme project about the recovering of degraded areas. This work was conducted in the Amazon ecosystem, inside the Jamari National Forest - Rondônia (FLONA do Jamari), in deactivated cassiterite mines. The objectives of this work were to: Develop a computational program capable of managing a database and assist in the selection of machines and preparation methods to execute the operations of topographical reconstitution and tillage of surfaces in areas degraded by the mineral exploitation of cassiterite. Use the program that was developed in the planning of costs and operational development, for the operations required in the strategies for recovering the areas. Analyze the vegetable productivity in the mobilized areas and the quality of the superficial mobilization, making use of indicators and tillage methods. Evaluate, through biological indicators, the efficiency of the recovery strategies and techniques that were mechanized and applied on the location. The results showed that the developed computational program (SGMAD) served the methodological purposes (the analysis of costs and operational capacity) established for the planning and the selection of the tillage machines and methods in the areas of mineral exploitation of cassiterite. The applied methods and quality of the superficial mobilization were significant to the development of leguminous plants in the areas. The use of biological indicators (microbial biomass and enzymatic activity) in the evaluation of the adopted techniques and strategies revealed that the planting of leguminous plants and their posterior incorporation have been promoting gradually positive alterations in some of the analyzed soil/substract parameters. © 2010 WIT Press.


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The etiologic agent of Chagas Disease is the Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted through blood-sucking insect vectors of the Triatominae subfamily, representing one of the most serious public health concerns in Latin America. There are geographic variations in the prevalence of clinical forms and morbidity of Chagas disease, likely due to genetic variation of the T. cruzi and the host genetic and environmental features. Increasing evidence has supported that inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are responsible for the generation of the inflammatory infiltrate and tissue damage. Moreover, genetic polymorphisms, protein expression levels, and genomic imbalances are associated with disease progression. This paper discusses these key aspects. Large surveys were carried out in Brazil and served as baseline for definition of the control measures adopted. However, Chagas disease is still active, and aspects such as host-parasite interactions, genetic mechanisms of cellular interaction, genetic variability, and tropism need further investigations in the attempt to eradicate the disease. Copyright 2012 Marilanda Ferreira Bellini et al.


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Aim: To analyse factors potentially associated with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) development. METHODS: A population-based study was carried out with 903 children aged from 6-12 years old, born and residing in rural and urban areas of the town of Botelhos, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Their mothers completed a structured medical history questionnaire, from pregnancy to the child's 3rd year of life. Two examiners evaluated children for MIH according to criteria suggested by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. Descriptive analyses of the data and odds ratios (OR) with 95% test-based confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Chisquare test was used to evaluate the differences between groups. RESULTS: The prevalence of MIH in children from rural area (RA) was significantly higher than those from the urban area (UA) (24.9% versus 17.8%, p= 0.01). In urban children, neither significant associations with MIH nor medical problems were found. In rural children, however, MIH was significantly more common among those whose mothers had experienced medical problems during pregnancy (OR=2.11; 1.01-4.37 CI 95%; p=0.04), who had throat infections (OR=2.93; 1.47-5.87 CI 95%; p=0.01), who had high fever (OR=1.91; 1.07-3.39 CI 95%; p=0.02), and who had used amoxicillin associated with other antibiotics (OR=1.92; 1.02-3.62 CI 95%; p=0.04) during the first 3 years of life. CONCLUSION: This study suggests a link between MIH and health problems during pregnancy, as well as environmental factors.