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This linguistic study examined the interpersonal features of the talk between doctors and patients in consultations where a professional medical interpreter was required for them to communicate. Such features affect the relationship between doctor and patient and can impact on medical outcomes. The findings will assist interpreters and doctors in talking to patients and forms part of a larger project to develop a theory of medical interpreting.


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The national telephone survey found that 6.5% of respondents reported experiencing a medical adverse event during the preceding 12 months. Most reported were medication incidents, with misdiagnosis or wrong treatment second most common. Predictors of adverse event reporting included health status, hospital admission, and length of time seeing regular doctor.


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This paper looks at the use of constructed-response and multiple-choice questions in first year management examinations involving 2364 students over a three semester period in 2008-9. It also compares student’s performance in research and analytical assignments with their results in Multiple-Choice tests. The results show that students who perform poorly in non-multiple-choice tests are slightly advantaged by multiple-choice tests. However, students who display high distinction scores in other pieces of assessment do not receive any advantage from multiple-choice testing. Interestingly, the research also highlighted that female students perform better in their articulation of management techniques overall, but do not gain the same comparative advantage from multiple choice testing. The analysis of the assessment methods was extremely useful in predicting the level of failures for the unit in the subsequent year. Finding the right balance of assessment tasks in first year university business courses is extremely difficult, using multiple-choice tests can be useful tool as part of the assessment mix in management units.


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Service industries hold an increasingly dynamic and pivotal role in today’s knowledge-based economies. The logistics industry is a classic example of the birth and development of a vital new service-based industry, transformed from the business concept of transportation to that of serving the entire logistical needs of customers. Quantum advances in science, technology, and communication in the new millennium have compelled firms to consider the potential of the so-called new “resources” (technology, knowledge and relationship networks) that are essential if firms are to operate effectively within the emerging business model, and to utilise the opportunities to innovate and gain market leadership. Through an extensive literature review, this paper examines the factors that nurture innovation in logistics services, identifies the contributions of the new “resources” and, using industry examples, examines the application of these resources to logistics firms as they assume an extended role within the new business model


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1. We adopt a ‘whole flyway’ approach to modelling scenarios for protecting migratory birds, aiming at efficient and cost-effective conservation of flyway habitat.

2. We developed a model to minimize flyway management costs while safeguarding a migrating bird population. The model assumes that the intensity of the birds’ use of sites can be manipulated by varying management regimes (with concomitant costs) and that the birds make optimal use of the conditions created along their flyway.

3. We used dynamic programming to find the sequence of migratory decisions that maximizes the fitness of the migrants given a range of management scenarios, followed by a management cost estimate of all these scenarios and selection of those scenarios yielding an optimal solution from both an economic and the migrants’ perspective.

4. Using the population of pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus that breed in Svalbard as an example, we calculated that the cheapest management scenario given current compensation payment rates at the various goose stopover sites yielded a 35% cost saving over current management. This cheapest scenario provides a migration itinerary that is very similar to the current itinerary used by the geese. This is fortuitous since changing environmental conditions may put the migrants at risk.

5. Synthesis and application. Given the global threats to migratory birds, developing a framework for efficient and effective conservation of flyway habitat is an urgent need. Such a framework may likewise be used to assist in controlling migrants causing conflict with agriculture, such as several goose species, in an economic and responsible fashion. Our suggested exemplified framework identified large unexplainable differences in management costs between regions. Differences in management costs between staging sites for birds make big differences to the optimal management of a flyway. Hence, to achieve efficient and effective management of migratory birds, we firstly need an objective assessment of the cost of management in different locations, followed by a modelling approach as here advocated, and followed up by a collaborative action of managers along the entire flyway.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to examine two management doctoral research projects to highlight the advantages in mixed methods as the primary research design.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper summarises the methods of data collection and analysis which were used by two doctoral students in their management research. The researchers used mixed methods approaches (quantitative and qualitative) to explore different areas of management.
Findings – The paper supports the view that triangulation of research methods strengthens the findings and inferences made for understanding social phenomena in more depth, compared to using a single method.
Research limitations/implications – The paper relies excessively on two doctoral research projects which utilise sequential mixed methods. Therefore, arguments made in the paper are specific because other doctoral projects that have used different methods from those employed in the two projects were not considered.
Practical implications – Early researchers, in particular students commencing doctorate studies, should apply mixed methods research because it develops skills in the two most dominant data collection methods used in management research. This paper is a practical guide on how this could be done effectively.
Originality/value – The paper is drawn from two unique doctoral research projects. The paper’s originality and value is in providing experiences and practical insights on how mixed methods research is undertaken.


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Baylis (1982, Acoustic Communication in Birds, Academic Press) decried the serious lack of experimental verification for the various hypotheses proposed to explain vocal mimicry in songbirds. With few exceptions, our understanding of the function and acquisition of this fascinating behaviour seems to have scarcely progressed. We examine the proposed functional explanations and supporting evidence, and summarize advances made since Baylis's (1982) review. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence to support any of the functional hypotheses but, rather, that almost all of the data concerning song mimicry are consistent with the learning mistakes hypothesis, whereby birds learn simple and common sounds, frequently using them in inappropriate contexts. Additionally, many apparently mimicked sounds are calls, not songs, which themselves may not be learned by the models. It is plausible that many examples of call mimicry are, in fact, due to evolutionary convergence.


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In multi-agent systems, most of the time, an agent does not have complete information about the preferences and decision making processes of other agents. This prevents even the cooperative agents from making coordinated choices, purely due to their ignorance of what others want. To overcome this problem, traditional coordination methods rely heavily on inter-agent communication, and thus become very inefficient when communication is costly or simply not desirable (e.g. to preserve privacy). In this paper, we propose the use of learning to complement communication in acquiring knowledge about other agents. We augment the communication-intensive negotiating agent architecture with a learning module, implemented as a Bayesian classifier. This allows our agents to incrementally update models of other agents' preferences from past negotiations with them. Based on these models, the agents can make sound predictions about others' preferences, thus reducing the need for communication in their future interactions.


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We present a formal framework based on the theory of game with incomplete information [5] for modelling the coordination and communication problem among team of collaborative agents, and define what it means by optimal communication in this setting. Although computing an optimal communication strategy for the team is hard in general, we illustrate with an example of collaborative negotiation and meeting scheduling that computation can be substantially reduced when domain dependent assumptions are introduced.


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In this article I investigate the ways in which the ABC and SBS use the internet. I predominantly focus on how the public broadcasters’ promote an informed citizenry though participation online. Such online participation further develops a second vital role of public broadcasting which is to develop a sense of nationhood—through Australian content (which can include information and communication in languages other than English) and which provides for local and international communities in rural and metropolitan areas to engage with each other. In order to understand the capacity for the public broadcasters to enhance online public communication and democratic participation, I firstly examine general internet theory and evaluate how liberating the internet has been for those living in countries where the state and political alliances control traditional broadcast and print media. For this analysis, the key aspects of virtual communication and cyber-democracy are explored as they are relevant to the services the public broadcasters could provide. Furthermore, case examples of current practical work undertaken in these areas are examined. The framework of the ‘virtual agora’ is considered because it represents the ideals of a public sphere in cyberspace where people are currently able to discuss and debate key issues. The theory is then related to activities undertaken through the ‘vortals’ of the ABC and SBS. Finally, the extent of political intervention and commercial influence is evaluated.


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BACKGROUND: Panic disorder (PD) is common in the community and contributes to significant distress and decreased quality of life for people who suffer from it. Most people with PD will present in the first instance to their general practitioner or hospital emergency department for assistance, often with a focus on somatic symptoms and concerns.

OBJECTIVE: This article aims to assist the GP to manage this group of patients by providing an outline of aetiology, approaches to assessment, and common management strategies.

DISCUSSION Although GPs have an important role to play in ruling out any causal organic basis for panic symptoms, the diagnosis of PD can usually be made as a positive diagnosis on the basis of careful history taking. Thorough and empathic education is a vital step in management. The prognosis for PD can be improved by lifestyle changes, specific psychological techniques, and the judicious use of pharmacotherapy.


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Panic disorder (PD) is common in the community and contributes to significant distress and decreased quality of life for people who suffer from it. Most people with PD will present in the first instance to their general practitioner or hospital emergency department for assistance, often with a focus on somatic symptoms and concerns. This article aims to assist the GP to manage this group of patients by providing an outline of aetiology, approaches to assessment, and common management strategies. Although GPs have an important role to play in ruling out any causal organic basis for panic symptoms, the diagnosis of PD can usually be made as a positive diagnosis on the basis of careful history taking. Thorough and empathic education is a vital step in management. The prognosis for PD can be improved by lifestyle changes, specific psychological techniques, and the judicious use of pharmacotherapy.


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Social networks have become a convenient and effective means of communication in recent years. Many people use social networks to communicate, lead, and manage activities, and express their opinions in supporting or opposing different causes. This has brought forward the issue of verifying the owners of social accounts, in order to eliminate the effect of any fake accounts on the people. This study aims to authenticate the genuine accounts versus fake account using writeprint, which is the writing style biometric. We first extract a set of features using text mining techniques. Then, training of a supervised machine learning algorithm to build the knowledge base is conducted. The recognition procedure starts by extracting the relevant features and then measuring the similarity of the feature vector with respect to all feature vectors in the knowledge base. Then, the most similar vector is identified as the verified account.


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Due to the nature of wireless transmission, communication in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) is vulnerable to many adversarial activities including eavesdropping. Pairwise key establishment is one of the fundamental issues in securing WMNs. This paper presents a new matrix-based pairwise key establishment scheme for mesh clients. Our design is motivated by the fact that in WMNs, mesh routers are more powerful than mesh clients, both in computation and communication. By exploiting this heterogeneity, expensive operations can be delegated to mesh routers, which help alleviate the overhead of mesh clients during key establishment. The new scheme possesses two desirable features: (1) Neighbor mesh clients can directly establish pairwise keys; and (2) Communication and storage costs at mesh clients are significantly reduced.


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Purpose – This study investigates the status of related party disclosure in an emerging economy, that is, India. The reason behind concentrating on India is due to its opening of the economy in 1991 to attract foreign investment. Hence, it is significant that investors are provided with credible information. The accounting value of ‘secrecy’ underlying India and the voluntary nature of detailed reporting about related parties in this country further motivated the present study.
Methodology/Approach – The research method includes a content analysis of the ‘related party disclosure’ section of annual reports of a sample of Indian companies for the financial years 2002–2006.
Findings – Indian companies disclosed more than the required minimum level of related party disclosure as required in the Indian accounting standard. No association between related party disclosure with market capitalization, industry affiliation and foreign listing was found for the year 2006. However, when the scores of all the five years 2002–2006 were considered manufacturing and automotive companies disclosed more about related parties than diversified, service and technology.
Research Limitations – The limitations of our findings rests upon the fact that we have not examined the effect of factors such as the composition of management of each company and the presence of Indians/Non-Indians in management.
Originality/Value of the Paper – Most studies exploring disclosure practices are directed towards developed countries. The disclosure practices in developing countries is an under researched area. This paper contributes towards the existing literature by taking the case of an emerging economy, that is, India.