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Features of the valid nominal species of Aprionodon Gill (isodon Valenciennes) and Hypoprion Muller and Henle (hemiodon Valenciennes, macloti Muller and Henle, and signatus Poey), plus those of a previously unrecognized species here described as Carcharhinus leiodon n.sp., are examined and compared with those of Carcharhinus Blainville. Features studied include morphometrics, vertebral numbers and other vertebral characteristics, tooth numbers, color pattern, and some other aspects of external morphology. It is concluded that on these features C. leiodon n.sp. is entirely encompassed within the parameters of Carcharhinus, and that, although A. isodon, H. hemiodon, H. macloti, and H. signatus each extend the range of diversity of Carcharhinus in one or more features, A. isodon is not uniquely different from Carcharhinus, and there is no common pattern of difference between the three species of Hypoprion and Carcharhinus. Accordingly, and because the nature of the teeth of Aprionodon and Hypoprion has been found insufficient to warrant generic distinction from Carcharhinus, the genera Aprionodon and Hypoprion are synonymised with Carcharhinus. A diagnosis and description are given for each of the above species. The descriptions include measurements, counts, and line illustrations that show the whole shark in lateral view, underside of head, nostril, and teeth. The geographic distribution is summarized, as are also the meager biological data available on number of embryos, size at birth, size at sexual maturity, and maximum size. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)


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动脉粥样硬化的非随机发生与当地的流体动力环境有关。完全模拟体内血流动力学环境是不可能的。我们的思路是将复杂的血管形态,分解成若干几何因素,尽可能地研究某一几何因素对流场和血管内皮细胞生长的影响。在体外实验中,为了便于在线观测,主要采用流动腔(Flow Chamber)技术。不同于国内外己有的研究,我们主要研究几何因素引起的流型的改变及其对血管内皮细胞生长的影响。本论文主要是用数值方法来研究五种几何因素(扩张、弯曲、驻点、分叉和后向台阶)引起的流型特征。分析各参数的影响,进而优化设计。为在体外进行血管内皮细胞培养实验,研究不同流场条件下由于几何形状改变引起的流场特性改变对内皮细胞生长的影响,提供理论依据。


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本文采用生物渗流理论,建立了肝脏内不同生物流体流动的多重介质渗流模型,采用有限元法求解这种特殊的渗流问题,根据数值计算结果揭示了肝内血液、组织液以及胆汁等的流动规律,并探讨了肝脏血流动力学的一些问题。论文将肝脏内部与生物代谢功能有关的肝血窦和窦周间隙当作两重并存的多孔介质,血液在肝血窦中,以及组织液在窦周间隙中的流动均当作渗流处理,通过Starling公式考虑了两重介质之间的流量交换,从而建立了肝血窦-窦周间隙的双重介质模型。针对肝脏胆汁分泌功能,将肝脏内密布的毛血肝管网当作多孔介质,以受静压及渗透压驱动的流体跨壁流动表示肝汁从肝细胞向毛细肝管的分泌,肝汁在毛细胆管网中的流动作为渗流处理,从而建立了肝汁分泌与输运的双重介质模型。采用有限元法求解了生物流体的双重介质渗流问题,针对非牛顿渗流和两重介质的相互作用,本文发展了一种嵌套迭代方法,即采用直接迭代求解血液在肝血窦中的非线性渗流,采用交替迭代解决双重介质渗流中由跨壁流支引起的相互流体交换,直接迭代嵌套于交替迭代中。这种算法比较有效的解决了包含非牛顿渗流的双重介质渗流问题。根据生物多孔介质中微细管系统的构筑方式以及不同微细管系统之间的联系方式,论文提出将生物多孔介质划分为分级多孔介质和多重多孔介质两种主要类型。基于多相混合物的平均化的理论,论文推导了双重多孔介质中的动量守恒方程、质量守恒方程以及相应的渗流方程,建立了双重多孔介质渗流的平均化模型。基于分级多孔介质渗流的理论,论文将脏器中的血管树按管径分为不同级别的多孔介质,各级血管中和血液流动均作为渗流处理,从而提出了计算脏器整体血流的一种渗流方法。采用这种方法,在论文提出的肝血窦 - 窦周间隙双重介质渗流流模型的基础之上,初步研究了肝脏门静脉系统的血液动力学规律。采用本文提出的肝血窦 - 窦周间隙双重介质模型和胆汁分泌 - 流动的双重介质模型,得到了血液、组织液和胆汁在肝小叶中的压力分布和速度分布,并分析了肝血窦壁的跨壁流动模式,胆汁流量的影响因素,以及窦周间隙中组织液流量与肝血窦中血液流动及肝血窦壁渗透系数等因素的关系,揭示了肝脏内血液、组织液及胆汁等生物流体流动的一般规律。


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利用OM及FEM研究了铁基合金Nd:YAG脉冲激光熔凝区的几何形态及其变化规律、以及熔凝的热物理过程;利用OM、SEM、TEM、X-射线衍射仪及磨损实验机,研究了两种铁基热模具材料脉冲激光熔凝组织及其时效组织结构,以及熔凝区规则离散分布规律对材料抗磨损性能的影响。在10~5~10~7W/cm~2的脉冲激光平均功率密度范围内,可得到热传导型和深熔型两类强化区,当临界平均功率密度大于5 * 10~5W/cm~2,同时临界激光作用时间大于2ms时,热传导型强休区向深熔型强休区转变。熔化过程中,在熔池中形成上部以对流传热为主,底部以导热为主的传热模式,流场、温度场和压力场均随脉冲激光作用时间变化,最大流速、压力和温度梯度分别可达100m/s、数个大气压和10~(8-9) ℃C/m量级。凝固过程中,固液界面上的最大温度梯度、凝固速率和冷却速度时间和空间位置变化,分别可达10~(8-9) ℃/m量级、10~(-1)m/s量级和10~(7-8) ℃/s量级,其中冷却速度得到实验验证。亚共晶合金铸铁脉冲激光熔凝组织为δ-铁素体与M_3C的层片状共晶组织,还含有部分γ-奥氏体和少量的高碳孪晶马氏体组织,δ-铁素体和γ-奥氏体中均存在高密度位错亚结构。5CrMnMo钢脉冲激光熔凝组织由板条马氏体及少量的孪晶马氏体构成,马氏体中也存在高密度位错亚结构。上述两种组织经高温时效后,仍保持较细的晶粒,并有大量细小均匀弥散分布的碳化物析出,其中铸铁熔凝组织析出M_(23)C_6碳化物,M_(23)C_6可在M_3C/γ-奥氏体相界面或M_3C内部原位形核,亦可在δ-铁素体中弥散析出。两种材料的熔凝组织及其时效组织的显微硬度均明显高于相应的原始组织,也高于激光连续扫描熔凝的结果。脉冲激光规则离散熔凝加工在材料表面形成软硬相间的“原位”功能层,能显著降低裂纹形成的敏感性,提高材料表层的抗磨粒磨损性能,时效后仍具有较好的抗磨损性能。以熔凝强化区直径作为中心间距进行规则离散熔凝处理可使材料表面获得最佳抗磨损性能。


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Size composition data of bigeye tuna taken from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean by Japanese Prefectural experimental training vessels from 1958 to 1964 are examined. A gradient of increasing fish size from east to west is noted. Males increase in ratio over females for the entire range of lengths examined, and beyond 170 cm comprise more than 75 per cent of the total. The first semester of the year is important as a bigeye spawning season. A general relationship between sexual maturity and thermal structure of the water is discussed. At the end of their 12th quarter of life bigeye are about 114 cm long, by the 16th quarter, 137 cm and at the end of 20 quarters, about 153 cm. The long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific has had a marked effect on the size composition of the stocks of bigeye, but whether the fishing has driven the stocks below a point which could afford a maximum sustainable yield could not be determined. (PDF contains 55 pages.)


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ENGLISH: During 1963, the area of operation of the Japanese long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific further expanded, and total fishing effort increased. Charts are presented showing the distribution of effort and of catch-rates, by species, for major fishing areas; and showing catch-rates by species, by quarters of the year, by areas of one-degree of latitude and longitude. In the newly-exploited region north of 10°N, yellowfin and striped marlin are principal elements of the catch, while in the newly-fished region south of the former fishing areas, south of about 20°S, albacore dominate in the catch. Continued decline in catch rates of bigeye tuna, associated with increased fishing effort, indicates that there has been a real decrease in abundance of this species, and that it may have resulted from effects of the fishery on the stock. Changes in catch rates of yellowfin tuna seem to be associated with effects on the stock by both the long-line fishery and by the near-surface fishery by purse-seiners and bait-boats. Over the short series of years for which data are available, there are no discernible trends in apparent abundance of striped marlin or albacore. Information is presented concerning seasonal and geographical distributions of spawning yellowfin tuna, based on examination of gonads. Analysis of data on size composition of yellowfin tuna for 1958-1964 indicates that the long-line fishery is becoming increasingly dependent on the most recently recruited year class, further confirming the effect of the fishery on the stock. The long-line fishery now takes nearly all of its catch of yellowfin tuna from two year-classes each year, during their third and fourth years of life. SPANISH: Durante 1963 el área de operación de la pesca palangrera japonesa en el Pacífico oriental se extendió más y se incrementó el esfuerzo total de pesca. Se presentan cartas indicando la distribución del esfuerzo y las tasas de captura por especies, para las áreas principales de pesca; y se muestran las tasas de captura por especies y por trimestres del año en áreas de un grado de latitud y longitud. En la región recientemente explotada al norte de los 10°N, los principales elementos de la captura son el atún aleta amarilla y el marlín rayado, mientras aproximadamente al sur de los 20°S en la región recientemente pescada al sur de las primeras áreas de pesca la albacora predomina en la captura. La continua merma en las tasas de captura del patudo en asociación con el incremento en el esfuerzo de pesca, indica que ha habido una real reducción en la abundancia de esta especie y que puede ser el resultado de los efectos de la pesquería sobre el stock. Los cambios en las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla parecen estar asociados con los efectos sobre el stock tanto de la pesquería palangrera como de la pesca de superficie por barcos rederos y de carnada. No hay tendencias perceptibles en la abundancia aparente del marlín rayado o la albacora en el corto período de años de los que se disponen datos. Se presenta información referente a la distribución estacional y geográfica del desove del atún aleta amarilla basado en el examen de las gónadas. El análisis de los datos sobre la composición de tallas del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a 1958-1964 indica que la pesca palangrera depende cada vez más de las clases anuales recientemente reclutadas, confirmando aún más el efecto que tiene la pesquería sobre el stock. La pesquería palangrera coge casi toda su pesca de atún aleta amarilla de dos clases anuales cada año, durante su tercer y cuarto año de vida. (PDF contains 70 pages.)