884 resultados para Closed-loop recycling


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die nummerische Berechnung von Schleifenintegralen welche in höheren Ordnungen der Störungstheorie auftreten.rnAnalog zur reellen Emission kann man auch in den virtuellen Beiträgen Subtraktionsterme einführen, welche die kollinearen und soften Divergenzen des Schleifenintegrals entfernen. Die Phasenraumintegration und die Schleifenintegration können dann in einer einzigen Monte Carlo Integration durchgeführt werden. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir wie eine solche numerische Integration unter zu Hilfenahme einer Kontourdeformation durchgeführt werden kann. Ausserdem zeigen wir wie man die benötigeten Integranden mit Rekursionsformeln berechnen kann.


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Quando si parla di architetture di controllo in ambito Web, il Modello ad Eventi è indubbiamente quello più diffuso e adottato. L’asincronicità e l’elevata interazione con l’utente sono caratteristiche tipiche delle Web Applications, ed un architettura ad eventi, grazie all’adozione del suo tipico ciclo di controllo chiamato Event Loop, fornisce un'astrazione semplice ma sufficientemente espressiva per soddisfare tali requisiti. La crescita di Internet e delle tecnologie ad esso associate, assieme alle recenti conquiste in ambito di CPU multi-core, ha fornito terreno fertile per lo sviluppo di Web Applications sempre più complesse. Questo aumento di complessità ha portato però alla luce alcuni limiti del modello ad eventi, ancora oggi non del tutto risolti. Con questo lavoro si intende proporre un differente approccio a questa tipologia di problemi, che superi i limiti riscontrati nel modello ad eventi proponendo un architettura diversa, nata in ambito di IA ma che sta guadagno popolarità anche nel general-purpose: il Modello ad Agenti. Le architetture ad agenti adottano un ciclo di controllo simile all’Event Loop del modello ad eventi, ma con alcune profonde differenze: il Control Loop. Lo scopo di questa tesi sarà dunque approfondire le due tipologie di architetture evidenziandone le differenze, mostrando cosa significa affrontare un progetto e lo sviluppo di una Web Applications avendo tecnologie diverse con differenti cicli di controllo, mettendo in luce pregi e difetti dei due approcci.


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Il lavoro svolto nella presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nella modellazione e simulazione numerica, tramite il software commericale COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, di un reservoir geotermico a bassa entalpia sfruttato mediante un impianto di teleriscaldamento a pompa di calore accoppiato ad un sistema open-loop.


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Im Baugewerbe fallen jährlich mehrere Millionen Tonnen an Baureststoffen an, die nach erfolgter Aufbereitung als Recycling-Baustoffe erneut verwendet werden können. Allerdings besteht Unklarheit hinsichtlich der Stofffreisetzung aus Recycling-Materialien sowie der Parameter, die zur Beurteilung im Wesentlichen heranzuziehen sind. Des Weiteren gilt es der Frage nachzugehen, welche Laborversuche eine realistische Prognose zum Stoffaustrag unter Freilandbedingungen ermöglichen. Ein Ergebnisvergleich aus Feld- und Laborversuchen mit Recycling-Materialien zeigt, dass weder Ammoniumnitrat-Extraktion, pH-stat Versuch noch S4- und Modifizierter S4-Test genauere Prognosen zum Stoffaustrag unter Freilandbedingungen ermöglichen. Mit einem Langzeit-Standtest sowie Schüttelversuchen mit unterschiedlichen Wasser/Feststoff-Verhältnissen lässt sich der Einfluss durch verschiedene Korngrößen sowie Materialabrieb besser kontrollieren. Diese Versuchskombination erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf die Löslichkeit und Verfügbarkeit von Stoffen in den Recycling-Materialien. Die Ergebnisse aus Säulenversuchen weisen auf eine gute Vergleichbarkeit mit den Feldversuchen hin, was sich an denselben vorherrschenden Prozessen bei der Freisetzung für eine Reihe von Stoffen zeigt. Bei mehreren Stoffen treten ähnliche Konzen-trationshöchstwerte bei Säulen- und Feldversuch auf, ebenso zeigt der Vergleich aufsummierter Massenanteile für den Säulenversuch, dass bei einer Reihe von Stoffen eine grobe Abschätzbarkeit für eine Langzeitprognose unter Freilandbedingungen existiert. Als wesentliche Parameter für die Stofffreisetzung aus den Recycling-Materialien sind neben CO2-Einfluss und pH-Wert ebenfalls Temperatureinfluss, Material-Heterogenität sowie einzusetzende Korngröße anzusehen.


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In questo lavoro viene presentato un recente modello di buco nero che implementa le proprietà quantistiche di quelle regioni dello spaziotempo dove non possono essere ignorate, pena l'implicazione di paradossi concettuali e fenomenologici. In suddetto modello, la regione di spaziotempo dominata da comportamenti quantistici si estende oltre l'orizzonte del buco nero e suscita un'inversione, o più precisamente un effetto tunnel, della traiettoria di collasso della stella in una traiettoria di espansione simmetrica nel tempo. L'inversione impiega un tempo molto lungo per chi assiste al fenomeno a grandi distanze, ma inferiore al tempo di evaporazione del buco nero tramite radiazione di Hawking, trascurata e considerata come un effetto dissipativo da studiarsi in un secondo tempo. Il resto dello spaziotempo, fuori dalla regione quantistica, soddisfa le equazioni di Einstein. Successivamente viene presentata la teoria della Gravità Quantistica a Loop (LQG) che permetterebbe di studiare la dinamica della regione quantistica senza far riferimento a una metrica classica, ma facendo leva sul contenuto relazionale del tessuto spaziotemporale. Il campo gravitazionale viene riformulato in termini di variabili hamiltoniane in uno spazio delle fasi vincolato e con simmetria di gauge, successivamente promosse a operatori su uno spazio di Hilbert legato a una vantaggiosa discretizzazione dello spaziotempo. La teoria permette la definizione di un'ampiezza di transizione fra stati quantistici di geometria spaziotemporale, applicabile allo studio della regione quantistica nel modello di buco nero proposto. Infine vengono poste le basi per un calcolo in LQG dell'ampiezza di transizione del fenomeno di rimbalzo quantistico all'interno del buco nero, e di conseguenza per un calcolo quantistico del tempo di rimbalzo nel riferimento di osservatori statici a grande distanza da esso, utile per trattare a posteriori un modello che tenga conto della radiazione di Hawking e, auspicatamente, fornisca una possibile risoluzione dei problemi legati alla sua esistenza.


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Cities are key locations where Sustainability needs to be addressed at all levels, as land is a finite resource. However, not all urban spaces are exploited at best, and land developers often evaluate unused, misused, or poorly-designed urban portions as impracticable constraints. Further, public authorities lose the challenge to enable and turn these urban spaces into valuable opportunities where Sustainable Urban Development may flourish. Arguing that these spatial elements are at the centre of SUD, the paper elaborates a prototype in the form of a conceptual strategic planning framework, committed to an effective recycling of the city spaces using a flexible and multidisciplinary approach. Firstly, the research focuses upon a broad review of Sustainability literature, highlighting established principles and guidelines, building a sound theoretical base for the new concept. Hence, it investigates origins, identifies and congruently suggests a definition, characterisation and classification for urban “R-Spaces”. Secondly, formal, informal and temporary fitting functions are analysed and inserted into a portfolio meant to enhance adaptability and enlarge the choices for the on-site interventions. Thirdly, the study outlines ideal quality requirements for a sustainable planning process. Then, findings are condensed in the proposal, which is articulated in the individuation of tools, actors, plans, processes and strategies. Afterwards, the prototype is tested upon case studies: Solar Community (Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna) and Hyllie Sustainable City Project, the latter developed via an international workshop (ACSI-Camp, Malmö, Sweden). Besides, the qualitative results suggest, inter alia, the need to right-size spatial interventions, separate structural and operative actors, involve synergies’ multipliers and intermediaries (e.g. entrepreneurial HUBs, innovation agencies, cluster organisations…), maintain stakeholders’ diversity and create a circular process open for new participants. Finally, the paper speculates upon a transfer of the Swedish case study to Italy, and then indicates desirable future researches to favour the prototype implementation.


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Closure of loop ileostomy can be safely performed using sutures or staplers. The aim of the present study was to compare the cost effectiveness of three different techniques.


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Invariant Natural Killer T cells (iNKT) are a versatile lymphocyte subset with important roles in both host defense and immunological tolerance. They express a highly conserved TCR which mediates recognition of the non-polymorphic, lipid-binding molecule CD1d. The structure of human iNKT TCRs is unique in that only one of the six complementarity determining region (CDR) loops, CDR3beta, is hypervariable. The role of this loop for iNKT biology has been controversial, and it is unresolved whether it contributes to iNKT TCR:CD1d binding or antigen selectivity. On the one hand, the CDR3beta loop is dispensable for iNKT TCR binding to CD1d molecules presenting the xenobiotic alpha-galactosylceramide ligand KRN7000, which elicits a strong functional response from mouse and human iNKT cells. However, a role for CDR3beta in the recognition of CD1d molecules presenting less potent ligands, such as self-lipids, is suggested by the clonal distribution of iNKT autoreactivity. We demonstrate that the human iNKT repertoire comprises subsets of greatly differing TCR affinity to CD1d, and that these differences relate to their autoreactive functions. These functionally different iNKT subsets segregate in their ability to bind CD1d-tetramers loaded with the partial agonist alpha-linked glycolipid antigen OCH and structurally different endogenous beta-glycosylceramides. Using surface plasmon resonance with recombinant iNKT TCRs and different ligand-CD1d complexes, we demonstrate that the CDR3beta sequence strongly impacts on the iNKT TCR affinity to CD1d, independent of the loaded CD1d ligand. Collectively our data reveal a crucial role for CDR3beta for the function of human iNKT cells by tuning the overall affinity of the iNKT TCR to CD1d. This mechanism is relatively independent of the bound CD1d ligand and thus forms the basis of an inherent, CDR3beta dependent functional hierarchy of human iNKT cells.


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Benzodiazepines act at the major isoforms of GABA type A receptors where they potentiate the current evoked by the agonist GABA. The underlying mechanism of this potentiation is poorly understood, but hypothesized to be related to the mechanism that links agonist binding to channel opening in these ligand activated ion channels. The loop F of the ?(1) and the ?(2) subunit have been implicated in channel gating, and loop F of the ?(2) subunit in the modulation by benzodiazepines. We have identified the conservative point mutation Y168F located N-terminally of loop F in the ?(1) subunit that fails to affect agonist properties. Interestingly, it disrupts modulation by benzodiazepines, but leaves high affinity binding to the benzodiazepine binding site intact. Modulation by barbiturates and neurosteroids is also unaffected. Residue ?(1) Y168 is not located either near the binding pockets for GABA, or for benzodiazepines, or close to the loop F of the ?(2) subunit. Our results support the fact, that broader regions of ligand gated receptors are conformationally affected by the binding of benzodiazepines. We infer that also broader regions could contribute to signaling from GABA agonist binding to channel opening.


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Unique as snowflakes, learning communities are formed in countless ways. Some are designed specifically for first-year students, while others offer combined or clustered upper-level courses. Most involve at least two linked courses, and some add residential and social components. Many address core general education and basic skills requirements. Learning communities differ in design, yet they are similar in striving to enhance students' academic and social growth. First-year learning communities foster experiences that have been linked to academic success and retention. They also offer unique opportunities for librarians interested in collaborating with departmental faculty and enhancing teaching skills. This article will explore one librarian's experiences teaching within three first-year learning communities at Buffalo State College.


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Municipalities in the United States have for the past two decades initiated two policies to reduce residential solid waste generation by increasing recycling. The first policy, implemented in over 4,000 municipalities in the United States, requires households to pay a fee for each unit of garbage presented at the curb for collection. The second policy, initiated in 8,875 municipalities, subsidizes household recycling efforts by providing free curbside collection of certain recyclable materials. Both initiatives serve as examples of incentive-based environmental policies favored by many economists. But before economists can celebrate this wide-spread adoption of incentive-based environmental policies, further examination reveals that potentially inefficient command and control policies have been more instrumental in promoting recycling than might be commonly known. This article examines the empirical lessons gained from studying twenty years of solid waste policy in the United States and argues for the replacement of several state recycling mandates with a system of state and/or national landfill taxes.


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The implementation of thousands of municipal recycling programs in the United States has increased recycling’s portion of solid waste from 10% to 30% over the past decade. But the lack of accurate data has spurred a debate over whether the growth in recycling can be attributed to market or nonmarket factors. To address this issue, this article conducts a benefit-cost analysis of a municipal recycling program. Results suggest recycling is costly. So why, then, does it remain popular? This article suggests that local governments could be responding to households that perceive a benefit from recycling services. These benefits are estimated with a contingent valuation survey.