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Purpose:To describe the indications, the surgical procedure and the clinical outcome of MLAM in the treatment of non traumatic corneal perforations and descemetoceles . Methods:A prospective, non comparative, interventional case series of eight consecutive patients (mean age 59 years old, 6 men and 2 women) with non traumatic corneal perforations or descemetoceles.The surgery consisted in a MLAM transplantation of a cryopreservated human amniotic membrane. The series included: three active herpetic keratitis, one rosacea, one perforation of an hydrops, one cicatricial pemphigoid, one perforation after an abcess in a corneal graft and one perforation after protonbeamtherapy. The clinical outcome included: the follow-up, the integrity of the eye, corneal epithelialization, inflammation and neovascularization, and the integration of the MLAM. Stromal thickness was followed precisely with the slit lamp. A corneal graft was performed at one patient after the MLAM, allowing microscopic investigation of the removed MLAM integrated in the cornea. Results:The mean follow-up was 8.78 months (range 3.57 to 30.17). Amniotic membrane transplantation was successful and reduced inflammation in 7 patients out of 8 ,after one procedure.One patient who presented a large herpetic keratitis epithelial defect with corneal anaesthesia had his MLAM dissolved after two weeks with an aqueous leakage. Epithelium healed within 3 weeks above 7 MLAM and remained stable at 3 months in 7 out of 8 patients. MLAM opacification gradually disappeared over a few months, however, stromal layers filling in the corneal perforations or above the descemetoceles remained stable. Conclusions:MLAM transplantation is a safe, effective and useful technique to cure non traumatic corneal perforations and descemetoceles. It can be performed in emergency despite the presence of an active inflammation or infection. By facilitating epithelialization, reducing inflammation and neovascularization, it allows corneal surface reconstruction in patients with persistent epithelial defects and corneal melting that usually ends in a perforation. For full visual rehabilitation, a delayed penetrating keratoplasty is required.


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Secretory IgA (SIgA) plays an important role in the protection and homeostatic regulation of intestinal, respiratory, and urogenital mucosal epithelia separating the outside environment from the inside of the body. This primary function of SIgA is referred to as immune exclusion, a process that limits the access of numerous microorganisms and mucosal antigens to these thin and vulnerable mucosal barriers. SIgA has been shown to be involved in avoiding opportunistic pathogens to enter and disseminate in the systemic compartment, as well as tightly controlling the necessary symbiotic relationship existing between commensals and the host. Clearance by peristalsis appears thus as one of the numerous mechanisms whereby SIgA fulfills its function at mucosal surfaces. Sampling of antigen-SIgA complexes by microfold (M) cells, intimate contact occurring with Peyer's patch dendritic cells (DC), down-regulation of inflammatory processes, modulation of epithelial, and DC responsiveness are some of the recently identified processes to which the contribution of SIgA has been underscored. This review aims at presenting, with emphasis at the biochemical level, how the molecular complexity of SIgA can serve these multiple and non-redundant modes of action.


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In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variability (daily, seasonal and inter-annual) of CO2 and O2 air-sea fluxes and their underlying processes, a dense network of observations is required. For this purpose, the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) provides a unique infrastructure. Information thus obtained also links biological productivity and atmospheric composition. To expand these capabilities, a novel “virtual mooring” approach for high resolution measurements, based on a modified NEMO profiling float, is pursued. This Profiling Float was equipped with O2 and pCO2 sensors for the first time, in order to collect daily depth profiles (0-200 m) in the vicinity of the ocean site. Data access and remote control is provided through Iridium satellite telemetry. Recalibrations and redeployments are carried out every 1-3 month. First, we present the new developed instrument and the innovative in situ and real-time approach behind. Second, we show the inter-disciplinary scientific objectives which will benefit from this approach as a result of the intensive partnership between IFM-GEOMAR and INDP during the last years.


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The delivery kinetics of growth factors has been suggested to play an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves following axotomy. In this context, we designed a nerve conduit (NC) with adjustable release kinetics of nerve growth factor (NGF). A multi-ply system was designed where NC consisting of a polyelectrolyte alginate/chitosan complex was coated with layers of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to control the release of embedded NGF. Prior to assessing the in vitro NGF release from NC, various release test media, with and without stabilizers for NGF, were evaluated to ensure adequate quantification of NGF by ELISA. Citrate (pH 5.0) and acetate (pH 5.5) buffered saline solutions containing 0.05% Tween 20 yielded the most reliable results for ELISA active NGF. The in vitro release experiments revealed that the best results in terms of reproducibility and release control were achieved when the NGF was embedded between two PLGA layers and the ends of the NC tightly sealed by the PLGA coatings. The release kinetics could be efficiently adjusted by accommodating NGF at different radial locations within the NC. A sustained release of bioactive NGF in the low nanogram per day range was obtained for at least 15days. In conclusion, the developed multi-ply NGF loaded NC is considered a suitable candidate for future implantation studies to gain insight into the relationship between local growth factor availability and nerve regeneration.


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Esta dissertação descreve os resultados das medições observadas em um dos Laboratórios de uma Operadora de Telecomunicações (LOP), onde foram avaliados e analisados alguns requisitos de QoS em redes de pacotes IP (Internet Protocol). Essas medições foram feitas no âmbito do objetivo desta dissertação que é avaliar formas de prover serviços VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) em redes de pacotes conforme a recomendação do padrão FRF.12. Essa rede é assim, uma rede de link de 512kbps que também provê serviços VoIP compartilhados, concorrentemente com dados e serviços multimídia. Dos ítens analisados destacam-se: Análise de Codecs; QoS (Quality Of Service) Diffserv; Compressão de cabeçalho RTP (Real Time Protocol) - cRTP; Fragmentação com intercalação - LFI; Comportamento da Rede em situações diversas; a adequação do software free Multi Generator (MGEN) de geração - medição - coleta de dados, em redes. A análise foi, essencialmente, em enlace Frame Relay nos CPE (Customer Premise Equipment), passando pelo Backbone IP VPN / MPLS Multicast, pois o Frame Relay Fórum v12 (FRF.12) dá suporte à intercalação de voz entre os pacotes de dados. O FRF.12 é indispensável, pois este esta dissertação tem como objetivo realizar um conjuntos de testes e medidas que avaliam a aplicação dos serviços VoIP em links de baixa capacidades com trafego de dados compartilhados. Para oferecer esse serviço e de qualidade é necessário fragmentar e intercalar frames de voz entre os pacotes de dados usando o FRF.12. Depois do estudo teórico das recomendações, normas de padronização internacional e dos fabricantes, foram realizados testes que resultam na validação prática de toda a teoria outrora analisada através de testes específicos que comprovam em definitivo a viabilidade das aplicações VoIP em uma rede de enlace de baixa velocidade. Feitos esses testes chegou-se a conclusão de que em determinados casos não se revela necessário nem preocupante o aumento da banda para se puder prover determinados serviços. Na sequência dos testes foram também avaliados o desempenho, a ocupação da banda e a eficácia dos equipamentos - softwares. Da bancada dos testes e medições, provou-se o seguinte: que de fato consegue-se melhor otimização da banda ao realizar compressão do cabeçalho cRTP; que de fato a fragmentação de pacote FTP (File Transfer Protocol) com intercalação de pacotes VoIP faz reduzir o delay e jitter1 para as aplicações de tempo real; que de fato a habilitação de QoS Intserv provê classificação e faz diferenciação dos tráfegos, e que o CODEC G729 apresenta melhor adequação em lidar com aplicações VoIP em routers2 CISCO, disponível em CRT (Centro de referência Tecnológica) de uma LOP.


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A leitura da obra de António Aurélio Gonçalves, com incidência específica em alguns textos, indicia que, ao longo do seu percurso como escritor, Gonçalves leu substancialmente Eça de Queirós bem como outros escritores da mesma época literária como Balzac, Flaubert, Mallarmé, autores que se enquadram nas correntes Naturalistas e Realistas. Parece não constituir segredo algum a admiração que Aurélio Gonçalves nutriu por Eça de Queirós, tendo produzido alguns ensaios sobre a obra queirosiana, insertos e publicados no livro póstumo, intitulado Ensaios e Outros Textos (1998), organizado e prefaciado por Arnaldo França.


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Introduction: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 6% of all B-cell lymphomas and remains incurable for most patients. Those who relapse after first line therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have a dismal prognosis with short response duration after salvage therapy. On a molecular level, MCL is characterised by the translocation t[11;14] leading to Cyclin D1 overexpression. Cyclin D1 is downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase and can be effectively blocked by mTOR inhibitors such as temsirolimus. We set out to define the single agent activity of the orally available mTOR inhibitor everolimus (RAD001) in a prospective, multi-centre trial in patients with relapsed or refractory MCL (NCT00516412). The study was performed in collaboration with the EU-MCL network. Methods: Eligible patients with histologically/cytologically confirmed relapsed (not more than 3 prior lines of systemic treatment) or refractory MCL received everolimus 10 mg orally daily on day 1 - 28 of each cycle (4 weeks) for 6 cycles or until disease progression. The primary endpoint was the best objective response with adverse reactions, time to progression (TTP), time to treatment failure, response duration and molecular response as secondary endpoints. A response rate of ≤ 10% was considered uninteresting and, conversely, promising if ≥ 30%. The required sample size was 35 pts using the Simon's optimal two-stage design with 90% power and 5% significance. Results: A total of 36 patients with 35 evaluable patients from 19 centers were enrolled between August 2007 and January 2010. The median age was 69.4 years (range 40.1 to 84.9 years), with 22 males and 13 females. Thirty patients presented with relapsed and 5 with refractory MCL with a median of two prior therapies. Treatment was generally well tolerated with anemia (11%), thrombocytopenia (11%), neutropenia (8%), diarrhea (3%) and fatigue (3%) being the most frequent complications of CTC grade III or higher. Eighteen patients received 6 or more cycles of everolimus treatment. The objective response rate was 20% (95% CI: 8-37%) with 2 CR, 5 PR, 17 SD, and 11 PD. At a median follow-up of 6 months, TTP was 5.45 months (95% CI: 2.8-8.2 months) for the entire population and 10.6 months for the 18 patients receiving 6 or more cycles of treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that single agent everolimus 10 mg once daily orally is well tolerated. The null hypothesis of inactivity could be rejected indicating a moderate anti-lymphoma activity in relapsed/refractory MCL. Further studies of either everolimus in combination with chemotherapy or as single agent for maintenance treatment are warranted in MCL.


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The problems arising in commercial distribution are complex and involve several players and decision levels. One important decision is relatedwith the design of the routes to distribute the products, in an efficient and inexpensive way.This article deals with a complex vehicle routing problem that can beseen as a new extension of the basic vehicle routing problem. The proposed model is a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problemthat considers three objectives and multiple periods, which models in a closer way the real distribution problems. The first objective is costminimization, the second is balancing work levels and the third is amarketing objective. An application of the model on a small example, with5 clients and 3 days, is presented. The results of the model show the complexity of solving multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems and the contradiction between the several distribution management objective.


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Introduction: We launched an investigator-initiated study (ISRCTN31181395) to evaluate the potential benefit of pharmacokinetic-guided dosage individualization of imatinib for leukaemiapatients followed in public and private sectors. Following approval by the research ethics committee (REC) of the coordinating centre, recruitment throughout Switzerland necessitatedto submit the protocol to 11 cantonal RECs.Materials and Methods: We analysed requirements and evaluation procedures of the 12 RECs with associated costs.Results: 1-18 copies of the dossier, in total 4300 printed pages, were required (printing/posting costs: ~300 CHF) to meet initial requirements. Meeting frequencies of RECs ranged between 2 weeks and 2 months, time from submission to fi rst feedback took 2-75 days. Study approval was obtained from a chairman, a subor the full committee, the evaluation work being invoiced by0-1000 CHF (median: 750 CHF, total: 9200 CHF). While 5 RECs gave immediate approval, the other 6 rose in total 38 queries before study release, mainly related to wording in the patient information, leading to 7 different fi nal versions approved. Submission tasks employed an investigator half-time over about 6 months.Conclusion: While the necessity of clinical research evaluation by independent RECs is undisputed, there is a need of further harmonization and cooperation in evaluation procedures. Current administrative burden is indeed complex, time-consuming and costly. A harmonized electronic application form, preferably compatible with other regulatory bodies and European countries, could increase transparency, improve communication, and encourage academic multi-centre clinical research in Switzerland.


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The human brain displays heterogeneous organization in both structure and function. Here we develop a method to characterize brain regions and networks in terms of information-theoretic measures. We look at how these measures scale when larger spatial regions as well as larger connectome sub-networks are considered. This framework is applied to human brain fMRI recordings of resting-state activity and DSI-inferred structural connectivity. We find that strong functional coupling across large spatial distances distinguishes functional hubs from unimodal low-level areas, and that this long-range functional coupling correlates with structural long-range efficiency on the connectome. We also find a set of connectome regions that are both internally integrated and coupled to the rest of the brain, and which resemble previously reported resting-state networks. Finally, we argue that information-theoretic measures are useful for characterizing the functional organization of the brain at multiple scales.