924 resultados para Cl Channel


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The cardiac voltage-gated Na(+) channel Na(v)1.5 generates the cardiac Na(+) current (INa). Mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Na(v)1.5, have been linked to many cardiac phenotypes, including the congenital and acquired long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, conduction slowing, sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and dilated cardiomyopathy. The mutations in SCN5A define a sub-group of Na(v)1.5/SCN5A-related phenotypes among cardiac genetic channelopathies. Several research groups have proposed that Na(v)1.5 may be part of multi-protein complexes composed of Na(v)1.5-interacting proteins which regulate channel expression and function. The genes encoding these regulatory proteins have also been found to be mutated in patients with inherited forms of cardiac arrhythmias. The proteins that associate with Na(v)1.5 may be classified as (1) anchoring/adaptor proteins, (2) enzymes interacting with and modifying the channel, and (3) proteins modulating the biophysical properties of Na(v)1.5 upon binding. The aim of this article is to review these Na(v)1.5 partner proteins and to discuss how they may regulate the channel's biology and function. These recent investigations have revealed that the expression level, cellular localization, and activity of Na(v)1.5 are finely regulated by complex molecular and cellular mechanisms that we are only beginning to understand.


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The radiological depiction of stab wounds in soft-tissues using multislice computed tomography is difficult and the hereby obtained images often lack contrast. To overcome these shortcomings we tried a new method. We gently instilled the contrast medium Lipiodol((R)) Ultra-fluide into five experimentally induced stab wounds on a pork haunch. Subsequent MSCT reconstructions of the wounds delivered clear, for medical laymen easily appreciable images regarding the stab direction and the stab depth. We believe that this easy and rapid technique can be useful in the examination of stab wounds in living and dead victims of sharp trauma.


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We describe a 61-year-old patient with clinical evidence of limbic encephalitis who improved with anticonvulsant treatment only, that is, without the use of immunosuppressive agents. Three years following occurrence of anosmia, increasing memory deficits, and emotional disturbances, he presented with new-onset temporal lobe epilepsy, with antibodies binding to neuronal voltage-gated potassium channels and bitemporal hypometabolism on FDG-PET scan; the MRI scan was normal. This is most likely a case of spontaneous remission, illustrating that immunosuppressive therapy might be suspended in milder courses of limbic encephalitis. It remains open whether treatment with anticonvulsant drugs played an additional beneficiary role through the direct suppression of seizures or, additionally, through indirect immunomodulatory side effects.


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TRPV6 belongs to the vanilloid family of the transient receptor potential channel (TRP) superfamily. This calcium-selective channel is highly expressed in the duodenum and the placenta, being responsible for calcium absorption in the body and fetus. Previous observations have suggested that TRPV6 is not only permeable to calcium but also to other divalent cations in epithelial tissues. In this study, we tested whether TRPV6 is indeed also permeable to cations such as zinc and cadmium. We found that the basal intracellular calcium concentration was higher in HEK293 cells transfected with hTRPV6 than in non-transfected cells, and that this difference almost disappeared in nominally calcium-free solution. Live cell imaging experiments with Fura-2 and NewPort Green DCF showed that overexpression of human TRPV6 increased the permeability for Ca(2+), Ba(2+), Sr(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+), Cd(2+), and interestingly also for La(3+) and Gd(3+). These results were confirmed using the patch clamp technique. (45)Ca uptake experiments showed that cadmium, lanthanum and gadolinium were also highly efficient inhibitors of TRPV6-mediated calcium influx at higher micromolar concentrations. Our results suggest that TRPV6 is not only involved in calcium transport but also in the transport of other divalent cations, including heavy metal ions, which may have toxicological implications.


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Calcium entry channels in the plasma membrane are thought to play a major role in maintaining cellular Ca(2+) levels, crucial for growth and survival of normal and cancer cells. The calcium-selective channel TRPV6 is expressed in prostate, breast, and other cancer cells. Its expression coincides with cancer progression, suggesting that it drives cancer cell growth. However, no specific inhibitors for TRPV6 have been identified thus far.


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Episodic ataxia type 1 is a neuronal channelopathy caused by mutations in the KCNA1 gene encoding the fast K(+) channel subunit K(v)1.1. Episodic ataxia type 1 presents with brief episodes of cerebellar dysfunction and persistent neuromyotonia and is associated with an increased incidence of epilepsy. In myelinated peripheral nerve, K(v)1.1 is highly expressed in the juxtaparanodal axon, where potassium channels limit the depolarizing afterpotential and the effects of depolarizing currents. Axonal excitability studies were performed on patients with genetically confirmed episodic ataxia type 1 to characterize the effects of K(v)1.1 dysfunction on motor axons in vivo. The median nerve was stimulated at the wrist and compound muscle action potentials were recorded from abductor pollicis brevis. Threshold tracking techniques were used to record strength-duration time constant, threshold electrotonus, current/threshold relationship and the recovery cycle. Recordings from 20 patients from eight kindreds with different KCNA1 point mutations were compared with those from 30 normal controls. All 20 patients had a history of episodic ataxia and 19 had neuromyotonia. All patients had similar, distinctive abnormalities: superexcitability was on average 100% higher in the patients than in controls (P < 0.00001) and, in threshold electrotonus, the increase in excitability due to a depolarizing current (20% of threshold) was 31% higher (P < 0.00001). Using these two parameters, the patients with episodic ataxia type 1 and controls could be clearly separated into two non-overlapping groups. Differences between the different KCNA1 mutations were not statistically significant. Studies of nerve excitability can identify K(v)1.1 dysfunction in patients with episodic ataxia type 1. The simple 15 min test may be useful in diagnosis, since it can differentiate patients with episodic ataxia type 1 from normal controls with high sensitivity and specificity.


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The "Trond" protocol of nerve excitability tests has been used widely to assess axonal function in peripheral nerve. In this study, the routine Trond protocol was expanded to refine assessment of cAMP-dependent, hyperpolarization-activated current (I(h)) activity. I(h) activity is generated by hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels in response to hyperpolarization. It limits activity-dependent hyperpolarization, contributes to neuronal automaticity, and is implicated in chronic pain states. Published data regarding I(h) activity in motor nerve are scant. We used additional strong, prolonged hyperpolarizing conditioning stimuli in the threshold electrotonus component of the Trond protocol to demonstrate the time-course of activation of I(h) in motor axons. Fifteen healthy volunteers were tested on four occasions during 1 week. I(h) action was revealed in the threshold electrotonus by the limiting and often reversal, after about 100 ms, of the threshold increase caused by strong hyperpolarizing currents. Statistical analysis by repeated-measures analysis of variance enabled confidence limits to be established for variation between subjects and within subjects. The results demonstrate that, of all the excitability parameters, those dependent on I(h) were the most characteristic of an individual, because variance between subjects was more than four times the variance within subjects. This study demonstrates a reliable method for in vivo assessment of I(h,) and also serves to document the normal variability in nerve excitability properties within subjects.


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Quantum channel identification, a standard problem in quantum metrology, is the task of estimating parameter(s) of a quantum channel. We investigate dissonance (quantum discord in the absence of entanglement) as an aid to quantum channel identification and find evidence for dissonance as a resource for quantum information processing. We consider the specific case of dissonant Bell-diagonal probes of the qubit depolarizing channel, using quantum Fisher information as a measure of statistical information extracted by the probe. In this setting dissonant quantum probes yield more statistical information about the depolarizing probability than do corresponding probes without dissonance and greater dissonance yields greater information. This effect only operates consistently when we control for classical correlation between the probe and its ancilla and the joint and marginal purities of the ancilla and probe.


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The hERG voltage-gated potassium channel mediates the cardiac I(Kr) current, which is crucial for the duration of the cardiac action potential. Undesired block of the channel by certain drugs may prolong the QT interval and increase the risk of malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Although the molecular determinants of hERG block have been intensively studied, not much is known about its stereoselectivity. Levo-(S)-bupivacaine was the first drug reported to have a higher affinity to block hERG than its enantiomer. This study strives to understand the principles underlying the stereoselectivity of bupivacaine block with the help of mutagenesis analyses and molecular modeling simulations. Electrophysiological measurements of mutated hERG channels allowed for the identification of residues involved in bupivacaine binding and stereoselectivity. Docking and molecular mechanics simulations for both enantiomers of bupivacaine and terfenadine (a non-stereoselective blocker) were performed inside an open-state model of the hERG channel. The predicted binding modes enabled a clear depiction of ligand-protein interactions. Estimated binding affinities for both enantiomers were consistent with electrophysiological measurements. A similar computational procedure was applied to bupivacaine enantiomers towards two mutated hERG channels (Tyr652Ala and Phe656Ala). This study confirmed, at the molecular level, that bupivacaine stereoselectively binds the hERG channel. These results help to lay the foundation for structural guidelines to optimize the cardiotoxic profile of drug candidates in silico.


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We report the case of a woman with syncope and persistently prolonged QTc interval. Screening of congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) genes revealed that she was a heterozygous carrier of a novel KCNH2 mutation, c.G238C. Electrophysiological and biochemical characterizations unveiled the pathogenicity of this new mutation, displaying a 2-fold reduction in protein expression and current density due to a maturation/trafficking-deficient mechanism. The patient's phenotype can be fully explained by this observation. This study illustrates the importance of performing genetic analyses and mutation characterization when there is a suspicion of congenital LQTS. Identifying mutations in the PAS domain or other domains of the hERG1 channel and understanding their effect may provide more focused and mutation-specific risk assessment in this population.


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The voltage-gated cardiac potassium channel hERG1 (human ether-à-gogo-related gene 1) plays a key role in the repolarization phase of the cardiac action potential (AP). Mutations in its gene, KCNH2, can lead to defects in the biosynthesis and maturation of the channel, resulting in congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS). To identify the molecular mechanisms regulating the density of hERG1 channels at the plasma membrane, we investigated channel ubiquitylation by ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2, a post-translational regulatory mechanism previously linked to other ion channels. We found that whole-cell hERG1 currents recorded in HEK293 cells were decreased upon neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4-2 (Nedd4-2) co-expression. The amount of hERG1 channels in total HEK293 lysates and at the cell surface, as assessed by Western blot and biotinylation assays, respectively, were concomitantly decreased. Nedd4-2 and hERG1 interact via a PY motif located in the C-terminus of hERG1. Finally, we determined that Nedd4-2 mediates ubiquitylation of hERG1 and that deletion of this motif affects Nedd4-2-dependent regulation. These results suggest that ubiquitylation of the hERG1 protein by Nedd4-2, and its subsequent down-regulation, could represent an important mechanism for modulation of the duration of the human cardiac action potential.


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Short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a genetically determined ion-channel disorder, which may cause malignant tachyarrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Thus far, mutations in five different genes encoding potassium and calcium channel subunits have been reported. We present, for the first time, a novel loss-of-function mutation coding for an L-type calcium channel subunit.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe striated muscle disease due to the absence of dystrophin. Dystrophin deficiency results in dysfunctional sodium channels and conduction abnormalities in hearts of mdx mice. Disease progression in the mdx mouse only modestly reflects that of DMD patients, possibly due to utrophin up-regulation. Here, we investigated mice deficient in both dystrophin and utrophin [double knockout (DKO)] to assess the role of utrophin in the regulation of the cardiac sodium channel (Na(v)1.5) in mdx mice.