988 resultados para Chastellain, J.-Cl.


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By reacting cadmium salts with H2SO4 in the presence of organic amines or directly with amine sulfates under hydrothermal conditions, it has been possible to prepare three linear cadmium sulfates of linarite topology, with the compositions [H3N(CH2)(2)NH3](2)[CdCl2(SO4)][SO4].H2O, I, [HN(CH2)(6)NH][CdBr2(SO4)], II, [HN(CH2)(6)NH][CdCl2-(SO4)], III. A layered cadmium sulfate of composition [H3N(CH2)(3)NH3][Cd-2(H2O)(2)(SO4)(3)], IV, has also been obtained. These sulfates are the first examples of a family of organically templated metal sulfates with interesting structural features. In the linarite chains, the CdX4O2 (X = Cl, Br) octahedron shares two trans-edges to form an [Mphi(4)] (phi = anionic ligand) chain decorated by the SO4 tetrahedron that adopts a staggered arrangement on either side of the chain. IV is constructed by the fusion of four-membered ring ladders involving edge sharing between the sulfate tetrahedron and metal octahedron. IV appears to be the first member of a family of organically templated metal sulfates containing an octahedral-tetrahedral 2D net wherein the sulfate tetrahedron is connected at all four corners.


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The diphosphazane ligands of the type, (C20H12O2)PN(R)P(E)Y2 (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; E = lone pair or S; Y2 = O2C20H12 or Y = OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) bearing axially chiral 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2′-dioxy moiety have been synthesised. The structure and absolute configuration of a diastereomeric palladium complex, [PdCl2{ηsu2}-((O2C20H12)PN((S)-*CHMePh)PPh2] has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu(PPh3)2Cl] with various symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphazanes of the type, X2PN(R)PYY′ (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; X = C6H5 or X2 = O2C20H12; Y=Y′= C6H5 or Y = C6H5, Y′ = OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H3Me2-3,5 or N2C3HMe2-3,5) yield several diastereomeric neutral or cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complexes which contain a stereogenic metal center. In one case, the absolute configuration of a trichiral ruthenium complex, viz. [Cp*Ruη2-Ph2PN((S)-*CHMePh)*PPh (N2C3HMe2-3,5)Cl] is established by X-ray diffraction. The reactions of Ru3(CO)12 with the diphosphazanes (C20H12O2)PN(R)PY2 (R = CHMe2orMe; Y2=O2C20H12or Y= OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) yield the triruthenium clusters [Ru3(CO)10{η-(O2C20H12)PN(R)PY2}], in which the diphosphazane ligand bridges two metal centres. Palladium allyl chemistry of some of these chiral ligands has been investigated. The structures of isomeric η3-allyl palladium complexes, [Pd(η3-l,3-R′2-C3H3){η2-(rac)-(02C20H12)PN(CHMe2)PY2}](PF6) (R′ = Me or Ph; Y = C6H5 or OC6H5) have been elucidated by high field two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic studies.


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Reaction of [CpRu(PPh3)(2)Cl] (1) {Cp = eta(5)-(C5H5)} with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Y = Y' = Ph (L-1); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (L-4); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H3Me2- 3,5 (L-5); X = Y = Ph, Y' = N2C3HMe2 (L-6)} yields the cationic chelate complexes, [CpRu(eta(2)-(X2PN(CHMe2) PYY')) PPh3] Cl. On the other hand, the reaction of 1 with X2PN(CHMe2)PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4(L-3)} gives the complex, [CpRu(eta(1)-L-2)(2)PPh3] Cl. Both types of complexes are formed with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4 (L-3)}. The reaction of 1 with (R),(S)-(H12C20O2) PN(CHMe2) PPh2 (L-7) yields both cationic and neutral complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)} PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(1)-(L-7)}(2)PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)}Cl]. The reactions of optically pure diphosphazane, Ph2PN(*CHMePh) PPhY (Y = Ph (L-8); Y = N2C3HMe2-3,5 (L-9)) with 1 give the neutral and cationic ruthenium complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R) PPhY)} Cl] and [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R)PPhY)} PPh3] Cl. "Chiral-at-metal" ruthenium complexes of diphosphazanes have been synthesized with high diastereoselectivity. The absolute configuration of a novel ruthenium complex, (SCSPRRu)-[(eta(5)-C5H5) Ru*{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(*CHMePh)P*Ph( N2C3HMe2-3,5))} Cl] possessing three chiral centers, is established by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)} Cl] with mono or diphosphanes in the presence of NH4PF6 yield the cationic complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)}{eta(1)-(P)}] PF6 {P = P(OMe)(3), PPh3, Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 1 or 2)}.


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Dynamics of I*(P-2(1/2)) formation from CH2ICl dissociation has-been investigated at five different ultraviolet excitation wavelengths, e.g., 222, 236, 266, 280, and similar to304 nm. The quantum yield of I*((2)p(1/2)) production, phi*, has been measured by monitoring nascent I(P-2(3/2)) and I* concentrations using a resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization detection scheme. The measured quantum yield as a function of excitation energy follows the same trend as that of methyl iodide except at 236 run. The photodissociation dynamics of CH2ICl also involves three upper states similar to methyl iodide, and a qualitative correlation diagram has been constructed to account for the observed quantum yield. From the difference in behavior at 236 nm, it appears that the crossing region between the two excited states ((3)Q(0) and (1)Q(1)) is located near the exit valley away from the Franck Condon excitation region. The B- and C-band transitions do not participate in the dynamics, and the perturbation of the methyl iodide states due to Cl-I interaction is relatively weak at the photolysis wavelengths employed in this investigation.


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We present the results of sub-mm, mm (850 mum, 450 mum and 1250 mum) and radio (1.4 and 4.8 GHz) continuum observations of a sample of 27 K-selected Extremely Red Objects, or EROs, (14 of which form a complete sample with K < 20 and I - K > 5) aimed at detecting dusty starbursts, deriving the fraction of UltraLuminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIGs) in ERO samples, and constraining their redshifts using the radio-FIR correlation. One ERO was tentatively detected at 1250 mum and two were detected at 1.4 GHz, one of which has a less secure identification as an ERO counterpart. Limits on their redshifts and their star forming properties are derived and discussed. We stacked the observations of the undetected objects at 850 mum, 1250 mum and 4.8 GHz in order to search for possible statistical emission from the ERO population as a whole, but no significant detections were derived either for the whole sample or as a function of the average NIR colours. These results strongly suggest that the dominant population of EROs with K < 20 is not comprised of ULIGs like HR 10, but is probably made of radio-quiet ellipticals and weaker starburst galaxies with L < 10(12) L . and SFR < few hundred M. yr(-1).


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Epoxy systems containing HTBN rubber material and reinforced with E-glass fibres, exposed to a fixed time duration in three separate media were subjected to compressive mode of deformation. The yield stress and fractographic features noted on the compression failed samples are reported in this work. The experiment reveals that the seawater exposed sample exhibits a drop in strength compared to dry (unexposed) sample. This kind of drop is maintained if the media is changed from seawater to distilled water. When HCl is included in seawater. the experiment shows a small rise in strength value. These changes have been attributed to various factors like medium ingress into samples assisting interface failure, the larger-sized Cl- influencing the extent of diffusion of medium into system and finally their participation in the deformation phenomena. The fractographic features reveal interface separations that show either scattered debris or a cleaner surface or display a whitish-coated matrix region depending on whether the tests are done on unexposed samples or on ones following the immersion in the media.


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Azophenol complexes of formulation [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(Ln)] (1–6, n=1–6) were prepared by two synthetic methods involving either an oxygen insertion to the Ru---C bond in cycloruthenated precursors forming complexes 1 and 2 or from the reaction of [{(η6-p-cymene)RuCl}2(μ-Cl)2] with azophenol ligands (HL3–HL6) in the presence of sodium carbonate in CH2Cl2. The molecular structure of the 1-(phenylazo)-2-naphthol complex has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The complex has a η6-p-cymene group, a chloride and a bidentate N,O-donor azophenol ligand. The complexes have been characterized from NMR spectral data. The catalytic activity of the complexes has been studied for the conversion of acetophenone to the corresponding alcohol in the presence of KOH and isopropanol. Complexes 4 and 6 having a methoxy group attached to the ortho-position of the phenylazo moiety and 2 with a methyl group in the meta-position of the phenolic moiety show high percentage conversion (>84%).


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Thermal decomposition of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) has been studied in the temperature range of 10501175 K behind reflected shock waves in a single pulse shock tube. The unimolecular elimination of HCl is found to be the major channel through which 1,2-DCE decomposes under these conditions. The rate constant for the unimolecular elimination of HCl from 1,2-dichloroethane is found to be 10(13.98+/-0.80) exp(-57.8+/-2.0/RT) s(-1), where the activation energy is given in kcal mol(-1) and is very close to that value for CH3CH2Cl (EC). Ab initio (HF and MP2) and DFT calculations have been carried out to find the activation barrier and the structure of the transition state for this reaction channel from both EC and 1,2-DCE. The preexponential factors calculated at various levels of theory (BF/6-311++G**, MP2/6-311++G**, and B3LYP/6-311++G**) are (approximate to10(15) s(-1)) significantly larger than the experimental results. If the torsional mode in the ground state is treated as free internal rotation the preexponential factors reduce significantly, giving excellent agreement with experimental values. The DFT results are in excellent (fortuitous?) agreement with the experimental value for activation energy for 1,2-DCE while the MP2 and HF results seem to overestimate the barrier. However, DFT results for EC is 4.5 kcal mol(-1) less than the previously reported experimental values. At all levels, theory predicts an increase in HCI elimination barrier on beta-Cl substitution on EC.


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This paper reports ab intio, DFT and transition state theory (TST) calculations on HF, HCI and CIF elimination reactions from CH2Cl-CH2F molecule. Both the ground state and the transition state for HX elimination reactions have been optimized at HF, MP2 and DFT calculations with 6-31G*, 6-31G** and 6-311++G** basis sets. In addition, CCSD(T) single point calculations were carried out with MP2/6-311++G** optimized geometry for more accurate determination of the energies of the minima and transition state, compared to the other methods employed here. Classical barriers are converted to Arrhenius activation energy by TST calculations for comparisons with experimental results. The pre-exponential factors, A, calculated at all levels of theory are significantly larger than the experimental values. For activation energy, E-a DFT gives good results for HF elimination, within 4-8 W mol(-1) from experimental values. None of the methods employed, including CCSD(T), give comparable results for HCI elimination reactions. However, rate constants calculated by CCSD(T) method are in very good agreement with experiment for HCI elimination and they are in reasonable agreement for HF elimination reactions. Due to the strong correlation between A and E., the rate constants could be fit to a lower A and E-a (as given by experimental fitting, corresponding to a tight TS) or to larger A and E-a (as given by high level ab initio calculations, corresponding to a loose TS). The barrier for CIF elimination is determined to be 607 U mol(-1) at HF level and it is unlikely to be important for CH2FCH2Cl. Results for other CH2X-CH2Y (X,Y = F/Cl) are included for comparison.


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Electrochemical deposition of Ni-Pd alloy films of various compositions from bath solution containing ethylenediamine (EDA) was carried out to use as anode material for methanol oxidative fuel cell in H2SO4 medium. Electronic absorption spectrum of bath solution containing Ni2+ Pd2+ ions and EDA indicated the formation of a four coordinate square planar metal-ligand complex of both the metal ions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the deposited alloy films show an increase in Pd-Ni alloy lattice parameter with increase in Pd content, and indicate the substitution of Pd in the lattice. A nano/ultrafine kind of crystal growth was observed in the alloy film deposited at low current density (2.5 mA cm(-2)). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) studies on the successively sputtered films showed the presence of Ni and Pd in pure metallic states and the surface concentration ratio of Ni to Pd is less than bulk indicating the segregation of Pd on the surface. Electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol in H2SO4 medium is found to be promoted on Ni-Pd electrodeposits. The anodic peak current characteristics to oxidation reaction on Ni-Pd was found typically high when compared to pure nickel and the relative increase in surface area by alloying the Ni by Pd was found to be as much as 300 times. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cathodoluminescence (CL) technique has been employed to study the optical properties of GaSb after deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). CL images recorded at various depths in the samples clearly show passivation of extended defects on the surface as well as in the bulk region. The passivation of various recombination centres in the bulk is attributed to formation of hydrogen-impurity complexes by diffusion of hydrogen ions from the plasma. Enhancement in luminescence intensity is seen due to passivation of non-radiative recombination centres. The passivation efficiency is found to improve with increase in a-Si:H deposition temperature.


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Fuel cell-based automobiles have gained attention in the last few years due to growing public concern about urban air pollution and consequent environmental problems. From an analysis of the power and energy requirements of a modern car, it is estimated that a base sustainable power of ca. 50 kW supplemented with short bursts up to 80 kW will suffice in most driving requirements. The energy demand depends greatly on driving characteristics but under normal usage is expected to be 200 Wh/km. The advantages and disadvantages of candidate fuel-cell systems and various fuels are considered together with the issue of whether the fuel should be converted directly in the fuel cell or should be reformed to hydrogen onboard the vehicle. For fuel cell vehicles to compete successfully with conventional internal-combustion engine vehicles, it appears that direct conversion fuel cells using probably hydrogen, but possibly methanol, are the only realistic contenders for road transportation applications. Among the available fuel cell technologies, polymer-electrolyte fuel cells directly fueled with hydrogen appear to be the best option for powering fuel cell vehicles as there is every prospect that these will exceed the performance of the internal-combustion engine vehicles but for their first cost. A target cost of $ 50/kW would be mandatory to make polymer-electrolyte fuel cells competitive with the internal combustion engines and can only be achieved with design changes that would substantially reduce the quantity of materials used. At present, prominent car manufacturers are deploying important research and development efforts to develop fuel cell vehicles and are projecting to start production by 2005.


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A series of new dicationic dihydrogen complexes of ruthenium of the type cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(eta(2)-H-2)(L)][BF4](2) (dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2; L = P(OMe)(3), P(OEt)(3), PF((OPr)-Pr-i)(2)) have been prepared by protonating the precursor hydride complexes cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(L)][BF4] (L = P(OMe)(3), P(OEt)(3), P((OPr)-Pr-i)(3)) using HBF4.Et2O. The cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(L)][BF4] complexes were obtained from the trans hydrides via an isomerization reaction that is acid-accelerated. This isomerization reaction gives mixtures of cis and trans hydride complexes, the ratios of which depend on the cone angles of the phosphite ligands: the greater the cone angle, the greater is the amount of the cis isomer. The eta(2)-H-2 ligand in the dihydrogen complexes is labile, and the loss of H-2 was found to be reversible. The protonation reactions of the starting hydrides with trans PMe3 or PMe2Ph yield mixtures of the cis and the trans hydride complexes; further addition of the acid, however, give trans-[(dPPM)(2)Ru(BF4)Cl]. The roles of the bite angles of the dppm ligand as well as the steric and the electronic properties of the monodentate phosphorus ligands in this series of complexes are discussed. X-ray crystal structures of trans-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(P(OMe)(3))][BF4], cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru-(H)(P(OMe)(3))][BF4], and cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(P((OPr)-Pr-i)(3))][BF4] complexes have been determined.


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