929 resultados para Catiline, approximately 108 B.C.-62 B.C.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB


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Globally, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects approximately 130 million people and 3 million new infections occur annually. HCV is also recognized as an important cause of chronic liver disease in children. The absence of proofreading properties of the HCV RNA polymerase leads to a highly error prone replication process, allowing HCV to escape host immune response. The adaptive nature of HCV evolution dictates the outcome of the disease in many ways. Here, we investigated the molecular evolution of HCV in three unrelated children who acquired chronic HCV infection as a result of mother-to-child transmission, two of whom were also coinfected with HIV-1. The persistence of discrete HCV variants and their population structure were assessed using median joining network and Bayesian approaches. While patterns of viral evolution clearly differed between subjects, immune system dysfunction related to HIV coinfection or persistent HCV seronegativity stand as potential mechanisms to explain the lack of molecular evolution observed in these three cases. In contrast, treatment of HCV infection with PegIFN, which did not lead to sustained virologic responses in all 3 cases, was not associated with commensurate variations in the complexity of the variant spectrum. Finally, the differences in the degree of divergence suggest that the mode of transmission of the virus was not the main factor driving viral evolution. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Streptomyces clavuligerus é uma importante espécie industrial que produz múltiplos compostos de interesse clínico, destacando-se o antibiótico cefamicina C (CefC) e o ácido clavulânico (AC), um potente inibidor de b-lactamases produzidas por bactérias resistentes a penicilinas e cefalosporinas. Sabe-se que situações limite como subculturas sucessivas, forma inadequada de armazenamento das células, variações bruscas de condições de cultura, podem causar deleções de mais de 25% dos genes de Streptomyces sp que, embora muitas vezes não comprometam a sobrevivência do micro-organismo, acarretam perdas na capacidade produtiva. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a estabilidade da linhagem selvagem S. clavuligerus ATCC 27064 quanto à produção de CefC variando-se condições do inóculo utilizado nos cultivos submersos de obtenção do antibiótico. As fermentações foram realizadas em frascos agitados (28ºC, 260 rpm) e as amostras coletadas em 48 e 72 horas do caldo fermentativo foram analisadas quanto ao pH, biomassa (massa seca a 105ºC por 24 h) e CefC foi determinada por bioensaio de difusão em ágar (bactéria-teste Escherichia coli ESS 2235). Foi selecionado o micro-organismo melhor produtor por meio de screening, e o que apresentou a melhor produção de CefC e os menores desvios com relação à média foi utilizado para preparar novos lotes de células: ampolas de micélios liofilizados e criotubos contendo 108 esporos.mL-1 . Observou-se que a capacidade produtiva foi afetada quando foram utilizadas subculturas do micro-organismo original. A realização do screening mostrou-se eficiente na seleção de colônias superiores em termos de produção volumétrica, sendo recomendada a realização de tal procedimento periodicamente para manutenção de uma linhagem com maior potencial produtivo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this work was to perform a systematic study of the parameters that can influence the composition, morphology, and catalytic activity of PtSn/C nanoparticles and compare two different methods of nanocatalyst preparation, namely microwave-assisted heating (MW) and thermal decomposition of polymeric precursors (DPP). An investigation of the effects of the reducing and stabilizing agents on the catalytic activity and morphology of Pt75Sn25/C catalysts prepared by microwave-assisted heating was undertaken for optimization purposes. The effect of short-chain alcohols such as ethanol, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol as reducing agents was evaluated, and the use of sodium acetate and citric acid as stabilizing agents for the MW procedure was examined. Catalysts obtained from propylene glycol displayed higher catalytic activity compared with catalysts prepared in ethylene glycol. Introduction of sodium acetate enhanced the catalytic activity, but this beneficial effect was observed until a critical acetate concentration was reached. Optimization of the MW synthesis allowed for the preparation of highly dispersed catalysts with average sizes lying between 2.0 and 5.0 nm. Comparison of the best catalyst prepared by MW with a catalyst of similar composition prepared by the polymeric precursors method showed that the catalytic activity of the material can be improved when a proper condition for catalyst preparation is achieved. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Chronic hepatitis B infection is associated with an increased risk of cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Our aim is to analyze, through a mathematical model, the potential impact of anti-HBV vaccine in the long-term (that is, decades after vaccination) number of LT. Methods: The model simulated that the prevalence of HBV infection was 0.5% and that approximately 20% of all the liver transplantation carried out in the state of Sao Paulo are due to HBV infection. Results: The theoretical model suggests that a vaccination program that would cover 80% of the target population would reach a maximum of about 14% reduction in the LT program. Conclusion: Increasing the vaccination coverage against HBV in the state of Sao Paulo would have a relatively low impact on the number of liver transplantation. In addition, this impact would take several decades to materialize due to the long incubation period of liver failure due to HBV.


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Ocular enucleation produces significant morphological and physiological changes in central visual areas. However, our knowledge of the molecular events resulting from eye enucleation in visual brain areas remains elusive. We characterized here the transcription nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kappa B) activation induced by ocular enucleation in the rat superior colliculus (SC). We also tested the effectiveness of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone in inhibiting its activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays to detect NF-kappa B indicated that this transcription factor is activated in the SC from 1 h to day 15 postlesion. The expression of p65 and p50 proteins in the nuclear extracts was also increased. Dexamethasone treatment was able to significantly inhibit NF-kappa B activation. These findings suggest that this transcriptional factor is importantly involved in the visual system short-term processes that ensue after retinal lesions in the adult brain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Hepatitis C chronic liver disease is a major cause of liver transplant in developed countries. This article reports the first nationwide population-based survey conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of HCV antibodies and associated risk factors in the urban population of Brazil. Methods The cross sectional study was conducted in all Brazilian macro-regions from 2005 to 2009, as a stratified multistage cluster sample of 19,503 inhabitants aged between 10 and 69 years, representing individuals living in all 26 State capitals and the Federal District. Hepatitis C antibodies were detected by a third-generation enzyme immunoassay. Seropositive individuals were retested by Polymerase Chain Reaction and genotyped. Adjusted prevalence was estimated by macro-regions. Potential risk factors associated with HCV infection were assessed by calculating the crude and adjusted odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) and p values. Population attributable risk was estimated for multiple factors using a case–control approach. Results The overall weighted prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies was 1.38% (95% CI: 1.12%–1.64%). Prevalence of infection increased in older groups but was similar for both sexes. The multivariate model showed the following to be predictors of HCV infection: age, injected drug use (OR = 6.65), sniffed drug use (OR = 2.59), hospitalization (OR = 1.90), groups socially deprived by the lack of sewage disposal (OR = 2.53), and injection with glass syringe (OR = 1.52, with a borderline p value). The genotypes 1 (subtypes 1a, 1b), 2b and 3a were identified. The estimated population attributable risk for the ensemble of risk factors was 40%. Approximately 1.3 million individuals would be expected to be anti-HCV-positive in the country. Conclusions The large estimated absolute numbers of infected individuals reveals the burden of the disease in the near future, giving rise to costs for the health care system and society at large. The known risk factors explain less than 50% of the infected cases, limiting the prevention strategies. Our findings regarding risk behaviors associated with HCV infection showed that there is still room for improving strategies for reducing transmission among drug users and nosocomial infection, as well as a need for specific prevention and control strategies targeting individuals living in poverty.


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We have studied, using double ratio of QCD (spectral) sum rules, the ratio between the masses of Tcc and X(3872) assuming that they are respectively described by the D−D∗ and D− ¯D∗ molecular currents. We found (within our approximation) that the masses of these two states are almost degenerate. Since the pion exchange interaction between these mesons is exactly the same, we conclude that if the observed X(3872) meson is a D ¯D∗ + c.c. molecule, then the DD∗ molecule should also exist with approximately the same mass. An extension of the analysis to the b-quark case leads to the same conclusion. We also study the SU(3) breakings for the T s Q Q /TQ Q mass ratios. Motivated by the recent Belle observation of two Zb states, we revise our determination of Xb by combining results from exponential and FESR sum rules.


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Zusammenfassung:Im Infektionszyklus des Hepatitis-B-Virus spielt das große L-Hüllprotein mit seiner einzigartigen PräS1-Domäne eine zentrale Rolle. Es vermittelt die Bindung und Aufnahme in die Leberzelle, die Verpackung der Nukleokapside in die Virushülle, die Regulation der cccDNA-Amplifikation und eine transkriptionelle Aktivierung in der Wirtszelle. Zur Erfüllung seiner vielfältigen Aufgaben benötigt das L-Protein Unterstützung durch Wirtzellfaktoren, von denen einige im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung durch Verwendung von PräS1-Konstrukten als Fängerproteine im Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid-System identifiziert wurden. Mehrere Klone, die im Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid-Test mit dem C-terminalen PräS1-Fängerprotein (Aminosäure 44-108) isoliert worden waren, enthielten Teile der cDNA von gamma2-Adaptin, einem mutmaßlichen Mitglied der Clathrin-Adaptor-Proteine. Diese sind für intrazelluläre Membrantransportprozesse mittels clathrinumhüllter Vesikel verantwortlich. Unter den interagierenden Klonen, die mit dem N-terminalen Konstrukt des L-Proteins (Aminosäure 1-70) isoliert worden waren, befand sich überproportional häufig eine cDNA, die der schweren Kette H4 der Inter-Alpha-Trypsin-Inhibitor-Familie homolog war. H4 besitzt vermutlich bei der 'Akute-Phase-Reaktion', die Entzündungen folgt, und bei der Stabilisierung der extrazellulären Matrix physiologische Bedeutung. Weitere Klone kodierten für die Serinprotease C1r. Diese ist Bestandteil des C1-Komplex, der ersten Komponente des klassischen Komplementsystems. Die Spezifität der Bindung zwischen den positiven Klonen und der PräS1-Domäne wurde in weiteren biochemischen Interaktionstests bestätigt, sodaß H4, C1r und gamma2-Adaptin als Wirtszellfaktoren in der Physiologie des Hepatitis-B-Virus wahrscheinlich eine Rolle spielen.Abstract:Little is known about host cell factors necessary for hepatitis B virus assembly and infectivity. Central to virogenesis is the large L envelope protein that mediates hepatocyte receptor binding, envelopment of viral capsids, regulation of supercoiled DNA amplification and transcriptional transactivation. To assess its multiple functions and host-protein assistance involved, we here initiated a yeast two-hybrid screen using the L-specific preS1 domain as bait to screen a human liver cDNA library for L-interacting proteins. One of the most prominent cDNAs interacting with aminoacid sequence 44-108 of L-protein encodes for gamma2-adaptin, a novel clathrin adaptor-related protein responsible for protein sorting and trafficking. Among the clones interacting with the N-terminal construct of L-protein (aminoacid sequence 1-70), a frequently isolated cDNA corresponds to the gene for inter-alpha-trypsin family heavy chain H4, likely to be involved in acute inflammatory phase response and stabilization of extracellular matrices. Some other interacting clones were found to carry the cDNA for the serine protease C1r, a subunit of the C1 complex which initiates the classical complement cascade. The specificity of the interaction between the positive clones and the preS1 domain was further confirmed in independent biochemical experiments. Taken together, the results suggest a role for H4, C1r and gamma2-adaptin as host-cell factors in L-mediated process of viral biogenesis and/or pathogenesis.


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The cytidine deaminase AID hypermutates immunoglobulin genes but can also target oncogenes, leading to tumorigenesis. The extent of AID's promiscuity and its predilection for immunoglobulin genes are unknown. We report here that AID interacted broadly with promoter-proximal sequences associated with stalled polymerases and chromatin-activating marks. In contrast, genomic occupancy of replication protein A (RPA), an AID cofactor, was restricted to immunoglobulin genes. The recruitment of RPA to the immunoglobulin loci was facilitated by phosphorylation of AID at Ser38 and Thr140. We propose that stalled polymerases recruit AID, thereby resulting in low frequencies of hypermutation across the B cell genome. Efficient hypermutation and switch recombination required AID phosphorylation and correlated with recruitment of RPA. Our findings provide a rationale for the oncogenic role of AID in B cell malignancy.


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In this study, we evaluated the in vivo characteristics of a new monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) radioligand, [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl, by positron emission tomography (PET) in two cynomolgus monkeys. The brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was more than 7% (600% SUV) of the total injected radioactivity and similar to that of [¹¹C]deprenyl, an established MAO-B radioligand. The highest uptake was observed in the striatum, one of the MAO-B-rich regions, with a peak at approximately 2-3 min after injection, followed by lower uptake in the thalamus and the cortex and lowest uptake in the cerebellum. Brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was largely inhibited by preadministration of the MAO-B inhibitor, L-deprenyl, whereas clorgyline, a MAO Type A blocker, had no significant inhibitory effect, thus demonstrating selectivity for MAO-B. [¹⁸F]Fluorodeprenyl showed relatively slow metabolism with the presence of two radiometabolite peaks with similar retention time as the labeled metabolites of [¹¹C]deprenyl. These results suggest that [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl is a potential PET radioligand for visualization of MAO-B activity.


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Bosentan has lately been described as a successful therapeutic agent for portopulmonary hypertension consecutive to child A cirrhosis. This is the first report of the effect of this substance with advanced liver cirrhosis (child C) and renal insufficiency. Low doses of bosentan (initially twice 31.25 mg/day and then 62.5 mg/day) increased cardiac output and allowed correction of renal insufficiency; it allowed one to stop the requirement of oxygen and not only improved the 6-min walking test by more than 400 m, but also decreased the severity of the liver cirrhosis to child B stadium. This suggests that patients, who would be excluded from a liver transplantation program because of their portopulmonary hypertension, could profit from a careful therapy with bosentan.


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PhIP carcinogenesis is initiated by N(2)-hydroxylation, mediated by several cytochromes P450, including CYP1A1. However, the role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo is unclear. In this study, Cyp1a1-null and wild-type (WT) mice were used to investigate the potential role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation was actively catalyzed by lung homogenates of WT mice, at a rate of 14.9 +/- 5.0 pmol/min/g tissue, but < 1 pmol/min/g tissue in stomach and small intestine, and almost undetectable in mammary gland and colon. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation catalyzed by lung homogenates of Cyp1a1-null mice was approximately 10-fold lower than that of WT mice. In contrast, PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation activity in lung homogenates of Cyp1a2-null versus WT mice was not decreased. Pretreatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increased lung Cyp1a1 mRNA and lung homogenate PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity approximately 50-fold in WT mice, where the activity was substantially inhibited (70%) by monoclonal antibodies against CYP1A1. In vivo, 30 min after oral treatment with PhIP, PhIP levels in lung were similar to those in liver. After a single dose of 0.1 mg/kg [(14)C]PhIP, lung PhIP-DNA adduct levels in Cyp1a1-null mice, but not in Cyp1a2-null mice, were significantly lower (P=0.0028) than in WT mice. These results reveal that mouse lung has basal and inducible PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity predominantly catalyzed by CYP1A1. Because of the high inducibility of human CYP1A1, especially in cigarette smokers, the role of lung CYP1A1 in PhIP carcinogenesis should be considered.