919 resultados para Cascaded Transformer, DSTATCOM, Multilevel, Resonant Controller


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The principle aspects of passive intermodulation (PIM) characterisation in distributed printed circuits with cascaded lumped nonlinearities are presented. Mechanisms of PIM generations have been investigated experimentally and modelled using the formalism of X-parameters. The devised equivalent circuit models are applied to the analysis of microstrip lines with distributed and cascaded lumped sources of nonlinearity. The dynamic measurements have revealed that PIM generation rates in straight and meandered microstrip lines differ and significantly deviate from those expected for the respective discrete sources of nonlinearity. The obtained results indicate that multiple physical sources of nonlinearity contribute to PIM generation in printed circuits. Finally, it is demonstrated that the electrical discontinuities can have significant effect on the overall PIM response of the distributed passive circuits and cause PIM product leakage and parasitic coupling between isolated circuit elements.


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This paper presents a non-invasive approach for diagnosing winding insulation failures in three-phase transformers, which is based on the on-line monitoring of the primary and secondary current Park's Vector. Experimental and simulated results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, for detecting winding inter-turn insulation faults in operating three-phase transformers.


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In the past few years, a considerable research effort has been devoted to the development of transformer digital models in order to simulate its behaviour under transient and abnormal operating conditions. Although many three-phase transformer models have been presented in the literature, there is a surprisingly lack of studies regarding the incorporation of winding faults. This paper presents a coupled electromagnetic transformer model for the study of winding inter-turn short-circuits. Particular attention will be given to the model parameters determination, for both healthy and faulty operating conditions. Experimental and simulation test results are presented in the paper, demonstrating the adequacy of the model as well as the methodologies for the parameters determination.


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This paper presents the development and implementation of a digital simulation model of a threephase, three-leg, three-winding power transformer. The proposed model, implemented in MATLAB environment, is based on the simultaneous analysis of both magnetic and electric lumped-parameters equivalents circuits, and it is intended to study its adequacy to incorporate, at a later stage, the influences of the occurrence of windings interturn short-circuit faults. Both simulation and laboratory tests results, obtained so far, for a three-phase, 6 kVA transformer, demonstrate the adequacy of the model under normal operating conditions.


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Embedding a double barrier resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) in a unipolar InGaAlAs optical waveguide gives rise to a very low driving voltage electroabsorption modulator (EAM) at optical wavelengths around 1550 nm. The presence of the RTD within the waveguide core introduces high non- linearity and negative di erential resistance in the current±voltage (I±V) characteristic of the waveguide. This makes the electric ®eld distribution across the waveguide core strongly dependent on the bias voltage: when the current decreases from the peak to the valley, there is an increase of the electric ®eld across the depleted core. The electric ®eld enhancement in the core-depleted layer causes the Franz±Keldysh absorption band-edge to red shift, which is responsible for the electroabsorption e ect. High-frequency ac signals as low as 100mV can induce electric ®eld high-speed switching, producing substantial light modulation (up to 15 dB) at photon energies slightly lower than the waveguide core band-gap energy. The key di erence between this device and conventional p-i-n EAMs is that the tunnelling characteristics of the RTD are employed to switch the electric ®eld across the core-depleted region; the RTD- EAM has in essence an integrated electronic ampli®er and, therefore, requires considerably less switching power.


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The basic mechanism underlying electric field switching produced by a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is analyzed and the theory compared with experimental results; agreement to within 12% is achieved. The electroabsorption modulator (EAM) device potential of this effect is explored in an optical waveguide configuration. It is shown that a RTD-EAM can provide significant absorption coefficient change, via the Franz– Keldysh effect, at appropriate optical communication wavelengths around 1550 nm and can achieve up to 28-dB optical modulation in a 200- m active length device. The advantage of the RTD-EAM over the conventional reverse-biased p–n junction EAM, is that the RTD-EAM has, in essence, an integrated electronic amplifier and, therefore, requires considerably less switching power.


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A multivariable predictive controller was implemented to regulate the air temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration for a greenhouse located in the north of Portugal. The controller outputs are computed in order to optimise the future behaviour of the greenhouse environment, concerning the set-point accuracy and the minimization of energy inputs.


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Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) regulators are standard building blocks for industrial automation. The popularity of these regulators comes from their rebust performance in a wide range of operating conditions, and also from their functional simplicity, which makes them suitable for manual tuning.


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In this paper we consider the learning problem for a class of multilayer perceptrons which is practically relevant in control systems applications. By reformulating this problem, a new criterion is developed, which reduces the number of iterations required for the learning phase.


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This paper is on the implementation of a dual axis positioning system controller. The system was designed to be used for space-dependent ultrasound signal acquisition problems, such as pressure field mapping. The work developed can be grouped in two main subjects: hardware and software. Each axis includes one stepper motor connected to a driver circuit, which is then connected to a processing unit. The graphical user interface is simple and clear for the user. The system resolution was computed as 127 mu m with an accuracy of 2.44 mu m. Although the target application is ultrasound signal acquisition, the controller can be applied to other devices that has up to four stepper motors. The application was developed as an open source software, thus it can be used or changed to fit different purposes.


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Next generation ATM systems cannot be implemented in a technological vacuum. The further ahead we look, the greater the likely impact of societal factors on such changes, and how they are prioritised and promoted. The equitable sustainability of travel behaviour is rising on the political agenda in Europe in an unprecedented manner. This paper examines pilot and controller attitudes towards Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs). It aims to promote a better understanding of acceptance of change in ATM. The focus is on the psychosocial context and the relationships between perceived societal and system benefits. Behavioural change appeared more correlated with such benefit perceptions in the case of the pilots. For the first time in the study of ATM implementation, and acceptance of change, this paper incorporates the Seven Stages of Change model, based on the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. It employs a principal components (factor) analysis, and further explores the intercorrelations of benefit perceptions, known in psychology as the ‘halo effect’. Disbenefit perceptions may break down this effect, it appears. For implementers of change, this evidence suggests an approach in terms of reinforcing the dominant benefit(s) perceived, for sub-groups within which a halo effect is evident. In the absence of such an effect, perceived disbenefits, such as with respect to workload and capacity, should be off-set against specific, perceived benefits of the change, as far as possible. This methodology could be equally applied to other stakeholders, from strategic planners to the public. The set of three case studies will be extended beyond CDA trials. A set of concise guidelines will be published with a strong focus on practical advice, in addition to continued work enabling a better understanding of the expected, increasing psychosocial contributions to successful and unsuccessful efforts at ATM innovation and change.


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In this paper, two wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and respectively with a two-level or a multilevel converter are simulated in order to access the malfunction transient performance. Three different drive train mass models, respectively, one, two and three mass models, are considered in order to model the bending flexibility of the blades. Moreover, a fractional-order control strategy is studied comparatively to a classical integer-order control strategy. Computer simulations are carried out, and conclusions about the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the electric current injected into the electric grid are in favor of the fractional-order control strategy.


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As ameaças à segurança da informação, (INFOSEC) atentam contra a perda da respectiva confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade, pelo que as organizações são impelidas a implementar políticas de segurança, quer ao nível físico quer ao nível lógico, utilizando mecanismos específicos de defesa. O projecto Network Air Gap Controller (NAGC) foi concebido no sentido de contribuir para as questões da segurança, designadamente daquelas que se relacionam directamente com a transferência de informação entre redes de classificação de segurança diferenciadas ou de sensibilidades distintas, sem requisitos de comunicação em tempo real, e que mereçam um maior empenho nas condições de robustez, de disponibilidade e de controlo. Os organismos que, em razão das atribuições e competências cometidas, necessitam de fazer fluir informação entre este tipo de redes, são por vezes obrigados a realizar a transferência de dados com recurso a um processo manual, efectuado pelo homem e não pela máquina, que envolve dispositivos amovivéis, como sejam o CD, DVD, PEN, discos externos ou switches manuais. Neste processo, vulgarmente designado por Network Air Gap (NAG), o responsável pela transferência de dados deverá assumir de forma infalível, como atribuições intrínsecas e inalienáveis da função exercida, as garantias do cumprimento de um vasto conjunto de normas regulamentares. As regras estabelecidas desdobram-se em ferramentas e procedimentos que se destinam, por exemplo, à guarda em arquivo de todas as transferências efectuadas; à utilização de ferramentas de segurança (ex: antivírus) antes da colocação da informação na rede de classificação mais elevada; ao não consentimento de transferência de determinados tipos de ficheiro (ex: executáveis) e à garantia de que, em consonância com a autonomia que normalmente é delegada no elemento responsável pela operação das comunicações, apenas se efectuam transferências de informação no sentido da rede de classificação inferior para a rede de classificação mais elevada. Face ao valor da informação e do impacto na imagem deste tipo de organizações, o operador de comunicações que não cumpra escrupulosamente o determinado é inexoravelmente afastado dessas funções, sendo que o processo de apuramento de responsabilidades nem sempre poderá determinar de forma inequívoca se as razões apontam para um acto deliberado ou para factores não intencionais, como a inépcia, o descuido ou a fadiga. Na realidade, as actividades periódicas e rotineiras, tornam o homem propenso à falha e poderão ser incontornavelmente asseguradas, sem qualquer tipo de constrangimentos ou diminuição de garantias, por soluções tecnológicas, desde que devidamente parametrizadas, adaptadas, testadas e amadurecidas, libertando os recursos humanos para tarefas de manutenção, gestão, controlo e inspecção. Acresce que, para este tipo de organizações, onde se multiplicam o número de redes de entrada de informação, com diferentes classificações e actores distintos, e com destinatários específicos, a utilização deste tipo de mecanismos assume uma importância capital. Devido a este factor multiplicativo, impõe-se que o NAGC represente uma opção válida em termos de oferta tecnológica, designadamente para uma gama de produtos de baixíssimo custo e que possa desenvolver-se por camadas de contributo complementar, em função das reais necessidades de cada cenário.


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A multilevel negotiation mechanism for operating smart grids and negotiating in electricity markets considers the advantages of virtual power player management.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial