903 resultados para Cable and membrane structures
A novel laponite RD clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) has been successfully synthesized through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and an aqueous dispersion of laponite RD clay. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results reveal that the Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (maghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide), which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area as well as a high pore volume. The photo-catalytic activity of the Fe-Lap-RD was examined in the photo-assisted degradation of an organic azo dye Orange II. It was found that the mineralization of Orange 11 undergoes a slower kinetics than discoloration, and 70% total organic carbon (TOC) of 0.2 mM Orange 11 can be removed in 90 min, implying that the Fe-Lap-RD exhibited a high photo-catalytic activity in the presence of H2O2 and UV light (254 nm) in the photo-assisted degradation of Orange II. In addition, our experiments also illustrate that the Fe-Lap-RD has a long-term stability but is of low cost. This study illustrates the possibility of photo-assisted degradation of organic compounds without the requirements to remove the Fe ions after reaction. Two possible catalytic reaction mechanisms are also proposed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Due to the existence of global modes and local modes of the neighbouring members, damage detection on a structure is more challenging than damage on isolated beams. Detection of an artificial circumferential crack on a joint in a frame-like welded structure is studied in this paper using coupled response measurements. Similarity to real engineering structures is maintained in the fabrication of the test frame. Both the chords and the branch members have hollow sections and the branch members have smaller sizes. The crack is created by a hacksaw on a joint where a branch meets the chord. The methodology is first demonstrated on a single hollow section beam. The test results are then presented for the damaged and undamaged frame. The existence of the damage is clearly observable from the experimental results. It is suggested that this approach offers the-potential to detect damage in welded structures such as cranes, mining equipment, steel-frame bridges, naval and offshore structures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES We sought to determine whether the transmural extent of scar (TES) explains discordances between dobutamine echocardiography (DbE) and thallium single-photon emission computed tomography (Tl-SPECT) in the detection of viable myocardium (VM). BACKGROUND Discrepancies between DbE and Tl-SPECT are often attributed to differences between contractile reserve and membrane integrity, but may also reflect a disproportionate influence of nontransmural scar on thickening at DbE. METHODS Sixty patients (age 62 +/- 12 years; 10 women and 50 men) with postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction underwent standard rest-late redistribution Tl-SPECT and DbE. Viable myocardium was identified when dysfunctional segments showed Tl activity >60% on the late-redistribution image or by low-dose augmentation at DbE. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI) was used to divide TES into five groups: 0%, 75% of the wall thickness replaced by scar. RESULTS As TES increased, both the mean Tl uptake and change in wall motion score decreased significantly (both p < 0.001). However, the presence of subendocardial scar was insufficient to prevent thickening; >50% of segments still showed contractile function with TES of 25% to 75%, although residual function was uncommon with TES >75%. The relationship of both tests to increasing TES was similar, but Tl-SPECT identified VM more frequently than DbE in all groups. Among segments without scar or with small amounts of scar (50% were viable by SPECT. CONCLUSIONS Both contractile reserve and perfusion are sensitive to the extent of scar. However, contractile reserve may be impaired in the face of no or minor scar, and thickening may still occur with extensive scar. (C) 2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Questions of identity have become increasingly central to the study of foreign policy and security, particularly in constructivist debates. But very few of the resulting insights have been applied to the Korean situation, where discussions about security and inter-Korean relations remain dominated by strategic and geopolitical issues. The main task of this article is to address this shortcoming by examining the experience of North Korean defectors in South Korea and the precedent of German unification. Both of these domains of inquiry reveal that identity differences between North and South persist far beyond the ideological and political structures that created them in the first place. Born out of death, fear, and longing for revenge, these identity patterns lie at the heart of Korea's security dilemmas. Unless taken seriously by scholars and decision makers, the respective tensions between identity and difference will continue to cause major political problems. (Key words: Inter-Korean relations, North Korean defectors, German unification)
This study determined the relationship between two measures of field fertility of I I high-use Australian artificial insemination (AI) dairy bulls and thirty standard laboratory assessments of spermatozoal post-thaw viability. The two measures of field fertility used, conception rates (cCR) and non-return rates (cNRR), were both corrected for all major non-bull variables. Sperm viability assessments were conducted on semen collected within the same season as that used to derive the field fertility estimates. These assessments measured sperm concentration, motility, morphology and membrane integrity at thawing, after 2 h incubation and after the swim-up sperm selection procedure. Derivations of these measures and in vitro embryo fertilizing and developmental capacity were also determined. The Genstat Statistical Package [Genstat 5 Release 4.2 Reference Manual, VSN International, Oxford, 20001 was used to conduct an analysis of variance on the viability parameters across semen straws and bulls, and to calculate the strength of correlation between each semen parameter, cNRR and cCR in a correlation matrix. Step forward multiple regression identified the combination of semen parameters that were most highly correlated with cCR and with cNRR. The sperm parameters identified as being most predictive of cCR were the percentage of morphologically normal sperm immediately post-thaw (zeroNorm), the number of morphologically normal sperm after the swim-up procedure (nSuNorm), and the rate of zygote cleavage in vitro (Clv); the predictive equation formed by these parameters accounted for 70% of variance. The predictive equation produced for cNRR contained the variables zeroNorm, the proportion of membrane intact sperm after 2 h incubation at 37 degreesC (twoMem) and Clv and accounted for 76.5% of the variation. ZeroNorm was found to be consistent across straws and semen batches within-bull and the sperm parameter with the strongest individual predictive capacity for both cCR (P = 0.1) and cNRR (P = 0.001). Post-thaw sperm parameters can be used to predict field fertility of Australian dairy sires; the calculated predictive equations are particularly useful for identifying and monitoring bulls of very high and very low potential fertility within a group. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The trans-Golgi network is the major sorting compartment of the secretory pathway for protein, lipid and membrane traffic. There is a constant flow of membrane and cargo to and from this compartment. Evidence is emerging that the trans-Golgi network has multiple biochemically and functionally distinct subdomains, each of which contributes to the combined sorting and transport requirements of this dynamic compartment. The recruitment of distinct arrays of protein complexes to trans-Golgi network membranes is likely to produce the diversity of structure and biochemistry observed amongst subdomains that serve to generate different carriers or maintain resident trans-Golgi network components. This review discusses how these subdomains may be formed and examines the molecular players involved, including G proteins, clathrin adaptors and golgin tethers. Diversity within these protein families is highlighted and shown to be critical for the functionality of the trans-Golgi network, as a mediator of protein sorting and membrane transport, and for the maintenance of Golgi structure.
Ischaemia-reperfusion and toxic injury are leading causes of acute renal failure (ARF). Both of these injury initiators use secondary mediators of damage in oxygen-derived free radicals. Several recent publications about ischaemia-reperfusion and toxin-induced ARF have indicated that plasma membrane structures called caveolae, and their proteins, the caveolins, are potential participants in protecting or repairing renal tissues. Caveolae and caveolins have previously been ascribed many functions, a number of which may mediate cell death or survival of injured renal cells. This review proposes possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which altered caveolin-1 expression and localization may affect renal cell survival following oxidative stress.
Five case study communities in both metropolitan and regional urban locations in Australia are used as test sites to develop measures of 'community strength' on four domains: Natural Capital; Produced Economic Capital; Human Capital; and Social and Institutional Capital. The paper focuses on the fourth domain. Sample surveys of households in the five case study communities used a survey instrument with scaled items to measure four aspects of social capital - formal norms, informal norms, formal structures and informal structures - that embrace the concepts of trust, reciprocity, bonds, bridges, links and networks in the interaction of individuals with their community inherent in the notion social capital. Exploratory principal components analysis is used to identify factors that measure those aspects of social and institutional capital, while a confirmatory analysis based on Cronbach's alpha explores the robustness of the measures. Four primary scales and 15 subscales are identified when defining the domain of social and institutional capital. Further analysis reveals that two measures - anomie, and perceived quality of life and wellbeing - relate to certain primary scales of social capital.
All single-stranded 'positive-sense' RNA viruses that infect mammalian, insect or plant cells rearrange internal cellular membranes to provide an environment facilitating virus replication. A striking feature of these unique membrane structures is the induction of 70-100 nm vesicles (either free within the cytoplasm, associated with other induced vesicles or bound within a surrounding membrane) harbouring the viral replication complex (RC). Although similar in appearance, the cellular composition of these vesicles appears to vary for different viruses, implying different organelle origins for the intracellular sites of viral RNA replication. Genetic analysis has revealed that induction of these membrane structures can be attributed to a particular viral gene product, usually a non-structural protein. This review will highlight our current knowledge of the formation and composition of virus RCs and describe some of the similarities and differences in RNA-membrane interactions observed between the virus families Flaviviridae and Picornaviridae.
1 The effects of intravenous (i.v.) anaesthetics on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)-induced transients in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) and membrane currents were investigated in neonatal rat intracardiac neurons. 2 In fura-2-loaded neurons, nAChR activation evoked a transient increase in [Ca2+](i), which was inhibited reversibly and selectively by clinically relevant concentrations of thiopental. The half-maximal concentration for thiopental inhibition of nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) transients was 28 muM, close to the estimated clinical EC50 (clinically relevant (half-maximal) effective concentration) of thiopental. 3 In fura-2-loaded neurons, voltage clamped at -60mV to eliminate any contribution of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, thiopental (25 muM) simultaneously inhibited nAChR-induced increases in [Ca2+](i) and peak current amplitudes. Thiopental inhibited nAChR-induced peak current amplitudes in dialysed whole-cell recordings by - 40% at - 120, -80 and -40 mV holding potential, indicating that the inhibition is voltage independent. 4 The barbiturate, pentobarbital and the dissociative anaesthetic, ketamine, used at clinical EC50 were also shown to inhibit nAChR-induced increases in [Ca2+](i) by similar to40%. 5 Thiopental (25 muM) did not inhibit caffeine-, muscarine- or ATP-evoked increases in [Ca2+](i), indicating that inhibition of Ca2+ release from internal stores via either ryanodine receptor or inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor channels is unlikely. 6 Depolarization-activated Ca2+ channel currents were unaffected in the presence of thiopental (25 muM), pentobarbital (50 muM) and ketamine (10 muM). 7 In conclusion, i.v. anaesthetics inhibit nAChR-induced currents and [Ca2+](i) transients in intracardiac neurons by binding to nAChRs and thereby may contribute to changes in heart rate and cardiac output under clinical conditions.
The structures of multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films of barium arachidate before and after heat treatment have been investigated using both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction (GIXD). AFM gave information on surface morphology at molecular resolution while GIXD provided quantitative details of the lattice structures of the films with their crystal symmetries and lattice constants. As-prepared films contained three coexisting structures: two triclinic structures with the molecularchains tilted by about 20degrees from the film normal and with 3 x 1 or 2 x 2 super-lattice features arising from height modulation of the molecules in the films; a rectangular structure with molecules perpendicular to the film surface. Of these, the 3 x 1 structure is dominant with a loose correlation between the bilayers. In the film plane both superstructures are commensurate with the local structures, having different oblique symmetries. The lattice constants for the 3 x 1 structure are a(s) = 3a = 13.86 Angstrom, b(s) = b = 4.31 Angstrom and gamma(s) = gamma = 82.7degrees; for the 2 x 2 structure a(s) = 2a = 16.54 Angstrom, b(s) = 2b = 9.67 Angstrom, gamma(s) = gamma = 88degrees. For the rectangular structure the lattice constants are a = 7.39 Angstrom, b = 4.96 Angstrom and gamma = 90degrees. After annealing, the 2 x 2 and rectangular structures were not observed, while the 3 x 1 structure had developed over the entire film. For the annealed films the correlation length in the film plane is about twice that in the unheated films, and in the out-of-plane direction covers two bilayers. The above lattice parameters, determined by GIXD, differed significantly from the values obtained by AFM, due possibly to distortion of the films by the scanning action of the AFM tip. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The edge-to-edge matching crystallographic model has been used to predict all the orientation relationships (OR) between crystals that have simple hexagonal close packed (HCP) and body-centered cubic (BCC) structures. Using the critical values for the interatomic spacing misfit along the matching directions and the cl-value mismatch between matching planes, the model predicted all the four common ORs, namely the Burgers OR, the Potter OR, the Pitsch-Schrader OR and the Rong Dunlop OR, together with the corresponding habit planes. Taking the c(H)/a(H) and a(H)/a(B) ratios as variables, where H and B denote the HCP and BCC structures respectively, the model also predicted the relationship between these variables and the four ORs. These predictions are perfectly consistent with the published experimental results. As was the case in the FCC/BCC system, the edge-to-edge matching model has been shown to be a powerful tool for predicting the crystallographic features of diffusion-controlled phase transformations. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Caveolae are an abundant feature of many animal cells. However, the exact function of caveolae remains unclear. We have used the zebrafish, Danio rerio, as a system to understand caveolae function focusing on the muscle-specific caveolar protein, caveolin-3 (Cav3). We have identified caveolin-1 (alpha and beta), caveolin-2 and Cav3 in the zebrafish. Zebrafish Cav3 has 72% identity to human CAV3, and the amino acids altered in human muscle diseases are conserved in the zebrafish protein. During embryonic development, cav3 expression is apparent by early segmentation stages in the first differentiating muscle precursors, the adaxial cells and slightly later in the notochord. cav3 expression appears in the somites during mid-segmentation stages and then later in the pectoral fins and facial muscles. Cav3 and caveolae are located along the entire sarcolemma of late stage embryonic muscle fibers, whereas beta-dystroglycan is restricted to the muscle fiber ends. Down-regulation of Cav3 expression causes gross muscle abnormalities and uncoordinated movement. Ultrastructural analysis of isolated muscle fibers reveals defects in myoblast fusion and disorganized myofibril and membrane systems. Expression of the zebrafish equivalent to a human muscular dystrophy mutant, CAV3P104L, causes severe disruption of muscle differentiation. In addition, knockdown of Cav3 resulted in a dramatic up-regulation of eng1a expression resulting in an increase in the number of muscle pioneer-like cells adjacent to the notochord. These studies provide new insights into the role of Cav3 in muscle development and demonstrate its requirement for correct intracellular organization and myoblast fusion.
While our understanding of lipid microdomains has advanced in recent years, many aspects of their formation and dynamics are still unclear. In particular, the molecular determinants that facilitate the partitioning of integral membrane proteins into lipid raft domains are yet to be clarified. This review focuses on a family of raft-associated integral membrane proteins, termed flotillins, which belongs to a larger class of integral membrane proteins that carry an evolutionarily conserved domain called the prohibitin homology (PHB) domain. A number of studies now suggest that eucaryotic proteins carrying this domain have affinity for lipid raft domains. The PHB domain is carried by a diverse array of proteins including stomatin, podocin, the archetypal PHB protein, prohibitin, lower eucaryotic proteins such as the Dictyostelium discoideum proteins vacuolin A and vacuolin B and the Caenorhabditis elegans proteins unc-1, unc-24 and mec-2. The presence of this domain in some procaryotic proteins suggests that the PHB domain may constitute a primordial lipid recognition motif. Recent work has provided new insights into the trafficking and targeting of flotillin and other PHB domain proteins. While the function of this large family of proteins remains unclear, studies of the C. elegans PHB proteins suggest possible links to a class of volatile anaesthetics raising the possibility that these lipophilic agents could influence lipid raft domains. This review will discuss recent insights into the cell biology of flotillins and the large family of evolutionarily conserved PHB domain proteins.
The turbostratic mesoporous carbon blacks were prepared by catalytic chemical vapour decomposition (CCVD) of acetylene using Ni/MgO catalysts prepared by co-precipitation. The relationship between deposition conditions and the nanostructures of resultant carbon black materials was investigated. It was found that the turbostratic and textural structures of carbon blacks are dependent on the deposition temperature and nickel catalyst loading. Higher deposition temperature increases the carbon crystallite unit volume V-nano and reduces the surface area of carbon samples. Moreover, a smaller V-nano is produced by a higher Ni loading at the same deposition temperature. In addition of the pore structure and the active metal surface area of the catalyst, the graphitic degree or electronic conductivity of the carbon support is also a key issue to the activity of the supported catalyst. V-nano is a very useful parameter to describe the effect of the crystalline structure of carbon blacks on the reactivity of carbon blacks in oxygen-carbon reaction and the catalytic activity of carbon-supported catalyst in ammonia decomposition semi-quantitatively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.