918 resultados para CORTISOL


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The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may be associated with benzodiazepine (BZ) self-administration and risks of dependence in anxious patients. Preliminary work included examination of psychosocial characteristics and subjective drug response as potential predictors of medication use. Fifty-five M, F patients with generalized anxiety or panic disorder participated in a 3-week outpatient Choice Procedure in which they self-medicated “as needed” with alprazolam (Alz) and placebo. Findings showed that a large amount of variance in alprazolam preference, frequency, and quantity of use could be predicted by measures of anxiety, drug liking, and certain personality characteristics. The primary study extended this work by examining whether individual differences in Alz sensitivity also predict patterns of use. Twenty anxious patients participated in the study, which required 11 weekly clinic visits. Ten of these also participated in a baseline assessment of HPA-axis function that involved 24-hour monitoring of cortisol and ACTH levels and a CRH Stimulation Test. This assessment was conducted on the basis of prior evidence that steroid metabolites exert neuromodulatory effects on the GABA A receptor and that HPA-axis function may be related to BZ sensitivity and long-term disability in anxious patients. Patients were classified as either HIGH or LOW users based on their p.r.n. patterns of Alz use during the first 3 weeks of the study. They then participated in a 4-week dose response trial in which they received prescribed doses of medication (placebo, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0mg Alz), each taken TID for 1 week. The dose response trial was followed by a second 3-week Choice Procedure. Findings were not indicative of biological differences in Alz sensitivity between the HIGH and LOW users. However, the HIGH users had higher baseline anxiety and greater anxiolytic response to Alz than the LOW users. Anxiolytic benefits of p.r.n. and prescribed dosing were shown to be comparable, and patients' conservative patterns of p.r.n. medication use were not affected by the period of prescribed dosing. Although there was not strong evidence to suggest relationships between HPA-axis function and Alz use or sensitivity, interesting findings emerged about the relationship between HPA-axis function and anxiety. ^


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Hair sampled from 96 East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) over the periods 1892-1927 and 1988-2009 was analyzed for cortisol as a proxy to investigate temporal patterns of environmental stress. Cortisol concentration was independent of sex and age, and was found at significantly higher (p<0.001) concentrations in historical hair samples (1892-1927; n = 8) relative to recent ones (1988-2009; n = 88). In addition, there was a linear time trend in cortisol concentration of the recent samples (p< 0.01), with an annual decrease of 2.7%. The recent hair samples were also analyzed for major bioaccumulative, persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There were no obvious POP related time trends or correlations between hair cortisol and hair POP concentrations. Thus, polar bear hair appears to be a relatively poor indicator of the animal's general POP load in adipose tissue. However, further investigations are warranted to explore the reasons for the temporal decrease found in the bears' hair cortisol levels.


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Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicación de Rimadyl® (carprofeno 50 mg/ml) sobre la concentración de cortisol, temperatura rectal, frecuencia respiratoria, frecuencia cardiaca y motilidad ruminal, con el objetivo evaluar su eficacia en el control del dolor y la recuperación postquirúrgica, al aplicarlo antes de la cirugía por dislocación abomasal. Se seleccionaron 24 vacas de características similares que iban a someterse a cirugía por dislocación abomasal y se asignaron al azar a uno de los dos tratamientos experimentales: Rimadyl® o suero salino fisiológico. La aplicación de Rimadyl® disminuye (P=0,006) la concentración plasmática de cortisol (11,3 ng/mL vs 22,13 ng/mL). Con el tiempo se reducen (P=0,024) los niveles de cortisol plasmático. Esta reducción es más acusada (P=0,0003) con Rimadyl® a las 6 horas de su aplicación. La producción de leche postcirugía fue mayor en los animales que recibieron Rimadyl® en comparación con los que se les aplicó suero salino fisiológico


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El manejo pre-sacrificio es de vital importancia en acuicultura, ya que afecta tanto a las reacciones fisiológicas como a los procesos bioquímicos post mortem, y por tanto al bienestar y a la calidad del producto. El ayuno pre-sacrificio se lleva a cabo de forma habitual en acuicultura, ya que permite el vaciado del aparato digestivo de restos de alimento y heces, reduciendo de esta manera la carga bacteriana en el intestino y la dispersión de enzimas digestivos y potenciales patógenos a la carne. Sin embargo, la duración óptima de este ayuno sin que el pez sufra un estrés innecesario no está clara. Además, se sabe muy poco sobre la mejor hora del día para realizar el sacrificio, lo que a su vez está regido por los ritmos diarios de los parámetros fisiológicos de estrés. Finalmente, se sabe que la temperatura del agua juega un papel muy importante en la fisiología del estrés pero no se ha determinado su efecto en combinación con el ayuno. Además, las actuales recomendaciones en relación a la duración óptima del ayuno previo al sacrificio en peces no suelen considerar la temperatura del agua y se basan únicamente en días y no en grados día (ºC d). Se determinó el efecto del ayuno previo al sacrificio (1, 2 y 3 días, equivalente a 11,1-68,0 grados día) y la hora de sacrificio (08h00, 14h00 y 20h00) en trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) de tamaño comercial en cuatro pruebas usando diferentes temperaturas de agua (Prueba 1: 11,8 ºC; Prueba 2: 19,2 ºC; Prueba 3: 11,1 ºC; y Prueba 4: 22,7 ºC). Se midieron indicadores biométricos, hematológicos, metabólicos y de calidad de la carne. En cada prueba, los valores de los animales ayunados (n=90) se compararon con 90 animales control mantenidos bajo condiciones similares pero nos ayunados. Los resultados sugieren que el ayuno tuvo un efecto significativo sobre los indicadores biométricos. El coeficiente de condición en los animales ayunados fue menor que en los controles después de 2 días de ayuno. El vaciado del aparato digestivo se produjo durante las primeras 24 h de ayuno, encontrándose pequeñas cantidades de alimento después de 48 h. Por otra parte, este vaciado fue más rápido cuando las temperaturas fueron más altas. El peso del hígado de los animales ayunados fue menor y las diferencias entre truchas ayunadas y controles fueron más evidentes a medida que el vaciado del aparato digestivo fue más rápido. El efecto del ayuno hasta 3 días en los indicadores hematológicos no fue significativo. Los niveles de cortisol en plasma resultaron ser altos tanto en truchas ayunadas como en las alimentadas en todas las pruebas realizadas. La concentración media de glucosa varió entre pruebas pero mostró una tendencia a disminuir en animales ayunados a medida que el ayuno progresaba. En cualquier caso, parece que la temperatura del agua jugó un papel muy importante, ya que se encontraron concentraciones más altas durante los días 2 y 3 de ayuno en animales mantenidos a temperaturas más bajas previamente al sacrificio. Los altos niveles de lactato obtenidos en sangre parecen sugerir episodios de intensa actividad muscular pero no se pudo encontrar relación con el ayuno. De la misma manera, el nivel de hematocrito no mostró efecto alguno del ayuno y los leucocitos tendieron a ser más altos cuando los animales estaban menos estresados y cuando su condición corporal fue mayor. Finalmente, la disminución del peso del hígado (índice hepatosomático) en la Prueba 3 no se vio acompañada de una reducción del glucógeno hepático, lo que sugiere que las truchas emplearon una estrategia diferente para mantener constantes los niveles de glucosa durante el periodo de ayuno en esa prueba. En relación a la hora de sacrificio, se obtuvieron niveles más bajos de cortisol a las 20h00, lo que indica que las truchas estaban menos estresadas y que el manejo pre-sacrificio podría resultar menos estresante por la noche. Los niveles de hematocrito fueron también más bajos a las 20h00 pero solo con temperaturas más bajas, sugiriendo que las altas temperaturas incrementan el metabolismo. Ni el ayuno ni la hora de sacrificio tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre la evolución de la calidad de la carne durante los 3 días de almacenamiento. Por el contrario, el tiempo de almacenamiento sí que parece tener un efecto claro sobre los parámetros de calidad del producto final. Los niveles más bajos de pH se alcanzaron a las 24-48 h post mortem, con una lata variabilidad entre duraciones del ayuno (1, 2 y 3 días) en animales sacrificados a las 20h00, aunque no se pudo distinguir ningún patrón común. Por otra parte, la mayor rigidez asociada al rigor mortis se produjo a las 24 h del sacrificio. La capacidad de retención de agua se mostró muy estable durante el período de almacenamiento y parece ser independiente de los cambios en el pH. El parámetro L* de color se incrementó a medida que avanzaba el período de almacenamiento de la carne, mientras que los valores a* y b* no variaron en gran medida. En conclusión, basándose en los resultados hematológicos, el sacrificio a última hora del día parece tener un efecto menos negativo en el bienestar. De manera general, nuestros resultados sugieren que la trucha arco iris puede soportar un período de ayuno previo al sacrificio de hasta 3 días o 68 ºC d sin que su bienestar se vea seriamente comprometido. Es probable que con temperaturas más bajas las truchas pudieran ser ayunadas durante más tiempo sin ningún efecto negativo sobre su bienestar. En cualquier caso, se necesitan más estudios para determinar la relación entre la temperatura del agua y la duración óptima del ayuno en términos de pérdida de peso vivo y la disminución de los niveles de glucosa en sangre y otros indicadores metabólicos. SUMMARY Pre-slaughter handling in fish is important because it affects both physiological reactions and post mortem biochemical processes, and thus welfare and product quality. Pre-slaughter fasting is regularly carried out in aquaculture, as it empties the viscera of food and faeces, thus reducing the intestinal bacteria load and the spread of gut enzymes and potential pathogens to the flesh. However, it is unclear how long rainbow trout can be fasted before suffering unnecessary stress. In addition, very little is known about the best time of the day to slaughter fish, which may in turn be dictated by diurnal rhythms in physiological stress parameters. Water temperature is also known to play a very important role in stress physiology in fish but the combined effect with fasting is unclear. Current recommendations regarding the optimal duration of pre-slaughter fasting do not normally consider water temperature and are only based on days, not degree days (ºC d). The effects of short-term fasting prior to slaughter (1, 2 and 3 days, between 11.1 and 68.0 ºC days) and hour of slaughter (08h00, 14h00 and 20h00) were determined in commercial-sized rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) over four trials at different water temperatures (TRIAL 1, 11.8 ºC; TRIAL 2, 19.2 ºC; TRIAL 3, 11.1 ºC; and TRIAL 4, 22.7 ºC). We measured biometric, haematological, metabolic and product quality indicators. In each trial, the values of fasted fish (n=90) were compared with 90 control fish kept under similar conditions but not fasted. Results show that fasting affected biometric indicators. The coefficient of condition in fasted trout was lower than controls 2 days after food deprivation. Gut emptying occurred within the first 24 h after the cessation of feeding, with small traces of digesta after 48 h. Gut emptying was faster at higher water temperatures. Liver weight decreased in food deprived fish and differences between fasted and fed trout were more evident when gut clearance was faster. The overall effect of fasting for up to three days on haematological indicators was small. Plasma cortisol levels were high in both fasted and fed fish in all trials. Plasma glucose response to fasting varied among trials, but it tended to be lower in fasted fish as the days of fasting increased. In any case, it seems that water temperature played a more important role, with higher concentrations at lower temperatures on days 2 and 3 after the cessation of feeding. Plasma lactate levels indicate moments of high muscular activity and were also high, but no variation related to fasting could be found. Haematocrit did not show any significant effect of fasting, but leucocytes tended to be higher when trout were less stressed and when their body condition was higher. Finally, the loss of liver weight was not accompanied by a decrease in liver glycogen (only measured in TRIAL 3), suggesting that a different strategy to maintain plasma glucose levels was used. Regarding the hour of slaughter, lower cortisol levels were found at 20h00, suggesting that trout were less stressed later in the day and that pre-slaughter handling may be less stressful at night. Haematocrit levels were also lower at 20h00 but only at lower temperatures, indicating that higher temperatures increase metabolism. Neither fasting nor the hour of slaughter had a significant effect on the evolution of meat quality during 3 days of storage. In contrast, storage time seemed to have a more important effect on meat quality parameters. The lowest pH was reached 24-48 h post mortem, with a higher variability among fasting durations at 20h00, although no clear pattern could be discerned. Maximum stiffening from rigor mortis occurred after 24 h. The water holding capacity was very stable throughout storage and seemed to be independent of pH changes. Meat lightness (L*) slightly increased during storage and a* and b*-values were relatively stable. In conclusion, based on the haematological results, slaughtering at night may have less of a negative effect on welfare than at other times of the day. Overall, our results suggest that rainbow trout can cope well with fasting up to three days or 68 ºC d prior to slaughter and that their welfare is therefore not seriously compromised. At low water temperatures, trout could probably be fasted for longer periods without negative effects on welfare but more research is needed to determine the relationship between water temperature and days of fasting in terms of loss of live weight and the decrease in plasma glucose and other metabolic indicators.


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Algunos investigadores han utilizado la información que suministran determinados parámetros sanguíneos para el control biológico del entrenamiento. Entre estos parámetros los más utilizados como indicadores de sobreentrenamiento son: creatina kinasa (CK), urea (U), cortisol (C), testosterona(T) y relación testosterona/cortisol (T/C). El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la evolución de CK, U, C,T y T/C a lo largo de 3 microciclos (M) de ntrenamiento,comparando los valores tras una sesión de entrenamientointenso con los obtenidos tras una sesión de recuperación. Seis triatletas masculinos de élite participaron en el estudio y fueron seguidos durante un periodo de entrenamiento de 31 semanas. Se estudiaron los microciclos 8, 22 y 31 (M1, M2 y M3, respectivamente). Se realizaron 7 extracciones sanguíneas en los siguientes momentos: una analítica en octubre en el periodo de descanso, y dos analíticas al final de cada M (tras una sesión de entrenamiento y una de recuperación). En cada M se registraron los datos de entrenamiento así como los de percepción de la carga y recuperación. La CK descendió de forma significativa tras una sesión de recuperación después de haber alcanzado valores significativamente superiores a los de referencia (129,5±80,2 U/l) en el M1 (Entrenamiento: 303,2±141,8 U/l vs. Recuperación: 211,3±65,4 U/l; P < 0,05), en el M2 (Entrenamiento: 316,2±134,1 U/l vs. Recuperación: 238,2±149 U/l; P < 0,05) y M3 (Entrenamiento: 383,3±231,0 U/l vs. Recuperación: 209,8±98,2 U/l; P < 0,05). Ni la U ni la T experimentaron variaciones significativas tras una sesión de recuperación, mientras que el C sólo descendió significativamente en M3 (Entrenamiento: 23±2,3 μg/dl vs. Recuperación: 18,9±2,7 μg/dl: P < 0,05). En conclusión, este estudio muestra las variaciones que experimentan varios parámetros sanguíneos a lo largo de tres microciclos de entrenamiento intenso, en los que ninguno de los deportistas experimentó ningún síntoma de sobreentrenamiento.


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From early in the AIDS epidemic, psychosocial stressors have been proposed as contributors to the variation in disease course. To test this hypothesis, rhesus macaques were assigned to stable or unstable social conditions and were inoculated with the simian immunodeficiency virus. Animals in the unstable condition displayed more agonism and less affiliation, shorter survival, and lower basal concentrations of plasma cortisol compared with stable animals. Early after inoculation, but before the emergence of group differences in cortisol levels, animals receiving social threats had higher concentrations of simian immunodeficiency virus RNA in plasma, and those engaging in affiliation had lower concentrations. The results indicate that social factors can have a significant impact on the course of immunodeficiency disease. Socially induced changes in pituitary–adrenal hormones may be one mechanism mediating this relationship.


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Our research team and laboratories have concentrated on two inherited endocrine disorders, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and apparent mineralocorticoid excess, in thier investigations of the pathophysiology of adrenal steroid hormone disorders in children. CAH refers to a family of inherited disorders in which defects occur in one of the enzymatic steps required to synthesize cortisol from cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Because of the impaired cortisol secretion, adrenocorticotropic hormone levels rise due to impairment of a negative feedback system, which results in hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. The majority of cases is due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD). Owing to the blocked enzymatic step, cortisol precursors accumulate in excess and are converted to potent androgens, which are secreted and cause in utero virilization of the affected female fetus genitalia in the classical form of CAH. A mild form of the 21-OHD, termed nonclassical 21-OHD, is the most common autosomal recessive disorder in humans, and occurs in 1/27 Ashkenazic Jews. Mutations in the CYP21 gene have been identified that cause both classical and nonclassical CAH. Apparent mineralocorticoid excess is a potentially fatal genetic disorder causing severe juvenile hypertension, pre- and postnatal growth failure, and low to undetectable levels of potassium, renin, and aldosterone. It is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the HSD11B2 gene, which result in a deficiency of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. In 1998, we reported a mild form of this disease, which may represent an important cause of low-renin hypertension.


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Date of acceptance: 06/12/2014 Acknowledgments The study was funded by the Portuguese Ministry of Science (Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia– FCT) through a PhD Grant of SG (SFRH/BD/47931/2008). We would like to thank the captain of the purse-seiner (Jose´ Manuel Saveedra) and his crew for facilitating the capture and transport of live fish. Moreover, we want to thank Ana Marc¸alo for suggestions on the experimental design, Manuel Garci for technical advice on underwater video recordings and James Turner from the company Future Oceans for providing technical details on the 70 kHz dolphin pingers. We would also like to acknowledge the scientific advice of Dr. Jose´ Iglesias and the technical and logistic support for the preparation of the laboratory and the materials for tank experiments by Enrique Martı´nez Gonza´lez, Ricardo Pazo´and other staff at the aquaculture facilities of the Spanish Institute for Oceanography (IEO) and the Marine Sciences Station of Toralla (ECIMAT) in Vigo. Furthermore, we are grateful to Francisco de la Granda Grandoso for his practical assistance during the fish tank experiments and to Juan Santos Blanco for helping with statistical analysis. Finally, we would like to thank Pilar Riobo´ Agula, Amelia Fernandez Villamarin, Jose´ Franco Soler, Jose´ Luis Mun˜oz, Angela Benedetti, Marcos Antonio Lopez Patin˜o and Marta Conde Sieira for scientific advice and practical support with cortisol analysis and Rosana Rodrı´guez for preparing histological samples for us.


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Glucocorticoid hormones, acting via nuclear receptors, regulate many metabolic processes, including hepatic gluconeogenesis. It recently has been recognized that intracellular glucocorticoid concentrations are determined not only by plasma hormone levels, but also by intracellular 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11β-HSDs), which interconvert active corticosterone (cortisol in humans) and inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone (cortisone in humans). 11β-HSD type 2, a dehydrogenase, thus excludes glucocorticoids from otherwise nonselective mineralocorticoid receptors in the kidney. Recent data suggest the type 1 isozyme (11β-HSD-1) may function as an 11β-reductase, regenerating active glucocorticoids from circulating inert 11-keto forms in specific tissues, notably the liver. To examine the importance of this enzyme isoform in vivo, mice were produced with targeted disruption of the 11β-HSD-1 gene. These mice were unable to convert inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone to corticosterone in vivo. Despite compensatory adrenal hyperplasia and increased adrenal secretion of corticosterone, on starvation homozygous mutants had attenuated activation of the key hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, presumably, because of relative intrahepatic glucocorticoid deficiency. The 11β-HSD-1 −/− mice were found to resist hyperglycamia provoked by obesity or stress. Attenuation of hepatic 11β-HSD-1 may provide a novel approach to the regulation of gluconeogenesis.


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Both stress-system activation and melancholic depression are characterized by fear, constricted affect, stereotyped thinking, and similar changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine function. Because norepinephrine (NE) and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) can produce these physiological and behavioral changes, we measured the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels each hour for 30 consecutive hours in controls and in patients with melancholic depression. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels were obtained every 30 min. Depressed patients had significantly higher CSF NE and plasma cortisol levels that were increased around the clock. Diurnal variations in CSF NE and plasma cortisol levels were virtually superimposable and positively correlated with each other in both patients and controls. Despite their hypercortisolism, depressed patients had normal levels of plasma ACTH and CSF CRH. However, plasma ACTH and CSF CRH levels in depressed patients were inappropriately high, considering the degree of their hypercortisolism. In contrast to the significant negative correlation between plasma cortisol and CSF CRH levels seen in controls, patients with depression showed no statistical relationship between these parameters. These data indicate that persistent stress-system dysfunction in melancholic depression is independent of the conscious stress of the disorder. These data also suggest mutually reinforcing bidirectional links between a central hypernoradrenergic state and the hyperfunctioning of specific central CRH pathways that each are driven and sustained by hypercortisolism. We postulate that α-noradrenergic blockade, CRH antagonists, and treatment with antiglucocorticoids may act at different loci, alone or in combination, in the treatment of major depression with melancholic features.


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Microsomal cytochrome P450c17 catalyzes both steroid 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity and scission of the C17-C20 steroid bond (17,20-lyase) on the same active site. Adrenal 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity is needed to produce cortisol throughout life, but 17,20-lyase activity appears to be controlled independently in a complex, age-dependent pattern. We show that human P450c17 is phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of P450c17 increases 17,20-lyase activity, while dephosphorylation virtually eliminates this activity. Hormonally regulated serine phosphorylation of human P450c17 suggests a possible mechanism for human adrenarche and may be a unifying etiologic link between the hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance that characterize the polycystic ovary syndrome.


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Most cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the inherited inability to synthesize cortisol, are caused by mutations in the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene (CYP21). Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency is unusual among genetic diseases in that approximately 95% of the mutant alleles have apparently been generated by recombination between a normally active gene (CYP21) and a linked pseudogene (CYP21P). Approximately 20% of mutant alleles carry DNA deletions of 30 kb that have presumably been generated by unequal meiotic crossing-over, whereas 75% carry one or more mutations in CYP21 that are normally found in the CYP21P pseudogene. These latter mutations are termed "gene conversions," although the mechanism by which they are generated is not well understood. To assess the frequency at which these different recombination events occur, we have used PCR to detect de novo deletions and gene conversions in matched sperm and peripheral blood leukocyte DNA samples from normal individuals. Deletions with breakpoints in a 100-bp region in intron 2 and exon 3 were detected in sperm DNA samples with frequencies of approximately 1 in 10(5)-10(6) genomes but were never detected in the matching leukocyte DNA. Gene conversions in the same region occur in approximately 1 in 10(3)-10(5) genomes in both sperm and leukocyte DNA. These data suggest that whereas deletions occur exclusively in meiosis, gene conversions occur during both meiosis and mitosis, or perhaps only during mitosis. Thus, gene conversions must occur by a mechanism distinct from unequal crossing-over.


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A potent, orally active growth hormone (GH) secretagogue L-163,191 belonging to a recently synthesized structural class has been characterized. L-163,191 releases GH from rat pituitary cells in culture with EC50 = 1.3 +/- 0.09 nM and is mechanistically indistinguishable from the GH-releasing peptide GHRP-6 and the prototypical nonpeptide GH secretagogue L-692,429 but clearly distinguishable from the natural GH secretagogue, GH-releasing hormone. L-163,191 elevates GH in dogs after oral doses as low as 0.125 mg/kg and was shown to be specific in its release of GH without significant effect on plasma levels of aldosterone, luteinizing hormone, thyroxine, and prolactin after oral administration of 1 mg/kg. Only modest increases in cortisol were observed. Based on these properties, L-163,191 has been selected for clinical studies.


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Un figlio con un Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, caratterizzato da gravi difficoltà nelle relazioni, nei comportamenti e nella comunicazione, costringe tutto il sistema familiare a gestire un notevole stress dovuto alla gestione quotidiana di una patologia così complessa. Per questi motivi, i genitori necessitano di un sostegno il più possibile personalizzato rispetto alle caratteristiche del loro contesto familiare. Per fare questo sarebbe importante individuare quali siano i parametri correlati ai livelli di stress nei familiari di pazienti con autismo e che potrebbero avere un’influenza sul benessere familiare. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare quali caratteristiche di personalità, stili di coping e capacità di gestire le emozioni possano essere in relazione con la reattività individuale alle situazioni di stress, valutata attraverso alcuni correlati biologici, quali il livello di cortisolo (l’ormone dello stress) e la variabilità della frequenza cardiaca. L’ottica di ricerca applicata fa sì che gli obiettivi ultimi di questo lavoro siano anche quelli di diminuire l’accesso ai servizi per questi soggetti, considerando il fatto che progetti individualizzati di sostegno genitoriale costituiscono un fattore protettivo rispetto a conseguenze fisiche e psicologiche di disagio se implementati tenendo conto della variabilità individuale rispetto alle caratteristiche sopra citate.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o uso de bagaço de cana como enriquecimento ambiental para suínos a partir do comportamento e respostas fisiológicas do estresse causado pelo confinamento e mudança de ambiente, na fase de creche. O projeto foi conduzido no Laboratório de Biometeorologia e Etologia, da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, Pirassununga-SP, e no setor da Suinocultura da Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo Fernando Costa (PUSP-FC), entre os meses de abril e junho de 2015. Foram utilizados 66 leitões (NK75 X Naïma), machos e fêmeas desmamados aos 28 dias, separados em grupos homogêneos com relação ao peso, transferidos para baias da creche e distribuídos em dois tratamentos: Tratamento Enriquecido (TE) onde as baias foram fornecidas com cama profunda de bagaço de cana, de até 15 cm de profundidade e Tratamento Não Enriquecido (TNE) as baias foram utilizadas da forma convencional, sem cobertura no piso cimentado. Foram avaliadas diferentes respostas fisiológicas, especificamente, níveis de cortisol salivar, temperatura superficial por meio de um termómetro infravermelho e temperatura ocular a través de fotos termográficas. O comportamento dos leitões foi registrado e as análises das observações das atividades foram realizadas pelo efeito dos tratamentos e a interação do tempo. Os dados de desempenho dos animais foram analisados, igualmente como o Ganho de peso diário (GPD) e a conversão alimentar (CA). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental apresentaram concentrações de cortisol mais baixas (P<0,001) durante a primeira semana pós-desmama. A partir da segunda semana pós desmama até o final da fase da creche houve efeito do tratamento (P<0,05), encontrando níveis de cortisol até quatro vezes mais altos para o TNE referentes aos níveis basais, enquanto o TE continua tendo níveis mais baixos (P<0,05). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental tiveram maior frequência em comportamentos exploratórios (P<0,05) e maior atividade brincando (P<0,05) durante toda a fase experimental. Leitões que foram criados em baias pobres manifestaram maior frequência em comportamentos agonísticos (P<0,05) e em repouso (P<0,05). A correlação entre a temperatura superficial do dorso e termografia ocular indicou uma associação moderada positiva (P<0,0001) com a temperatura ocular mínima (r=0,43) e máxima (r=0,41). Apesar de não existir diferença estatística para o desempenho entre tratamentos (P>0,05), o TE apresentou maior ganho de peso diário (0,47±0,015 kg.dia-1) e total (23,47±0,73 kg.dia-1). A conversão alimentar foi maior no TE (2,88±0,25), provavelmente porque os leitões precisavam de mais alimento para compensar a energia gasta pela sua atividade de fuçar e brincar. Ambientes enriquecidos durante a fase da creche melhoram o bem-estar dos animais em confinamento, diminuindo o estresse pela desmama, motivando o animal a expressar comportamentos próprios da espécie suína, tais como fuçar e explorar.