946 resultados para CORONARY-ARTERY DISEASE


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A high-carbohydrate low-fat (HC/LF) diet and lipoprotein lipase gene (LPL) Ser447Stop and Hind III polymorphisms have separately been found to be associated with triacylglycerol (TG) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). This study sought to test the effects of LPL polymorphisms and an HC/LF diet on the serum lipid profile of Chinese with a lower incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD) consuming a diet with less fat and more carbohydrates. Fifty-six healthy subjects (22.89 ± 1.80 years) were given a control diet of 30.1% fat and 54.1% carbohydrates for 7 days, followed by an HC/LF diet of 13.8% fat and 70.1% carbohydrate for 6 days; there were no changes in the fatty acid composition or restrictions on total energy. Serum lipid profiles at baseline, before and after the HC/LF diet, and LPL polymorphisms were analyzed. After 6 days of the HC/LF diet, TG and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMAIR) index were found to increase only in females with S447S. No decrease in HDL-C was noted. In subjects with Hind III polymorphism, increased TG was found in all females but not in males. Increased HDL-C, together with apolipoprotein (apo) AI, was found in male H- carriers but not in males with H+/H+ and females. In conclusion, LPL Ser447Stop and Hind III polymorphisms modified the effects of an HC/LF diet on the serum lipid profiles of a young Chinese population in different ways. Effective strategies for dietary interventions targeted at younger populations should take into account the interplay between genetic polymorphisms, diet, and gender.


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Background Depression often coexists with myocardial infarction (MI) and has been found to impede recovery through reduced functioning in key areas of life such as work. In an era of improved survival rates and extended working lives, we review whether depression remains a predictor of poorer work outcomes following MI by systematically reviewing literature from the past 15 years.

Methods Articles were identified using medical, health, occupational and social science databases, including PubMed, OVID, Medline, Proquest, CINAHL plus, CCOHS, SCOPUS, Web of Knowledge, and the following pre-determined criteria were applied: (i) collection of depression measures (as distinct from 'psychological distress') and work status at baseline, (ii) examination and statistical analysis of predictors of work outcomes, (iii) inclusion of cohorts with patients exhibiting symptoms consistent with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), (iv) follow-up of work-specific and depression specific outcomes at minimum 6 months, (v) published in English over the past 15 years. Results from included articles were then evaluated for quality and analysed by comparing effect size.

Results Of the 12 articles meeting criteria, depression significantly predicted reduced likelihood of return to work (RTW) in the majority of studies (n = 7). Further, there was a trend suggesting that increased depression severity was associated with poorer RTW outcomes 6 to 12 months after a cardiac event. Other common significant predictors of RTW were age and patient perceptions of their illness and work performance.

Conclusion Depression is a predictor of work resumption post-MI. As work is a major component of Quality of Life (QOL), this finding has clinical, social, public health and economic implications in the modern era. Targeted depression interventions could facilitate RTW post-MI.


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We read with interest the article by Smolderen et al (1), which reported real-world lessons from the implementation of an American Heart Association (AHA) recommended depression screening protocol in Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) patients. After implementing a routine, two- step depression screening process using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2 and 9, the study revealed that more than 1 in 4 (n=135, 26.8%) Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients failed to be screened for depression. Specifically, women were likely to be missed. Of those who were screened, almost 7 of 10 patients with significant depressive symptoms failed to be recognized and thus were ineligible for treatment.


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Background: Depression and obesity, the two common ailments of modern society, are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and raised C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Are the effects of depression and obesity related or do they influence CRP levels independently?

Objective: In 493 consecutive patients presenting for obesity surgery, we explored the relationship between symptoms of depression and raised CRP levels after controlling for confounding factors.

Methods and Procedures: Depression was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Confounding variables were age, gender, BMI, waist and hip measures, smoking and alcohol habits, medications, biochemical measures of the metabolic syndrome, and indirect measures of insulin resistance. General linear regression sought variables independently associated with CRP levels.

Results: These patients had a BMI range from 31 to 91 kg/m2, participants age ranged from 14 to 71 years, and 76% were women. The median CRP concentration was 7.7 mg/l (interquartile range: 3.9–14), 40% had an abnormally raised concentration (>10 mg/l). The mean BDI score was 17.0 ± 9.0, indicating symptoms of moderate depression. We found five independent factors associated with raised CRP levels. In order of strength of association, these were: higher BMI (β = 0.36, P < 0.001), female gender (β = −0.19, P < 0.001), estrogen therapy (β = 0.18, P < 0.001), higher BDI score (β = 0.11, P = 0.01), and insulin resistance index (β = 0.11, P = 0.01), and with a combined R 2 = 0.24, (P < 0.001). Discussion: In obese patients, symptoms of depression were associated with raised CRP levels after controlling for confounding variables. Obese women on estrogen therapy are at risk of high CRP levels.


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Background : Diabetes care is not presently available, accessible, or affordable to people living in rural areas in developing countries, such as India. The Chunampet Rural Diabetes Prevention Project (CRDPP) was conceived with the aim of implementing comprehensive diabetes screening, prevention, and treatment using a combination of telemedicine and personalized care in rural India.

Methods :
This project was undertaken in a cluster of 42 villages in and around the Chunampet village in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India. A telemedicine van was used to screen for diabetes and its complications using retinal photography, Doppler imaging, biothesiometry, and electrocardiography using standardized techniques. A rural diabetes center was set up to provide basic diabetes care.

Results : Of the total 27,014 adult population living in 42 villages, 23,380 (86.5%) were screened for diabetes, of which 1138 (4.9%) had diabetes and 3410 (14.6%) had prediabetes. A total of 1001 diabetes subjects were screened for complications (response rate of 88.0%). Diabetic retinopathy was detected in 18.2%, neuropathy in 30.9%, microalbuminuria in 24.3%, peripheral vascular disease in 7.3%, and coronary artery disease in 10.8%. The mean hemoglobin A1c levels among the diabetes subjects in the whole community decreased from9.3 ± 2.6% to 8.5 ± 2.4% within 1 year. Less than 5% of patients needed referral for further management to the tertiary diabetes hospital in Chennai.


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Long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) particularly, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 22: 5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22: 6n-3) have been reported to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) including myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac death. In addition, these fatty acids play an important role in reduction of cancer risks, Alzheimer's disease, depression and schizophrenia. Furthermore, studies also showed that EPA and DHA are important for foetal development, particularly neuronal and retinal functions. Several recent human trials have strengthened the evidence that EPA and DHA can reduce the risks of various chronic diseases although this has not been a uniform finding. In general, the high prevalence of mortality caused by chronic disease can be prevented by consumption of LC n-3 PUFA, which has been proven to have considerable health benefits. The aim of this paper was to review main scientific evidence regarding the health impact of LC n-3 PUFA, especially EPA and DHA on chronic disease including CVD, cancer, mental health, arthritis and infant development.


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Depression is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Autonomic instability may play a mediating or moderating role in this relationship; however this is not well understood. The objective of this study was to explore cardiac autonomic function and cardiac arrhythmia in depression, the correlation between depression severity and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) related indices, and the prevalence of arrhythmia.

Individuals (n = 53) with major depression as assessed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, who had a Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) score ≥20 and a Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale score > 53 were compared to 53 healthy individuals, matched for age and gender. Multichannel Electrocardiograph ECG-92C data were collected over 24 hours. Long-term changes in HRV were used to assess the following vagally mediated changes in autonomic tone, expressed as time domain indices: Standard deviation of the NN intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of 5 min averaged NN intervals (SDANN), Root Mean Square of the Successive Differences (RMSSD) and percentage of NN intervals > 50 ms different from preceding interval (pNN50). Pearson’s correlations were conducted to explore the strength of the association between depression severity (using the SDS and HRV related indices, specifically SDNN and low frequency domain / high frequency domain (LF/HF)).

The values of SDNN, SDANN, RMSSD, PNN50 and HF were lower in the depression group compared to the control group (P<.05). The mean value of the LF in the depression group was higher than the in control group (P<.05). Furthermore the ratio of LF/HF was higher among the depression group than the control group (P<.05). A linear relationship was shown to exist between the severity of the depression and HRV indices. In the depression group, the prevalence of arrhythmia was significantly higher than in the control group (P<.05), particularly supraventricular arrhythmias.

Our findings suggest that depression is accompanied by dysfunction of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, and further, that depression severity is linked to severity of this dysfunction. Individuals with depression appear to be susceptible to premature atrial and/or ventricular disease.


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Methylmercury (MeHg) has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease in some but not all epidemiology studies. These inconsistent results may stem from the fact that exposure typically occurs in the context of fish consumption, which is also associated with cardioprotective factors such as omega-3 fatty acids. Mechanistic information may help to understand whether MeHg represents a risk to cardiovascular health. MeHg is a pro-oxidant that inactivates protein sulfhydryls. These biochemical effects may diminish critical antioxidant defense mechanism(s) involved in protecting against atherosclerosis. One such defense mechanism is paraoxonase-1 (PON1), an enzyme present on high-density lipoproteins and that prevents the oxidation of blood lipids and their deposition in vascular endothelium. PON1 is potentially useful as a clinical biomarker of cardiovascular risk, as well as a critical enzyme in the detoxification of certain organophosphate oxons. MeHg and other metals are known to inhibit PON1 activity in vitro. MeHg is associated with lowered serum PON1 activity in a fish-eating population. The implications of lowering PON1 are evaluated by predicting the shift in PON1 population distribution induced by various doses of MeHg. An MeHg dose of 0.3 μg/kg/d is estimated to decrease the population average PON1 level by 6.1% and to increase population risk of acute cardiovascular events by 9.7%. This evaluation provides a plausible mechanism for MeHg-induced cardiovascular risk and suggests means to quantify the risk. This case study exemplifies the use of upstream disease biomarkers to evaluate the additive effect of chemical toxicity with background disease processes in assessing human risk.


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The mortality risk associated with cardiovascular disease is significantly increased in patients with major depression and panic disorder. The mechanism of this phenomenon is unclear. Thrombin is responsible for platelet aggregation and shape change, and it plays a significant role in the development of thromboembolic events. In this study, we examined the platelet second messenger intracellular calcium response to thrombin stimulation in patients with major depression (n = 13), major depression after response to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT; n = 13), subsyndromal depression (n = 16), schizophrenia (n = 15), and control subjects (n = 65). Patients with major depression had significantly higher intracellular calcium responses to thrombin stimulation than control subjects, patients with subsyndromal depression, and patients with schizophrenia (p < 0.05). Electroconvulsive therapy did not significantly change this supersensitivity. This suggests that the platelet response to activation in patients with major depression is supersensitive. This study suggests a possible mechanism for the increased risk of cardiovascular disease that is seen in these two psychiatric disorders. The lack of difference between the control and subsyndromal depression groups appears to validate current diagnostic thresholds in depression. The failure of nonpharmacologic treatment to alter this marker suggests that it may be a trait marker of depression.


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Introdução. A endotelina-1, o mais potente vasoconstritor endógeno, atua através de dois receptores de afinidades distintas, conhecidos como ETA e ETB. Os receptores ETA estão localizados predominantemente na musculatura lisa vascular e são os principais mediadores do efeito vasoconstritor da endotelina-1. Diversos estudos demonstraram que a endotelina-1 exerce um papel importante na manutenção do tônus arterial basal. Entretanto, a contribuição da endotelina-1 para o tônus coronariano basal em seres humanos, especialmente em coronárias com lesões ateroscleróticas, permanece alvo de interesse. Objetivos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a contribuição da endotelina-1 no tônus coronariano epicárdico e na microcirculação em coronárias livres de lesões obstrutivas e em coronárias com lesões ateroscleróticas e comparar o método da contagem TIMI com o Doppler intracoronário na detecção de alterações do fluxo sangüíneo em resposta à adenosina. Métodos. Um total de 16 pacientes, sendo oito destes no grupo com coronárias livres de lesões obstrutivas e oito pacientes com lesões coronarianas obstrutivas, foram incluídos neste estudo. Todos pacientes receberam a infusão seletiva intracoronária de BQ-123, um inibidor específico dos receptores ETA da endotelina-1, durante 60 minutos. Adenosina e nitroglicerina foram administradas em bolus no tronco da coronária esquerda. O efeito do BQ-123 no diâmetro coronário epicárdico foi avaliado por angiografia quantitativa realizada a cada 15 minutos ao longo da infusão da droga. O efeito na microcirculação coronária foi avaliado por variações no fluxo sangüíneo medido por guia-Doppler e pelo método da contagem TIMI. Resultados. A infusão de BQ-123 resultou em aumento de 7% do diâmetro coronário e de 19% no fluxo sangüíneo volumétrico em pacientes com artérias livres de lesões obstrutivas (P < 0,001 para comparação com basal). O aumento do calibre do vaso ocorreu de forma progressiva e uniforme ao longo do vaso. Os pacientes com lesão aterosclerótica apresentaram um aumento de 16% (P < 0,001 para comparação com artérias livres de lesões obstrutivas) no diâmetro coronário e 28% no local da estenose. A velocidade do fluxo sangüíneo em coronárias livres de lesões obstrutivas não se alterou significativamente tanto na medida por Doppler como pelo método de contagem TIMI. Houve uma correlação de 0,67 (P < 0,05) entre o método da contagem TIMI e o Doppler para detecção de alterações na velocidade do fluxo sangüíneo em resposta à adenosina. Conclusões. A infusão seletiva intracoronária do inibidor específico dos receptores ETA da endotelina-1 em seres humanos pode ser feita de maneira segura. A endotelina-1 exerce um papel importante na manutenção do tônus coronariano basal em artérias livres de lesões obstrutivas, sendo responsável pela quase totalidade do tônus constritor aumentado presente em coronárias com lesões ateroscleróticas. O método da contagem TIMI apresenta uma boa correlação com o Doppler para medida do fluxo sangüíneo em condições de hiperêmia.


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A mortalidade dos pacientes diabéticos, quando iniciam tratamento hemodialítico, ainda é muito elevada, significativamente maior do que a dos pacientes não diabéticos. As doenças cardíacas são a principal causa de morte nestes pacientes. O diabetes, por si só, está associado a uma alta prevalência de hipertensão, doença cardiovascular e insuficiência cardíaca, resultando em morbi-mortalidade significativas. Tradicionalmente, a mortalidade tem sido associada à cardiopatia isquêmica. A mortalidade cardiovascular, entretanto, não está relacionada apenas à isquemia, mas também à insuficiência cardíaca e à morte súbita. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel da doença cardiovascular como fator prognóstico para a morte de pacientes diabéticos e não diabéticos, que iniciam hemodiálise, levando em consideração outros fatores. Este foi um estudo prospectivo de uma coorte de 40 pacientes diabéticos e 28 não diabéticos, que iniciaram programa de hemodiálise, de agosto de 1996 a junho de 1999, em 5 hospitais de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O tempo total de acompanhamento foi de 4,25 anos. A avaliação inicial, realizada entre o 20 e o 30 mês de hemodiálise, incluiu: um questionário com características demográficas, história do diabetes e suas complicações, história de hipertensão e acidente vascular cerebral; o exame físico incluindo avaliação nutricional e exame oftalmológico; e avaliação laboratorial com medidas de parâmetros nutricionais, bioquímicos, hormonais, perfil lipídico, e controle metabólico do diabetes, além da avaliação da adequação da diálise. Para a avaliação cardiovascular foram utilizados: questionário Rose, ECG em repouso, cintilografia em repouso e sob dipiridamol, e ecocardiograma bi-dimensional e com Doppler. A mortalidade foi analisada ao final dos 51 meses, e as causas de morte, definidas pelos registros médicos, atestados de óbito ou informações do médico assistente ou familiar. Na análise estatística, foram empregados o teste t de Student, o qui-quadrado (χ2) ou teste exato de Fisher. Para a análise da sobrevida, o método de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizado, e, para identificar os principais fatores associados à mortalidade, construiu-se um modelo de regressão múltipla de Cox. O nÍvel de significância adotado foi de 5%. Ao final do estudo, os pacientes diabéticos tiveram um índice de mortalidade significativamente mais elevado do que os pacientes sem diabetes (47,5% vs. 7,1%; P=0,0013, log rank test). Na análise de Cox, o padrão pseudonormal ou restritivo de disfunção diastólica esteve associado a um risco de 3,2 (IC 95%:1,2-8,8; P=0,02), e a presença de diabetes, a um risco de 4,7 (IC 95%:1,03-21,4; P=0,04) para a morte. Concluiu-se que a disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi o principal preditor de mortalidade nesta coorte de pacientes que estão iniciando tratamento hemodialítico.


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A nefropatia diabética (ND) é uma complicação microvascular freqüente, que acomete cerca de 40% dos indivíduos com diabete melito (DM). A ND associa-se a significativo aumento de morte por doença cardiovascular. É a principal causa de insuficiência renal terminal em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, representando, dessa forma, um custo elevado para o sistema de saúde. Os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento e a progressão da ND mais definidos na literatura são a hiperglicemia e a hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Outros fatores descritos são o fumo, a dislipidemia, o tipo e a quantidade de proteína ingerida na dieta e a presença da retinopatia diabética. Alguns parâmetros de função renal também têm sido estudados como fatores de risco, tais como a excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) normal-alta e a taxa de filtração glomerular excessivamente elevada ou reduzida. Alguns genes candidatos têm sido postulados como risco, mas sem um marcador definitivo. O diagnóstico da ND é estabelecido pela presença de microalbuminúria (nefropatia incipiente: EUA 20-199 μg/min) e macroalbuminúria (nefropatia clínica: EUA ≥ 200 μg/min). À medida que progride a ND, aumenta mais a chance de o paciente morrer de cardiopatia isquêmica. Quando o paciente evolui com perda de função renal, há necessidade de terapia de substituição renal e, em diálise, a mortalidade dos pacientes com DM é muito mais significativa do que nos não-diabéticos, com predomínio das causas cardiovasculares. A progressão nos diferentes estágios da ND não é, no entanto, inexorável. Há estudos de intervenção que demonstram a possibilidade de prevenção e de retardo na evolução da ND principalmente com o uso dos inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina, dos bloqueadores da angiotensina II e do tratamento intensivo da hipertensão arterial. Os pacientes podem entrar em remissão, ou até mesmo regredir de estágio. A importância da detecção precoce e da compreensão do curso clínico da ND tem ganhado cada vez mais ênfase, porque a doença renal do DM é a principal causa de diálise no mundo e está associada ao progressivo aumento de morte por causas cardiovasculares.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the use of rosuvastatin in patients with atherosclerosis, in relation to blood parameters of selenium and selenoproteins, and also observe possible changes in gene expression of selenoproteins in these patients. The sample consisted of 27 adult and elderly patients with a clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease undergoing angioplasty, treated at Natal Hospital Center hospital, Natal, RN. Patients were treated with rosuvastatin 10 mg/day during four months. Anthropometric variables such as body mass index (BMI) and Waist circumference (WC) were measured before and after treatment, as well as lipid profile, blood glucose and liver enzymes (AST and ALT). The diet of the patients was also analyzed using 24-hour diet recall. We analyzed the concentrations of selenium in plasma and erythrocytes, and also the activity of Glutathione Peroxidase and gene expression by Real Time PCR of selenoproteins GPx1, SelP1 and SelN1. Patients had mean age of 61.0 ± 9.4 years, 59.3% were men and 40.7% were women. After four months of treatment there was significant reduction of CA and, according to BMI, most were overweight. The intake of macronutrients, cholesterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and saturated was adequate, but the energy and fiber intake was below the recommendations. Regarding the selenium intake was observed a high prevalence of inadequacy. As expected, after treatment with rosuvastatin, a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL and glucose, which was not observed for HDL. Selenium concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes showed no changes, keeping within the established cutoffs. We observed a significant increase in GPx enzyme activity and mRNA expression of GPX1 and SEPN1, but not for gene SEPP1. Thus, it was found that treatment with rosuvastatin did not reduce the expression of selenoproteins. More studies are needed to clarify the effects of rosuvastatin on gene expression of selenoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis


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The characterization of the nursing diagnoses in prostatectomized patients is important to provide an unique nursing language, facilitating the communication between professionals and patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the nursing diagnoses of patients in the immediate prostatectomy postoperative period. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study, developed at the surgical-clinic of Onofre Lopes University Hospital, in the Natal City RN - Brazil. The sample was composed of 50 patients included by the criteria: have presented a diagnosis of a benign prostatic hyperplasia or a prostate cancer, have been subjected to a prostate surgery at the mentioned hospital, and have been in the immediate postoperative period at the moment of the data collection. The exclusion criteria were: haven t been in an appropriate physical and mental condition, have presented a brain vascular disease, a lung disease, an advanced liver disease, a heart disease or a extensive coronary artery disease. The data collection instruments were: the script of an interview and physical examination. The data collection period was between November 2010 and April 2011. The data were organized in two phases: the diagnostic process and the construction of the database. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte The results showed that most patients came from the countryside, was living with partners, had an average of 67.78 years, was pensionerthose with low schooling, Catholic and often did not perform preventive examinations of prostatic disease. The patients showed an average of 9.48 nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics 21.70 and 20.72 related or risk factors per patient. We identified 30 nursing diagnoses, of which 7 were above the 75 percentile: Risk of falls, Impaired ambulation, Risk of infection, Self-care deficit bath / hygiene and dress up and Risk for deficient fluid volume. The top six nursing diagnoses were in all patients, and therefore could not apply any statistical test. The others ND were associated with their defining characteristics and related or risk factors. We conclude that the nursing diagnoses identified in this study contribute to the progress of the nursing care to the prostatectomized patients in post-surgery period, allowing the deployment of nursing actions for the effective resolution of identified problems


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HIV infection is associated with disturbances in lipid metabolism due to a host's response mechanism and the current antiretroviral therapy. The pathological appearance and progression of atherosclerosis is dependent on the presence of injurious agents in the vascular endothelium and variations in different subsets of candidate genes. Therefore, the Hha I polymorphism in the apolipoprotein E gene was evaluated in addition to triglycerides, total cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), LDL, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and apolipoprotein (apo) Al, B and E levels in 86 Brazilian HIV-infected patients and 29 healthy controls. The allele frequency for apoE in the HIV-infected group and controls was in agreement with data on the Brazilian population. Dyslipidemia was observed in the HIV group and verified by increased levels of triglycerides, VLDL and apoE, and decreased levels of HDL and apoAl. The greatest abnormalities in these biochemical variables were shown in the HIV-infected individuals whose immune function was more compromised. The effect of the genetic variation at the APOE gene on biochemical variables was more pronounced in the HIV-infected individuals who carried the apoE2/3 genotype. The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-receiving group presented increased levels of total cholesterol and apoE. Dyslipidemia was a predictable consequence of HIV infection and the protease inhibitors intensified the increase in apoE values.