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Construction materials and equipment are essential building blocks of every construction project and may account for 50-60 per cent of the total cost of construction. The rate of their utilization, on the other hand, is the element that most directly relates to a project progress. A growing concern in the industry that inadequate efficiency hinders its success could thus be accommodated by turning construction into a logistic process. Although mostly limited, recent attempts and studies show that Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) applications have significant potentials in construction. However, the aim of this research is to show that the technology itself should not only be used for automation and tracking to overcome the supply chain complexity but also as a tool to generate, record and exchange process-related knowledge among the supply chain stakeholders. This would enable all involved parties to identify and understand consequences of any forthcoming difficulties and react accordingly before they cause major disruptions in the construction process. In order to achieve this aim the study focuses on a number of methods. First of all it develops a generic understanding of how RFID technology has been used in logistic processes in industrial supply chain management. Secondly, it investigates recent applications of RFID as an information and communication technology support facility in construction logistics for the management of construction supply chain. Based on these the study develops an improved concept of a construction logistics architecture that explicitly relies on integrating RFID with the Global Positioning System (GPS). The developed conceptual model architecture shows that categorisation provided through RFID and traceability as a result of RFID/GPS integration could be used as a tool to identify, record and share potential problems and thus vastly improve knowledge management processes within the entire supply chain. The findings thus clearly show a need for future research in this area.


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Nowadays the use of information and communication technology is becoming prevalent in many aspects of healthcare services from patient registration, to consultation, treatment and pathology tests request. Manual interface techniques have dominated data-capture activities in primary care and secondary care settings for decades. Despites the improvements made in IT, usability issues still remain over the use of I/O devices like the computer keyboard, touch-sensitive screens, light pen and barcodes. Furthermore, clinicians have to use several computer applications when providing healthcare services to patients. One of the problems faced by medical professionals is the lack of data integrity between the different software applications which in turn can hinder the provision of healthcare services tailored to the needs of the patients. The use of digital pen and paper technology integrated with legacy medical systems hold the promise of improving healthcare quality. This paper discusses the issue of data integrity in e-health systems and proposes the modelling of "Smart Forms" via semiotics to potentially improve integrity between legacy systems, making the work of medical professionals easier and improve the quality of care in primary care practices and hospitals.


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Procurement is one of major business operations in public service sector. The advance of information and communication technology (ICT) pushes this business operation to increase its efficiency and foster collaborations between the organization and its suppliers. This leads to a shift from the traditional procurement transactions to an e-procurement paradigm. Such change impacts on business process, information management and decision making. E-procurement involves various stakeholders who engage in activities based on different social and cultural practices. Therefore, a design of e-procurement system may involve complex situations analysis. This paper describes an approach of using the problem articulation method to support such analysis. This approach is applied to a case study from UAE.


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This paper argues the need for the information communication technology (ICT), labor exchange (job boards), and Human Capital ontology engineers (ontoEngineers) to jointly design and socialize an upper level meta-ontology for people readiness and career portability. These enticing ontology research topics have yielded "independent" results, but have yet to meet the more broader or "universal" requirement that emerging frameworks demand. This paper will focus on the need to universally develop an upper level ontology and provide the reader concepts and models that can be transformed into marketable solutions.


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Inducing rules from very large datasets is one of the most challenging areas in data mining. Several approaches exist to scaling up classification rule induction to large datasets, namely data reduction and the parallelisation of classification rule induction algorithms. In the area of parallelisation of classification rule induction algorithms most of the work has been concentrated on the Top Down Induction of Decision Trees (TDIDT), also known as the ‘divide and conquer’ approach. However powerful alternative algorithms exist that induce modular rules. Most of these alternative algorithms follow the ‘separate and conquer’ approach of inducing rules, but very little work has been done to make the ‘separate and conquer’ approach scale better on large training data. This paper examines the potential of the recently developed blackboard based J-PMCRI methodology for parallelising modular classification rule induction algorithms that follow the ‘separate and conquer’ approach. A concrete implementation of the methodology is evaluated empirically on very large datasets.


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The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by adults with learning disabilities has been positively promoted over the past decade. More recently, policy statements and guidance from the UK government have underlined the importance of ICT for adults with learning disabilities specifically, as well as for the population in general, through the potential it offers for social inclusion. The aim of the present study was to provide a picture of how ICT is currently being used within one organisation providing specialist services for adults with learning disabilities and more specifically to provide a picture of its use in promoting community participation. Nine day and 14 residential services were visited as part of a qualitative study to answer three main questions: What kinds of computer programs are being used? What are they being used for? Does this differ between day and residential services? Computers and digital cameras were used for a wide range of activities and ‘mainstream’ programs were used more widely than those developed for specific user groups. In day services, ICT was often embedded in wider projects and activities, whilst use in houses was based around leisure interests. In both contexts, ICT was being used to facilitate communication, although this was more linked to within-service activities, rather than those external to service provision.


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This paper raises methodological issues about the challenges and dilemmas of inclusive research practices reflecting on the work of an advisory group carrying out research on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance community participation. The interests of three parties can be identified – the commissioning agent, the researchers and the researched – and these interplayed throughout the course of the research determining the outcomes. Given the relationship between inclusive research and advocacy, there were particular gains in enabling the voice of the advisory group to shape the way in which the research was conducted and to disseminate the findings both within the organisation and beyond. However, the fragility of these new structures required organisational changes for the research to be truly empowering. The experience of the group suggests the need for their involvement at all stages of the research process


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Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is recognised as a means of interpersonal communication and a powerful marketing tool. However, previous studies have focussed on related motivations, and limited attention has been given to understanding the antecedents of eWOM communication behaviour in the travel industry. This study proposes a full and partial mediation model, which brings together for the first time three key antecedents: adoption of electronic communication technology, consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience, and subjective norm. The model aims to understand the impact of these antecedents on travellers' attitude towards eWOM communication and intention to use eWOM communication media. The data were collected from international travellers (n = 524), and structural equation modelling is used to test the conceptual framework. The findings of the study suggest that overall attitude towards eWOM communication partially mediates the impact of the traveller's adoption of electronic communication technology and subjective norm, and fully mediates the impact of consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience on travellers' intention to use eWOM communication media.


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Under 2000-talet har nya tekniska innovationer både förändrat hur musik spelas in, distribueras och konsumeras. Därmed har nya möjligheter skapats för Sveriges oetablerade artister, samtidigt som utbudet blivit större och svårare att tränga igenom. Uppsatsen undersöker vad oetablerade artister har för åsikter om läget idag och fokuserar kring tre huvudområden; musikutgivning, artistens egen karriär samt musikbranschen i stort. Med djupintervjuer som metod syftar studien till att undersöka vilka problem som står i vägen för en artist som försöker etablera sig och nå ut med sin musik till en större publik. Studien har visat på att artister nuförtiden mycket enkelt kan spela in och ge ut sin musik vilket skapat en direkt länk till allmänheten. Det är dock mycket svårt att få den uppmärksammad, varför branschkontakter fortfarande värderas högt i artisters ögon. Det finns samtidigt en viss misstro mot den etablerade branschens kommersialism men varierar stort beroende på vilken typ av aktör det rör. Genom mer kunskap om fler musikrelaterade uppgifter har artisterna däremot självsäkerheten att själva kunna välja samarbetspartners utifrån var den egna kompetensen brister.


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Syftet med denna undersökning är bidra med förklaringar till varför upplevda ljudkvalitetsskillnader kan uppstå mellan olika akters framträdanden vid event och festivaler trots att de använder samma utrustning och är i samma lokal och att förklaringarna ska utgöra en kunskapskälla för dem som eftersträvar en god ljudkvalité vid liveframträdanden. De metoder som har används är fallstudie, webbenkät, intervjuer och egen observation. Webbenkäten användes på Dreamhack Winter 2014 där en grupp undersökningsdeltagare svarade på frågor om två olika DJ-akter på scenen i D-hallen, Elmia. Fem personer deltog som intervjupersoner: scenansvarig från Dreamhack, tre ljudtekniker ifrån olika ställen i Sverige och en person som jobbar med ljudteknisk konsultation och ljudmätning. Samtliga intervjuer genomfördes via mail. Intervjuerna eftersträvade att ge kunskap om dessa personers funderingar kring ljudkvalitetsproblemet och scenansvarig svarade på frågor om scenen på Dreamhack. En observation av upplevd ljudkvalitet och ljudteknikernas arbetssätt genomfördes av mig själv på Dreamhack Winter 2014. Resultatet från såväl enkätundersökningen som den egna observationen visar att inga stora upplevda skillnader fanns mellan de två akterna på Dreamhack Winter 2014. De upplevda skillnader som observerades var negativa anmärkningar, så som mängden bas och ljudstyrka. Intervjuerna visade på flera gemensamma åsikter bland ljudteknikerna angående förklaringar till ljudkvalitetsskillnader vid event som Dreamhack Winter 2014 där de ansåg att en kunnig och erfaren ljudtekniker, duktiga musiker, väl genomförd soundcheck och bra och rätt användande av utrustningen på scen krävs för att uppnå en upplevd god ljudkvalitet live. De förklaringar som finns enligt mina analyser och bland ljudteknikerna till negativa ljudkvalitetsskillnader inom liveljud i samma lokal är att ljudteknikern och musikerna är olika duktiga. Utrustning, soundcheck och akustik påverkar också kvalitén. Undersökningens sammantagna resultat tyder på att de upplevda ljudkvalitetetsskillnader som fanns på Dreamhack Winter 2014 berodde på bristande kompetens och engagemang hos tjänstgörande ljudtekniker och upplevda skillnader i bas- ljudnivå i de två DJ-akternas mixar.


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Parallellt med populärmusikens förändring med avseende på hur den låter (jämför exempelvis The Beatles på 1960-talet med Avicii på 2010-talet), så har även utbudet av verktyg för att skapa den expanderat. Kanske är det förstnämnda – hur det låter – ett resultat av den andra – hur den görs – men oavsett vilket så är dessa förändringar ett faktum. Vad som inte verkar ha förändrats dock är de yrkestitlar som använts och används. Med intervjuer och observationer av vad yrkesverksamma musikproducenter gör året 2013 är syftet att utveckla beskrivningar av musikproducentroller som kan användas i musikproduktionsutbildning. Dessa beskrivningar är menade att peka på vilken kunskap som bör preciseras i utbildningsplaner för att utveckla och fokusera på de nödvändiga kompetenser som krävs för yrket. Jan-Olof Gullös modell för musikproducenters ledarstilar prövas i detta arbete vid analysen av producenter som intervjuas och observeras. Resultatet av detta arbete föreslår två underkategorier till musikproducentens titel med förhoppningen att introduktionen av dessa begrepp kan leda till en fortsatt diskussion att definiera dessa två underkategorier. Ambitionen är att på lång sikt skapa en effektivare och mer relevant pedagogik i akademiska syften, men också att musikaliska sammanhang lättare finner rätt ändamål genom väl anpassade och förtydligade samarbetsförhållanden i yrkeslivet.  


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The emergence of social movements’ global politics Globalization not only transforms capital, media and technology, but also creates conditions for global politics, beyond ”international politics”. New transnational public arenas emerge, where a broad range of actors articulate demands and interests. A globalized political infrastructure arise from the combination of the (1) internal transnational mobilization within two opposing global networks: movements’ World Social Forum and political economy elites’ World Economic Forum; and a global connection with (2) regular dramatic street protests during multilateral regime summits; and (3) a permanent and virtual network of information communication technology that enables new forms of action, organization and mobilization. Together these arenas make participatory and global politics possible for social movements. Regime confrontations are formed by the new global media of ICT in a way that transforms the struggle into a political drama, where activists’ diversity of tactics – The Majority Drama, The Carnival, and The David-Goliath Drama – creates both competition and collaboration. These arenas are only emerging and this new form of global political structure creates both possibilities and problems. Still, a unique potential to democratize politics is created.