996 resultados para CO2 laser annealing


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I takt med den ekonomiska tillväxten har CO2-utsläppen till atmosfären ständigt ökat, och utan kraftiga åtgärder kommer de att fortsätta att öka i allt snabbare takt. Konsekvenserna av en påtagligt förhöjd atmosfärisk CO2-halt är fortfarande osäkra (men eventuellt katastrofala) och fenomenet går under namnet global uppvärmning eller klimatförändring. CCS från engelskans ”carbon dioxide capture and storage” framstår som ett alternativ för att bekämpa de ständigt ökande CO2-utsläppen. Ett av de mer intressanta, och för Finlands del ända CCS-alternativet, baserar sig på naturens egna sätt att begränsa atmosfärisk CO2, nämligen vittring. Naturlig vittring, som förenklat innefattar nedbrytningen av sten/berg (även känd som erosion) och de därpå följande reaktionerna med CO2-mättat regnvatten. Slutresultatet är en utfällning av fasta mineraler som nu bundit CO2 i form av kalcium- och magnesiumkarbonat. Kalciumkarbonat är även bättre känt som kalksten, d.v.s. CO2 blir bundet i sten. Det gäller dock att snabba upp denna process, som i naturen är ytterst långsam, på ett ekonomiskt och miljömässigt hållbart sätt. Hittills har ett antal metoder för att påskynda naturlig vittring, eller med andra ord öka CO2-upptagningsförmågan av olika mineraler föreslagits. De mera etablerade uttrycken (lånade från engelskan) talar om mineralkarbonatisering och CO2-mineralisering. Till skillnad från många andra CO2-mineraliseringsalternativ är det alternativ som behandlas i denna avhandling i hög grad baserat på möjligheten att utnyttja den värme som frigörs vid karbonatisering. I teorin är det möjligt att föreställa sig en mineraliseringsprocess som inte kräver extern energi, men tillsvidare har man dock inte lyckats uppnå detta mål. Den process som presenteras i denna avhandling går ut på att man utvinner magnesium ur i naturen vanligt förekommande magnesiumrika mineraler, konverterar det till magnesiumhydroxid och därefter karbonatiserar det till magnesiumkarbonat. I rätta förhållanden kan magnesiumhydroxid reagera med CO2 mycket snabbt och i nuläget har processen potential att minska CO2-utsläppen från industri där spillvärme finns till förfogande (t.ex. cement- och stålindustrin). Fortsatt forskning är dock ett måste för att kunna påverka CO2-utsläppen i en globalt signifikant skala.


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To study Assessing the impact of tillage practices on soil carbon losses dependents it is necessary to describe the temporal variability of soil CO2 emission after tillage. It has been argued that large amounts of CO2 emitted after tillage may serve as an indicator for longer-term changes in soil carbon stocks. Here we present a two-step function model based on soil temperature and soil moisture including an exponential decay in time component that is efficient in fitting intermediate-term emission after disk plow followed by a leveling harrow (conventional), and chisel plow coupled with a roller for clod breaking (reduced) tillage. Emission after reduced tillage was described using a non-linear estimator with determination coefficient (R²) as high as 0.98. Results indicate that when emission after tillage is addressed it is important to consider an exponential decay in time in order to predict the impact of tillage in short-term emissions.


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Kinetic simulation and drying process optimization of corn malt by Simulated Annealing (SA) for estimation of temperature and time parameters in order to preserve maximum amylase activity in the obtained product are presented here. Germinated corn seeds were dried at 54-76 °C in a convective dryer, with occasional measurement of moisture content and enzymatic activity. The experimental data obtained were submitted to modeling. Simulation and optimization of the drying process were made by using the SA method, a randomized improvement algorithm, analogous to the simulated annealing process. Results showed that seeds were best dried between 3h and 5h. Among the models used in this work, the kinetic model of water diffusion into corn seeds showed the best fitting. Drying temperature and time showed a square influence on the enzymatic activity. Optimization through SA showed the best condition at 54 ºC and between 5.6h and 6.4h of drying. Values of specific activity in the corn malt were found between 5.26±0.06 SKB/mg and 15.69±0,10% of remaining moisture.


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Soil tillage is a process that accelerates soil organic matter decomposition transferring carbon to atmosphere, mainly in the CO2 form. In this study, the effect of rotary tillage on soil CO2 emission was investigated, including the presence of crop residues on the surface.Emissions were evaluated during 15 days after tillage in 3 plots: 1) non-tilled and without crop residues on soil surface (NTwo), 2) rotary tiller without the presence of crop residues on soil surface (RTwo), and 3) rotary tiller with the presence of crop residues in soil surface (RTw). Emissions from the RTw plot were higher than the other plots, (0.777 g CO2 m-2 h-1), with the lowest emissions recorded in the NTwo plot (0.414 g CO2 m-2 h-1). Total emission indicates that the difference of C-CO2 emitted to atmosphere corresponds to 3% of the total additional carbon in the crop residues in the RTw plot compared to RTwo. The increase in the RTwo emission in comparison to NTwo was followed by changes in the aggregate size distribution, especially those with average diameter lower than 2 mm. The increase in emission from the RTw plot in relation to RTwo was related to a decrease in crop residue mass on the surface, and its higher fragmentation and incorporation in soil. When the linear correlation between soil CO2 emission, and soil temperature and soil moisture is considered, only the RTw treatment showed significant correlation (p<0.05) with soil moisture.


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Maize is a C4 plant that shows few or no response to high [CO2]. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the photosynthetic rate and yield of maize under high [CO2] and develop open-top chambers (OTC) to create an atmosphere enriched with CO2. The experiment was conducted between October 2008 and March 2009. The OTCs were developed in modular scheme. Measurement of photosynthetic rates, transpiration, stomata conductance, grain yield and dry matter were performed. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications and three treatments: P1 - plants grown in OTC with 700 ppm [CO2], P2 - plants grown in OTC with environmental [CO2], and P3 - control, cultivated in open field. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (Pr< 0.05). The chambers can reduce by 25% the photosynthetically active radiation and increase the air and leaf temperatures. Plants under high [CO2] (P1) showed the highest photosynthetic rates and the lowest stomata conductance and transpiration. The total weight of grains (g) and dry mass of shoots (g) showed no increases for P1, despite their higher photosynthetic rates.


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The proper management of agricultural crop residues could produce benefits in a warmer, more drought-prone world. Field experiments were conducted in sugarcane production areas in the Southern Brazil to assess the influence of crop residues on the soil surface in short-term CO2 emissions. The study was carried out over a period of 50 days after establishing 6 plots with and without crop residues applied to the soil surface. The effects of sugarcane residues on CO2 emissions were immediate; the emissions from residue-covered plots with equivalent densities of 3 (D50) and 6 (D100) t ha-1 (dry mass) were less than those from non-covered plots (D0). Additionally, the covered fields had lower soil temperatures and higher soil moisture for most of the studied days, especially during the periods of drought. Total emissions were as high as 553.62 ± 47.20 g CO2 m-2, and as low as 384.69 ± 31.69 g CO2 m-2 in non-covered (D0) and covered plot with an equivalent density of 3 t ha-1 (D50), respectively. Our results indicate a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, indicating conservation of soil carbon over the short-term period following the application of sugarcane residues to the soil surface.


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This study was carried out to determine some physiological and phenological responses of the bean under high [CO2] and drought stress. The experiment was conducted from April to July 2009 in Viçosa, Brazil. The open-top chambers were used to enrich the air with CO2, whereas the drought stress was applied between the flowering and the ripening. The randomized block design was used, with four replicates in the subplots. The following plots were [CO2] at 700ppm (F1) and [CO2] environmental (F2) and the subplots were well watering (S1) and drought stress (S2). The results were subjected to Anova and the Tukey test (P < 0.05). For the treatments F1S1 and F1S2 the photosynthetic rate showed increments of 59% and the transpiration reduction of 12%. The yield, leaf temperature and stomatal conductance were not significant different to high [CO2], different from the dry matter, who showed increment of 20% (F1S1) and the water use efficiency who showed increase of 90% for high [CO2]. The osmotic potential was lower in plants under drought stress (F2S2 and F1S2), followed by plants under high [CO2] (F1S1). Despite the increment in photosynthesis, high [CO2] does not guarantee higher yield.


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O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o espectro de gotas de pontas de pulverização hidráulicas, submetidas a diferentes pressões e composições de calda, por meio de um analisador de partículas a laser. Em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, avaliaram-se duas pontas de jato plano duplo com indução de ar (AD-IA/D 11002 e AD-IA/D 11004) e duas pontas de jato cônico vazio (MAG - 2 e MAG - 4), em esquema fatorial 3 x 2: três pressões de pulverização (207, 276 e 345 kPa para as pontas de jato plano duplo e 414; 483 e 552 kPa para as pontas de jato cônico); e duas composições de calda (água e água mais o adjuvante fosfatidilcoline + ácido propiônico). A adição do adjuvante reduziu o diâmetro da mediana volumétrica das gotas pulverizadas pelas pontas AD-IA/D 11002 e 11004; porém, teve efeito inverso com a ponta MAG - 4 e não o alterou com a ponta MAG - 2. Em condições climáticas adversas, não se recomenda o uso de pontas de jato cônico vazio, mesmo com a adição do adjuvante testado, em virtude do alto risco potencial de deriva.


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A emissão de CO2 do solo (FCO2) em áreas agrícolas é resultante da interação de diversos fatores, sendo alterada pela prática de manejos do solo e da cultura, além das condições edafoclimáticas locais. Neste estudo, objetivou-se quantificar a FCO2 em função da calagem e posição da aplicação (antiga linha e entrelinha) da cultura da laranja em área de conversão para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar, no município de Frutal-MG. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: Linha/CC (linha com aplicação de calcário); Entrelinha/CC (entrelinha com aplicação de calcário); Linha/SC (linha sem aplicação de calcário), e Entrelinha/SC (entrelinha sem aplicação de calcário). FCO2, temperatura do solo (Ts) e umidade do solo (Us) foram avaliadas durante 12 dias. O maior valor médio da FCO2 ao longo do período de estudo foi observado no tratamento Linha/CC (9,63 µmol m-2 s-1); e o menor, no tratamento Entrelinha/CC (5,92 µmol m-2 s-1), segundo teste de Tukey. A FCO2 foi negativamente correlacionada à Us na Linha/CC (r = - 0,56; p < 0,05) e na Linha/SC (r = - 0,66; p < 0,05). Entre a FCO2 e a Ts, verificou-se correlação positiva e significativa na Linha/CC (r = 0,76; p < 0,001), na Linha/SC (r = 0,89; p < 0,001) e na Entrelinha/SC (r = 0,66; p < 0,05). Observou-se que a calagem e a posição de aplicação (linha e entrelinha) influenciaram nas emissões de CO2 do solo.


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This study aims to evaluate the leaf concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus correlated to the production of photoassimilates in beans plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under high [CO2] and drought stress. The experiment was conducted in Viçosa (Brazil), during the period from April to July 2009, by using open-top chambers equipped with CO2 injection system. The drought stress was applied, through the irrigation suspension, during the period from flowering to maturation. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot scheme with four replication, where the plots with plants grown in [CO2] of 700 mg L-1 and [CO2] environment of 380 mg L-1 and the subplots with plants with and without drought stress. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). In the plants under high [CO2] with and without drought stress, the photosynthetic rate increased by 59%, while the dry matter presented an increment of 20% in the plants under high [CO2] without drought stress. Reductions in [N] and [P] occurred in plants grown under high [CO2], resulting in greater efficiency in nitrogen use for photosynthesis. The high [CO2] increase only the total dry matter and not the total mass of grains. The drought stress reduces the dry matter and mass of grain, even at high [CO2].


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare thematic maps of soybean yield for different sampling grids, using geostatistical methods (semivariance function and kriging). The analysis was performed with soybean yield data in t ha-1 in a commercial area with regular grids with distances between points of 25x25 m, 50x50 m, 75x75 m, 100x100 m, with 549, 188, 66 and 44 sampling points respectively; and data obtained by yield monitors. Optimized sampling schemes were also generated with the algorithm called Simulated Annealing, using maximization of the overall accuracy measure as a criterion for optimization. The results showed that sample size and sample density influenced the description of the spatial distribution of soybean yield. When the sample size was increased, there was an increased efficiency of thematic maps used to describe the spatial variability of soybean yield (higher values of accuracy indices and lower values for the sum of squared estimation error). In addition, more accurate maps were obtained, especially considering the optimized sample configurations with 188 and 549 sample points.


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In this work we report the observation of the blue visible fluorescence at 420 nm in rubidium vapour as a result of two-photon absorption excited by femtosecond laser pulses 790 nm. After experimental investigation of the spa-tial and spectral characteristics of the obtained emission we can claim that mechanism of this coherent fluorescence at 420 nm was not caused by ampli-fied spontaneous emission, but represents the nondegenerate four-wave mixing. As a probable outcome of this investigation an opportunity of creation an ultrafast all-optical switcher might appear.


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OBJETIVO: As cirurgias realizadas por via laparoscópica, que utilizam CO2 para realização do pneumoperitônio, cursam com hipercarbia. Esta alteração pode ser estimada pela pressão parcial de CO2 no ar expirado. Este trabalho foi realizado com a finalidade de determinar se há correlação entre pressão parcial de CO2 arterial e pressão parcial de CO2 no ar expirado nas cirurgias por via laparoscópica. MÉTODO: Distribuíram-se 20 porcas em dois grupos: sem pneumoperitônio e com pneumoperitônio de 12 mmHg de pressão intra-abdominal. Foram medidas a pressão endotraqueal, saturação arterial de O2, pressão parcial de CO2 no ar expirado, pH e pressão parcial de CO2 arteriais. RESULTADOS: Após a realização do pneumoperitônio foi encontrado aumento significativo da pressão endotraqueal, da pressão parcial de CO2 no ar expirado e pressão parcial de CO2 arterial. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de ter ocorrido aumento nas pressões parciais de CO2 tanto arterial quanto no ar expirado, não houve correlação linear entre elas, não se podendo estimar em cirurgias por via laparoscópica a pressão parcial de CO2 arterial pela pressão parcial de CO2 no ar expirado.


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The Nd:YAG laser is used as the palliative treatment of obstructive and/or hemorrhagic intestinal lesions with an effective but temporary symptomatic relief, with symptoms and signs recurrence after six to eight weeks. This report describes the treatment of a patient bearing a low rectal adenocarcinoma through diode laser ablation and the result after 17 months.