872 resultados para CASE report
CONTEXTO: A recorrência local única do carcinoma renal de células claras em seu leito renal após nefrectomia radical é um evento raro. Estima-se que essa situação ocorra em 0,8% a 3,6% do total de procedimentos. Comumente, seu diagnóstico é realizado através de tomografia computadorizada de abdômen ou ultra-som renal usados no acompanhamento desses pacientes. É polêmico qual o melhor tratamento dessa rara condição entre urologistas e oncologistas devido aos poucos relatos em literatura. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos um caso de recidiva neoplásica única no leito renal após quatro anos e meio da nefrectomia radical por adenocarcinoma de células claras, sem evidência de metástases a distância em outros órgãos. O diagnóstico foi realizado por meio de tomografia abdominal em acompanhamento ambulatorial, observando-se massa retroperitoneal em topografia renal. A massa foi retirada por meio de uma incisão subcostal ampliada, em cirurgia sem intercorrências. O paciente evoluiu bem no pós-operatório. Após um ano e meio do procedimento, foi evidenciada uma metástase no pulmão esquerdo, e seis meses após, outra recorrência metastática na nona costela anterior à direita, mesmo com paciente totalmente assintomático. O tratamento cirúrgico agressivo em recorrência local única é um bom método para controlar essa rara doença. Tomografia computadorizada de abdômen deve ser feita em acompanhamento de carcinoma renal por longos períodos após a nefrectomia radical para o diagnóstico de recorrências tardias e o tratamento deve ser feito como o de uma metástase recorrente única.
A displasia folicular canina é uma dermatopatia incomum caracterizada clinicamente por alopecia e alterações na qualidade da pelagem. Relata-se o caso de um cão, sem raça definida, 7 meses de idade, macho, levado à consulta por apresentar alopecia progressiva disseminada. O diagnóstico anátomo-clínico da displasia folicular canina do caso ora descrito foi estabelecido pelos dados colhidos na resenha e anamnese, achados do exame dermatológico e osteomuscular e confirmado pelas alterações histológicas dos fragmentos de pele biopsiados. Este artigo visa relatar um caso de displasia folicular canina e comparar com outros casos descritos na literatura, pois são esparsos as descrições na literatura brasileira.
This is a case report of enteric protothecosis caused by Prototheca zopfii in an eight-year-old male mixed breed dog with a history of chronic bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Algae were isolated from rectal scrapings in defibrinated sheep blood agar and dextrose Sabouraud agar. Cytological evaluation showed the presence of globular and cylindrical organisms with a defined capsule and variable number of endospores, characteristic of the genus Prototheca, in the rectum of the animal. Scanning electron microscopy of P. zopfii strains at different development stages confirmed the diagnosis of algal infection. Molecular identification using a conserved 18S rDNA gene sequence determined that the strain belonged to genotype 2. This report describes success on treatment of canine protothecosis, diagnosed based on clinical, cytological, microbiological, scanning electron microscopy and genotypical findings. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Laskoski L.M., Doria R.G.S., Avila L.G., Rocha T.G., Freitas S.H. de & Lacerda Neto J.C. [Paradoxal effect of the seizures treatment caused by physical exercise in a foal - Case report]. Efeito paradoxal do tratamento de manifestacoes convulsivas desencadeadas por exercicio fisico em uma potra - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(2):95-98, 2011. Rua Presidende Wenceslau Braz, numero 670, apart. 1101. Morada do Sol, Cuiaba, 78043-508. MT, Brasil. Email: lucianelaskoski@hotmail.comNeurological disturbs, in special seizures, are rare in adult horses and are normally observed in young animals in consequence of several diseases. A foal was admitted with neurological signs characterized by seizures during exercise. A maintenance protocol with anticonvulsants was not possible to establish therefore all the drugs had aggravated the seizures even with low dosages. Restriction of physical activity was the option, leaving the animal in stall until it had reached the maturity and at this time the neurological signs had stopped.
Currently, there are several techniques for the rehabilitation of atrophic maxillary ridges in literature. The grafting procedure using autogenous bone is considered ideal by many researchers, as it shows osteogenic capability and causes no antigenic reaction. However, this type of bone graft has some shortcomings, mainly the restricted availability of donor sites. In recent years, several alternatives have been investigated to supply the disadvantages of autogenous bone grafts. In such studies, allogeneic bone grafts, which are obtained from individuals with different genetic load, but from the same species, have been extensively used. They can be indicated in cases of arthroplasty, surgical knee reconstruction, large bone defects, and in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. Besides showing great applicability and biocompatibility, this type of bone is available in unlimited quantities. on the other hand, allogeneic bone may have the disadvantage of transmitting infectious diseases. Atrophic maxillae can be treated with bone grafts followed by osseointegrated implants to obtain aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation. This study aimed to show the viability of allogeneic bone grafting in an atrophic maxilla, followed by oral rehabilitation with dental implant and protocol-type prosthesis within a 3-year follow-up period by means of a clinical case report.
The purpose of this article is to report the use of the subepithelial connective tissue graft technique combined with the coronally positioned flap on a composite resin-restored root surface to treat Miller Class I gingival recessions associated with deep cervical abrasions in maxillary central incisors. Clinical measurements, including gingival recession height, probing depth, and bleeding on probing (BoP), were recorded during the preoperative clinical examination and at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months postoperatively. During the follow-up periods, no periodontal pockets or BoP were observed. The periodontal tissue of the teeth presented normal color, texture, and contouring. In addition, it was observed that creeping attachment had occurred on the restoration. This case report shows that this form of treatment can be highly effective and predictable in resolving gingival recession associated with a deep cervical abrasion. (Quintessence Int 2012;43:597-602)
A common finding in patients with edentulous maxilla and partially dentate mandible is mainly the presence of flabbiness in the anterior edentulous alveolar ridge that can compromise the retention and stability of a denture. Thus, this case report presents the correction of a flabby ridge, using an auxiliary technique combining surgical excision and autogenous connective tissue grafting. The technique improved the quality of the osteomucosal support of the alveolar ridge and increased the vestibule deepness, whose result increased the success rate of the new conventional total prosthesis.
Dental trauma is more common in young patients and its sequelae may impair the establishment and accomplishment of an adequate treatment plan. This paper reports a case of complicated crown-root fracture in a young adult that was treated using adhesive tooth fragment reattachment and orthodontic root extrusion. Considering the time elapsed to follow up, the fracture extension, the amount of remaining root portion and the patient's low socioeconomic status, the treatment approach proposed for this case provided good functional and aesthetic outcomes. Clinical and radiographic results after 2 years were successful. This case report demonstrates the importance of establishing a multidisciplinary approach for a successful dental trauma management.
Dental trauma has been considered as a public health problem that affects mainly children and youngsters and due to its impact on the patient's quality of life. This study presents the results of a 6-year survey of the occurrence and characteristics of dental trauma in patients admitted to the Service of Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology of the School of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP, Brazil) after emergency care in hospital facilities in the region of Aracatuba, SP, Brazil. For such purpose, the clinical files of patients treated at the Service between 1999 and 2005 were reviewed. Information regarding gender, age, number of traumatized teeth, etiology and diagnosis of the trauma was collected from the files of patients with tooth injuries and recorded in case report forms specifically designed for this purpose. The results showed that from a total of 4112 patients admitted to the Service within the surveyed period, 266 (6.5%) had tooth injuries (172 males - 64.7%; 94 females - 35.3%). The total number of traumatized teeth was 496. Most patients belonged to the 16-20 year-old age group (20.3%) and the most frequent causes of tooth injuries were bicycle accidents (28.6%), motorcycle accidents (19.2%) and falls (18.8%). Injuries to the periodontal tissues were the most frequent type of tooth injuries (408 teeth; 82.26%), occurring in 118 primary and 290 permanent teeth. Among the injuries to the periodontal tissues, avulsion was the most common (32.86%) (29.41% for primary and 34.0% for permanent teeth), followed by extrusive luxation (19.15%) (25.21% for primary and 17.24% for permanent teeth). In conclusion, in the surveyed population, cases of tooth injuries were more frequent in males aged 16-20 years old due to cyclist accidents with predominance of injuries to the periodontal tissues, in particular, avulsions.
This case report documents the trauma and follow-up care of lateral luxation associated with extrusion of the lower central incisors in an 8-month-old patient. The teeth were repositioned by digital pressure and stabilized using proximal sutures. Clinical and radiographic follow-up 40 months after the injury showed alterations in both incisors, but both remained functional and free of pathology.
Osteosarcoma is a common primary malignant tumor in long bones; it generally occurs in young adults. It is considered infrequent in the head and neck regions, where it is usually associated with poor outcomes and rates of survival. From a histopathologic point of view, osteosarcomas are commonly classified as osteoblastic, chondroblastic, or fibroblastic, although several unusual microscopic subtypes have also been reported. The purpose of this article was to present a case report of a maxillary chondroblastic osteosarcoma involving the maxillary sinus and the maxilla of a young woman who was diagnosed during early postorthodontic treatment follow-up. Treatment, prosthetic rehabilitation, and follow-up details are provided. Most importantly, this patient shows the importance of complete and systematic oral examinations during any routine dental treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:845-8)
OBJETIVO: A associação de mesiodens com hábito de sucção digital como fatores etiológicos de diastemas medianos é uma situação clínica incomum e, quando presente, provoca um comprometimento estético e funcional. O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever o caso clínico de um paciente, aos 9 anos de idade, com mordida aberta anterior e um diastema mediano de 9 mm. DESCRIÇÃO do CASO: Após o diagnóstico ortodôntico, a conduta terapêutica foi a exodontia do mesiodens e instalação de uma grade palatina fixa para controle do hábito de sucção digital. em seguida, bráquetes ortodônticos foram colados nos incisivos centrais superiores e o diastema foi fechado possibilitando a irrupção espontânea dos incisivos laterais. Quando adequados níveis de trespasse vertical e horizontal entre os incisivos foi alcançado e o hábito removido, o tratamento foi finalizado. CONCLUSÃO: É importante ressaltar que com o objetivo de alcançar resultados estéticos e funcionais satisfatórios, minimizando sequelas ao desenvolvimento da oclusão deve-se realizar o diagnóstico precoce e intervenção imediata dos diastemas medianos patológicos.
Background: Gingival fibromatosis is a rare condition characterized by a generalized enlargement of the buccal and lingual aspects of the attached and marginal gingiva.Methods: This case report describes the periodontal management of a 13-year-old female patient with gingival fibromatosis associated with Zimmermann-Laband syndrome. The patient presented with gingival enlargement involving the maxillary and the mandibular arches, anterior open bite, and non-erupted teeth. Periodontal treatment included gingivectomy in all four quadrants.Results: Histopathologic evaluation of the excised tissue supported the diagnosis of gingival flbromatosis. A significant improvement in esthetic appearance and eruption of the non-erupted teeth were obtained. The patient was referred for appropriate orthodontic treatment and has been closely followed for the earliest signs of recurrence of gingival enlargement.Conclusions: the successful therapy for gingival fibromatosis depends on correctly identifying the etiological factors and improving the impaired function and esthetic appearance through surgical intervention and adjunctive orthodontics. Maintaining treatment results depends on preservation of periodontal health.
Background: Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative malignancies that may be associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). NHL can disseminate to extranodal sites; however, its dissemination to the jaws and mouth is not common. This report presents and discusses two unusual cases of gingival primary extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (PE-NHL) as the first manifestation of AIDS.Methods: Two mates presented with asymptomatic gingival swelling. They were examined clinically. Biopsies of the gingival tissue were evaluated using routine histologic techniques and immunohistochemistry. The patients were tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.Results: The clinicopathological evaluation and the serological HIV examination of the patients led us to the final diagnosis of gingival PE-NHL as the first manifestation of AIDS. Both patients were referred to an oncologist and to an infectious disease specialist and were given antineoplastic chemotherapy and highly active antiretroviral therapy. Only one patient presented a favorable clinical evolution.Conclusion: The present case reports have important clinical implications; the two unusual presentations of gingival PE-NHL contribute to information about the differential diagnosis of rapidly progressing gingival swelling.
As hemoglobinopatias e talassemias constituem as afecções genéticas mais comuns, apresentando-se, na maioria dos casos, em heterozigose. Diante da diversidade de hemoglobinas variantes encontrada na população brasileira, metodologias específicas e complementares para um diagnóstico laboratorial preciso, capaz de elucidar possíveis interações entre estas variantes genéticas, são necessárias. Este relato de caso descreve a interação entre hemoglobina B2 e a hemoglobina S em um indivíduo do sexo feminino, caucasoide, proveniente da região Sudeste do Brasil, identificada por meio de técnicas eletroforéticas em diferentes pH, cromatografia líquida de alta performance e PCR- RFLP. Visto que a hemoglobina B2 coelui com a hemoglobina S na análise cromatográfica e dificilmente é visualizada em eletroforese pH alcalino, devido à sua baixa concentração, justifica-se a necessidade da associação de testes laboratoriais, inclusive moleculares, na rotina do diagnóstico de hemoglobinas para a correta identificação do perfil de hemoglobinas do indivíduo e real frequência na população brasileira. Rev. Bras. Hematol. Hemoter.