990 resultados para C-13(6 )
Hypolactasia associated with severe iron-deficiency anemia has been reported in several studies. The objective of the present study was to determine whether hypolactasia is associated with the degree and duration of iron-deficiency anemia. Newly weaned male Wistar rats were divided into a control group receiving a diet supplemented with iron (C) and an experimental group (E) receiving a diet not supplemented with iron (iron-deficiency diet). The animals were studied on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 35th days of the experiment, when overall and iron nutritional status and disaccharidase activity in the small intestine were determined by the Dahlqvist method. A reduction in weight occurred in the anemic animals starting on the 5th day of the study. Anemia was present in the experimental animals, with a progressive worsening up to the 14th day (hemoglobin: C = 13.27 and E = 5.37) and stabilizing thereafter. Saccharase and maltase activities did not differ significantly between groups, whereas lactase showed a significant reduction in total (TA) and specific activity (SA) in the anemic animals starting on the 21st day of the study. Median lactase TA for the C and E groups was 2.27 and 1.25 U on the 21st day, 2.87 and 1.88 U on the 28th day, and 4.20 and 1.59 U on the 35th day, respectively. Median lactase SA was 0.31 and 0.20 U/g wet weight on the 21st day, 0.39 and 0.24 U/g wet weight on the 28th day, and 0.42 and 0.23 U/g wet weight on the 35th day, respectively. These findings suggest a relationship between the enzymatic alterations observed and both the degree and duration of the anemic process. Analysis of other studies on intestinal disaccharidases in anemia suggests that the mechanism of these changes may be functional, i.e., that the enterocytes may suffer a reduction in their ability to synthesize these enzymes.
Urheilukoulu on nuorten huippu-urheilijoiden valtakunnallinen valmennuskeskus, joka toimii ikäluokkiensa parhaimpien urheilijoiden varusmiespalveluspaikkana. Urheilukoulussa palve-luksessa olevat saavat sotilaskoulutuksena tiedustelukoulutuksen. Erikoisjoukkojen, kuten tiedustelijoiden maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn suoritusvaatimus on 55–60 ml·kg-1·min-1, joka tarkoittaa 12-minuutin juoksutestissä yli 3000 metrin tulosta. On tutkittu, että suomalais-ten nuorten miesten 2000-luvun fyysinen kunto on heikompi ja paino suurempi kuin aikai-sempina vuosikymmeninä. Trendi on samanlainen ympäri maailmaa. Samanaikaisesti useas-sa urheilulajissa huippu-urheilijoiden fyysinen koko on keskimäärin suurempi kuin aikai-semmin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Urheilukoulussa palvelleiden nuorten miesten fyysinen kunto ja antropometria sekä niiden eroavaisuudet vuosien 1979–2010 väli-senä aikana. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin varusmiespalveluksen alussa suoritettujen 12-minuutin juoksu-testien sekä paino- ja pituusmittausten tuloksia vuosilta 1979–2010 ja lihaskuntotestien (kä-sinkohonta, etunojapunnerrus, vatsalihakset, selkälihakset, vauhditon pituus) tuloksia vuosil-ta 1996–2010. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin yhteensä 2766 miehen tuloksia, joiden keski-ikä oli 19.6 ±1.0 vuotta. Tuloksia käsitellään kaikkien palveluksessa olleiden osalta sekä lajeittain (hiihto, kestävyysjuoksu, jalkapallo, jääkiekko, koripallo, lentopallo, aita- ja pikajuoksulajit sekä yleisurheilun heitto- ja hyppylajit). Tutkimuksen mukaan Urheilukoulussa vuosina 1979–2010 palvelleiden varusmiesten 12-minuutin juoksutestin keskiarvo oli 3060 ±339 m, keskipituus 181.7 ±7.6 cm, keskipaino 76.6 ±11.3 kg ja painoindeksin keskiarvo 23.2 ±2.6 kg/m2. Lihaskuntotestissä vuosien 1996–2010 keskiarvot olivat käsinkohonnassa 13 ±6 toistoa, etunojapunnerruksessa 46 ±13 toistoa, vatsalihastestissä 53 ±10 toistoa, selkälihastestissä 80 ±15 toistoa ja vauhdittomassa pituu-dessa 252 ±21 cm. Fyysinen kunto ja antropometriset ominaisuudet eroavat lajeittain. Urheilukoulussa vuosina 2000–2010 palvelleiden varusmiesten 12-minuutin juoksutestin keskiarvo (3016 ±329 m) oli 230 m pienempi kuin vuosina 1979–1989 (p<0.001) ja 109 m pienempi kuin vuosina 1990–1999 (p<0.001) palvelleilla. Lisäksi 12-minuutin juoksutestissä yli 3000 metrin juoksijoiden osuus vuosina 1979–1989 oli 79 %, 63 % vuosina 1990–1999 ja 53 % vuosina 2000–2010. Lajeittain tarkasteltuna 12-minuutin juoksutestin vuosien 2000–2010 keskiarvot (hiihto 3479 ±189 m, suunnistus 3457 ±140 m, jalkapallo 3106 ±146 m) olivat hiihtäjillä 95 m (p<0.05), suunnistajilla 73 m (p<0.05) ja jalkapalloilijoilla 113 m (p<0.001) pienemmät kuin vuosina 1990–1999. Lihaskuntotestissä kaikkien Urheilukoulussa vuosien 2006–2010 aikana palvelleiden käsinkohonnan keskiarvo (12 ±6 toistoa) oli 1 toiston pienempi (p<0.001) ja selkälihastestin keskiarvo (78 ±16 toistoa) 3 toistoa pienempi (p<0.05) kuin vuosina 1996–2000. Sen sijaan vuosien 2006–2010 vauhdittoman pituuden keskiarvo (253 ±21 cm) oli 3 cm suurempi verrattuna vuosien 1996–2000 keskiarvoon (p<0.05). Suun-nistajien käsinkohonnan (p<0.05), etunojapunnerruksen (p<0.05) ja vatsalihastestin (p<0.05) keskiarvot olivat vuosina 2006–2010 pienemmät kuin vuosina 1996–2000. Jalkapalloilijoi-den käsinkohonnan (p<0.05) sekä aita- ja pikajuoksulajien selkälihastestin (p<0.001) kes-kiarvot olivat vuosina 2006–2010 pienemmät ja jääkiekkoilijoiden etunojapunnerruksen (p<0.05) sekä vatsalihastestin (p<0.05) keskiarvot suuremmat kuin vuosina 1996–2000. Kaikkien Urheilukoulussa vuosina 2000–2010 palvelleiden keskipaino (78.3 ±11.5 kg) oli 4.0 kg suurempi kuin vuosina 1979–1989 (p<0.001) ja 3.2 kg suurempi kuin vuosina 1990–1999 (p<0.001). Lajeittain tarkasteltuna palloilulajien sekä teho- ja nopeuslajien keskipainot olivat vuosina 2000–2010 suuremmat kuin vuosina 1979–1989. Vuosien 2000–2010 keski-painot (jalkapallo 77.2 ±7.8 kg, jääkiekko 86.2 ±7.6 kg, hyppylajit 76.9 ±6.7 kg) olivat jalka-palloilijoilla 4.4 kg (p<0.05), jääkiekkoilijoilla 4.9 kg (p<0.001) ja hyppylajien urheilijoilla 5.4 kg (p<0.05) suuremmat kuin vuosien 1990–1999 keskiarvot. Urheilukoulussa vuosina 2000–2010 palvelleiden miesten aerobinen kestävyys oli keskimäärin heikompi ja keskipaino suurempi kuin aikaisempina vuosikymmeninä palvelleilla. Lisäksi alavartalon räjähtävä voima oli vuosina 2006–2010 keskimäärin parempi kuin vuosina 1996–2000 ja 2001–2005. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytössä olleiden tulosten rajallisuus erityisesti vuosilta 1979–1995 ja eri urheilulajien urheilijoiden määrien sekä niiden keskinäisten osuuksien muuttuminen vaikuttavat osiltaan kaikkien Urheilukoulussa palvelleiden tuloksiin. Tuloksiin vaikuttavat myös eri lajien vuosien 2000–2010 heikompi aerobinen kestävyys (hiihto, suunnistus, jalkapallo) sekä suurempi keskipaino (palloilulajit, nopeus- ja teholajit). Suuremman keskipainon taustalla on mahdollisesti lihasmassan ja voiman merkitysten korostuminen. Keskipaino onkin suurempi kuin muilla suomalaisilla nuorilla miehillä. Tästä huolimatta useiden urheilulajien painojen ja painoindeksien keskiar-vot ovat kuitenkin pääsääntöisesti pienemmät kuin vastaavien lajien kansainvälisillä huippu-urheilijoilla. Tämä mahdollisesti osoittaa edelleen lihasmassan ja voiman tarvetta erityisesti hiihdossa, palloilulajeissa sekä teho- ja nopeuslajeissa. Urheilukoulussa palvelleiden aerobinen kestävyys ja lihaskunto ovat huomattavasti paremmat kuin normaaliväestöllä. Täs-tä huolimatta vuosina 2000–2010 palvelleista vain 53 % on maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn perusteella sijoituskelpoisia sodan ajan tiedustelutehtäviin. Tämän perusteella Urheilukoulus-sa palvelevien varusmiesten sodan ajan sijoituksia tulisikin tarkistaa.
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was carried out on 44 hypertensive type 2 diabetic subjects previously treated by diet associated or not with sulfonylurea to assess the effects of acarbose-induced glycemic control on blood pressure (BP) and hormonal parameters. Before randomization and after a 22-week treatment period (100 to 300 mg/day), the subjects were submitted to a standard meal test and to 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) and had plasma glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, lipid profile, insulin, proinsulin and leptin levels determined. Weight loss was found only in the acarbose-treated group (75.1 ± 11.6 to 73.1 ± 11.6 kg, P<0.01). Glycosylated hemoglobin decreased only in the acarbose group (6.4 ± 1.7 to 5.6 ± 1.9%, P<0.05). Fasting proinsulin decreased only in the acarbose group (23.4 ± 19.3 to 14.3 ± 13.6 pmol/l, P<0.05), while leptin decreased in both (placebo group: 26.3 ± 6.1 to 23.3 ± 9.4 and acarbose group: 25.0 ± 5.5 to 22.7 ± 7.9 ng/ml, P<0.05). When the subset of acarbose-treated patients who improved glycemic control was considered, significant reductions in diurnal systolic, diastolic and mean BP (102.3 ± 6.0 to 99.0 ± 6.6 mmHg, P<0.05) were found. Acarbose monotherapy or combined with sulfonylurea was effective in improving glycemic control in hypertensive diabetic patients. Acarbose-induced improvement in metabolic control may reduce BP in these patients. Our data did not suggest a direct action of acarbose on insulin resistance or leptin levels.
Volter Kilpi, fram till år 1886 Volter Adalbert Ericsson f. 12.12.1874 i Gustavs d. 13.6.1939 i Åbo Volter Kilpis karriär kan delas in i två olika faser. Mellan faserna ligger en trettio år lång tystnad. I sin ungdomsproduktion framträder Kilpi som nyromantisk och nietzscheansk författare, i enlighet med tidens litterära mode. Den tidiga produktionen väckte uppseende med sitt utsmyckade och estetiserande patos. Dessa verk innebär också en höjdpunkt för den litterära symbolismen i finsk litteratur. Den senare fasen i författarskapet inleddes år 1933. Under denna period utgav Kilpi i snabb takt sina kändaste verk Alastalon salissa I-II (sv. I salen på Alastalo) från 1933, Pitäjän pienempiä (sv. De mindre i socknen) från 1934 och Kirkolle (sv. Till kyrkan) från 1937, om vilka han använde samlingsnamnet Saaristosarja (sv. Skärgårdsserien). Ett karakteristiskt drag i serien är en säregen, långsamt framskridande språklig framställning med långa meningar. Alastalon salissa (I salen på Alastalo) har lyfts fram som ett betydande verk för den moderna finska romankonsten. Som förnyare av romangenren har Kilpi även jämförts med James Joyce och Marcel Proust. http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=4972 http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/4972/
Food allergy is most frequently the result of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Here, we describe a chronic model in which some of the intestinal and systemic consequences of continuous egg white solution ingestion by ovalbumin-sensitized eight-week-old BALB/c mice, 6 animals per group, of both sexes, were investigated. There was a 20% loss of body weight that began one week after antigen exposure and persisted throughout the experiment (3 weeks). The sensitization procedure induced the production of anti-ovalbumin IgG1 and IgE, which were enhanced by oral antigen exposure (129% for IgG1 and 164% for IgE, compared to sensitization values). Intestinal changes were determined by jejunum edema at 6 h (45% Evans blue extravasation) and by a significant eosinophil infiltration with a peak at 48 h. By day 21 of continuous antigen exposure, histological findings were mild, with mast cell hyperplasia (100%) and increased mucus production (483%). Altogether, our data clearly demonstrate that, although immune stimulation was persistently occurring in response to continuous oral antigen exposure, regulatory mechanisms were occurring in the intestinal mucosa, preventing overt pathology. The experimental model described here reproduces the clinical and pathological changes of mild chronic food allergy and may be useful for mechanistic studies of this common clinical condition.
In contrast to most developed countries, most patients with primary hyperparathyroidism in Brazil are still symptomatic at diagnosis. However, we have been observing a change in this pattern, especially in the last few years. We evaluated 104 patients, 77 females and 27 males aged 11-79 years (mean: 54.4 years), diagnosed between 1985 and 2002 at a University Hospital. Diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical findings and of high total and/or ionized calcium levels, high or inappropriate levels of intact parathyroid hormone and of surgical findings in 80 patients. Patients were divided into three groups, i.e., patients diagnosed from 1985 to 1989, patients diagnosed from 1990 to 1994, and patients diagnosed from 1995 to 2002. The number of new cases diagnosed/year increased from 1.8/year in the first group to 6.0/year in the second group and 8.1/year in the third group. The first group comprised 9 patients (mean serum calcium ± SD, 13.6 ± 1.6 mg/dl), 8 of them (88.8%) defined as symptomatic. The second group comprised 30 patients (mean calcium ± SD, 12.2 ± 1.63 mg/dl), 22 of them defined as symptomatic (73.3%). The third group contained 65 patients (mean calcium 11.7 ± 1.1 mg/dl), 34 of them symptomatic (52.3%). Patients from the first group tended to be younger (mean ± SD, 43.0 ± 15 vs 55.1 ± 14.4 and 55.7 ± 17.3 years, respectively) and their mean serum calcium was significantly higher (P < 0.05). All of symptomatic patients independent of group had higher serum calcium levels (12.4 ± 1.53 mg/dl, N = 64) than asymptomatic patients (11.4 ± 1.0 mg/dl, N = 40). Our data showed an increase in the percentage of asymptomatic patients over the years in the number of primary hyperparathyroidism cases diagnosed. This finding may be due to an increased availability of diagnostic methods and/or to an increased awareness about the disease.
CDKN2A has been implicated as a melanoma susceptibility gene in some kindreds with a family history of this disease. Mutations in CDKN2A may produce an imbalance between functional p16ink4a and cyclin D causing abnormal cell growth. We searched for germline mutations in this gene in 22 patients with clinical criteria of hereditary cancer (early onset, presence of multiple primary melanoma or 1 or more first- or second-degree relatives affected) by secondary structural content prediction, a mutation scanning method that relies on the propensity for single-strand DNA to take on a three-dimensional structure that is highly sequence dependent, and sequencing the samples with alterations in the electrophoretic mobility. The prevalence of CDKN2A mutation in our study was 4.5% (1/22) and there was a correlation between family history and probability of mutation detection. We found the P48T mutation in 1 patient with 2 melanoma-affected relatives. The patient descends from Italian families and this mutation has been reported previously only in Italian families in two independent studies. This leads us to suggest the presence of a mutational "hotspot" within this gene or a founder mutation. We also detected a high prevalence (59.1%) of polymorphisms, mainly alleles 500 C/G (7/31.8%) or 540 C/T (6/27.3%), in the 3' untranslated region of exon 3. This result reinforces the idea that these rare polymorphic alleles have been significantly associated with the risk of developing melanoma.
Plasma cortisol and glucose levels were measured in 36 adult Nile tilapia males, Oreochromis niloticus (standard length, mean ± SD, 14.38 ± 1.31 cm), subjected to electroshock and social stressors. Pre-stressor levels were determined 5 days after the adjustment of the fish to the experimental aquaria (1 fish/aquarium). Five days later, the effects of stressors on both cortisol and glucose levels were assessed. The following stressors were imposed for 60 min: pairing with a larger resident animal (social stressor), or a gentle electroshock (AC, 20 V, 15 mA, 100 Hz for 1 min every 4 min). Each stressor was tested in two independent groups, one in which stress was quantified immediately after the end of the 60-min stressor imposition (T60) and the other in which stress was quantified 30 min later (T90). Pre-stressor values for cortisol and glucose were not statistically different between groups. Plasma cortisol levels increased significantly and were of similar magnitude for both electroshock and the social stressor (mean ± SD for basal and final samples were: electroshock T60 = 65.47 ± 15.3, 177.0 ± 30.3; T90 = 54.8 ± 16.0, 196.2 ± 57.8; social stress T60 = 47.1 ± 9.0, 187.6 ± 61.7; T90 = 41.6 ± 8.1, 112.3 ± 26.8, respectively). Plasma glucose levels increased significantly for electroshock at both time points (T60 and T90), but only at T90 for the social stressor. Initial and final mean (± SD) values are: electroshock T60 = 52.5 ± 9.2, 115.0 ± 15.7; T90 = 35.5 ± 1.1, 146.3 ± 13.3; social stress T60 = 54.8 ± 8.8, 84.4 ± 15.0; T90 = 34.5 ± 5.6, 116.3 ± 13.6, respectively. Therefore, electroshock induced an increase in glucose more rapidly than did the social stressor. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation between cortisol and glucose was detected only at T90 for the social stressor. These results indicate that a fish species responds differently to different stressors, thus suggesting specificity of fish stress response to a stressor.
The effects of haloperidol and olanzapine on polysomnographic measures made in bipolar patients during manic episodes were compared. Twelve DSM-IV mania patients were randomly assigned to receive either haloperidol (mean ± SD final dosage: 5.8 ± 3.8 mg) or olanzapine (mean ± SD final dosage: 13.6 ± 6.9 mg) in a 6-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. One-night polysomnographic evaluation was performed before and after the haloperidol or olanzapine treatment. Psychopathology and illness severity were rated respectively with the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Clinical Global Impressions - Bipolar version (CGI-BP). There was a significant improvement in the YMRS and CGI-BP scores at the end of the study for both groups. Mixed ANOVA used to compare the polysomnographic measures of both drugs demonstrated significant improvement in sleep measures with olanzapine. In the olanzapine group, statistically significant time-drug interaction effects on sleep continuity measures were observed: sleep efficiency (mean ± SEM pre-treatment value: 6.7 ± 20.3%; after-treatment: 85.7 ± 10.9%), total wake time (pre-treatment: 140.0 ± 92.5 min; after-treatment: 55.2 ± 44.2 min), and wake time after sleep onset (pre-treatment: 109.7 ± 70.8 min; after-treatment: 32.2 ± 20.7 min). Conversely, improvement of polysomnographic measures was not observed for the haloperidol group (P > 0.05). These results suggest that olanzapine is more effective than haloperidol in terms of sleep-promoting effects, although olanzapine is comparatively as effective as haloperidol in treating mania. Polysomnography records should provide useful information on how manic states can be affected by psychopharmacological agents.
Our objective was to determine the effect of arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide, AEA) injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain on submandibular gland (SMG) salivary secretion. Parasympathetic decentralization (PSD) produced by cutting the chorda tympani nerve strongly inhibited methacholine (MC)-induced salivary secretion while sympathetic denervation (SD) produced by removing the superior cervical ganglia reduced it slightly. Also, AEA (50 ng/5 µL, icv) significantly decreased MC-induced salivary secretion in intact rats (MC 1 µg/kg: control (C), 5.3 ± 0.6 vs AEA, 2.7 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 17.6 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 8.7 ± 0.9 mg; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 37.4 ± 1.2 vs AEA, 22.9 ± 2.6 mg). However, AEA did not alter the significantly reduced salivary secretion in rats with PSD, but decreased the slightly reduced salivary secretion in rats with SD (MC 1 µg/kg: C, 3.8 ± 0.8 vs AEA, 1.4 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 14.7 ± 2.4 vs AEA, 6.9 ± 1.2 mg; P < 0.05; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 39.5 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 22.3 ± 0.5 mg; P < 0.001). We showed that the inhibitory effect of AEA is mediated by cannabinoid type 1 CB1 receptors and involves GABAergic neurotransmission, since it was blocked by previous injection of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (500 ng/5 µL, icv) or of the GABA A receptor antagonist, bicuculline (25 ng/5 µL, icv). Our results suggest that parasympathetic neurotransmission from the central nervous system to the SMG can be inhibited by endocannabinoid and GABAergic systems.
Variantti A.
Variantti B.
Foi feito um estudo da ocorrência de E.coli O157:H7 em vegetais que são normalmente consumidos crus no Brasil e uma avaliação da sua resistência aos sanitizantes disponíveis no mercado para desinfecção de verduras, equipamentos e utensílios, incluindo compostos clorados e compostos de amônio quaternário. Na avaliação da ocorrência em vegetais foram analisadas 869 amostras, não sendo detectada a presença do patógeno. Os imunoensaios enzimáticos (ELISA) utilizados nas análises (Reveal E.coli O157 Neogem e EHEC Test Kit 3M Company) apresentaram uma taxa de falsos resultados presuntivos de 13,6 e 11,8%, respectivamente, não confirmados como E.coli O157 nos testes bioquímicos posteriores. Na avaliação da resistência aos sanitizantes pelo método 960.9 da AOAC, observou-se que os tratamentos com 100 e 200ppm de hipoclorito de sódio, dicloroisocianurato de sódio e cloreto de benzalcônio/30s se mostraram eficazes contra E.coli ATCC 11229 e E.coli O157:H7 ATCC 43890, promovendo mais de 5 reduções decimais nas populações alvo.
Foram avaliados diferentes períodos (0, 3 e 6 dias) e 2 temperaturas (4° e 10 °C) no armazenamento do leite de cabra cru e sua influência sobre a qualidade e vida útil do produto pasteurizado. Nos períodos descritos de armazenamento, procedeu-se à pasteurização lenta do leite (65 °C/30 min), sendo o produto processado armazenado a 10 °C por mais 6 dias. As amostras do leite cru foram caracterizadas imediatamente após a ordenha e após o 3° e 6° dias de armazenagem. O leite pasteurizado foi caracterizado imediatamente após a pasteurização e após o 3º e 6º dias de armazenagem a 10 °C. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: contagens de microrganismos mesófilos, psicrotróficos totais, lipolíticos e proteolíticos, coliformes totais e fecais e físico-químicas: acidez, gordura e ácidos graxos livres (AGL). As populações de microrganismos no leite cru tiveram maior desenvolvimento na temperatura de 10 °C do que a 4 °C. A acidez manteve-se dentro do aceitável na armazenagem a 4 °C por 6 dias, mas não a 10 °C. Foi observado decréscimo significativo (p < 0,05) no teor de gordura do leite cru durante o armazenamento em ambas as temperaturas e o aumento gradativo da quantidade de ácidos graxos livres (AGL). A pasteurização foi eficiente na redução microbiana, sendo que os microrganismos psicrotróficos lipolíticos e proteolíticos não foram mais detectados após o processo. Contudo, as alterações ocorridas durante o período de estocagem do leite cru influenciaram as características físico-químicas do leite pasteurizado. Durante o armazenamento do leite pasteurizado, os valores de acidez e teor de gordura permaneceram estáveis, enquanto a quantidade de AGL continuou aumentando significativamente. Concluiu-se que o leite de cabra cru pode ser armazenado por até 3 dias a 4 °C, para o produto pasteurizado ter uma vida útil de 6 dias. A temperatura 10 °C não deve ser utilizada na conservação do leite cru.
The objective of this work was to identify and verify the influence of time and temperature on the volatile compounds profile of fresh cut peki. Peki fruits were washed, sanitized, their kernels were extracted, and they were packaged and stored for 15 days at 0, 5, and 10 °C and 6 days at 22 °C. The volatiles compounds were analyzed by GC - MS. Ethyl hexanoate and ethyl octanoate were found in higher percentages, 63 and 16.3%, respectively. The determined volatiles were not influenced by the storage period. Hexanoic acid, ethyl 2-octenoate and ethyl decanoate were not influenced by the different temperatures. The temperatures 0, 5, and 10 °C did not influence ethyl hexanoate, ethyl 2-hexenoate and ethyl octanoate either. In addition, the temperatures 5, 10, and 22 °C did not influence ethyl hexanoate, cis-β-ocimene and ethyl octanoate. The temperature of 22 °C determined higher percentages of ethyl hexanoate and lower percentages of ethyl octanoate, in comparison to the temperature of 0 °C, and higher percentages of ethyl 2-hexenoate in comparison to the temperatures of 0, 5, and 10 °C. The temperature of 5 °C determined higher percentage of cis-β-ocimene when compared with the temperature of 0 °C. The storage temperatures of 0 and 5 °C were the most appropriate for the conservation.