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This systematic review discusses data on the dietary intake of preschool children living in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, including the comparison with a Mediterranean-like diet and the association with nutritional status. Specifically, data from the multinational European Identification and Prevention on Dietary and life style induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study and national studies, such as the Estudo do Padrão Alimentar e de Crescimento Infantil (EPACI) study and Geração XXI cohort in Portugal, ALimentando la SAlud del MAñana (ALSALMA) study in Spain, Étude des Déterminants pré-et postnatals précoces du développement et de la santé de l'ENfant (EDEN) cohort in France, Nutrintake 636 study in Italy, and Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) cohort in Greece, were analyzed. In the majority of countries, young children consumed fruit and vegetables quite frequently, but also consumed sugared beverages and snacks. High energy and high protein intakes mainly from dairy products were found in the majority of countries. The majority of children also consumed excessive sodium intake. Early high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found, and both early consumption of energy-dense foods and overweight seemed to track across toddler and preschool ages. Most children living in the analyzed countries showed low adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet, which in turn was associated with being overweight/obese. Unhealthier diets were associated with lower maternal educational level and parental unemployment. Programs promoting adherence of young children to the traditional Mediterranean diet should be part of a multi-intervention strategy for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity.


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Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.


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Background and Aims: It is well recognized that mood disorders and epilepsy commonly co-occur. However, the relationship between epilepsy and the clinical features and course of illness in bipolar disorder (BD) is currently unknown. Here we explore the rate of epilepsy within a large sample of individuals with BD and examine bipolar illness characteristics according to the presence or absence of epilepsy. Methods: 1596 participants recruited to the Bipolar Disorder Research Network; a well-defined sample of UK subjects with a diagnosis of BD, completed a self-report questionnaire to assess lifetime history of epilepsy (Ottman et al., 2010). A subset of participants (n = 29) completed a telephone interview assessment to determine expert-confirmed epilepsy status. Lifetime clinical characteristics of illness were compared between BD subjects with and without a history of epilepsy. Results: 127 individuals (8%) screened positively for lifetime history of epilepsy. Bipolar subjects with epilepsy experienced higher rates of: suicide attempt (64.2% vs. 47.4%, p = 0.000367); panic disorder (29.6% vs. 16.1%, p = 0.001); phobias (13.6% vs. 5.7%, 0.004); alcohol abuse (18.6% vs. 10.6%, p = 0.017); and other substance abuse (10.2% vs. 4%, p = 0.009). History of suicide attempt (OR = 1.79, p = 0.013) remained significant within a multivariate model. Similar trends were observed within bipolar subjects with well-defined, expert-confirmed epilepsy (n = 29). Conclusions: Results demonstrate an increased rate of self-reported epilepsy in the BD sample, compared to the general population, and suggest differences in the clinical course of BD according to the presence of epilepsy. Comorbid epilepsy within BD may provide an attractive opportunity for subcategorising for future genetic studies, potentially identifying common underlying mechanisms.


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Introduction. Routine use of nasogastric tubes (NGT) after abdominal operations is intended to hasten the return of bowel function, diminish the risk of anastomotic leakage and prevent pulmonary complications. The aim of our study was to prospectively assess the tolerability and the safety of the non use of NGT after elective colorectal open operations. Patients and methods. Between March 2009 and December 2010, 110 consecutive patients underwent colo-rectal elective open surgery for neoplasm without nasogastric decompression. We analyzed the incidence of nausea and vomiting, the pulmonary complications, the return of bowel function the deep wound breakdown (fascial dehiscence) and the anastomotic leakage. Results. Only 15 patients (13,6%) reported nausea without vomiting immediately after surgery and 9 cases of vomiting were observed (8%), requiring the insertion of the NGT (nasogastric tube) in 5 (4,5%). A total of 105 patients (96,3%) were NGT free. No deep wound dehiscence was observed and only one real pneumonia occurred. Anastomotic dehiscence occured in 4 patients (3,6%) and a second surgical procedure was needed in three cases. The return of bowel function, except in the last four patients, occurred in 3,8 days average (range 2-7 days). Conclusion. We confirm the uselessness of the NGT in the framework of fast track program adopted in elective open colo-rectal surgery.


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O presente estudo pretende avaliar a exposição ocupacional a contaminação fúngica e bacteriana em quartos de hotel, mais precisamente em dois quartos com características diferentes, nomeadamente, com pavimento em alcatifa e outro sem alcatifa. Doze amostras de ar de 250L foram colhidas pelo método de impacto, em meio agar de extracto de malte (MEA) suplementado com cloranfenicol (0,05%) para fungos e em meio de TSA (agar de soja tríptica) com nistatina (0,2%) para bactérias. Foram também realizadas amostras de superfície nos mesmos locais. Em ambos os quartos apenas uma amostra de ar, no quarto sem alcatifa, apresentou contagens de fungos mais elevadas do que no exterior. No entanto, as concentrações de bactérias no ar interior foram superiores às do ar exterior. Em relação às superfícies, o quarto sem alcatifa apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao quarto com alcatifa, sendo que o primeiro apresentou concentrações mais elevadas de fungos. Todas as superfícies analisadas apresentaram contaminação bacteriana, mas não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os quartos. Os géneros de fungos mais prevalentes no ar foram idênticos em ambos os quartos (Penicillium sp. 40,7% - 12,3% e Cladosporium sp. 43,5% - 55,4%). Nas superfícies analisadas, os isolados pertencentes ao complexo Aspergillus fumigatus foram os únicos encontrados no quarto com alcatifa, enquanto no outro quarto os géneros mais prevalentes foram Penicillium sp. (63,6%) e Aspergillus sp. (13,6%).


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Study developed in order to know the carpet influence when used in the floor of a hotel room. Twelve air samples of 250L (six in a room with carpet and six more in a room with wood floor) were collected through an impaction method with a flow rate of 140 L/min onto malt extract agar (MEA) supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.05%), using the Millipore air Tester (Millipore), during cleaning activities. Outdoor sample was also performed to be used as a reference. Surface samples from floor and desks, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method. to 7 days. Besides fungal contamination, we also assessed particulate matter contamination in both rooms during the same cleaning tasks. In the analyzed sur- faces, isolates belonging to Aspergillus fumigatus complex were the only fungi found in the carpeted room, whereas in the other room we found Penicllium sp. (63.6%) and Aspergillus sp. (13.6%) as the most frequent genera. In the case of particles the room with carpet obtained significant higher values for both metrics (PMC and PNC), showing that carpet may has influence on particles’ contamination of the room.


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Penetration of fractional flow reserve (FFR) in clinical practice varies extensively, and the applicability of results from randomized trials is understudied. We describe the extent to which the information gained from routine FFR affects patient management strategy and clinical outcome. METHODS AND RESULTS: Nonselected patients undergoing coronary angiography, in which at least 1 lesion was interrogated by FFR, were prospectively enrolled in a multicenter registry. FFR-driven change in management strategy (medical therapy, revascularization, or additional stress imaging) was assessed per-lesion and per-patient, and the agreement between final and initial strategies was recorded. Cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or unplanned revascularization (MACE) at 1 year was recorded. A total of 1293 lesions were evaluated in 918 patients (mean FFR, 0.81±0.1). Management plan changed in 406 patients (44.2%) and 584 lesions (45.2%). One-year MACE was 6.9%; patients in whom all lesions were deferred had a lower MACE rate (5.3%) than those with at least 1 lesion revascularized (7.3%) or left untreated despite FFR≤0.80 (13.6%; log-rank P=0.014). At the lesion level, deferral of those with an FFR≤0.80 was associated with a 3.1-fold increase in the hazard of cardiovascular death/myocardial infarction/target lesion revascularization (P=0.012). Independent predictors of target lesion revascularization in the deferred lesions were proximal location of the lesion, B2/C type and FFR. CONCLUSIONS: Routine FFR assessment of coronary lesions safely changes management strategy in almost half of the cases. Also, it accurately identifies patients and lesions with a low likelihood of events, in which revascularization can be safely deferred, as opposed to those at high risk when ischemic lesions are left untreated, thus confirming results from randomized trials.


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Rootstock has profound effects on traits such as yield and tree size in various horticultural industries, however relatively little is known about rootstock effects for macadamia. In this study, 12 cultivars were propagated as open-pollinated seedling and clonal rootstocks, and own-rooted cuttings. The same cultivars were also used as scions, and grafted to a subset of rootstocks, then planted at four trial locations. In this preliminary analysis, rootstock accounted for 19% of the variance in yield compared with 72% for scion, and 23% in height compared with 72% for scion. There was no interaction between rootstock and scion for yield, and only a small effect for height. The interaction between rootstock and propagation method (seedling, clonal, own roots) was not significant for height. A small effect was observed for yield, with the own roots treatment producing significantly lower yield than grafted trees for all rootstock cultivars except 'HAES 849'. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced a cumulative yield to age 10 years of 11.1 kg tree -1 compared to the highest yield of 13.6 kg tree -1 for 'Beaumont' clonal rootstocks. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced 4.8 m trees at age 11 years, compared to the smallest grafted tree which was 'HAES 849' seedling at 4.7 m.


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La mayoría de los estudios sobre lectura y escritura analizan su relación con factores cognitivos-lingüísticos, siendo menos frecuentes los relacionados con la motivación. Este estudio analiza la relación de la motivación de logro con la composición escrita y la comprensión lectora en adolescentes españoles. La muestra esta formada por 203 sujetos de 1º (ME=12.4, DT=1.28), 2º (ME=13.6, DT=1.02) y 3º (ME=14.2, DT=1.34) de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, de clase sociocultural media, con niveles intelectuales normales y sin déficits físicos, psíquicos o sensoriales. Se evalúa la motivación de logro en función de la frecuencia de pensamientos relacionados con la realización de las tareas académicas. La composición escrita fue evaluada en términos de progresión temática, conocimiento semántico, morfosintáctico y metacognición. La comprensión lectora se evaluó en términos de selección y organización de ideas, conocimiento semántico, morfosintáctico y metacognición. El diseño es transversal y se realiza análisis de regresión lineal. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la motivación de logro explica un 17% de la composición escrita y entre un 16 y 27% de la comprensión lectora, según el curso. Se destaca la relación de la motivación de logro con el lenguaje escrito y su posible repercusión en los problemas de composición escrita y comprensión lectora en la adolescencia.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide. Various factors such as age, lifestyle and dietary patterns affect the risk of having CRC. Epidemiological studies showed a chemopreventive effect of soy consumption against CRC. However, which component(s) of soybean is associated with this reduced risk is not yet fully delineated. The objective of this research was to evaluate the anti-colon cancer potential of lunasin isolated from defatted soybean flour using in vitro and in vivo models of CRC. Lunasin was isolated from defatted soybean flour by a combination of different chromatographic and ultrafiltration techniques. The anti-colon cancer potential of lunasin was determined using different human colon cancer cell lines in vitro and a CRC liver metastasis model in vivo. Lunasin caused cytotoxicity to different human colon cancer cells with an IC50 value of 13.0, 21.6, 26.3 and 61.7 µM for KM12L4, RKO, HCT-116 and HT-29 human colon cancer cells, respectively. This cytotoxicity correlated with the expression of the α5 integrin on human colon cancer cells with a correlation coefficient of 0.78. The mechanism involved in the cytotoxic effect of lunasin was through cell cycle arrest and induction of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. In KM12L4 human colon cancer cells, lunasin caused a G2/M phase arrest increasing the percentage of cells at G2/M phase from 12% (PBS-treated) to 24% (treated with 10 µM lunasin). This arrest was attributed to the capability of lunasin to increase the expression of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. At 10 µM, lunasin increased the expression of p21 and p27 in KM12L4 colon cancer cells by 2.2- and 2.3-fold, respectively. Flow cytometric analysis showed that lunasin at 10 µM increased the percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis from 13.6% to 24.7%. This is further supported by fluorescence microscopic analysis of KM12L4 cells treated with 10 µM lunasin showing chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation. The mechanism involved is through modification of proteins involved in the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in KM12L4 cells as 10 µM lunasin reduced the expression of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein by 2-fold and increased the expression of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, cytochrome c and nuclear clusterin by 2.2-, 2.1- and 2.3- fold, respectively. This led to increased expression and activity of the executioner of apoptosis, caspase-3 by 1.8- and 2.3-fold, respectively. This pro-apoptotic property of lunasin can be attributed to its capability to internalize into the cytoplasm and nucleus of colon cancer cells 24 h and 72 h after treatment, respectively. In addition, lunasin mediated metastasis of colon cancer cells in vitro by inhibiting the focal adhesion kinase activation thereby reducing expression of extracellular regulated kinase and nuclear factor kappa B and finally inhibiting migration of colon cancer cells. In KM12L4 colon cancer cells, 10 µM lunasin resulted in the reduction of phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and extracellular regulated kinase by 2.5-fold, resulting in the reduced nuclear translocation of p50 and p65 NF-κB subunits by 3.8- and 1.4-fold, respectively. In an in vivo model of CRC liver metastasis, daily intraperitoneal administration of lunasin at 4 mg/kg body weight resulted in the inhibition of KM12L4 liver metastasis as shown by the reduction of the number of liver metastases from 28 (PBS-treated) to 14 (lunasin-treated, P = 0.047) and reduction in tumor burden as measured by liver weight/body weight from 0.13 (PBS-treated) to 0.10 (lunasin-treated, P = 0.039). Moreover, lunasin potentiated the anti-metastatic effect of the chemotherapeutic drug oxaliplatin given at 5 mg/kg body weight twice per week. Lunasin and oxaliplatin combination resulted in a more potent inhibition of outgrowth of KM12L4 cell metastases to the liver reducing the number of liver metastases by 6-fold and reducing the tumor burden in the liver by 3-fold when compared to PBS-treated group. This can be attributed by the capability of lunasin and oxaliplatin to reduce expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in liver-tumor tissue as measured by immunohistochemical staining. The results of this research for the first time demonstrated the anti-colon cancer potential of lunasin isolated from defatted soybean flour which might contribute to the chemopreventive effect of soybean in CRC as seen in different epidemiological studies. In conclusion, lunasin isolated from defatted soybean flour mediated colon carcinogenesis by inducing apoptosis and preventing outgrowth of metastasis. We suggest that the results of this research serve as a basis for further study on the chemopreventive effect of lunasin against CRC and a possible adjuvant role for lunasin in therapy of patients with metastatic CRC.


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As proteases constituem 60-65% do mercado global das enzimas industriais e são utilizadas na indústria de alimentos no processo de amaciamento de carne, na síntese de peptídeos, preparo de fórmulas infantis, panificação, cervejarias, produtos farmacêuticos, diagnósticos médicos, como aditivos na indústria de detergentes e na indústria têxtil no processo de depilação e transformação do couro. Proteases específicas produzidas por micro-organismos queratinolíticos são chamadas de queratinases e distinguem-se de outras proteases pela maior capacidade de degradação de substratos compactos e insolúveis como a queratina. Atualmente, processos que apontem o uso total das matérias-primas e que não resultem em impactos negativos ao meio ambiente tem ganhado destaque. Dentro desta temática, destacam-se a reutilização da farinha de penas residual durante o cultivo do Bacillus sp. P45 para produção de proteases e a biomassa residual de levedura, ambas com elevados teores de proteínas, podendo ser utilizadas no cultivo do Bacillus sp. P45 para obtenção de proteases. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter a enzima queratinase purificada em grandes quantidades, sua caracterização, bem como a sua aplicação em processos de coagulação enzimática do leite para o desenvolvimento de um queijo cremoso enriquecido com farinha de chia e quinoa. Além disso, aplicar diferentes coprodutos para produção de enzimas proteolíticas e queratinolíticas. A presente tese foi dividida em quatro artigos: no primeiro foi realizado a obtenção da queratinase purificada em maiores quantidades e a determinação dos parâmetros de estabilidade térmica e a influência de componentes químicos na atividade enzimática. A obtenção da enzima em maiores quantidades alcançou fatores de purificação de 2,6, 6,7 e 4,0 vezes, paras 1º SAB, 2º SAB e diafiltração, respectivamente. A recuperação enzimática alcançou valores de 75,3% para o 1º SAB, 75,1% no 2º sistema e 84,3% na diafiltração. A temperatura de 55ºC e o pH 7,5 foram determinados como ótimos para atividade da enzima queratinase. O valor da energia de desativação (Ed) médio foi de 118,0 kJ/mol e os valores de z e D variaram de 13,6 a 18,8ºC, e 6,9 a 237,3 min, respectivamente. Além disso a adição de sais (CaCl2, CaO, C8H5KO4 e MgSO4) elevou a atividade da enzima na presença destes compostos. O segundo artigo apresenta a aplicação da queratinase como coagulante de leite bovino e sua aplicação na obtenção de queijo cremoso enriquecido com chia e quinoa. A enzima mostrou atividade de coagulação semelhante ao coagulante comercial, na concentração de 30mg/mL. A enzima purificada foi empregada de forma eficiente na fabricação do queijo cremoso, que apresentou valores de pH de 5,3 e acidez de 0,06 a 0,1 mol/L, com elevação durante os 25 dias de armazenamento. O terceiro artigo apresenta o perfil do queijo cremoso enriquecido com farinha de chia e quinoa, o qual apresentou alto índice de retenção de água (>99,0%) e baixos valores de sinérese (<0,72%). Elevados teores de fibras foi verificado (3,0 a 5,0%), sugerindo seu consumo como fonte de fibras. As análises microbiológicas foram de acordo com a legislação vigente. Na análise sensorial foi verificado altos valores de suavidade ao paladar e verificado maiores valores de consistência e untabilidade nas amostras com maiores concentrações de nata e quinoa. O quarto artigo traz a extração de β-galactosidase por ultrassom e o uso da biomassa residual da levedura, bem como o uso de farinha de penas residuais como substrato para obtenção de proteases. O ultrassom foi eficiente para ruptura celular e extração de β-galactosidase, apresentando alta atividade (35,0 U/mL) e rendimento (876,0 U/g de biomassa). A maior atividade proteolítica (1300 U/mL em 32 h) e queratinolítica (89,2 U/mL) verificadas ocorreram utilizando-se a biomassa e a farinha de penas residuais, respectivamente. Maior produtividade proteolítica (40,8 U/mL/h) foi verificado no meio utilizando biomassa residual como substrato. Já a maior produtividade queratinolítica (2,8 U/mL/h) foi alcançada utilizando farinha de penas reutilizada.


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We present the results of isotope measurements (δ 18 O, δ D, δ 13 C DIC and 14 C) and chemical analyses (TDS, TOC, HCO 3– , SO 42– , Cl – , NO 3– , NH 4+ , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ Na + and K + ) conducted on groundwater samples collected from deep Cenozoic aqui- fers. These aquifers are the basic source of drinking water at numerous localities within the study area in northern Po- land. Most of the δ 18 O determinations are characterised by low variability (i.e., > 70 per cent of δ 18 O are between –9.5‰ and –9.2‰). In most cases tritium activity was not detected or its content slightly exceeded the uncertainty of measure- ment (from ±0.3 T.U. to ± 0.5 T.U.). On average, 14 C activity is twice higher than that under similar conditions and in hydrogeological systems. The δ 13 C DIC values fall within the –13.6‰ to –12.8‰ range. A slight variability is observed when considering all isotope and chemical data within the study area and under these hydrogeological conditions. In general, the results of isotope and chemical analyses seem to be homogeneous, indicating the presence of closely similar groundwaters in the system, irrespective of geological formation. It is likely that there is a significant hydraulic connec- tion between shallow and deep aquifers in the Gwda catchment, which indicates the potential for seepage of pollutants from shallow Pleistocene to deep Miocene aquifers. This can endanger the latter by e.g., high concentrations of NO 3– , SO 42– and Cl – ions from shallow aquifers within the Gwda catchment.


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La enfermedad de Chagas, también conocida como tripanosomiasis americana o Mal de Chagas-Mazza, es una enfermedad parasitaria tropical, generalmente crónica, causada por el protozoo flagelado Trypanosoma cruzi. Esta enfermedad afecta mayormente a las zonas con un gran índice de pobreza, siendo un problema en El Salvador, por lo cual se realizó el estudio de búsqueda de triatóminos en el entorno familiar y presencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en la población de 5 a 15 años, caserío San Rafael, cantón Guanaste, municipio de Ciudad Barrios, departamento de San Miguel en el período de mayo a julio de 2014. Se plantearon como Objetivos Aplicar los indicadores entomológicos en los vectores capturados y las viviendas inspeccionadas donde habita la población de 5 a 15 años de edad del caserío San Rafael y determinar la presencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en la población de 5 a 15 años de edad. La Metodología empleada en el estudio es de tipo prospectivo de corte transversal, descriptivo, de campo y de laboratorio. La población estuvo formada por 63 menores de edad y 37 viviendas. Resultados de esta investigación son: respecto a las viviendas se estudiaron 37 casas donde residen menores de 5 a 15 años de edad, encontrándose en viviendas un total de 22 vectores transmisores de la enfermedad, de las cuales en 3 (13.6%) de estas se encontraron positivas al parásito Trypanosoma cruzi; favorece a la proliferación de este vector en la comunidad el tipo de construcción de las viviendas, en las cuales predominó las casas de pared, piso y tierra con adobe, tierra y teja y bahareque, tierra y teja, respectivamente En la población se examinaron a 63 menores entre 5 a 15 años, de estos se detectaron 9 casos sospechosos y confirmaron 6 casos positivos, lo que equivale al 9% a la presencia de la enfermedad de Chagas. Conclusiones Se estudiaron 37 viviendas dado que en ellas habitan menores de 5 a 15 años, 10 de estas se encuentran infectadas con el vector. Encontrando un total de 22 chinches con un porcentaje de 27.02% de infestación de vivienda por Triatoma dimidiata. Se realizó una búsqueda dentro de las viviendas, con un índice de infestación intradomiciliar de 27.02%. A pesar de la búsqueda exhaustiva realizada en el área peridomiciliar de las viviendas no se logró encontrar el vector por lo tanto el índice de infestación peridomiciliar es de 0.0%. Al realizar la compresión abdominal de los 22 triatóminos capturados 3 resultaron positivos a la presencia del parásito, obteniéndose el índice de infestación natural de T. cruzi de 13.6%. De las chinches positivas, 2 de ellas fueron encontradas en viviendas de menores que salieron negativos a las pruebas parasitológicas directas e indirectas. Un factor importante para la detección de la enfermedad es que la comunidad esté informada completamente sobre los signos y síntomas de esta, y así evitar que la enfermedad pase desapercibida.


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The lack of a high-resolution structure for the bacterial helicase-primase complex and the fragmented structural information for the individual proteins have been hindering our detailed understanding of this crucial binary protein interaction. Two new structures for the helicase-interacting domain of the bacterial primases from Escherichia coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus have recently been solved and both revealed a unique and surprising structural similarity to the amino-terminal domain of the helicase itself. In this minireview, the current data are discussed and important new structural and functional aspects of the helicase-primase interaction are highlighted. An attractive structural model with direct biological significance for the function of this complex and also for the development of new antibacterial compounds is examined.


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Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, time spent in hospital and overall direct and indirect costs. Objectives: To measure the prevalence of the SSI, by type of surgery and microbiologically characterization, in adult patients undergoing surgery during 2015 at a public hospital in northern Portugal. Methods: A prospective study, attended by 609 adult patients, undergoing surgery. The sociodemographic and clinical data of the population, as well as the surgical procedure and microbiological study were analyzed using Microsoft Access 2013. Results: In the sample of 609 adults undergoing surgery, it was found that 62.89% of surgical wound were cleaned, 15.8% were clean-contaminated, 8.70% were contaminated and 9.36% infected. About 62.52% of the intervened patients had antibiotic prophylaxis prior to surgery. Out of all surgeries, 33.3% were laparoscopic. The percentage of SSI was 5.74%; In these positive cases, only 3.61% was identiied the responsible bacteria. The urgent surgeries have more infections when compared to the programmed ones. In colon surgery the number of infections was 60% after cholecystectomy (22.86%). In hernioplasty, infection occurred in only 2.86% of the patients. The most isolated bacteria was Escherichia coli with 59%, in which 30% are -producing-lactamases of extended spectrum, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.6%) and Serratia marcescens (13.6%). The mortality rate was 14.8%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in 3 of 4 patients who died. Conclusions: The most microorganisms belong to the group of Gram-negative and are usually linked to infections associated with health care.