991 resultados para Bothrops venom
The production of hyperglycemia during the acute phase of scorpion poisoning produced by T. bahiensis in dogs is confirmed now. The highest degree on average, was reached 10 minutes after the injection of venom. In our hands, the previous bilateral adrenalectomy did not avoid the hyperglycemia. The average of the blood sugar level has been similar to that observed in dogs with adrenal glands, the highest blood sugar level was also registered after 10 minutes. The hyperglycemia obtained in adrenolectomized dogs is, probably, due to the liberation of Sympatin (Nor-adrenalin and adrenalin) as a consequence of the central excitation by the poison on the hepatic nerves and other ganglionar terminations of the Sympathetic Nervous System. Our present researches suggest that the venom has adrenergic action besides the central action.
In the present paper we studied the mechanism of the hyperglycemia and hypertension evoked by the intravenous injection of scorpion venom (Tityus bahiensis) in the dog. We used 34 dogs, of both sex, weighing between 4.3 to 22 kg. These animals were divided in 3 groups and the following experiments were performed: in the first group (8 dogs) the animals were adrenalectomized after the intravenous injection of chlorpromazine; in the second group (16 dogs) the animals were injected with ganglionic blocking drugs (9.295 Ciba and hexamethonium); in the third group (10 dogs) the naimals were injected with dibenamine, and in 3 of them the adrenal glands were removed. The dogs of each group were injected intravenously with aqueous extract of 2 telsons of scorpion/kg; the average weight of each telson was 6,5 mg. The following results were obtained: 1) The hyperglycemia evoked by scorpion venom, in adrenalectomized dogs, was inhibited by chlorpromazine; 2) Ganglionic blocking drugs (9.295 Ciba and hexamthonium) were inefective as far as the hyperglycemic and pressor effects of venom are concerned; 3) In the animals treated with dibenamine, the venom produced a fall in blood pressure, both in the controle and in the adrenalectomized. The present experiments suggest that the scorpion venom has, besides the central action already described by other investigators, an adrenergic action, very similar to the adrenaline. On basis of our experiments we think that the adrenergic action is responsible, in part, by the productrion of hyperglycemia and hypertension.
Dentre 683 serpentes procedentes de diferentes pontos do Brasil, 16 (2,4%) apresentaram em seu sangue (em glóbulos vermelhos maturos e imaturos) Toddia ou Pirhemocyton. Denominamos provisoriamente Toddia os parasitos encontrados em Bothrops moojeni, B. pradoi, B. jararaca e Chironius flavolineatus e Pirhemocyton os encontrados em B. alternatus; fornecemos a primeira referência nestes hospedeiros. Estes parasitos foram estudados comparativamente com o objetivo de estabelecermos a extensão de suas afinidades. Com Toddia de B. moojeni realizamos técnica citoquímica para caracterização de ácidos nucleicos e encontramos positividade apenas para DNA. As maiores afinidades entre os parasitos estudados residiam nas características dos corpúsculos cromáticos e alterações celulares que determinam; observarmos quase total identidade nas maneiras como os parasitos da mesma espécie de serpente se apresentaram. Constatamos a coexistência de inclusões globóides, cristalóides e formas intermediárias associada aos parasitos de B. pradoi e B. alternatus; em C. flavolineatus encotnramos além dos cristais, raríssimas formas intermediárias entre estes e globóides. Afinidades entre Toddia e Pirhemocyton abrangendo o tipo de inclusão contrariam as descrições originais, tornando pouco válida esta separação genérica. Discutimos também os fundamentos da criação das espécies e a possível natureza virótica destes parasitos.
Foram estudados os Cephalobaenidae (Pentastomida), depositados na coleção helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz e na coleção de parasitologia do Instituto Butantan. São redescritas e discutidas as espécies, Cephalobaena tetrapoda, C. freitasi, C. giglioli, Raillietiella furcocerca e Mahafaliella venteli. Esses parasitas foram coletados dos répteis: Lachesis sp., Drymarchon c. corais, Xenodon merremii, Crotatus terrificus, Amphisbaena sp., Tropidurus torquatus, Bothrops atrox, Mabuya punctata e de Bufo paracnemis (anfíbio).
The mature ooxysts of six new species of Caryospora are described from the faeces of Brazilian snakes. They are differentiated from other species previously recorded from reptiles, largely on the size and shape of the oocyst and sporocyst, structure of the oocyst wall, and presence or absence of a polar body. C. paraensis n. sp., and C. carajasensis n. sp., are from the "false coral", Oxyrhopus petola digitalis; C. pseustesi n. sp., from the "egg-eater", Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus; C. epicratesi n. sp., from the "red boa", Epicrates cenchria cenchria; and C. micruri n. sp., and C. constancieae n. sp., from the "coral snake", Micrurus spixii spixii. A re-description is given of C. jararacae Carini, 1939, from the "jararaca" Bothrops atrox, embodying some additional morphological features.
Factor D is an essential enzyme for activation of complement by the alternative pathway (AP). It has been difficult to obtain mouse monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) which block the function of factor D. We have developed a strategy to obtain such Mabs using a double screening procedure of the initial clones. We selected the clone whose supernatant had the lowest level of anti-factor D Ab by ELISA and abolished factor D haemolytic activity. Addition of this Mab to human serum was shown to abolish conversion of C3 by cobra venom factor, haemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes, and activation of C3 and C5 by cuprophane dialysis membranes.
A 27-year-old woman suffered from anaphylaxis after being stung by Solenopsis invicta ants while she was handling wood from South America. The patient reported no previous adverse reactions to stings by other hymenopteran species. Intradermal skin tests with hymenoptera venom (Vespula vulgaris, Polistes species, Apis melifera) were negative. Serum specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E yielded positive results for S invicta (5.28 kU/L) and negative results for A melifera, Ves v 5 and Pol a 5. Immunodetection assays showed the presence of serum IgE against the Sol i 2 allergen. The patient had probably been stung previously although inadvertently by red fire ants while she handled infested wood from South America, and precautionary measures are thus advisable when this material is to be handled. To our knowledge this is the first case of anaphylaxis from red fire ant stings reported in Europe.
The occurrence of 27 second-instar larvae of the flesh fly Microcerella halli (Engel, 1931) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) in a carcass of a snake usually called as Urutu, Bothrops alternatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae) is reported. The snake was kept in captivity in a snake farm in Morungaba, São Paulo state, Brazil. Descriptions of reptile carcass colonization by insects and general biological data of this flesh fly are scarce and this necrophagic behavior is described for the first time in literature.
Mastoparan, a basic tetradecapeptide isolated from wasp venom, is a novel mitogen for Swiss 3T3 cells. This peptide induced DNA synthesis in synergy with insulin in a concentration-dependent manner; half-maximum and maximum responses were achieved at 14 and 17 microM, respectively. Mastoparan also stimulated DNA synthesis in the presence of other growth promoting factors including bombesin, insulin-like growth factor-1, and platelet-derived growth factor. The synergistic mitogenic stimulation by mastoparan can be dissociated from activation of phospholipase C. Mastoparan did not stimulate phosphoinositide breakdown, Ca2+ mobilization or protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation of a major cellular substrate or transmodulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. In contrast, mastoparan stimulated arachidonic acid release, prostaglandin E2 production, and enhanced cAMP accumulation in the presence of forskolin. These responses were inhibited by prior treatment with pertussis toxin. Hence, mastoparan stimulates arachidonic acid release via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein in Swiss 3T3 cells. Arachidonic acid, like mastoparan, stimulated DNA synthesis in the presence of insulin. The ability of mastoparan to stimulate mitogenesis was reduced by pertussis toxin treatment. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that mastoparan stimulates reinitiation of DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells and indicate that this peptide may be a useful probe to elucidate signal transduction mechanisms in mitogenesis.
Peptide toxins synthesized by venomous animals have been extensively studied in the last decades. To be useful to the scientific community, this knowledge has been stored, annotated and made easy to retrieve by several databases. The aim of this article is to present what type of information users can access from each database. ArachnoServer and ConoServer focus on spider toxins and cone snail toxins, respectively. UniProtKB, a generalist protein knowledgebase, has an animal toxin-dedicated annotation program that includes toxins from all venomous animals. Finally, the ATDB metadatabase compiles data and annotations from other databases and provides toxin ontology.
Prokineticin, 1 (PROK1) and prokineticin 2 (PROK2), are two closely related proteins that were identified as the mammalian homologs of their two amphibian homologs, mamba intestinal toxin (MIT-1) and Bv8. MIT-1 was initially identified as a non-toxic constituent in the venom of the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) (Joubert and Strydom, 1980) while Bv8 was identified in the skin secretion of the toad, Bombina variegate (Mollay et al., 1999). All three homologs stimulate gastrointestinal motility thus accounting for their family name "prokineticins" (Schweitz et al., 1990, 1999). However, since its initial description, both PROK1 and PROK2 have been found to regulate a dazzling array of biological functions throughout the body. In particular, PROK1 acts as a potent angiogenic mitogen on endocrine vascular epithelium, thus earning its other name, Endocrine gland-vascular endothelial factor (EG-VEGF) (LeCouter et al., 2002). In contrast, the PROK2 signaling pathway is a critical regulator of olfactory bulb morphogenesis and sexual maturation in mammals and this function is the focus of this review.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs in the central nervous system have a modulatory role in synaptic transmission and are involved in cell injury induced by acidosis. We have recently demonstrated that ASIC function is regulated by serine proteases. We provide here evidence that this regulation of ASIC function is tightly linked to channel cleavage. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a with a similar time course as it changes ASIC1a function, whereas ASIC1b, whose function is not modified by trypsin, is not cleaved. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a at Arg-145, in the N-terminal part of the extracellular loop, between a highly conserved sequence and a sequence that is critical for ASIC1a inhibition by the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. This channel domain controls the inactivation kinetics and co-determines the pH dependence of ASIC gating. It undergoes a conformational change during inactivation, which renders the cleavage site inaccessible to trypsin in inactivated channels.
A complementary DNA for a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor was isolated from a human pancreatic islet cDNA library. The isolated clone encoded a protein with 90% identity to the rat receptor. In stably transfected fibroblasts, the receptor bound [125I]GLP-1 with high affinity (Kd = 0.5 nM) and was coupled to adenylate cyclase as detected by a GLP-1-dependent increase in cAMP production (EC50 = 93 pM). Two peptides from the venom of the lizard Heloderma suspectum, exendin-4 and exendin-(9-39), displayed similar ligand binding affinities to the human GLP-1 receptor. Whereas exendin-4 acted as an agonist of the receptor, inducing cAMP formation, exendin-(9-39) was an antagonist of the receptor, inhibiting GLP-1-induced cAMP production. Because GLP-1 has been proposed as a potential agent for treatment of NIDDM, our present data will contribute to the characterization of the receptor binding site and the development of new agonists of this receptor.
Following the success of the first round table in 2001, the Swiss Proteomic Society has organized two additional specific events during its last two meetings: a proteomic application exercise in 2002 and a round table in 2003. Such events have as their main objective to bring together, around a challenging topic in mass spectrometry, two groups of specialists, those who develop and commercialize mass spectrometry equipment and software, and expert MS users for peptidomics and proteomics studies. The first round table (Geneva, 2001) entitled "Challenges in Mass Spectrometry" was supported by brief oral presentations that stressed critical questions in the field of MS development or applications (Stöcklin and Binz, Proteomics 2002, 2, 825-827). Topics such as (i) direct analysis of complex biological samples, (ii) status and perspectives for MS investigations of noncovalent peptide-ligant interactions; (iii) is it more appropriate to have complementary instruments rather than a universal equipment, (iv) standardization and improvement of the MS signals for protein identification, (v) what would be the new generation of equipment and finally (vi) how to keep hardware and software adapted to MS up-to-date and accessible to all. For the SPS'02 meeting (Lausanne, 2002), a full session alternative event "Proteomic Application Exercise" was proposed. Two different samples were prepared and sent to the different participants: 100 micro g of snake venom (a complex mixture of peptides and proteins) and 10-20 micro g of almost pure recombinant polypeptide derived from the shrimp Penaeus vannamei carrying an heterogeneous post-translational modification (PTM). Among the 15 participants that received the samples blind, eight returned results and most of them were asked to present their results emphasizing the strategy, the manpower and the instrumentation used during the congress (Binz et. al., Proteomics 2003, 3, 1562-1566). It appeared that for the snake venom extract, the quality of the results was not particularly dependant on the strategy used, as all approaches allowed Lication of identification of a certain number of protein families. The genus of the snake was identified in most cases, but the species was ambiguous. Surprisingly, the precise identification of the recombinant almost pure polypeptides appeared to be much more complicated than expected as only one group reported the full sequence. Finally the SPS'03 meeting reported here included a round table on the difficult and challenging task of "Quantification by Mass Spectrometry", a discussion sustained by four selected oral presentations on the use of stable isotopes, electrospray ionization versus matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization approaches to quantify peptides and proteins in biological fluids, the handling of differential two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry data resulting from high throughput experiments, and the quantitative analysis of PTMs. During these three events at the SPS meetings, the impressive quality and quantity of exchanges between the developers and providers of mass spectrometry equipment and software, expert users and the audience, were a key element for the success of these fruitful events and will have definitively paved the way for future round tables and challenging exercises at SPS meetings.
Background: Food allergy in children, an increasingly prevalent disease, significantly affects the quality of life. Its impact can be analyzed by the recently validated French version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ). Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of life in a small sample of Swiss children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Methods: Information were collected with the questionnaire among 0-12 years old children and their parents during a scheduled allergy visit, and analysed in term of emotional impact, food anxiety and social and food limitations. Patients were divided according to the questionnaire in three age groups: group 1 from 0 to 3 years, group 2 from 4 to 6 years and group 3 from 7 up to 12 years. Results: 30 food allergic patients were included, with a girl/boy ratio of 1:1.14. Median age was 6 years. 56% suffered from or had a history of eczema, 23% of rhino-conjunctivitis, 30% of asthma, and 13% reported a drug allergy. None had insect venom allergy. 57% were known to be allergic to one food, 20% to two foods, 20% to 3 foods and 3% had 3 or more food allergies. Tree nuts (51% of all allergies) as well as eggs (28 %) were the major allergies. Emotional impact had a total score of 1.54 but showed differences between age groups. In group 1 it was lower with 0.23, in group 2 the score was 2.03 and 1.77 in group 3. Food anxiety total score was 1.9; 0.76 in group 1, 2.31 in group 2 and 2.23 in group 3. Social and food limitations showed similar results with a total score of 1.73 and 1.23 in group 1, 2.05 in group 2 and 1.68 for group 3. Conclusion: Food allergy affects the quality of life of Swiss children. Our preliminary results on a small sample are comparable to previously published data. We show that the impact of food allergy on daily life increases when the child starts school and social activities.