858 resultados para Bomb calorimeter.


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"DNA 6005F."


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"5 February 1981."


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Increasing interests in the use of starch as biodegradable plastic materials demand, amongst others, accurate information on thermal properties of starch systems particularly in the processing of thermoplastic starch (TPS), where plasticisers (water and glycerol) are added. The specific heat capacity of starch-water-glycerol mixtures was determined within a temperature range of 40-120degreesC. A modulated temperature differential scanning calorimeter (MTDSC) was employed and regression equations were obtained to predict the specific heat capacity as a function of temperature, water and glycerol content for four maize starches of differing amylose content (0 - 85%). Generally, temperature and water content are directly proportional to the specific heat capacity of the systems, but the influence of glycerol content on the thermal property varied according to the starch type.


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Is the use of torture ever justified? This article argues that torture cannot be justified, even in so called ticking bomb cases, but that in such extreme situations it may be necessary. In those situations, judgements about whether the use of torture is legitimate must balance the imminence and gravity of the threat with the need to prevent future occurrences of torture and maintain a normative environment that is hostile to its use. The article begins by observing that the use of torture and/or cruel and degrading treatment has become a core component of the global war on terror. It tests the claim that the use of coercive interrogation techniques does not constitute torture, showing that similar arguments were levelled by both the British and French governments in relation to Northern Ireland and Algeria respectively and found wanting. It then evaluates and rejects Dershowitz's claim for the legalization of torture and the more limited claim that torture may be permissible in ticking bomb scenarios. In the final section, the article questions how we might maintain the prohibition on torture while acknowledging that it may be necessary in some hypothetical cases.


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Le pitture intumescenti sono utilizzate come protettivi passivi antincendio nel settore delle costruzioni. In particolare sono utilizzate per aumentare la resistenza al fuoco di elementi in acciaio. Le proprietà termiche di questi rivestimenti sono spesso sconosciute o difficili da stimare per via del fatto che variano notevolmente durante il processo di espansione che subisce l’intumescente quando esposto al calore di un incendio. Per questa ragione la validazione della resistenza al fuoco di un rivestimento presente in commercio si basa su metodi costosi economicamente e come tempi di esecuzione nel quale ciascuna trave e colonna rivestita di protettivo deve essere testata una alla volta attraverso il test di resistenza al fuoco della curva cellulosica. In questo lavoro di tesi adottando invece un approccio basato sulla modellazione termica del rivestimento intumescente si ottiene un aiuto nella semplificazione della procedura di test ed un supporto nella progettazione della resistenza al fuoco delle strutture. Il tratto di unione nei vari passaggi della presente tesi è stata la metodologia di stima del comportamento termico sconosciuto, tale metodologia di stima è la “Inverse Parameter Estimation”. Nella prima fase vi è stata la caratterizzazione chimico fisica della vernice per mezzo di differenti apparecchiature come la DSC, la TGA e l’FT-IR che ci hanno permesso di ottenere la composizione qualitativa e le temperature a cui avvengono i principali processi chimici e fisici che subisce la pittura come anche le entalpie legate a questi eventi. Nella seconda fase si è proceduto alla caratterizzazione termica delle pitture al fine di ottenerne il valore di conduttività termica equivalente. A tale scopo si sono prima utilizzate le temperature dell’acciaio di prove termiche alla fornace con riscaldamento secondo lo standard ISO-834 e successivamente per meglio definire le condizioni al contorno si è presa come fonte di calore un cono calorimetrico in cui la misura della temperatura avveniva direttamente nello spessore del’intumescente. I valori di conduttività ottenuti sono risultati congruenti con la letteratura scientifica e hanno mostrato la dipendenza della stessa dalla temperatura, mentre si è mostrata poco variante rispetto allo spessore di vernice deposto ed alla geometria di campione utilizzato.


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The literature on the potential use of liquid ammonia as a solvent for the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from mixtures with paraffins, and the application of reflux, has been reviewed. Reference is made to extractors suited to this application. A pilot scale extraction plant was designed comprising a Scm. diameter by 12Scm. high, 50 stage Rotating Disc Contactor with 2 external settlers. Provision was made for operation with, or without, reflux at a pressure of 10 bar and ambient temperature. The solvent recovery unit consisted of an evaporator, compressor and condenser in a refrigeration cycle. Two systems were selected for study, Cumene-n-Heptane-Ammonia and Toluene-Methylcyclohexane-Ammonia. Equlibrium data for the first system was determined experimentally in a specially-designed, equilibrium bomb. A technique was developed to withdraw samples under pressure for analysis by chromatography and titration. The extraction plant was commissioned with a kerosine-water system; detailed operating procedures were developed based on a Hazard and Operability Study. Experimental runs were carried out with both ternary ammonia systems. With the system Toluene-Methylcyclohexane-Ammonia the extraction plant and the solvent recovery facility, operated satisfactorily, and safely,in accordance with the operating procedures. Experimental data gave reasonable agreement with theory. Recommendations are made for further work with plant.


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Cell adhesion peptide regulates various cellular functions like proliferation, attachment, and spreading. The cellular response to laminin peptide (PPFLMLLKGSTR), a motif of laminin-5 alpha3 chain, tethered to type I collagen, crosslinked using microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) was investigated. mTGase is an enzyme that initiates crosslinking by reacting with the glutamine and lysine residues on the collagen fibers stabilizing the molecular structure. In this study that tethering of the laminin peptide in a mTGase crosslinked collagen scaffold enhanced cell proliferation and attachment. Laminin peptide tethered crosslinked scaffold showed unaltered cell morphology of 3T3 fibroblasts when compared with collagen and crosslinked scaffold. The triple helical structure of collagen remained unaltered by the addition of laminin peptide. In addition a dose-dependent affinity of the laminin peptide towards collagen was seen. The degree of crosslinking was measured by amino acid analysis, differential scanning calorimeter and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Increased crosslinking was observed in mTGase crosslinked group. mTGase crosslinking showed higher shrinkage temperature. There was alteration in the fibrillar architecture due to the crosslinking activity of mTGase. Hence, the use of enzyme-mediated linking shows promise in tethering cell adhesive peptides through biodegradable scaffolds.


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Reproducible preparation of a number of modified clay and clay~like materials by both conventional and microwave-assisted chemistry, and their subsequent characterisation, has been achieved, These materials are designed as hydrocracking catalysts for the upgrading of liquids obtained by the processing of coal. Contact with both coal derived liquids and heavy petroleum resids has demonstrated that these catalysts are superior to established proprietary catalysts in terms of both initial activity and deactivation resistance, Of particular activity were a chromium-pillared montmorillonite and a tin intercalated laponite, Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH's) have exhibited encouraging thermal stability. Development of novel methods for hydrocracking coal derived liquids, using a commercial microwave oven, modified reaction vessels and coal model compounds has been attempted. Whilst safe and reliable operation of a high pressure microwave "bomb" apparatus employing hydrogen, has been achieved, no hydrotreatment reactions occurred,


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The twin goals of low and efficient fuel use and minimum emissions are increasingly being addressed by research in both the motor and the catalyst industries of the world. This study was designed to attempt to investigate these goals. For diesel engine vehicles, this can be achieved by improving the efficiency of the fuel combustion in the combustion chamber. By having a suitable oxidation catalyst in the fuel one would expect the efficiency of the fuel combustion to be increased and fewer partial oxidation products to be formed. Also by placing a catalyst converter in the exhaust system partial oxidation products may be converted to more desirable final products. Finally, in this research the net catalytic effect of using an additive treated fuel and a blank ceramic monolith to trap the metal in the exhaust gases for potential use as catalytic converter was investigated. Suitable metal additives must yield a stable solution in the fuel tank. That is, they should not react with the air, water and rust that are always present. The research was targeted on the synthesis of hydrocarbon-soluble complexes that might exhibit unusually slow rates of ligand substitution. For materials containing metal ions, these properties are best met by using multi-dentate ligands that form neutral complexes. Metal complexes have been synthesised using acetylacetone derivatives, schiff base ligands and macrocyclic polyamine ligands, as potential pro-oxidant additives. Their thermal stabilities were also investigated using a differential thermal analysis instrument. The complexes were then investigated as potential additives for use in diesel fuel. The tests were conducted under controlled conditions using a diesel combustion bomb simulating the combustion process in the D.I. diesel engine, a test bed engine, and a vehicle engine.


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The research described in this thesis explored the synthesis tlnd characteristltion of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers of lactide through non-toxic titanium alkoxide nitiators. The research objectives focused on the preparation of polylactides in both solvent and solventless media, to produce materials with a wide range of molecular weights. The polylactides were fully characterised using gel permeation chromatography and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectroscopy was carried out in the study the reaction mechanisms. Kinetic studies of the ring opening polymerisation of lactide with titanium alkoxide initiators were also conducted using NMR spectroscopy. The objectives of this research were also focused on the enhancement of the flexibility of the polymer chains by synthesising random and block copolymers of lactide and ε-caprolactone using Ti(0-i-Pr)4 as an initiator, This work involved extensive characterisalion of the synthesised copolymers using gel permeation chromatography and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis. Kinetic studies of the ring opening polymerisation of ε-caplrolactone and of the copolymerisation of lactide and ε-caprolactone with Ti(O-i-Pr)4 as an initiator were also carried out. The last section of this work involved the synthesis of block and star-shaped copolymers of lactide and poly(ethylene glycol) [PEG]. The preparation of lactide/PEG block copolymers was carried out by ring opening polymerisation of L-Iactide using Ti(O-i-Pr)4 as an initiator and hydroxyl-terminated PEG's with different numbers of hydroxyl groups as co-initiators both in solution and solventless media. These all-in-one polymersations yielded the synthesis of both lactide homopolymer and lactide/PEG block copolymer. In order to selectively synthesise copolymers of lactide and PEG, the experiment was carried out in two steps. The first step consisted of the synthesis of a titanium macro-initiator by exchanging the iso-propoxide ligands by PEG with different numbers of hydroxyl groups. The second step involved the ring opening polymerisation of lactide using the titanium macrocatalyst that was prepared as an initiator. The polymerisations were carried out in a solventless media. The synthesis of lactide/PEG copolymers using polyethylene glycol with amino terminal groups was also discussed. Extensive characterisation of the lactide block copolymers and macroinitiators was carried out using techniques such as, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimeter (DeS).


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Catastrophic failure from intentional terrorist attacks on surface transportation infrastructure could he detrimental to the society. In order to minimize the vulnerabilities and to ensure a safe transportation system, the issue of security for transportation structures, primarily bridges, which are subjected to man-made hazards is investigated in this study. A procedure for identifying and prioritizing "critical bridges" using a screening and prioritization processes is established. For each of the "critical" bridges, a systematic risk-based assessment approach is proposed that takes into account the combination of threat occurrence likelihood, its consequences, and the socioeconomic importance of the bridge. A series of effective security countermeasures are compiled in the four categories of deterrence, detection, defense and mitigation to help reduce the vulnerability of critical bridges. The concepts of simplified equivalent I-shape cross section and virtual materials are proposed for integration into a nonlinear finite element model, which helps assess the performance of reinforced concrete structures with and without composite retrofit or hardening measures under blast loading. A series of parametric studies are conducted for single column and two-column pier frame systems as well as for an entire bridge. The parameters considered include column height, column type, concrete strength, longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio, thickness, fiber angle and tensile strength of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tube, shape of the cross section, damping ratio and different bomb sizes. The study shows the benefits of hardening with composites against blast loading. The effect of steel reinforcement on blast resistance of the structure is more significant than the effect of concrete compressive strength. Moreover, multiple blasts do not necessarily lead to a more severe destruction than a single detonation at a strategically vulnerable location on the bridges.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate how the Truman administration used fear to generate popular support for its Cold War foreign policies. Three issues were examined through the use of published government documents, personal memoirs, and weekly periodicals to assess the responses of the American public: the enactment of universal military training (UMT), the Soviet detonation of an atomic device, and the Truman administration's decision to build the hydrogen bomb. This study shows that the changing attitudes in the Truman administration toward the Soviet Union occurred in a climate of fear. Through press releases and by exerting influence on the media, the administration attempted to control the information the public received. Through the use of propaganda, the Truman administration pursued the implementation of UMT, generated fear of the Soviet Union after its detonation of the atomic bomb, and gained relative public support for the decision to build the hydrogen bomb.


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Authigenic carbonate deposits have been sampled with the remotely operated vehicle 'MARUM-QUEST 4000 m' from five methane seeps between 731 and 1823 m water depth along the convergent Makran continental margin, offshore Pakistan (northern Arabian Sea). Two seeps on the upper slope are located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ; ca. 100 to 1100 m water depth), the other sites are situated in oxygenated water below the OMZ (below 1100 m water depth). The carbonate deposits vary with regard to their spatial extent, sedimentary fabrics, and associated seep fauna: Within the OMZ, carbonates are spatially restricted and associated with microbial mats, whereas in the oxygenated zone below the OMZ extensive carbonate crusts are exposed on the seafloor with abundant metazoans (bathymodiolin mussels, tube worms, galatheid crabs). Aragonite and Mg-calcite are the dominant carbonate minerals, forming common early diagenetic microcrystalline cement and clotted to radial-fibrous cement. The delta18O carbonate values range from 1.3 to 4.2 per mil V-PDB, indicating carbonate precipitation at ambient bottom-water temperature in shallow sediment depth. Extremely low delta13Ccarbonate values (as low - 54.6per mil V-PDB) point to anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) as trigger for carbonate precipitation, with biogenic methane as dominant carbon source. Prevalence of biogenic methane in the seepage gas is corroborated by delta13C methane values ranging from - 70.3 to - 66.7per mil V-PDB, and also by back-calculations considering delta 13C methane values of carbonate and incorporated lipid biomarkers.