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A key component of the venom of many Australian snakes belonging to the elapid family is a toxin that is structurally and functionally similar to that of the mammalian prothrombinase complex. In mammals, this complex is responsible for the cleavage of prothrombin to thrombin and is composed of factor Xa in association with its cofactors calcium, phospholipids, and factor Va. The snake prothrombin activators have been classified on the basis of their requirement for cofactors for activity. The two major subgroups described in Australian elapid snakes, groups C and D, are differentiated by their requirement for mammalian coagulation factor Va. In this study, we describe the cloning, characterization, and comparative analysis of the factor X- and factor V-like components of the prothrombin activators from the venom glands of snakes possessing either group C or D prothrombin activators. The overall domain arrangement in these proteins was highly conserved between all elapids and with the corresponding mammalian clotting factors. The deduced protein sequence for the factor X-like protease precursor, identified in elapids containing either group C or D prothrombin activators, demonstrated a remarkable degree of relatedness to each other (80%-97%). The factor V-like component of the prothrombin activator, present only in snakes containing group C complexes, also showed a very high degree of homology (96%-98%). Expression of both the factor X- and factor V-like proteins determined by immunoblotting provided an additional means of separating these two groups at the molecular level. The molecular phylogenetic analysis described here represents a new approach for distinguishing group C and D snake prothrombin activators and correlates well with previous classifications.


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Sulfate plays an essential role in human growth and development, and its circulating levels are maintained by the renal Na+-SO42- cotransporter, NaS1. We previously generated a NaS1 knockout ( Nas1(-/-)) mouse, an animal model for hyposulfatemia, that exhibits reduced growth and liver abnormalities including hepatomegaly. In this study, we investigated the hepatic gene expression profile of Nas1(-/-) mice using oligonucleotide microarrays. The mRNA expression levels of 92 genes with known functional roles in metabolism, cell signaling, cell defense, immune response, cell structure, transcription, or protein synthesis were increased ( n = 51) or decreased ( n = 41) in Nas1(-/-) mice when compared with Nas1(-/-) mice. The most upregulated transcript levels in Nas1(-/-) mice were found for the sulfotransferase genes, Sult3a1 ( approximate to 500% increase) and Sult2a2 ( 100% increase), whereas the metallothionein-1 gene, Mt1, was among the most downregulated genes ( 70% decrease). Several genes involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism, including Scd1, Acly, Gpam, Elov16, Acsl5, Mvd, Insig1, and Apoa4, were found to be upregulated ( >= 30% increase) in Nas1(+/+) mice. In addition, Nas1(+/+) mice exhibited increased levels of hepatic lipid ( approximate to 16% increase), serum cholesterol ( approximate to 20% increase), and low-density lipoprotein ( approximate to 100% increase) and reduced hepatic glycogen ( approximate to 50% decrease) levels. In conclusion, these data suggest an altered lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the hyposulfatemic Nas1(-/-) mouse and provide new insights into the metabolic state of the liver in Nas1(-/-) mice.


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Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To explore the evolutionary consequences of climate-induced fluctuations in distribution of rainforest habitat we contrasted demographic histories of divergence among three lineages of Australian rainforest endemic skinks. The red-throated rainbow skink, Carlia rubrigularis, consists of morphologically indistinguishable northern and southern mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages that are partially reproductively isolated at their parapatric boundary. The third lineage (C. rhomboidalis) inhabits rainforests just to the south of C. rubrigularis, has blue, rather than red-throated males, and for mtDNA is more closely related to southern C. rubrigularis than is northern C. rubrigularis. Multigene coalescent analyses supported more recent divergence between morphologically distinct lineages than between morphologically conservative lineages. There was effectively no migration and therefore stronger isolation between southern C. rubrigularis and C. rhomboidalis, and low unidirectional migration between morphologically conservative lineages of C. rubrigularis. We found little or no evidence for strong differences in effective population size, and hence different contributions of genetic drift in the demographic history of the three lineages. Overall the results suggest contrasting responses to long-term fluctuations in rainforest habitats, leading to varying opportunities for speciation.


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In many instances, kidney dysgenesis results as a secondary consequence to defects in the development of the ureter. Through the use of mouse genetics a number of genes associated with such malformations have been identified, however, the cause of many other abnormalities remain unknown. In order to identify novel genes involved in ureter development we compared gene expression in embryonic day (E) 12.5, E15.5 and postnatal day (P) 75 ureters using the Compugen mouse long oligo microarrays. A total of 248 genes were dynamically upregulated and 208 downregulated between E12.5 and P75. At E12.5, when the mouse ureter is comprised of a simple cuboidal epithelium surrounded by ureteric mesenchyme, genes previously reported to be expressed in the ureteric mesenchyme, foxC1 and foxC2 were upregulated. By E15.5 the epithelial layer develops into urothelium, impermeable to urine, and smooth muscle develops for the peristaltic movement of urine towards the bladder. The development of these two cell types coincided with the upregulation of UPIIIa, RAB27b and PPAR gamma reported to be expressed in the urothelium, and several muscle genes, Acta1, Tnnt2, Myocd, and Tpm2. In situ hybridization identified several novel genes with spatial expression within the smooth muscle, Acta1; ureteric mesenchyme and smooth muscle, Thbs2 and Co15a2; and urothelium, Kcnj8 and Adh1. This study marks the first known report defining global gene expression of the developing mouse ureter and will provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying kidney and lower urinary tract malformations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Demosponges are considered part of the most basal evolutionary lineage in the animal kingdom. Although the sponge body plan fundamentally differs from that of other metazoans, their development includes many of the hallmarks of bilaterian and eumetazoan embryogenesis, namely fertilization followed by a period of cell division yielding distinct cell populations, which through a gastrulation-like process become allocated into different cell layers and patterned within these layers. These observations suggest that the last common ancestor (LCA) to all living animals was developmentally more sophisticated than is widely appreciated and used asymmetric cell division and morphogen gradients to establish localized populations of specified cells within the embryo. Here we demonstrate that members of a range of transcription factor gene classes, many of which appear to be metazoan-specific, are expressed during the development of the demosponge Reniera, including ANTP, Pax, POU, LIM-HD, Sox, nuclear receptor, Fox (forkhead), T-box, Mef2, and Ets genes. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes suggests that not only the origin but the diversification of some of the major developmental metazoan transcription factor classes took place before sponges diverged from the rest of the Metazoa. Their expression during demosponge development suggests that, as in today's sophisticated metazoans, these genes may have functioned in the regulatory network of the metazoan LCA to control cell specification and regionalized gene expression during embryogenesis.


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Despite the identification of SRY as the testis-determining gene in mammals, the genetic interactions controlling the earliest steps of male sex determination remain poorly understood. In particular, the molecular lesions underlying a high proportion of human XY gonadal dysgenesis, XX maleness and XX true hermaphroditism remain undiscovered. A number of screens have identified candidate genes whose expression is modulated during testis or ovary differentiation in mice, but these screens have used whole gonads, consisting of multiple cell types, or stages of gonadal development well beyond the time of sex determination. We describe here a novel reporter mouse line that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of an Sf1 promoter fragment, marking Sertoli and granulosa cell precursors during the critical period of sex determination. These cells were purified from gonads of male and female transgenic embryos at 10.5 dpc (shortly after Sry transcription is activated) and 11.5 dpc (when Sox9 transcription begins), and their transcriptomes analysed using Affymetrix genome arrays. We identified 266 genes, including Dhh, Fgf9 and Ptgds, that were upregulated and 50 genes that were downregulated in 11.5 dpc male somatic gonad cells only, and 242 genes, including Fst, that were upregulated in 11.5 dpc female somatic gonad cells only. The majority of these genes are novel genes that lack identifiable homology, and several human orthologues were found to map to chromosomal loci implicated in disorders of sexual development. These genes represent an important resource with which to piece together the earliest steps of sex determination and gonad development, and provide new candidates for mutation searching in human sexual dysgenesis syndromes.


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Geographic variation in vocalizations is widespread in passerine birds, but its origins and maintenance remain unclear. One hypothesis to explain this variation is that it is associated with geographic isolation among populations and therefore should follow a vicariant pattern similar to that typically found in neutral genetic markers. Alternatively, if environmental selection strongly influences vocalizations, then genetic divergence and vocal divergence may be disassociated. This study compared genetic divergence derived from 11 microsatellite markers with a metric of phenotypic divergence derived from male bower advertisement calls. Data were obtained from 16 populations throughout the entire distribution of the satin bowerbird, an Australian wet-forest-restricted passerine. There was no relationship between call divergence and genetic divergence, similar to most other studies on birds with learned vocalizations. Genetic divergence followed a vicariant model of evolution, with the differentiation of isolated populations and isolation-by-distance among continuous populations. Previous work on Ptilonorhynchus violaceus has shown that advertisement call structure is strongly influenced by the acoustic environment of different habitats. Divergence in vocalizations among genetically related populations in different habitats indicates that satin bowerbirds match their vocalizations to the environment in which they live, despite the homogenizing influence of gene flow. In combination with convergence of vocalizations among genetically divergent populations occurring in the same habitat, this shows the overriding importance that habitat-related selection can have on the establishment and maintenance of variation in vocalizations.


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Fundamental to many theories of sexual selection is the expectation that sexual traits, which males use in an attempt to increase mating success, confer costs as well as benefits to individual males. Although evolution of exaggerated male traits is predicted to be halted, by costs applied by natural selection, there is a lack of empirical work devoted to quantitatively establishing whether natural selection opposes sexual selection generated by the preferences of females. In this study, we quantified natural and sexual selection gradients on breeding values for cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) components of male contact pheromones in Drosophila serrata. As male sexual traits may often be environmentally condition dependent, breeding values were used in the selection analysis to remove the possibility of environmental correlations between the measured trait and fitness biasing estimates of selection. The direction of natural selection was found to oppose sexual selection on a subset of CHCs examined. Opposing natural and sexual selection suggests that further evolution of the male pheromone may in part be limited by costs associated with attractive male CHC blends.


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Cortical midline glia are critical to the formation of the corpus callosum during development. The glial wedge is a Population of midline glia that is located at the corticoseptal boundary and expresses repulsive/growth-inhibitory molecules that guide callosal axons as they cross the midline. The glial wedge are the first cells within the cortex to express GFAP and thus may express molecules specific for glial maturation. The corticoseptal boundary is a genetically defined boundary between the cingulate cortex (dorsal telencephalon) and the septum (ventral telencephalon). The correct dorso-ventral position of this boundary is vital to the formation of both the glial wedge and the corpus callosum. Our aim was to identify genes expressed specifically within the glial wedge that might be involved in either glial differentiation, formation of the corticoseptal boundary or development of the corpus callosum. To identify such genes we have performed a differential display PCR screen comparing RNA isolated from the glial wedge with RNA isolated from control tissues such as the neocortex and septum, of embryonic day 17 mouse brains. Using 200 different combinations of primers, we identified and cloned 67 distinct gene fragments. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential expression of many of the genes, and showed that clones G24F3, G39F8 and transcription factor LZIP have specific expression patterns in the telencephalon of embryonic and postnatal brains. An RNase Protection Assay (RPA) revealed that the expression of G39F8, G24173 and LZIP increase markedly in the telencephalon at E16 and continue to be expressed until at least PO, during the period when the corpus callosum is forming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The gene content of a mitochondrial (mt) genome, i.e., 37 genes and a large noncoding region (LNR), is usually conserved in Metazoa. The arrangement of these genes and the LNR is generally conserved at low taxonomic levels but varies substantially at high levels. We report here a variation in mt gene content and gene arrangement among chigger mites of the genus Leptotrombidium. We found previously that the mt genome of Leptotrombidium pallidum has an extra gene for large-subunit rRNA (rrnL), a pseudo-gene for small-subunit rRNA (PrrnS), and three extra LNRs, additional to the 37 genes and an LNR typical of Metazoa. Further, the arrangement of mt genes of L. pallidum differs drastically from that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods. To find to what extent the novel gene content and gene arrangement occurred in Leptotrombidium, we sequenced the entire or partial mt genomes of three other species, L. akamushi, L. deliense, and L. fletcheri. These three species share the arrangement of all genes with L. pallidum, except trnQ (for tRNA-glutamine). Unlike L. pallidum, however, these three species do not have extra rrnL or PrrnS and have only one extra LNR. By comparison between Leptotrombidium species and the ancestor of the arthropods, we propose that (1) the type of mt genome present in L. pallidum evolved from the type present in the other three Leptotrombidium species, and (2) three molecular mechanisms were involved in the evolution of mt gene content and gene arrangement in Leptotrombidium species.


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Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a trait to change as a function of the environment, is central to many ideas in evolutionary biology. A special case of phenotypic plasticity observed in many organisms is mediated by their natural predators. Here, we used a predator-prey system of dragonfly larvae and tadpoles to determine if predator-mediated phenotypic plasticity provides a novel way of surviving in the presence of predators (an innovation) or if it represents a simple extension of the way noninduced tadpoles survive predation. Tadpoles of Limnodynastes peronii were raised in the presence and absence of predation, which then entered a survival experiment. Induced morphological traits, primarily tail height and tail muscle height, were found to be under selection, indicating that predator-mediated phenotypic plasticity may be adaptive. Although predator-induced animals survived better, the multivariate linear selection gradients were similar between the two tadpole groups, suggesting that predator-mediated phenotypic plasticity is an extension of existing survival strategies. In addition, nonlinear selection gradients indicated a cost of predator-induced plasticity that may limit the ability of phenotypic plasticity to enhance survival in the presence of predators.