974 resultados para Bio Power Plant


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Le fer est un micronutriment important pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il agit comme cofacteur pour plusieurs enzymes et il est important pour des processus tels que la photosynthèse et la respiration. Souvent, le Fe dans le sol n’est pas bio-disponible pour la plante. Les plantes ont développé des stratégies pour solubiliser le Fe du sol pour le rendre disponible et assimilable pour elles. Il y a deux stratégies, la première est caractéristique des dicotylédones et la seconde est caractéristique des monocotylédones. Le modèle utilisé dans cette étude est une culture cellulaire de Solanum tuberosum. Une partie de la recherche effectuée a permis la mesure d’activité et d’expression relative de certaines enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique et la fourniture de précurseurs pour la synthèse d’ADN : la Nucléoside diphosphate kinase, la Ribonucléotide reductase, la Glucose 6-phosphate déshydrogénase et la 6-Phosphogluconate déshydrogénase dans les cellules en présence ou en absence de Fe. Chez certains organismes, la déficience en Fe est associée à une perte de croissance qui est souvent liée à une diminution de la synthèse d’ADN. Chez les cultures de cellules de S. tuberosum, les résultats indiquent que la différence de biomasse observée entre les traitements n’est pas due à une variation de l’activité ou l’expression relative d’une de ces enzymes. En effet, aucune variation significative n’a été détectée entre les traitements (+/- Fe) pour l’activité ni l’expression relative de ces enzymes. Une autre partie de la recherche a permis d’évaluer l’activité des voies métaboliques impliquées dans la stratégie 1 utilisée par S. tuberosum. Cette stratégie consomme des métabolites énergétiques: de l’ATP pour solubiliser le Fe et du pouvoir réducteur (NAD(P)H), pour réduire le Fe3+ en Fe2+. Des études de flux métaboliques ont été faites afin d’étudier les remaniements du métabolisme carboné en déficience en Fe chez S. tuberosum. Ces études ont démontré une baisse du régime dans les différentes voies du métabolisme énergétique dans les cellules déficientes en Fe, notamment dans le flux glycolytique et le flux de C à travers la phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. En déficience de Fe il y aurait donc une dépression du métabolisme chez S. tuberosum qui permettrait à la cellule de ralentir son métabolisme pour maintenir sa vitalité. En plus des flux, les niveaux de pyridines nucléotides ont été mesurés puisque ceux-ci servent à réduire le Fe dans la stratégie 1. Les résultats démontrent des niveaux élevés des formes réduites de ces métabolites en déficience de Fe. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus indiquent qu’en déficience de Fe, il y a une baisse du métabolisme permettant à la cellule de s’adapter et survivre au stress.


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This paper presents a system to control the power injected by a photovoltaic (PV) plant on the receiving network. This control is intended to mitigate some of the negative impacts that these units may produce on such networks, while increasing the installed power of the plant. The controlled parameters are the maximum allowed value of injected active power and the corresponding power factor, whose setpoints values may be fixed or dynamic. The developed system allows a local and a remote control. The injected power and the corresponding power factor may be set by following a predetermined profile or by real time adjustments to fulfill specific operation constraints on the receiving network. The system acts by adjusting the control parameters on the PV inverters. The main goal of the system is, in the end, to control the PV plant, ensuring the accomplishment of technical constraints and, at the same time, maximizing the installed power of the PV plant, which may be an important issue concerning the economic performance of such plants


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Soil salinity affects rhizobia both as free-living bacteria and in symbiosis with the host. The aim of this study was to examine the transcriptional response of the Lotus microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 to salt shock. Changes in the transcriptome of bacterial cells subjected to a salt shock of 10% NaCl for 30 min were analyzed. From a total of 7231 protein-coding genes, 385 were found to be differentially expressed upon salt shock, among which 272 were overexpressed. Although a large number of overexpressed genes encode hypothetical proteins, the two most frequently represented COG categories are "defense mechanisms" and "nucleotide transport and metabolism". A significant number of transcriptional regulators and ABC transporters genes were upregulated. Chemotaxis and motility genes were not differentially expressed. Moreover, most genes previously reported to be involved in salt tolerance were not differentially expressed. The transcriptional response to salt shock of a rhizobium with low ability to grow under salinity conditions, but enduring a salinity shock, may enlighten us concerning salinity stress response mechanisms.


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MYCN amplification is a genetic hallmark of the childhood tumour neuroblastoma. MYCN-MAX dimers activate the expression of genes promoting cell proliferation. Moreover, MYCN seems to transcriptionally repress cell differentiation even in absence of MAX. We adopted the Drosophila eye as model to investigate the effect of high MYC to MAX expression ratio on cells. We found that dMyc overexpression in eye cell precursors inhibits cell differentiation and induces the ectopic expression of Antennapedia (the wing Hox gene). The further increase of MYC/MAX ratio results in an eye-to-wing homeotic transformation. Notably, dMyc overexpression phenotype is suppressed by low levels of transcriptional co-repressors and MYCN associates to the promoter of Deformed (the eye Hox gene) in proximity to repressive sites. Hence, we envisage that, in presence of high MYC/MAX ratio, the “free MYC” might inhibit Deformed expression, leading in turn to the ectopic expression of Antennapedia. This suggests that MYCN might reinforce its oncogenic role by affecting the physiological homeotic program. Furthermore, poor neuroblastoma outcome associates with a high level of the MRP1 protein, encoded by the ABCC1 gene and known to promote drug efflux in cancer cells. Intriguingly, this correlation persists regardless of chemotherapy and ABCC1 overexpression enhances neuroblastoma cell motility. We found that Drosophila dMRP contributes to the adhesion between the dorsal and ventral epithelia of the wing by inhibiting the function of integrin receptors, well known regulators of cell adhesion and migration. Besides, integrins play a crucial role during synaptogenesis and ABCC1 locus is included in a copy number variable region of the human genome (16p13.11) involved in neuropsychiatric diseases. Interestingly, we found that the altered dMRP/MRP1 level affects nervous system development in Drosophila embryos. These preliminary findings point out novel ABCC1 functions possibly defining ABCC1 contribution to neuroblastoma and to the pathogenicity of 16p13.11 deletion/duplication


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Aims: With this research, we wanted to investigate and promote the conservation of biodiversity in the network of drainage canals of the Po Valley Study area: The canal network of Bologna plain, long more than 1150 km (Po Valley, North Italy) Methods: In Chapter II we analyzed the geographical patterns that characterize our transects, the land use of their upstream basins, the water quality at the closure points of their river basins. In Chapter III we described the plant communities with some ecological information and we also tested the effect of the canal size on the plant communities. In Chapter IV we described the relation beetween some functional traits of the plant species sampled and some environmental parameters Results: A total of 272 species were sampled in 118 transects. The plant communities of the drainage canals have been found to have a significant influence: the geographical pattern "proximity to protected areas", the class of land use "agrozootechnical settlements", and some water parameters. The analysis of the parameter "canal depth" indicated a significant distinction between small and large canals based on plant communities. The functional composition of the plant communities was affected by the bank aspect, the inclusion/exclusion from the protected areas and the upstream basin land uses. Moreover, the functional groups of species responded differently to environmental drivers, water quality gradients and were influenced by a combination of environmental stresses Conclusions: This research confirms the key role of the canals network in sustaining the plant richness in oversimplified landscapes. Considering the fragility of the floodplains and the global warming that is taking place, it is necessary to rethink the role of irrigation canals and their plant communities in the near future. This work reinforces the belief that long-term sampling plans and greater knowledge about canal management practices are needed


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La tesi riguarda lo studio di resine polimeriche derivanti da oli vegetali, impiegabili come leganti nei prodotti vernicianti per l’edilizia ed altri settori. I prodotti vernicianti plant-based sono stati confrontati con altri prodotti attualmente commercializzati, provenienti da fonti fossili. Considerata la produzione ingente dei prodotti vernicianti su base mondiale (8,31 kg/persona) sarebbe determinante impiegare delle fonti rinnovabili per garantirne una produzione sostenibile, diminuendo l’inquinamento, ritardando l’esaurimento del petrolio e riducendo le emissioni di CO2 e di conseguenza l’effetto serra ed il cambiamento climatico. Sono state trattate, quindi, alcune vie di sintesi “green” di leganti poliuretanici ed epossidici per prodotti vernicianti ad elevate prestazioni. Gli oli vegetali sono stati scelti come materie prime in quanto relativamente economici e disponibili in grandi quantità, risultando adatti per produzioni su scala industriale. Sono inoltre riportati i metodi di formulazione di uno smalto opaco bio-based per esterni (ad es. infissi e staccionate) e una vernice opaca per parquet (interni). Le formulazioni sperimentali sono state poi caratterizzate e confrontate con altri prodotti fossil-based presenti in commercio. I prodotti vernicianti sono stati sottoposti a test di brillantezza (gloss), adesione, presa di sporco, durezza, resistenza all’abrasione e resistenza chimica.


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In this study, a novel hybrid thermochemical-biological refinery integrated with power-to-x approach was developed for obtaining biopolymers (namely polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHA). Within this concept, a trilogy process schema comprising of, (i) thermochemical conversion via integrated pyrolysis-gasification technologies, (ii) anaerobic fermentation of the bioavailable products obtained through either thermochemistry or water-electrolysis for volatile fatty acids (VFA) production, (iii) and VFA-to-PHA bioconversion via an original microaerophilic-aerobic process was developed. During the first stage of proposed biorefinery where lignocellulosic (wooden) biomass was converted into, theoretically fermentable products (i.e. bioavailables) which were defined as syngas and water-soluble fraction of pyrolytic liquid (WS); biochar as a biocatalyst material; and a dense-oil as a liquid fuel. Within integrated pyrolysis - gasification process, biomass was efficiently converted into fermentable intermediates representing up to 66% of biomass chemical energy content in chemical oxygen demand (COD) basis. In the secondary stage, namely anaerobic fermentation for obtaining VFA rich streams, three different downstream process were investigated. First fermentation test was acidogenic bioconversion of WS materials obtained through pyrolysis of biomass within an original biochar-packed bioreactor, it was sustained up to 0.6 gCOD/L-day volumetric productivity (VP). Second, C1 rich syngas materials as the gaseous fraction of pyrolysis-gasification stage, was fermented within a novel char-based biofilm sparger reactor (CBSR), where up to 9.8 gCOD/L-day VP was detected. Third was homoacetogenic bioconversion within the innovative power-to-x pathway for obtaining commodities via renewable energy sources. More specifically, water-electrolysis derived H2 and CO2 as a primary greenhouse gas was successfully bio-utilized by anaerobic mixed cultures into VFA within CBSR system (VP: 18.2 gCOD/L-day). In the last stage of the developed biorefinery schema, VFA is converted into biopolymers within a new continuous microaerophilic-aerobic microplant, where up to 60% of PHA containing sludges was obtained.


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An essential role in the global energy transition is attributed to Electric Vehicles (EVs) the energy for EV traction can be generated by renewable energy sources (RES), also at a local level through distributed power plants, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, EV integration with electrical systems might not be straightforward. The intermittent RES, combined with the high and uncontrolled aggregate EV charging, require an evolution toward new planning and paradigms of energy systems. In this context, this work aims to provide a practical solution for EV charging integration in electrical systems with RES. A method for predicting the power required by an EV fleet at the charging hub (CH) is developed in this thesis. The proposed forecasting method considers the main parameters on which charging demand depends. The results of the EV charging forecasting method are deeply analyzed under different scenarios. To reduce the EV load intermittency, methods for managing the charging power of EVs are proposed. The main target was to provide Charging Management Systems (CMS) that modulate EV charging to optimize specific performance indicators such as system self-consumption, peak load reduction, and PV exploitation. Controlling the EV charging power to achieve specific optimization goals is also known as Smart Charging (SC). The proposed techniques are applied to real-world scenarios demonstrating performance improvements in using SC strategies. A viable alternative to maximize integration with intermittent RES generation is the integration of energy storage. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) may be a buffer between peak load and RES production. A sizing algorithm for PV+BESS integration in EV charging hubs is provided. The sizing optimization aims to optimize the system's energy and economic performance. The results provide an overview of the optimal size that the PV+BESS plant should have to improve whole system performance in different scenarios.


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The work done within the framework of my PhD project has been carried out between November 2019 and January 2023 at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Marta Galloni and PhD Gherardo Bogo. A period of three months was spent at the Natural History Museum of Rijeka, under the supervision of Prof. Boštjan Surina. The main aim of the thesis was to investigate further the so-called pollinator manipulation hypothesis, which states that when a floral visitor gets in contact with a specific nectar chemistry, the latter affects its behavior of visit on flowers, with potential repercussions on the plant reproductive fitness. To the purpose, the topic was tackled by means of three main approaches: field studies, laboratory assessments, and bibliographic reviews. This research project contributes to two main aspects. First, when insects encounter nectar-like concentrations of a plethora of secondary metabolites in their food-environment, various aspects of their behavior relevant to flower visitation can be affected. In addition, the results I gained confirm that the combination of field studies and laboratory assessments allows to get more realistic pictures of a given phenomenon than the single approaches. Second, reviewing the existent literature in the field of nectar ecology has highlighted how crucial is to establish the origin of nectar biogenic amines to either confirm or reject the multiple speculations made on the role of nectar microbes in shaping plant-animal interactions.


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The development of new “green” and sustainable approaches to reduce food wastes, guaranteeing food quality, microbiological safety and the environmental sustainability, is of great interest for food industry. This PhD thesis, as part of the European project BioProMedFood (PRIMA–Section2 Programme), was focused on two strategies: the use of natural antimicrobials and the application of microbial strains isolated from spontaneously fermented products. The first part concerned the valorisation of microbial biodiversity of 15 Mediterranean spontaneously fermented sausages, through the isolation of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains, mainly Latilactobacillus sakei, that were characterised regarding their safety and technological aspects. The most promising strains were tested as bio-protective cultures in fresh sausages, showing promising anti-listerial activity, or as starter cultures in fermented sausages. The second part of the research was focused on the use of natural compounds (phenolic extracts and essential oils from Juniperus oxycedrus needles and Rubus fruticosus leaves) with antimicrobial potential. They were tested in vitro against List. monocytogenes and Enterococcus faecium, showing differences in relation to species and type of extracts, but they hint at important possibilities for applications in specific foods. Concluding, this PhD thesis highlighted the great potential of traditional meat products as an isolation source of new strains with industrial importance. Moreover, the antimicrobial potential of compounds obtained from plant matrices opened promising perspectives to exploit them as “green” strategies to increase fresh food safety. The last topic of research, carry out in collaboration with Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences (University of Granada), investigated the effect of LAB fermentation on avocado leaves by-products, focusing on the bio-availability of phenolic compounds in the plant extracts, caused by microbial metabolism.


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Hand gesture recognition based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals is a promising approach for the development of intuitive human-machine interfaces (HMIs) in domains such as robotics and prosthetics. The sEMG signal arises from the muscles' electrical activity, and can thus be used to recognize hand gestures. The decoding from sEMG signals to actual control signals is non-trivial; typically, control systems map sEMG patterns into a set of gestures using machine learning, failing to incorporate any physiological insight. This master thesis aims at developing a bio-inspired hand gesture recognition system based on neuromuscular spike extraction rather than on simple pattern recognition. The system relies on a decomposition algorithm based on independent component analysis (ICA) that decomposes the sEMG signal into its constituent motor unit spike trains, which are then forwarded to a machine learning classifier. Since ICA does not guarantee a consistent motor unit ordering across different sessions, 3 approaches are proposed: 2 ordering criteria based on firing rate and negative entropy, and a re-calibration approach that allows the decomposition model to retain information about previous sessions. Using a multilayer perceptron (MLP), the latter approach results in an accuracy up to 99.4% in a 1-subject, 1-degree of freedom scenario. Afterwards, the decomposition and classification pipeline for inference is parallelized and profiled on the PULP platform, achieving a latency < 50 ms and an energy consumption < 1 mJ. Both the classification models tested (a support vector machine and a lightweight MLP) yielded an accuracy > 92% in a 1-subject, 5-classes (4 gestures and rest) scenario. These results prove that the proposed system is suitable for real-time execution on embedded platforms and also capable of matching the accuracy of state-of-the-art approaches, while also giving some physiological insight on the neuromuscular spikes underlying the sEMG.


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The market for paint products with raw materials derived from renewable sources is growing rapidly in the building industry. When high performance in wet scrub resistance is required, “washable” paints are used. However, formulating products with Bio-Based raw materials generally results in a decrease in performances compared to similar products with raw materials from fossil sources. Therefore, a new formulation approach is needed to characterize polymeric binders from renewable sources and to consider the synergistic effects given by blends of polymeric binders of different origin and chemical structure. To date, the development of new formulations that imply less environmental impact is necessary if these products have to remain competitive in the marketplace. During the trainingship in IVAS S.p.A., washable paints with different PVC (Pigment Volume Concentration) were formulated and tested, evaluating whether the performance of paints with polymeric binders obtained from renewable sources was comparable to those with polymeric binders from fossil sources. The binders were chemically characterized by DSC, FT-IR and NMR analysis. Characterization tests of paints were focused on the evaluation of degree of whiteness, hiding power, dirt setting, and wet scrub resistance. Following the results obtained from the available binder combinations, it was possible to formulate two washable paints with comparable performances to those from fossil sources: paint A with 20 % of alkydic polymer and 80 % styrene/acrylic polymer and paint B with 40 % of alkydic polymer and 60 % styrene/acrylic polymer. Finally, the formulation was completed by adding the mainly Bio-Based derived additives generally used for this category of paints.


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This thesis deals with the sizing and analysis of the electrical power system of a petrochemical plant. The activity was carried out in the framework of an electrical engineering internship. The sizing and electrical calculations, as well as the study of the dynamic behavior of network quantities, are accomplished by using the ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) software. After determining the type and size of the loads, the calculation of power flows is carried out for all possible network layout and different power supply configurations. The network is normally operated in a double radial configuration. However, the sizing must be carried out taking into account the most critical configuration, i.e., the temporary one of single radial operation, and also considering the most unfavorable power supply conditions. The calculation of shortcircuit currents is then carried out and the appropriate circuit breakers are selected. Where necessary, capacitor banks are sized in order to keep power factor at the point of common coupling within the preset limits. The grounding system is sized by using the finite element method. For loads with the highest level of criticality, UPS are sized in order to ensure their operation even in the absence of the main power supply. The main faults that can occur in the plant are examined, determining the intervention times of the protections to ensure that, in case of failure on one component, the others can still properly operate. The report concludes with the dynamic and stability analysis of the power system during island operation, in order to ensure that the two gas turbines are able to support the load even during transient conditions.


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Neglected agricultural products (NAPs) are defined as discarded material in agricultural production. Corn cobs are a major waste of agriculture maize. Here, a methanolic extract from corn cobs (MEC) was obtained. MEC contains phenolic compounds, protein, carbohydrates (1.4:0.001:0.001). We evaluated the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential of MEC. Furthermore, its antiproliferative property against tumor cells was assessed through MTT assays and proteins related to apoptosis in tumor cells were examined by western blot. MEC showed no hydroxyl radical scavenger capacity, but it showed antioxidant activity in Total Antioxidant Capacity and DPPH scavenger ability assays. MEC showed higher Reducing Power than ascorbic acid and exhibited high Superoxide Scavenging activity. In tumor cell culture, MEC increased catalase, metallothionein and superoxide dismutase expression in accordance with the antioxidant tests. In vivo antioxidant test, MEC restored SOD and CAT, decreased malondialdehyde activities and showed high Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity in animals treated with CCl4. Furthermore, MEC decreased HeLa cells viability by apoptosis due an increase of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, caspase 3 active. Protein kinase C expression increased was also detected in treated tumor cells. Thus, our findings pointed out the biotechnological potential of corn cobs as a source of molecules with pharmacological activity.


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Purified genomic DNA can be difficult to obtain from some plant species because of the presence of impurities such as polysaccharides, which are often co-extracted with DNA. In this study, we developed a fast, simple, and low-cost protocol for extracting DNA from plants containing high levels of secondary metabolites. This protocol does not require the use of volatile toxic reagents such as mercaptoethanol, chloroform, or phenol and allows the extraction of high-quality DNA from wild and cultivated tropical species.