953 resultados para Biblia. A.T. Job crítica e interpretación


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This document describes two sets of benchmark problem instances for the job shop scheduling problem. Each set of instances is supplied as a compressed (zipped) archive containing a single CSV file for each problem instance using the format described in http://rollproject.org/jssp/jsspGen.pdf


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We describe a new hyper-heuristic method NELLI-GP for solving job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) that evolves an ensemble of heuristics. The ensemble adopts a divide-and-conquer approach in which each heuristic solves a unique subset of the instance set considered. NELLI-GP extends an existing ensemble method called NELLI by introducing a novel heuristic generator that evolves heuristics composed of linear sequences of dispatching rules: each rule is represented using a tree structure and is itself evolved. Following a training period, the ensemble is shown to outperform both existing dispatching rules and a standard genetic programming algorithm on a large set of new test instances. In addition, it obtains superior results on a set of 210 benchmark problems from the literature when compared to two state-of-the-art hyperheuristic approaches. Further analysis of the relationship between heuristics in the evolved ensemble and the instances each solves provides new insights into features that might describe similar instances.


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De acuerdo a la normativa de TFEs el repositorio no puede dar acceso a este trabajo. Para consultarlo póngase en contacto con el tutor del trabajo. Puede acceder al resumen del mismo pinchando en el pdf adjunto


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In this paper, we present Slack Stealing Job Admission Control (SSJAC)---a methodology for scheduling periodic firm-deadline tasks with variable resource requirements, subject to controllable Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. In a system that uses Rate Monotonic Scheduling, SSJAC augments the slack stealing algorithm of Thuel et al with an admission control policy to manage the variability in the resource requirements of the periodic tasks. This enables SSJAC to take advantage of the 31\% of utilization that RMS cannot use, as well as any utilization unclaimed by jobs that are not admitted into the system. Using SSJAC, each task in the system is assigned a resource utilization threshold that guarantees the minimal acceptable QoS for that task (expressed as an upper bound on the rate of missed deadlines). Job admission control is used to ensure that (1) only those jobs that will complete by their deadlines are admitted, and (2) tasks do not interfere with each other, thus a job can only monopolize the slack in the system, but not the time guaranteed to jobs of other tasks. We have evaluated SSJAC against RMS and Statistical RMS (SRMS). Ignoring overhead issues, SSJAC consistently provides better performance than RMS in overload, and, in certain conditions, better performance than SRMS. In addition, to evaluate optimality of SSJAC in an absolute sense, we have characterized the performance of SSJAC by comparing it to an inefficient, yet optimal scheduler for task sets with harmonic periods.


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Retaining social workers in child protection and welfare organisations has been identified as a problem in Ireland (McGrath, 2001; Ombudsman for Children, 2006; Houses of the Oireachtas, 2008) and internationally (Ellet et al., 2006; Mor Barak et al., 2006; Tham, 2006). While low levels of retention have been identified, there is no research that examines the factors in Ireland that influence the retention of social workers. In this thesis, data is analysed from qualitative interviews with 45 social workers in the Health Service Executive South about what influences their decisions to stay in or leave child protection and welfare social work. These social workers’ views are examined in relation to quantitative research on the levels of turnover and employment mobility of child protection and welfare social workers employed in the same organisation. Contrary to expectations, the study found that the retention rate of social workers during the period of data collection (March 2005 to December 2006) was high and that the majority of social workers remained positive about this work and their retention. The quality of social workers’ supervision, social supports from colleagues, high levels of autonomy, a commitment to child protection and welfare work, good variety in the work, and a perception that they were making a difference, emerged as important factors in social workers’ decisions to stay. Perceptions of being unsupported by the organisation, which was usually described in terms of high caseloads and demanding workloads, a lack of resources, work with involuntary clients and not being able to make a difference, were the most significant factors in social workers’ decisions to leave and/or to want to leave. Social workers felt particularly professionally unsupported when they received low quality and/or infrequent professional supervision. This thesis critiques the theories of perceived organisational support theory, social exchange theory and job characteristics theory, and uses the concept of ‘professional career’, to help analyse the retention of social workers in child protection and welfare.


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This thesis comprises close textual analyses of Chicana author Helena María Viramontes' two published novels, Under the Feet of Jesus (1995) and Their Dogs Came With Them (2007). These analyses fall under three broad frameworks: space, time and body. Chapter One engages with the first of these frameworks, space, and explores concepts of cognitive mapping and heteroptopias. Chapter Two, which looks at time, employs theories of intertextuality and the palimpsest, while Chapter Three looks at the interrrelationship between mythology and images of the body in the texts. This study emerges five years after the publication of Viramontes' last novel, Their Dogs Came With Them, but offers fresh insight into the contribution of the author to both the Chicano literary tradition and also the U.S. canon through her critique of hegemonic power structures that suppress not only the voices of lower class ethnic citizens but also of ethnic writers. In particular, her work chastises the paucity of attention given to ethnic women writers in the U.S. This thesis reaffirms Viramontes' position as one of the most important writers living and writing in the U.S. today. It corroborates her work as a contestation against ethnic and gender suppression, and applauds the craftsmanship of her narrative style that delicately but decisively exposes the socio-political wrongs that occur in ocntemporary U.S. society.


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AIMS: To assess the impact of involuntary job loss due to plant closure or layoff on relapse to smoking and smoking intensity among older workers. DESIGN, PARTICIPANTS, SAMPLE: Data come from the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative survey of older Americans aged 51-61 in 1991 followed every 2 years beginning in 1992. The 3052 participants who were working at the initial wave and had any history of smoking comprise the main sample. METHODS: Primary outcomes are smoking relapse at wave 2 (1994) among baseline former smokers, and smoking quantity at wave 2 among baseline current smokers. As reported at the wave 2 follow-up, 6.8% of the sample experienced an involuntary job loss between waves 1 and 2. FINDINGS: Older workers have over two times greater odds of relapse subsequent to involuntary job loss than those who did not. Further, those who were current smokers prior to displacement that did not obtain new employment were found to be smoking more cigarettes, on average, post-job loss. CONCLUSIONS: The stress of job loss, along with other significant changes associated with leaving one's job, which would tend to increase cigarette consumption, must outweigh the financial hardship which would tend to reduce consumption. This highlights job loss as an important health risk factor for older smokers.


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Gemstone Team AUDIO (Assessing and Understanding Deaf Individuals' Occupations)


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Este curso presenta un avance en la construcción de escenarios educativos para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas desde el cual se ofrece posibilidades a los estudiantes para encontrar las razones del por qué y para qué del propósito del proceso educativo. Los escenarios de aprendizaje construidos son las relaciones entre espacialidad, identidad y territorialidad, y la cual integra como eje temático contenidos de áreas curriculares como ciencias naturales, educación física, matemáticas, ciencias sociales y lenguaje. Esta relación permite identificar problemas que tienen contenidos importantes desde una perspectiva del aprendizaje, de la importancia sociológica de aprender en la escuela y de la posición misma de los niños.


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Teniendo en cuenta que la educación tradicional es vista como un modelo pedagógico que entre otras: i) se enfoca en desarrollar en los estudiantes conocimientos algorítmicos, ii) hace un énfasis en la ejercitación de procedimientos, iii) no tiene en cuenta el desarrollo social del individuo dentro de una comunidad y tampoco se enfoca en el proceso que tiene un estudiante al desarrollar una actividad con determinado objeto matemático; hoy en día se propende por buscar perspectivas que le permitan a los estudiantes encontrarle sentido a las actividades que el profesor lleva al aula. A la luz de lo anterior, en Colombia han surgido diversas tendencias que han buscado la renovación pedagógica, didáctica y conceptual en la educación escolar, enmarcadas –la mayoría de estas propuestas– dentro de la idea de que los estudiantes se relacionen directamente con el conocimiento, mientras que el profesor toma una postura de orientador del proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, muchos profesores han buscado cambiar sus prácticas tradicionales de enseñanza, un ejemplo de ello lo encontramos en el colectivo de profesores de la Institución Educativa Distrital Colegio Paulo Freire de la localidad de Usme (Bogotá, Colombia); donde los profesores –en concordancia con las ideas del pedagogo Paulo Freire– comparten, como parte de su proyecto educativo, el hecho de ver a la enseñanza como un proceso que debe generar en los estudiantes una comprensión crítica de la realidad social, política y económica en la que él está inmerso.


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En este informe, presentamos el análisis de datos de una pareja de estudiantes durante la resolución de un problema de generalización en una clase de matemáticas de secundaria (15-16 años). De acuerdo con las teorías interaccionistas del aprendizaje matemático, asumimos que el discurso establecido en la interacción en pareja es un factor clave de influencia en los procesos de construcción de conocimiento matemático. Hasta ahora, los resultados ponen de relieve la relación entre el uso de ciertos indicadores discursivos y los avances en la "intención argumentativa" de las estudiantes. La mayoría de intercambios con intención argumentativa vienen precedidos o acompañados por refutación y cuestionamiento, y en menor grado, validación. La refinación del análisis actual se está realizando dentro del trabajo de tesis doctoral de la primera autora.