979 resultados para Benfica Lab
La Observación 2009 que Future Concept Lab ha realizado en colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá tiene como objetivo analizar valores, estilos de vida y comportamientos de las diversas generaciones que pueblan la ciudad de Bogotá. El perfil de las generaciones bogotanas fue trazado a partir de las características de los 10 ConsumAutores, descritos en el libro “ConsumAutori. Le generazioni come imprese creative” (ConsumAutores. Las generaciones como empresas creativas), Scheiwiller, 2008, que provienen de una permanente observación y monitoreo a nivel global que FCL conduce desde hace años a través del trabajo de sus propios corresponsales en las principales ciudades del mundo. Los targets bogotanos fueron identificados y construidos con igual metodología, teniendo en cuenta algunas diferencias entre el target global y las especificidades del contexto local de la ciudad.
Professor Houston in the lab.
At the time the language lab at the Glenridge Campus was state of the art. It was equiped with 18 individual student cubicles and a main console. In this photograph Mr. Guy Gauthier, Instructor in French, demonstrates the equipment manufactured by Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Corp. to one of his French classes. Mr. Gauthier was one of the original Brock faculty members.
The purpose of the current undertaking was to study the electrophysiological properties of the sleep onset period (SOP) in order to gain understanding into the persistent sleep difficulties of those who complain of insomnia following mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). While many believe that symptoms of post concussion syndrome (PCS) following MTBI resolve within 6 to 12 months, there are a number of people who complain of persistent sleep difficulty. Two models were proposed which hypothesize alternate electrophysiological presentations of the insomnia complaints of those sustaining a MTBI: 1) Analyses of standard polysomnography (PSG) sleep parameters were conducted in order to determine if the sleep difficulties of the MTBI population were similar to that of idiopathic insomniacs (i.e. greater proportion ofREM sleep, reduced delta sleep); 2) Power spectral analysis was conducted over the SOP to determine if the sleep onset signature of those with MTBI would be similar to psychophysiological insomniacs (characterized by increased cortical arousal). Finally, exploratory analyses examined whether the sleep difficulties associated with MTBI could be explained by increases in variability of the power spectral data. Data were collected from 9 individuals who had sustained a MTBI 6 months to 5 years earlier and reported sleep difficulties that had arisen within the month subsequent to injury and persisted to the present. The control group consisted of 9 individuals who had experienced neither sleep difficulties, nor MTBI. Previous to spending 3 consecutive uninterrupted nights in the sleep lab, subjects completed questionnaires regarding sleep difficulties, adaptive functioning, and personality.
A study has been conducted focusing on how the phosphorus renrx)val efficiency of a constructed wetland (CW) can be optimized through the selective enrichment of the substratum. Activated alumina and powdered iron were examined as possible enrichment compounds. Using packed glass column trials it was found that alumina was not suitable for the renx)val of ortho-phosphate from solution, while mixtures of powdered iron and quartz sand proved to be very efficient. The evaluation of iron/sand mixtures in CWs planted with cattails was performed in three stages; first using an indoor lab scale wetland, then an outdoor lab scale wetland, and finally in a small scale pilot project. For the lab scale tests, three basic configurations were evaluated: using the iron/sand as a pre-filter, in the root bed. and as a post filter. Primary lagoon effluent was applied to the test cells to simulate actual CW conditions, and the total phosphorus and iron concentrations of the influent and effluent were nfK)nitored. The pilot scale trials were limited to using only a post filter design, due to in-progress research at the pilot site. The lab scale tests achieved average renrK>val efficiencies greater than 91% for all indoor configurations, and greater than 97% for all outdoor configurations. The pilot scale tests had an average renK)val efficiency of 60%. This relatively low efficiency in the pilot scale can be attributed to the post filters being only one tenth the size of the lab scale test in terms of hydraulic loading (6 cm/day vs. 60 cm/day).