999 resultados para Bell, Mrs. Helen Olcott (Choate) 1830-1918.


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This thesis presents an intellectual history of the historiography of Australian Economic History between 1918 and 1965. More specifically, it is a contribution to a relatively novel area of research into 'disciplinary history’. It takes as its basic analytical material the four books widely used for significant lengths of time for undergraduate teaching during the period of the study. The thesis consists of five main chapters, plus an appendix which surveys the institutional development of Australian Economic History and provides the empirical basis for the selection of the works named above. After a brief introduction and overview, the next four chapters consist of a detailed study of one of these works, the historical context in which each was written, and an intellectual biography. The fifth chapter is largely theoretical and conceptual. It analyses the epistemological bases of History and Economics and explores the implications of different models of knowledge for the relationship between Economic History and its two antecedent disciplines, History and Economics. Current perceptions of the state of the discipline in Australia and overseas are also examined. There are three main propositions advanced and their implications explored in the fifth chapter. First, that changes which occurred in Australian Economic History during the period 1918-1965 shifted the discipline from the broad area of History to the broad area of Economics. Second, that the inherent tension and fundamental differences between the two disciplinary areas of History and Economics have profound and complex implications for Australian Economic History at a number of levels and in a number of areas. The third proposition posits that the paradigm shift of the 1950s/1960s in Australian Economic History, and the paradigm shift of the 1960s/1970s in Economic History respectively have resulted in crisis. The final part of the chapter summarises the contents of the preceding chapters, and draws some conclusions based on those detailed studies.


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Studies the underlying role of nutrition in the lack of response of captive fish to hypophysation. Aspects studied include morphological characteristics, histology of ovaries, proximate analysis, fatty and amino acid profiles of oocytes, muscle, liver and diets of wild and tank-reared fish, egg and larval quality, amino acid composition of eggs and larvae at different developmental stages, larval feeding and hormone treatments.


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A sound effect of vocal recordings and sound design depicting halloween styled monsters, witches, ghouls and a bell striking to midnight.


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A stereo recording of a hand held bell ringing.


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We characterized 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci identified from a Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) blood sample using 454 whole genome shotgun sequencing. Levels of polymorphism were assessed using 15 Noisy Miners. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.1. These loci were then cross-amplified to assess their suitability in a single population of Bell Miners (M. melanophrys). Given the landscape level impact that these species are having on the health of vegetation and biodiversity of a range of vertebrates throughout much of south-eastern Australia, these primers will help identify colony dispersal patterns and thus aid in modeling predictions of miner presence and tenure length in threatened ecosystems.


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 An interactive exhibition, which recreates the Max Gallery and re-interprets two of Geelong's most renowned paintings (View of Geelong and A Bush Burial) through digital animation


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A study of Governor-General Ronald Munro-Ferguson with particular attention to the views of modern historians. It describes his constitutional role and interventions in the Australian political process. It concludes that he was a conscientious King’s representative, with a deep interest in Australian political and social affairs and was accepted by members of both parties.


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This thesis presents a re-mapping of Australian poetic tradition to reflect the presence of colonial women poets. The research recovers a wide range of neglected poetry, offering a new way of reading these important poets as politic and transnational, particularly through the significance of newspaper authorship and international women’s poetry.