969 resultados para Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 -- Criticism and interpretation


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Over 100 samples of recent surface sediments from the bottomn of the Atlantic Ocean offshore NW Africa between 34° and 6° N have been analysed palynologically. The objective of this study was to reveal the relation between source areas, transport systems, and resulting distribution patterns of pollen and spores in marine sediments off NW Africa, in order to lay a sound foundation for the interpretation of pollen records of marine cores from this area. The clear zonation of the NW-African vegetation (due to the distinct climatic gradient) is helpful in determining main source areas, and the presence of some major wind belts facilitates the registration of the average course of wind trajectories. The present circulation pattern is driven by the intertropical front (ITCZ) which shifts over the continent between c. 22° N (summer position) and c. 4° N (winter position) in the course of the year. Determination of the period of main pollen release and the average atmospheric circulation pattern effective at that time of the years is of prime importance. The distribution patterns in recent marine sediments of pollen of a series of genera and families appear to record climatological/ecological variables, such as the trajectory of the NE trade, January trades, African Easterly Jet (Saharan Air Layer), the northernmost and southernmost position of the intertropical convergence zone, and the extent and latitudinal situation of the NW-African vegetation belt. Pollen analysis of a series of dated deep-sea cores taken between c. 35° and the equator off NW African enable the construction of paleo-distribution maps for time slices of the past, forming a register of paleoclimatological/paleoecological information.


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Concentration, distribution, and dynamics of yellow substance were studied during 1980-1982. Colored material accounted for 17-41% of dissolved organic matter and 2-14% of suspended organic matter. A relationship of yellow substance levels with salinity is analyzed. Absorption spectra of suspended particles are studied, occurrence of yellow-colored particles in suspended phase and their distribution in the Gulf of Riga are described. Concentration of suspended yellow organic matter in the upper layer of the gulf was inversely correlated with salinity. Calculations show that 10% of terrigenous humus is flocculated in the gulf during spring.


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Preliminary studies of hydrothermally altered massive basalts formed at the fast-spreading Mendoza Rise and recovered from DSDP Holes 597B and 597C indicate the presence of three secondary mineral assemblages which formed in the following order: (1) trioctahedral chlorite and talc, (2) goethite and smectite, and (3) calcite and celadonite. The sequential precipitation of these mineral assemblages denotes high water:rock ratios and time-varying conditions of temperature (early >200°C to late <30°C) and state of oxidation (early nonoxidative to late oxidative). A decrease in the relative proportion of oxidative mineral assemblages with depth to 70 m in Site 597 basement indicates a zone of oxidative alteration that became shallower with time as the deeper, more constricted fracture systems were filled by secondary mineralization. In this report we present the first results of the K-Ar dating of celadonite formation age; celadonite formation reflects end-stage hydrothermal alteration in Site 597 basement. Three celadonite dates obtained from Site 597 samples include 13.1 ± 0.3 m.y. from 17 m basement depth (Hole 597B), 19.9 ± 0.4 m.y. from 18 m basement depth (Hole 597C), and 19.3 ± 1.6 m.y. from 60 m basement depth (Hole 597C). The age of host rock crystallization (28.6 m.y.) and the K-Ar dates of celadonite formation establish that hydrothermal alteration in the upper 70 m of Site 597 basement continued for at least 10 m.y. and possibly as long as 16 m.y. after basalt crystallization at the ridge crest. Assuming a half-spreading rate of 55 km/m.y., we calculate that hydrothermal circulation was active in shallow basement at a distance of at least 550 km off ridge crest and possibly as far as 1000 km off ridge crest.


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Basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 92 include all the major basalt types so far recovered from the ocean crust of the eastern Pacific. Basalts from Holes 597, 597A, 597B, 597C, and 599B are tholeiites exhibiting all the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Fragments of ferrobasalts and alkali basalts were also obtained, however, from Holes 60IB and 602B, respectively. Hole 597C, which penetrated 91 m into basement and is the deepest hole so far drilled in fast-spreading crust, yielded basalts that can be divided into three major lithologic units. The lowest unit, Unit III, contains modal olivine and comprises basalts which, at about 8 to 10% MgO, are as basic as any sampled from fast-spreading crust. The middle unit, Unit II, is the most evolved; its basalts are olivine free and contain between 6 and 7.5% MgO. The upper unit, Unit I, is intermediate in composition between Units II and III; it is characterized by both modal olivine and glomerocrysts made up of plagioclase and rare olivine. Unit I is probably a massive flow, whereas Units II and III may be massive flows or sills. The basalts appear to have undergone three stages of alteration ("deuteric," "relatively reducing," and "oxidizing"), the intensity of alteration decreasing markedly downcore. Hole 597B, at 26.4 m of basement penetration the only other "deep" hole, contains just one lithologic unit, which closely resembles Unit I of Hole 597C. Petrogenetic modeling reveals that the three lithologic units in Hole 597C are cogenetic and that they were derived from a depleted mantle source similar to the source of the tholeiites and ferrobasalts sampled in other holes; the alkali basalts are the only rocks derived from enriched mantle. Lavas of Unit III probably lay on the olivine-plagioclase cotectic, whereas the other lavas lay on an olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene peritectic. Some 60% of closed-system crystallization is needed to generate the most-evolved from the last-fractionated tholeiite, and a further 50% crystallization (80% overall) is needed to generate the ferrobasalts. Xenocrysts of calcic plagioclase and pseudomorphosed olivine in tholeiites from Hole 597B and Unit I of Hole 597C, and in the ferrobasalts from Hole 601B, provide evidence, however, that some magma mixing may have taken place.


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A joint research expedition between the French IFREMER and the German MARUM was conducted in 2011 using the R/V 'Pourquoi pas?' to study gas hydrate distributions in a pockmark field (1141-1199 m below sea surface) at the continental margin of Nigeria. The seafloor drill rig MeBo of MARUM was used to recover sediments as deep as 56.74 m below seafloor. The presence of gas hydrates in specific core sections was deduced from temperature anomalies recorded during continuous records of infrared thermal scanning and anomalies in pore water chloride concentrations. In situ sediment temperature measurements showed elevated geothermal gradients of up to 258 °C/km in the center of the so-called pockmark A which is up to 4.6 times higher than that in the background sediment (72 °C/km). The gas hydrate distribution and thermal regime in the pockmark are largely controlled by the intensity, periodicity and direction of fluid flow. The joint interaction between fluid flow, gas hydrate formation and dissolution, and the thermal regime governs pockmark formation and evolution on the Nigerian continental margin.