979 resultados para BIRTH OUTCOMES


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the obstetric and perinatal outcomes evolution of triplet pregnancies.METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in triplet pregnancies delivered over 16 years in a tertiary obstetric center with differentiated perinatal support. Evaluation of demographic factors, obstetric complications, gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery, birth weight and immediate newborn outcome were done over a 16 years period. A global characterization of the sample was performed considering the listed parameters. Variables were categorized in three groups according to year of occurrence: 1996-2000, 2001-2006, 2007-2011, and all parameters were compared.RESULTS: Of the 33 triplets included, 72.7% resulted from induced pregnancies. All except one patient received prenatal corticosteroids and five received tocolytics. All women delivered prenatally and no significant differences were seen in the mean gestational age at delivery or birth weight towards time. There were three intrauterine fetal deaths. Neonatal immediate outcomes were not significantly different over the years.CONCLUSION: Despite remarkable progresses in perinatal and neonatal cares, no noticeable impact in triplet gestations' outcomes was seen, sustaining that triplets should be avoided due to their great risk of prematurity and neonatal morbidities, either by limiting the numbers of embryos transferred or by fetal reduction.


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PURPOSE: To compare obstetric outcomes of induced preterm twin births (under 32 weeks gestation) with those spontaneously conceived. METHODS: Prospective study of twin pregnancies (25 induced and 157 spontaneously conceived) developed over a period of 16 years in a tertiary obstetric center. Demographic factors, obstetric complications, gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery, birth weight and immediate newborn outcome were compared. RESULTS: The analysis of obstetrical complications concerning urinary or other infections, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes, fetal malformations, intrauterine fetal death, intrauterine growth restriction and intrauterine discordant growth reveal no significant statistical differences between the two groups. First trimester bleeding was higher in the induced group (24 versus 8.3%, p=0.029). The cesarean delivery rate was 52.2% in spontaneous gestations and 64% in induced gestations. Gestational age at delivery, birth weight, Apgar scores at first and fifth minutes, admissions to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and puerperal complications show no statistically significant differences between the two groups. These results were independent of chorionicity and induction method. CONCLUSION: The mode of conception did not influence obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Although induced pregnancies have higher risk of first trimester bleeding, significant differences were not observed regarding other obstetric and puerperal complications and neonatal results.


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OBJETIVO: Implantar um novo modelo de cuidado ao parto e reduzir o percentual de cesarianas entre as gestantes da UNIMED Jaboticabal.MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo desenvolvido em uma instituição do interior paulista, que teve início em 2012 e propôs o redesenho do modelo de cuidado ao parto com a revisão de todo o processo assistencial por meio da Ciência da Melhoria Contínua. Para medir os resultados das mudanças, foram selecionados nove indicadores e suas respectivas metas.RESULTADOS: O indicador de partos vaginais atingiu a meta de 40%, após sete meses do início da intervenção. Este indicador entre as gestantes do SUS atingiu 66%. A taxa de mortalidade perinatal decresceu 25% comparando-se 2012 a 2014 e a taxa de prematuridade foi de 3/100 nascidos vivos em 2014. O percentual de gestantes da UNIMED com 6 ou mais consultas de pré-natal atingiu 95%. Em relação aos custos hospitalares per capita referentes à assistência ao parto, notou-se um decréscimo de 27%, quando comparados os anos de 2012 e 2013. Tal queda não se sustentou e o custo hospitalar per capita, em 2014, retornou aos mesmos patamares de 2012. A remuneração dos obstetras registrou um acréscimo de 72%, se comparados os anos de 2012, 2013 e 2014. Houve queda de 61% dos custos com a unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) neonatal, comparando os anos de 2012 e 2013. A taxa de admissão em UTI neonatal acompanhou a redução dos custos e foi de 55%, se comparados os anos de 2012 a 2014, entre as gestantes da UNIMED. Não houve o alcance da meta de 80% de participação das gestantes nos cursos de preparação para o nascimento. A porcentagem de gestantes satisfeitas e muito satisfeitas com a assistência ao parto atingiu 86%.CONCLUSÃO: Este projeto atingiu seus objetivos, reduzindo o percentual de cesarianas entre as gestantes da UNIMED Jaboticabal, e constituiu-se em um exemplo concreto da realização do triplo objetivo em saúde: melhorar a experiência dos envolvidos e os resultados de saúde de populações e indivíduos e realizar estas duas tarefas com menor custo, eliminando desperdícios assistenciais.


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Background: Although the knowledge of adverse effects of smoking during pregnancy has increased in recent years, more research is needed to gain a better understanding of the effects of smoking during pregnancy. Smoking exposure is the most common preventable factor that causes adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aims and Methods: First, data on smoking habits during pregnancy from the Nordic Medical Birth Registers was used to study the national differences in trends of smoking during pregnancy. Second, the effects of prenatal smoking exposure on fetal brain development, assessed by brain MRI at term age, were studied by using data from the multidisciplinary PIPARI Study consisting of a 6-year cohort of VLBW/VLGA infants (n = 232, of which 18.1% were exposed to prenatal smoking) born in Turku University Hospital, Finland. Third, the effects of prenatal smoking exposure on psychiatric morbidity and use of psychotropic medication were studied in a cohort of children born from 1987–1989 in Finland (n = 175,869, of which 15.3% were exposed). The data used were obtained from population-based longitudinal registers from the National Institute of Health and Welfare, the Statistics Finland, and the Finnish Social Insurance Institution. Results: Smoking rates during pregnancy differed considerably between the countries. Smoking rates were highest among teenagers and women with lower socioeconomic positions. The smoking prevalence was found to be increasing among teenagers in both Finland and Norway. Prenatal smoking exposure was associated with smaller frontal lobe and cerebellar volumes in preterm infants. A clear association was found between prenatal smoking exposure and psychiatric morbidity treated with specialized hospital care and the use of various psychotropic medications. Conclusions: Prenatal smoking exposure had adverse effects on fetal brain development. These effects might explain part of the association found between smoking exposure and psychiatric problems in later life. Our study suggests that prenatal smoking exposure is linked with both mild and severe psychiatric problems. This study emphasizes the importance of efforts to reduce smoking during pregnancy.


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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the real importance of anaerobic enteropathogens and rotavirus in contrast to more common agents as cause of diarrhea in piglets within the first week of life. Sixty 1- to 7-day-old piglets, 30 diarrheic and 30 non-diarrheic (control), from 15 different herds were selected, euthanized and necropsied. Samples of the jejunum, ileum, colon, cecum and feces were collected from the piglets and analyzed to determine the presence of the following enteropathogens: enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), Clostridium perfringens types A and C, Clostridium difficile, rotavirus and Isospora suis. Among diarrheic piglets, 23.3% were positive for C. difficile, 70% for C. perfringens type A cpb2+, 14.3% for rotavirus and 10% for ETEC. Among non-diarrheic control piglets, 10% were positive for C. difficile, 76.7% for C. perfringens type A cpb2+, 0% for rotavirus, 3.3% for ETEC and 3.3% for I. suis. C. perfringens type C was not detected in any of the animals. Histological lesions characteristic of C. difficile, E. coli and rotavirus were observed. However, no C. perfringens type A suggestive lesions were detected. There was a positive correlation between mesocolon edema and the presence of C. difficile toxins. Although C. perfringens type A cpb2+ was the most frequently detected enteropathogen, there was no association between its presence and diarrhea or macro or microscopic changes. C. difficile and Rotavirus were the most relevant pathogens involved with neonatal diarrhea in this study, and histopathology associated with microbiological test proved to be the key to reach a final diagnosis.


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METFORMIININ KÄYTTÖ RASKAUSDIABETEKSESSA Raskausdiabeteksella tarkoitetaan sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriötä, joka todetaan ensimmäisen kerran raskauden aikana. Hoidolla voidaan vähentää raskausdiabetekseen liittyviä äidin ja vastasyntyneen haittoja. Lääkitystä tarvitaan, jos ruokavaliohoidolla ei saavuteta hyvää sokeritasapainoa. Perinteisesti lääkityksenä on käytetty insuliinia, mutta metformii¬nin käyttöä insuliinin vaihtoehtona on ehdotettu. Metformiini läpäisee istukan, mutta sen läpäisymekanismi ei ole selvillä. Tämän tutkimuskokonaisuuden pääasiallisin tarkoitus oli verrata metformiinin tehokkuutta ja turvallisuutta insuliiniin raskausdiabeteksen hoidossa selvittämällä lääkkeen vaiku¬tusta äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia, mitkä tekijät ennustavat insulii¬nin tarvetta metformiinin lisänä, jotta saavutettaisiin hyvä sokeritasapaino. Metformiinin annoksen vaikutus äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen arvioitiin mittaamalla metformiinin pitoisuus äidistä, ja sikiön puolelta napanuoran veressä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös aktiivisen kuljetusproteiinin (OCT) merkitystä metformiinin kulkeutumiseen istukan läpi perfusiomalla istukkaa ex vivo . Ex vivo istukkaperfuusiotutkimuksen tulokset viittasivat siihen, että OCT-kuljetusproteiinilla ei ollut todennäköisesti merkittävää osuutta metformiinin kulkeutumisessa istukan läpi. Metformiinin pitoisuusmittaukset synnytyksen yhteydessä osoittivat metformiinin siirtyvän sikiöön istukan läpi suuressa määrin (96 %) kertymättä kuitenkaan sikiön verenkiertoon. Metformiinin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta vastasyntyneen hyvinvointiin. Maksi¬maalisella metformiinin annostuksella ja korkealla metformiinipitoisuudella todettiin olevan suotuisa vaikutus äidin painon nousuun raskauden aikana. Insuliiniin verrattuna metformiini ei lisännyt äidin, sikiön tai vastasyntyneen haittatapahtumia, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta synnytystapaan. Sokeritasapaino insuliini- ja metformiinilääkityksen aikana oli yhtäläinen arvioitaessa sitä HbA1c- ja fruktosamiinimittauksilla, mutta 21 % metformiinin käyttäjistä tarvitsi lisäksi insuliinia hyvän sokeritasapainon saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksesssa todettiin, että mitä iäkkäämpi äiti oli, mitä varhaisemmassa raskauden vaiheessa sokerirasitus oli tehty ja lääkitys aloitettu, ja mitä korkeammat HbA1c ja fruktosamiinipitoisuudet olivat, sitä suuremmalla todennäköisyydellä metformiinin lisänä tarvittiin insuliinia.


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Development of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) within a company is considered to be significant for firm performance in a contemporary market society with constantly changing environment. Considered as entrepreneurial, the firm is able to innovate, make risky investments and be proactive. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate factors which influence EO, the impact of EO on firm performance, and a mediating role of EO in developed and emerging market contexts. The empirical research is conducted quantitatively in a form of a survey in Russia and Finland. The results of the thesis have shown that the relationship between antecedents, EO and firm performance outcomes is different in developed and emerging contexts and can be explained by cultural differences and institutional development. The empirical research has both theoretical and practical novelty. It contributes to the existing literature on EO by the usage of comparative cross-country approach and a broader three-way interaction model between the variables. A general practical implication of the research is that managers may benefit from developing entrepreneurial strategic posture in particular contexts.


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A major challenge faced by companies today is the engagement gap at the workplace and how to motivate employees to engage in less intrinsically motivating work activities that are valuable for the organization. The objective of this study is to investigate gamification as a means for employee motivation and personal engagement that result in behavioral outcomes from the gamification developers’ perspective. Theories of work motivation and engagement are viewed in relation to gamification. The empirical part conducts a qualitative multiple-case study. The data is analyzed with the CAQDAS NVivo. The empirical findings suggest that gamification can enhance employee motivation, but careful consideration of extrinsic motivators is necessary to avoid their detrimental effect on intrinsic motivation. Employee self-determination is built through internalization of gamified system’s goals reaching autonomous motivation to engage in the target behavior. Employee engagement is built by fulfilling the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability. The results suggest that gamification can build employee motivation and engagement leading to behavior change if designed with the business objectives in mind. Moreover, the gamified system needs to be renewed to address the changes in the business environment and reflect them in the employee behavior.


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The control of CD4 gene expression is essential for proper T lymphocyte development. Signals transmitted from the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) during the thymic selection processes are believed to be linked to the regulation of CD4 gene expression during specific stages of T cell development. Thus, a study of the factors that control CD4 gene expression may lead to further insight into the molecular mechanisms that drive thymic selection. In this review, we discuss the work conducted to date to identify and characterize the cis-acting transcriptional control elements in the CD4 locus and the DNA-binding factors that mediate their function. From these studies, it is becoming clear that the molecular mechanisms controlling CD4 gene expression are very complex and differ at each stage of development. Thus, the control of CD4 expression is subject to many different influences as the thymocyte develops.


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Online sexual solicitation (solicitation) of youth has received widespread media and research attention during the last decade. The prevalence rates of youth who have experienced solicitation or solicitation attempts vary between studies depending on the methodology used (e.g., whether youth or adults are the target study group). In studies focusing on youth victims, the prevalence of solicitation attempts made by adults during the past year is typically reported to be between 5 and 9%. Adults who solicit youth online have been found to use deception and other manipulative behaviors to gain access to sexual activities with youth. However, previous studies have lacked a control group of adults who solicit other adults online. Without this comparison, one could argue that deceiving others online about one’s identity, and engaging in manipulative behaviors, is an inherent part of most online sexual interactions with strangers. Additionally, little is known about the associations between manipulative behaviors and the solicitation outcomes. In research concerning offline sexual behaviors, it has been noted that situational factors, such as sexual arousal, may alter both sexual interest and behavior. The effects of situational factors on online sexual behaviors have been less extensively studied (especially so with a quantitative approach); no studies have to date focused on adults’ solicitation of youth. Investigating the role of a lowered sexual age preference and the role of situational factors in the soliciting adults could be an important step in order to receive deeper knowledge of the role of traits and states in the context of solicitation. Additionally, there is a lack of knowledge of the effect of the age of the youth. Although previous studies on solicitation has found that older youth, compared with younger youth and children, are more often solicited, the possible reasons for this have not been investigated. Are adults who solicit youth affected by legal deterrence (through the legal age of consent), is it because older youth are more available online, or are the adults’ age preferences merely a product of a normally distributed age preference in the population? The purpose of the present thesis was fivefold: 1) to obtain an estimate of the frequency of adults’ solicitation of youth as self-reported and observed in actual behavior; 2) to explore whether the legal age of consent (LAC) affects solicitation frequency, or whether a normally distributed sexual age preference more accurately describe the proportion of solicited youth of different ages; 3) to investigate the associations of both traits (e.g., lower sexual age preference) and states (immediate situational factors, such as alcohol intoxication), and the solicitation target; 4) to explore whether adults who solicit youth and adults who solicit adults are equally deceitful and manipulative online, and whether the different solicitation outcomes are as common in both groups; and 5) to investigate whether the deceitful and manipulative behaviors engaged in had different associations with the solicitation outcomes depending on the age of the solicited. In the survey study, a convenience sample of 1393 adult participants (aged 18 years or older) self-reported any online communication with strangers during the past year. Of these, 56% (776 respondents) reported that they had solicited or attempted to solicit at least one stranger. Of the respondents, 453 (58.4%) were men, and 323 (41.6%) were women. Participants with only adult contacts (18 years or older) constituted the majority (640 respondents). In contrast, 136 individuals reported a youth contact (a 13 year old or younger, or a 14 to 17-year old). Approximately half of the participants were men in the adult contact group, while 75% of the participants were men in the youth contact group. Approximately 60% of the participants with youth contacts were recruited from two websites associated with a pedophilic sexual interest. In an online quasi-experimental study, with researchers impersonating youth of different ages (10–18 year olds) in chat rooms, 251 online conversations with chat room visitors made up the entire sample. All chat room visitors alleged to be men. The self-reported frequency of having solicited youth (0–17-year olds) during the past year was approximately 10% in our sample of adults who reported communicating with any strangers online. When we observed this behavior in chat rooms, we found that approximately 30% of the chat room visitors who believed they interacted with a 10 to 14 year old attempted to solicit the youth. We found that solicitation attempts increased equally much when increasing the age of the impersonated youth from 14 to 16, as from 16 to 18. Thus, we concluded that a normally distributed age preference in the population was a more plausible explanation to the effect of the age of the solicited, rather than the LAC (here; 15 and 16). If the chat room visitors would have been deterred only by the LAC, we would have expected that the change in amount of solicitation attempts from an illegal age group to a legal age group would have been significantly stronger than changes between age groups within illegal-illegal and legal-legal groups. Our subsample of survey participants from the pedophilia-related websites expectedly reported that they had solicited youth more often in comparison to the sample gathered through general (i.e., not associated with any particular sexual preference) websites. We also found that participants with a youth contact reported higher levels of sexual arousal and shame before the sexual interaction with their online contact, compared with participants with an adult contact. Additionally, the participants with youth contacts who reported consumption of child- and adolescent pornography also reported being more sexually aroused before the interaction, compared to the participants with youth contacts who did not report consumption of these kinds of pornography. We also found clear indications that the online sexual interaction had an alleviatory effect on reported levels of sadness, boredom and stress, independent of the age of the contact. Generally, the participants with youth and adult contacts reported deceiving their contacts as often and suggesting keeping the communication a secret from someone as often. Participants with a youth contact, however, reported using more persuasion techniques for online sexual purposes or for the purpose of an offline meeting, compared to those with an adult contact. In the chat rooms, we found that more indirect ways of future sexual communication (e.g., continuing chatting) was suggested by the chat room visitors that were under the assumption of interacting with youth aged 10 to 14, compared with more direct means (e.g., meeting offline). Survey participants with youth contacts who had used deception, suggested keeping the interactions a secret, and/or persuaded their contact by appealing to the contacts feelings of love and attachment for the participant had also more often engaged in cybersex with the contact. No other manipulative behaviors were associated with the other investigated solicitation outcomes (receiving a sexual picture, meeting offline, and engaging in sexual contact offline) within this group of participants. However, using deception, suggesting secrecy and using persuasion was also positively associated with certain solicitation outcomes within participants with an adult contact. In summary, adults’ solicitation of youth is much more frequent when observed in chat rooms than self-reported. Additionally, an underlying lowered sexual age preference seems to be a motivating factor on a group level in adults who solicit youth. We concluded that directed prevention efforts should be made on pedophiliarelated websites. Additionally, the role of situational factors, especially sexual arousal in persons with a pedo- or hebephilic sexual interest should be investigated further in the context of online sexual solicitation.


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Between October 6, 1997 and April 30, 1999, 5011 births (mean: 8.76 per day) were registered in the city of Passo Fundo, South Brazil. The sequence of 572 daily birth numbers was not random (iteration test). Neyman distribution (m = ¥) showed the best fit. Clusters of days with higher birth numbers alternated with days with low numbers of births. Periodogram analysis revealed a significant periodicity of 6.98 days. The cosinor regression, testing 10 a priori supposed period lengths, found significant seasonality peaking in August-September and significantly highest birth numbers on Thursdays. Among the lunar and solar rotation cycles, the tropic lunar cycle and its 4th harmonic were most pronounced, in agreement with results concerning natality in Germany obtained by Svante Arrhenius in the 19th century. These findings confirm Derer-Halberg's concept of multiseptans. In addition to cycling, a significantly increasing linear trend with a daily increase of 0.0045 births was encountered. This documents a growth of the population in agreement with national statistical data.


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The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and changes in the risk factors related to physical activity, smoking habits and nutrition. We describe the methodology for the evaluation of persons at 23/25 years of age of a cohort of individuals born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We present their socioeconomic characteristics and the profile of some risk factors for chronic diseases. A total of 2063 participants were evaluated by means of blood collection, standardized questionnaires, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and methacholine bronchoprovocation tests. The sexes were compared by the chi-square test, with alpha = 0.05. Obesity was similar among men and women (12.8 and 11.1%); overweight was almost double in men (30.3 vs 17.7%). Weight deficit was higher among women than among men (8.6 and 2.6%). Women were more sedentary and consumed less alcohol and tobacco. Dietary fat consumption was similar between sexes, with 63% consuming large amounts (30 to 39.9 g/day). Metabolic syndrome was twice more frequent among men than women (10.7 vs 4.8%), hypertension was six times more frequent (40.9 vs 6.4%); altered triglyceride (16.1 vs 9.8%) and LDL proportions (5.4 vs 2.7%) were also higher in men, while women had a higher percentage of low HDL (44.7 vs 39.5%). Asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness were 1.7 and 1.5 times more frequent, respectively, among women. The high prevalence of some risk factors for chronic diseases among young adults supports the need for investments in their prevention.


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Data for two birth cohorts from two Brazilian municipalities, Ribeirão Preto in 1994 and São Luís in 1997/1998, were used to identify and compare factors associated with inadequate utilization of prenatal care and to identify factors capable of explaining the differences observed between the two cities. Prenatal care was defined as adequate or inadequate according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The chi-square test and Poisson regression were used to compare differences in the inadequacy of prenatal care utilization. The percentage of inadequacy was higher in São Luís (34.6%) than in Ribeirão Preto (16.9%). Practically the same variables were associated with inadequacy in both cities. Puerperae with lower educational level, without a companion or cohabiting, who delivered in public health units, younger than 20 years, multiparae and smokers, with low family income presented higher percentages of inadequate prenatal care utilization. However, the effects of some variables differed between the two cities. The risk for inadequate use of prenatal care was higher for women attended in the public health sector in São Luís and for cohabiting women in Ribeirão Preto. The effect of the remaining factors studied did not differ between cities. The category of admission accounted for 57.0% of the difference in the inadequate use of prenatal care between cities and marital status accounted for 45.3% of the difference. Even after adjustment for all variables, part of the difference in the inadequacy of prenatal care utilization remained unexplained.