880 resultados para BACK-PAIN


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O setor de separação (triagem) de materiais recicláveis de uma cooperativa localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro foi o objeto deste estudo que teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica do processo de separação de resíduos recicláveis, executado por catadoras, utilizando um sistema modular. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em pesquisa bibliográfica com levantamento do estado da arte, observações de campo utilizando a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET) e modelos esquemáticos da engenharia de métodos, e a realização de dois experimentos (posto-rampa e posto-bancada), utilizando a estratégia para montagem de ciclogramas proposta na Análise por Decomposição em Etapas (ADE). As análises obtidas através dos resultados de duas situações permitiram constatar que o processo atual de separação na rampa é deficitário, demorado e cansativo, deixa os catadores com dores nas costas e na coluna, além de existirem muitas perdas de tempo por transporte de materiais não agregando valor aos produtos, por conta da distância em que ficam os recipientes para o acondicionamento do material separado. O módulo bancada indicou ser a melhor alternativa para o arranjo físico da separação, encurtando as distâncias percorridas, suprimindo algumas movimentações do corpo (rotações e flexões de tronco), reduzindo os riscos de lesão na coluna vertebral. Diferente do arranjo físico atualmente adotado, o posto-bancada possibilita reduzir a duração média do ciclo e a frequência das Atividades Extra Ciclo (AECs). As recomendações para a melhoria da atividade na organização estudada visam preservar a saúde e elevar a produtividade. Elas foram elaboradas, considerando o arranjo físico, método de trabalho e qualificação dos trabalhadores.


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I simulated somatic growth and accompanying otolith growth using an individual-based bioenergetics model in order to examine the performance of several back-calculation methods. Four shapes of otolith radius-total length relations (OR-TL) were simulated. Ten different back-calculation equations, two different regression models of radius length, and two schemes of annulus selection were examined for a total of 20 different methods to estimate size at age from simulated data sets of length and annulus measurements. The accuracy of each of the twenty methods was evaluated by comparing the back-calculated length-at-age and the true length-at-age. The best back-calculation technique was directly related to how well the OR-TL model fitted. When the OR-TL was sigmoid shaped and all annuli were used, employing a least squares linear regression coupled with a log-transformed Lee back-calculation equation (y-intercept corrected) resulted in the least error; when only the last annulus was used, employing a direct proportionality back-calculation equation resulted in the least error. When the OR-TL was linear, employing a functional regression coupled with the Lee back-calculation equation resulted in the least error when all annuli were used, and also when only the last annulus was used. If the OR-TL was exponentially shaped, direct substitution into the fitted quadratic equation resulted in the least error when all annuli were used, and when only the last annulus was used. Finally, an asymptotically shaped OR-TL was best modeled by the individually corrected Weibull cumulative distribution function when all annuli were used, and when only the last annulus was used.


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Prawn seed resources of Sunkeri back waters indicated the availability of Penaeus indicus, P. monodon, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. monoceros. The monthly variation in seed composition, its correlation with environmental parameters and the aquaculture potentialities are reported


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Energy Piles present an efficient solution for long-term carbon emission reduction and sustainable construction. However, they have received only partial acceptance by the industry, because of concerns regarding the impact of cyclic thermal changes on the serviceability of energy pile foundations. This paper investigates the applicability of the hybrid load transfer approach to load-settlement analysis of single piles behavior during thermal energy exchange processes. Back-analysis results in terms of the thermal and mechanical response of energy piles show good agreement with field test results from Lambeth College in London. © ASCE 2011.


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Development of chronic pain involves alterations in peripheral nociceptors as well as elevated neuronal activity in multiple regions of the CNS. Previous pharmacological and behavioral studies suggest that peripheral acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) cont


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Despite official legislation, Indonesia is yet to institute processes to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.


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Predictions about sensory input exert a dominant effect on what we perceive, and this is particularly true for the experience of pain. However, it remains unclear what component of prediction, from an information-theoretic perspective, controls this effect. We used a vicarious pain observation paradigm to study how the underlying statistics of predictive information modulate experience. Subjects observed judgments that a group of people made to a painful thermal stimulus, before receiving the same stimulus themselves. We show that the mean observed rating exerted a strong assimilative effect on subjective pain. In addition, we show that observed uncertainty had a specific and potent hyperalgesic effect. Using computational functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that this effect correlated with activity in the periaqueductal gray. Our results provide evidence for a novel form of cognitive hyperalgesia relating to perceptual uncertainty, induced here by vicarious observation, with control mediated by the brainstem pain modulatory system.


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OBJECTIVE: A standard view in health economics is that, although there is no market that determines the "prices" for health states, people can nonetheless associate health states with monetary values (or other scales, such as quality adjusted life year [QALYs] and disability adjusted life year [DALYs]). Such valuations can be used to shape health policy, and a major research challenge is to elicit such values from people; creating experimental "markets" for health states is a theoretically attractive way to address this. We explore the possibility that this framework may be fundamentally flawed-because there may not be any stable values to be revealed. Instead, perhaps people construct ad hoc values, influenced by contextual factors, such as the observed decisions of others. METHOD: The participants bid to buy relief from equally painful electrical shocks to the leg and arm in an experimental health market based on an interactive second-price auction. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions where the bids by "others" were manipulated to follow increasing or decreasing price trends for one, but not the other, pain. After the auction, a preference test asked the participants to choose which pain they prefer to experience for a longer duration. RESULTS: Players remained indifferent between the two pain-types throughout the auction. However, their bids were differentially attracted toward what others bid for each pain, with overbidding during decreasing prices and underbidding during increasing prices. CONCLUSION: Health preferences are dissociated from market prices, which are strongly referenced to others' choices. This suggests that the price of health care in a free-market has the capacity to become critically detached from people's underlying preferences.