947 resultados para Azul


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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There is an area in the Brazilian Contemporary Literature which is articulated according to the first person narrator who presents the problematic of the own creational action, the expression of a conflictual subjectivity divided between the vertiginous dive into itself – what would imply in a renounce of the world and the reality, where the authors’ work are their only matter – and the social participation - not as an awareness, but as the recognition of the limits and impasses which the real representation imposes on the creative writing. Therefore, this article proposes a reading on the novel O Azul do Filho Morto (2002) by Marcelo Mirisola, to try to situate him into the recent Brazilian literary production, as well as to reflect on his narrative the complex notion of authorship which is called into question on his novels, since they produce an intrincate imbrication between the fictional subject and the empirical image of the writer himself, breaking and confusing the limits between the fictional discourse and the extralinguistic reality which is evoked, manipulated, distorted and made unstable on his representational process.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Geomorphology is to study the relevant object, which is the substrate where there are social relations, where society draws the natural resources for their survival and structure its immediate surroundings. In this context, the geomorphological map is currently considered as an important tool in landscape research. The landscapes of the city of Estrela do Norte-SP and surroundings consist mostly of geological substratum of sedimentary rock formations of Adamantina and Santo Anastácio (IPT, 1981a). Geomorphologically dominated by large reliefs of gently rolling hills tops and pedologicamente, the Oxisols and Ultisols Red-Yellow (Oliveira et al., 1999), which historically without proper management, formed a serious degradation of erosive framework in the study area. Thus, this study aimed to produce a map of the major compartments of the municipality Estrela do Norte-SP and surrounding areas, using techniques of digital stereoscopy. In relation to the procedures used in developing the mapping of geomorphological compartments, the main references were Tricart (1965) and Ross (1992). To prepare the mapping applied to refund technique - 3D through the ALOS / PRISM images...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate by histometric and immunohistochemistry analysis the effects of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) in alveolar prior to placement of mini-implants in animals with or without induced periodontal disease. Material and method: Thirty-two rats were used. Periodontal disease (PD) was induced by ligature in the lower left first molar. After 7 days of PD evolution, it was performed removal of the ligature and extraction of the left lower first molars in all animals. Thus, animals were divided into 2 groups (n=16) according to the treatments in the dental alveolus before immediate implant installation: MD (control) : mechanical debridement (MD), irrigation with 1 ml of saline solution followed by implant installation; aPDT- MD, irrigation with 1 ml of Toluidine Blue-O and low intensity laser (LLLT) and implant installation. Eight animals from each group were euthanized at 15 and 30 days after the installation of mini-implants. Specimens were processed for histologic, immunohistochemical and histometric analysis. The histometric data were processed for statistical analysis (Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn test; p <0.05). Result: In treatment analysis, results indicated that there was a greater BIC in implants installed in uncontaminated alveolus treated with a PDT ( p<0,05) and greater imuno-reactivity to OPG in bone issue treated with aPDT. Conclusion: The aPDT proved to be effective in bone loss control in no contaminated area and it has increased the bone loss and metabolic activity in alveolus irradiated prior to implant installation.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliacao qualitativa e quantitativa, com o uso de substancia tracadoras, nos estudos de deposicao em pulverizacao, com a possibilidade de variacao da tensao superficial da calda. Plantas de citros foram pulverizadas com solucao tracadora composta pelo corante Azul Brilhante na concentracao de 0,15% em mistura com o Saturn Yellow tambem a 0,15%, suspenso com o lignosulfonato Vixilperse a 0,015%. A pulverizacao foi realizada com turboatomizador Jacto, na velocidade de deslocamento de 2,8 km/h e volume de calda de 1830 L/ha. A tensao superficial da solucaotracadora pulverizada foi ajustada para 72,6 mN/m, mesma da agua, e com a reducao para 36,5 mN/m. Para as avaliacoes dos depositos, dividiu-se a planta em 12 setores, partes baixa, media e alta, coletando-se amostras nas partes externa e interna e nas posicoes frontal e perpendicular a pulverizacao. Em cada posicao de coleta na planta foram retiradas duas amostras de folhas, uma constituida de 10 folhas para avaliar a distribuicao e o deposito total de ambas as superficies das folhas, e outra com 6 folhas para avaliar a relacao do deposito individual entre as superficies inferior (abaxial) e superior (adaxial) das folhas. O escorrimento de calda para o solo foi avaliado colocando-se placas de petri, distanciadas de 20 cm entre si e linearmente, sob a projecao da copa, nos setores frontal e perpendicular a pulverizacao. Para cada tensao superficial testada coletou-se amostras em 5 plantas, considerando-se cada planta uma repeticao. A avaliacao qualitativa foi feita atraves da visualizacao da distribuicao do deposito sob luz ultravioleta e a determinacao da quantidade depositada atraves da espectrofotometria. A metodologia desenvolvida mostrou-se adequada para avaliacao dos depositos de pulverizacoes no campo, com a solucao tracadora, pela possibilidade de avaliar qualitativa e quantitativa


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)