959 resultados para Australasian and Oceanian regions
The collection and conservation of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil happened in so dispersed institutions, an assessment of the storage conditions and the genetic diversity is needed, making it possible to identify new priorities for the genus. This work constitutes diagnosis of geographical distribution, storage conditions in situ and ex situ and on genetic diversity of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil. Research was done in herbariums, databases, literature and in situ (expeditions to rural areas and (markets) to map the areas of occurrence of the species. During these expeditions, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the property and genus Cucurbita. Questionnaires were sent to 173 Brazilian institutions regarding the preservation conditions ex situ. A genetic variability of the Cucurbita genus was found in traditional Brazilian agriculture. Collections must be prioritized in the northern and southern regions (all states); the southeastern region, all states, except Minas Gerais; central-west, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso; the northeastern region, the states of Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Sergipe. Currently 5.545 entries are being conserved in the Germplasm banks, however, C. pepo, C. ficifolia, C. argyrosperma and wild species are poorly represented. The characterization level of conserved entries is low in the ex situcollections. Participative research projects must be financed as a way to stimulate the farmers to continue planting their local varieties. A coleta e conservação do gênero Cucurbita no Brasil aconteceu de forma dispersa pelas instituições, sendo necessário um diagnóstico sobre as condições de conservação e sobre a diversidade genética, tornando possível identificar novas prioridades para o gênero. Este trabalho realizou diagnóstico sobre distribuição geográfica, condições de conservação in situ e ex situ e sobre diversidade genética do gênro Cucurbita no Brasil. Para mapear as áreas de ocorrência das espécies, foram realizados levantamentos de informações em herbários, banco de dados, literatura e levantamentos in situ (expedições para áreas rurais, feiras livres e CEASAs). Nessas expedições foram aplicados questionários, buscando informações sobre a propriedade e o gênero Cucurbita. Em relação as condições de conservação ex situ, foram enviados questionários para 173 instituições brasileiras. Foi constatado que existe variabilidade genética do gênero Cucurbita na agricultura tradicional brasileira. Devem ser priorizadas coletas nas regiões Norte e Sul (todos os estados); região Sudeste, todos os estados, exceto Minas Gerais; região Centro-Oeste, no Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso; região Nordeste, os estados de Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Sergipe. Atualmente estão sendo conservados nos Bancos de Germoplasma 5.545 acessos, no entanto C. pepo, C ficifolia, C. argyrosperma e espécies silvestres estão pouco representadas. É baixa a taxa de caracterização dos acessos conservados nas coleções ex situ. Devem ser financiados projetos de pesquisa participativa como uma forma de estimular e dar condições aos agricultores de continuarem cultivado suas variedades locais.
Nelore is the major beef cattle breed in Brazil with more than 130 million heads. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are often used to associate markers and genomic regions to growth and meat quality traits that can be used to assist selection programs. An alternative methodology to traditional GWAS that involves the construction of gene network interactions, derived from results of several GWAS is the AWM (Association Weight Matrices)/PCIT (Partial Correlation and Information Theory). With the aim of evaluating the genetic architecture of Brazilian Nelore cattle, we used high-density SNP genotyping data (~770,000 SNP) from 780 Nelore animals comprising 34 half-sibling families derived from highly disseminated and unrelated sires from across Brazil. The AWM/PCIT methodology was employed to evaluate the genes that participate in a series of eight phenotypes related to growth and meat quality obtained from this Nelore sample.
Brazil is one of the largest beef producers and exporters in the world with the Nelore breed representing the vast majority of Brazilian cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Despite the great adaptability of the Nelore breed to tropical climate, meat tenderness (MT) remains to be improved. Several factors including genetic composition can influence MT. In this article, we report a genome-wide analysis of copy number variation (CNV) inferred from Illumina1 High Density SNP-chip data for a Nelore population of 723 males. We detected >2,600 CNV regions (CNVRs) representing 6.5% of the genome. Comparing our results with previous studies revealed an overlap in 1400 CNVRs (>50%). A total of 1,155 CNVRs (43.6%) overlapped 2,750 genes. They were enriched for processes involving guanosine triphosphate (GTP), previously reported to influence skeletal muscle physiology and morphology. Nelore CNVRs also overlapped QTLs for MT reported in other breeds (8.9%, 236 CNVRs) and from a previous study with this population (4.1%, 109 CNVRs). Two CNVRs were also proximal to glutathione metabolism genes that were previously associated with MT. Genome-wide association study of CN state with estimated breeding values derived from meat shear force identified 6 regions, including a region on BTA3 that contains genes of the cAMP and cGMP pathway. Ten CNVRs that overlapped regions associated with MT were successfully validated by qPCR. Our results represent the first comprehensive CNV study in Bos taurus indicus cattle and identify regions in which copy number changes are potentially of importance for the MT phenotype.
Molecular characterization represents a valid support for the recovery of germoplasm, also motivated by the interest for the valorization of local productions in order to make their traceability possible. Molecular characterization is also fundamental for the individuation of misnomers in collection fields in which the different varieties are preserved. In particular, microsatellites have been used in this research to investigate the genetic diversity, inside a population and at an individual level, and the correct varietal correspondence. The research is mainly based on the study of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars to evaluate the genetic diversity and relationships in Emilia-Romagna region (Italy). A STRUCTURE analysis was carried out at European level with the allelic frequencies of the samples collected in Emilia-Romagna. Variation found at group and subgroup level may reflect a combination of historical migration/selection processes and adaptive factors to different environments between Italian and Spanish regions. In addition, a case study for the valorization of an old local variety and its re-introduction in the cultivation areas was proposed. This research was carried out by a morphological and molecular characterization of the local apple variety 'Rosa Romana'. The conservation of this variety entails the discrimination of different accessions with very similar phenotype that are present in the original cultivation area. The identification of historical trees and most adequate reference plants are fundamental steps for the correct propagation of this old variety and for the development of nursery activities. This will also promote and re-evaluate the exploitation and protection of such ancient Italian apple cultivars. This model could be in future also carried out for chestnut varieties. In conclusion, analysis with molecular markers is of fundamental importance for the protection and the maintenance of local and ancient varieties which allow to increase the allelic variability available for breeding programs.
Pathogenic fungi are responsible for vine diseases affecting the grapevine yield and the organoleptic quality of the final wine products. Using of biocontrol agents can represent a sustainable alternative to the use of synthetic fungicides whose intense use can have negative effects on the ecosystem and cause increase resistant pathogen population to synthetic agents. The principal aim of my PhD thesis was the isolation and characterization of new yeast strains and Bacillus subtilis SV108 as biocontrol agent and the comprehension of the mechanism of their antimicrobial action. Accordingly, twenty wild yeast and one selected bacterium isolated among 62 samples, isolated from different Italian and Malaysian regions and molecularly identified, were evaluated in a preliminary screening test on agar. Results showed the highest effects on inhibiting mycelial growth by Starmerella bacillaris FE08.05, Metschnikowia pulcherrima GP8 and Hanseniaspora uvarum GM19. On the other side, Bacillus subtilis SV108 showed the ability of inhibit the mycelial growth of selected fungi by producing antimicrobial compounds on Malt Extract Broth medium recovered by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and identified by electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometer Triple TOF 5600. Moreover, in order to analyze the volatile fraction of compounds, the quantitative analysis of the VOCs profiles was performed by GC/MS/SPME. The analysis highlighted the presence of isoamyl and phenylethyl alcohols and an overall higher presence of low-chain fatty acids and volatile ethyl esters. All the data collected suggest that the tested yeasts, found among the epiphytic microbiota associated with grape berries, can be potentially effective for the biological control of pathogenic moulds. On the other hand, the proteomic study conducted on B. subtilis SV108 revealed that there are two cyclic antifungal peptides which can explain the antimicrobial effect of Bacillus subtilis SV108 acting as biocontrol agent against fungal pathogens in grapevine.
Among the various ways of adopting the biographical approach, we used the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of Brazilian researchers who work as social scientists in health as our research material. These CVs are part of the Lattes Platform of CNPq - the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, which includes Research and Institutional Directories. We analyzed 238 CVs for this study. The CVs contain, among other things, the following information: professional qualifications, activities and projects, academic production, participation in panels for the evaluation of theses and dissertations, research centers and laboratories and a summarized autobiography. In this work there is a brief review of the importance of autobiography for the social sciences, emphasizing the CV as a form of autobiographical practice. We highlight some results, such as it being a group consisting predominantly of women, graduates in social sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science, with postgraduate degrees. The highest concentration of social scientists is located in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions. In some institutions the main activities of social scientists are as teachers and researchers with great thematic diversity in research.
This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.
We report the STAR measurements of dielectron (e(+)e(-)) production at midrapidity (|y(ee)|<1) in Au+Au collisions at √[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The measurements are evaluated in different invariant mass regions with a focus on 0.30-0.76 (ρ-like), 0.76-0.80 (ω-like), and 0.98-1.05 (ϕ-like) GeV/c(2). The spectrum in the ω-like and ϕ-like regions can be well described by the hadronic cocktail simulation. In the ρ-like region, however, the vacuum ρ spectral function cannot describe the shape of the dielectron excess. In this range, an enhancement of 1.77±0.11(stat)±0.24(syst)±0.33(cocktail) is determined with respect to the hadronic cocktail simulation that excludes the ρ meson. The excess yield in the ρ-like region increases with the number of collision participants faster than the ω and ϕ yields. Theoretical models with broadened ρ contributions through interactions with constituents in the hot QCD medium provide a consistent description of the dilepton mass spectra for the measurement presented here and the earlier data at the Super Proton Synchrotron energies.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Centers for Dental Specialties (CDS) in the country and associations with sociodemographic indicators of the municipalities, structural variables of services and primary health care organization in the years 2004-2009. The study used secondary data from procedures performed in the CDS to the specialties of periodontics, endodontics, surgery and primary care. Bivariate analysis by χ2 test was used to test the association between the dependent variable (performance of the CDS) with the independents. Then, Poisson regression analysis was performed. With regard to the overall achievement of targets, it was observed that the majority of CDS (69.25%) performance was considered poor/regular. The independent factors associated with poor/regular performance of CDS were: municipalities belonging to the Northeast, South and Southeast regions, with lower Human Development Index (HDI), lower population density, and reduced time to deployment. HDI and population density are important for the performance of the CDS in Brazil. Similarly, the peculiarities related to less populated areas as well as regional location and time of service implementation CDS should be taken into account in the planning of these services.
This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Craniosynostosis syndromes are characterized by premature closure of one or more cranial sutures, associated with other malformations, the most frequent of which are the Crouzon and Apert syndromes. Few studies in the literature have addressed the oral health of these individuals. The purpose of this study was to compare the periodontal status of individuals with Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer and Saethre-Chotzen syndromes before toothbrushing and compare the efficiency of plaque removal before and after mechanical toothbrushing. The probing depth, plaque index (according to Löe and O'Leary), clinical attachment level, gingival index (according to Silness and Löe) and amount of keratinized mucosa were evaluated before toothbrushing, and the O'Leary plaque index was assessed before and immediately after toothbrushing, on the same day, in 27 individuals aged 11 to 36 years. There was statistically significant difference in the mean probing depth and clinical attachment level among regions (p=0.00; p=0.01, respectively). The gingival index did not reveal statistically significant differences. With regard to the plaque index, the left region exhibited higher plaque index values than the right and anterior regions. No significant results were found in the analysis of keratinized mucosa. Comparison of the O'Leary plaque index before and after toothbrushing revealed statistically significant difference for all syndromes except for the Pfeiffer syndrome (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was no difference in the periodontal status among individuals with syndromic craniosynostosis. The posterior region was more affected than the anterior region as to the presence of plaque, loss of insertion and probing depth. Individuals with Pfeiffer syndrome exhibited greater toothbrushing efficiency than individuals with the other craniosynostosis syndromes.
This study aimed to assess the response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with different materials. Forty roots from dogs' premolars were prepared biomechanically and assigned to 4 groups filled with: Group I: commercial calcium hydroxide and polyethylene glycol-based paste (Calen®) thickened with zinc oxide; Group II: paste composed of iodoform, Rifocort® and camphorated paramonochlorophenol; Group III: zinc oxide-eugenol cement; Group IV: sterile saline. After 30 days, the samples were subjected to histological processing. The histopathological findings revealed that in Groups I and IV the apical and periapical regions exhibited normal appearance, with large number of fibers and cells and no resorption of mineralized tissues. In Group II, mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild edema were observed, with discrete fibrogenesis and bone resorption. Group III showed altered periapical region and thickened periodontal ligament with presence of inflammatory cells and edema. It may be concluded that the Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide yielded the best tissue response, being the most indicated material for root canal filling of primary teeth with pulp vitality.