963 resultados para Attila, king of the Huns.


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The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.


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Több mint tíz év telt el az Európai Unió 2004. évi kibővülése óta. A tízéves évforduló jó lehetőséget kínált a mérlegkészítésre, annak vizsgálatára, hogy a legfrissebb elérhető adatok tükrében milyen fejlődési pályát tudhatnak maguk mögött az új tagországok mezőgazdasági szektorai. Írásunk célja a tíz kelet- európai EU-tagállam agrárteljesítményének értékelése, illetve ez alapján a csatlakozás nyerteseinek, illetve veszteseinek azonosítása. A rendelkezésre álló adatokat a többdimenziós faktoranalízis módszerével feldolgozva arra az eredményre jutottunk, hogy Lengyelország, Észtország és Litvánia hármasa tekinthető az agrárcsatlakozás abszolút nyertesének, míg a többi új tagállam nem volt képes teljes mértékben kihasználni a csatlakozás adta lehetőségeket. Az eredményekből az is látható, hogy a magas hozzáadott értékű termékekre való szakosodás jó stratégiának bizonyult, mert gyorsabb fejlődést biztosított, mint a mezőgazdasági alaptermékekre való koncentrálás. ____ The period of over ten years since the 2004 round of EU accessions provides a good opportunity to assess and take stock of agricultural developments in the new member- States, in light of the latest available data. The paper sets out to assess their agricultural performances and to identify the winners and losers by accession in this regard. Ranking individual country performances using Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) suggests that Poland, Estonia and Lithuania can be considered as winners, whereas the other countries failed to use the potentials of membership to the full. The results also suggest that focusing on agri-food products with a high added value proved a good development strategy for the sector. Countries that concentrated on producing agri-food raw materials lagged behind.


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In the fall of 2005, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) contracted with Florida International University (FIU) to study the physical and biological drivers underlying the distribution of woody plant species in the marl prairie habitat of the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (CSSS). This report presents what we have learned about woody plant encroachment based on studies carried out during the period 2006-2008. The freshwater marl prairie habitat currently occupied by the Cape Sable seaside sparrow (CSSS; Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) is a dynamic mosaic comprised of species-rich grassland communities and tree islands of various sizes, densities and compositions. Landscape heterogeneity and the scale of vegetative components across the marl prairie is primarily determined by hydrologic conditions, biological factors (e.g. dispersal and growth morphology), and disturbances such as fire. The woody component of the marl prairie landscape is subject to expansion through multiple positive feedback mechanisms, which may be initiated by recent land use change (e.g. drainage). Because sparrows are known to avoid areas where the woody component is too extensive, a better understanding of invasion dynamics is needed to ensure proper management.


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Connor was an Irish-born member of seventeenth-century English medical society who made an impact on medicine through his use of anatomy. This forward-thinking scientist also worked as a court physician for the Polish king John III Sobieski (1629- 1696) and published a history of that country. This thesis will examine Bernard Connor's 1698 publication The History of Poland to show that the Commonwealth was considered a vision of a progressive European parliamentary government that could serve as a model for a struggling English parliamentary government, thus supporting Larry Wolff and Maria Todorova's vision of the later eighteenth-century creation of the idea of a backward "eastern Europe."


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We reconstruct the latest Paleocene and early Eocene (~57-50 Ma) environmental trends in the Arctic Ocean and focus on the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) (~55 Ma), using strata recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302. The Lomonosov Ridge was still partially subaerial during the latest Paleocene and earliest Eocene and gradually subsided during the early Eocene. Organic dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages point to brackish and productive surface waters throughout the latest Paleocene and early Eocene. Dinocyst assemblages are cosmopolitan during this time interval, suggesting warm conditions, which is corroborated by TEX86'-reconstructed temperatures of 15°-18°C. Inorganic geochemistry generally reflects reducing conditions within the sediment and euxinic conditions during the upper lower Eocene. Spectral analysis reveals that the cyclicity, recorded in X-ray fluorescence scanning Fe data from close to Eocene thermal maximum 2 (~53 Ma, presence confirmed by dinocyst stratigraphy), is related to precession. Within the lower part of the PETM, proxy records indicate enhanced weathering, runoff, anoxia, and productivity along with sea level rise. On the basis of total organic carbon content and variations in sediment accumulation rates, excess organic carbon burial in the Arctic Ocean appears to have contributed significantly to the sequestration of injected carbon during the PETM.


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A high input of lithogenic sediment from glaciers was assumed to be responsible for high Fe and Mn contents in the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica at King George Island. Indeed, withdrawal experiments indicated a strong influence of environmental Fe concentrations on Fe contents in bivalve hemolymph, but no significant differences in hemolymph and tissue concentrations were found among two sites of high and lower input of lithogenic debris. Comparing Fe and Mn concentrations of porewater, bottom water, and hemolymph from sampling sites, Mn appears to be assimilated as dissolved species, whereas Fe apparently precipitates as ferrihydrite within the oxic sediment or bottom water layer prior to assimilation by the bivalve. Hence, we attribute the high variability of Fe and Mn accumulation in tissues of L. elliptica around Antarctica to differences in the geochemical environment of the sediment and the resulting Fe and Mn flux across the benthic boundary.


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Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic minerals. From the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris and published data on petrographic tracers for iceberg drift, we reconstructed a counter-clockwise iceberg drift pattern during cooler phases in the Holocene, which is similar to conceptual and numerical models for Weichselian iceberg drift. The release of basaltic debris at Scoresby Sund played a significant role for the magnetic signature of stadial/interstadial events during isotope stage 3 recorded in sediment cores of the Nordic Seas.


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One of the earliest examples of works printed by Richard Pynson, the King's Printer between 1508 and 1530, to make reference to the fact that the work in question was printed under the protection of the King. The royal printing privilege provided one of two different models for preventing the unauthorised reproduction of works after publication which prefigured the introduction of statutory copyright in the early eighteenth century.The commentary describes the early attitudes of the monarchy towards the regulation of the printing trade within England, and the exercise of the royal prerogative in granting printing privileges not just to the royal printer, but to other favoured subjects both in relation to individual works as well as to entire classes of work (with the latter more often referred to as printing patents).


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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“Faithful Genres” examines how African Americans adapted the genres of the black church during the civil rights movement. Civil rights mass meetings, as the movement’s so-called “energy machine” and “heartbeat,” serve as the project’s central site of inquiry for these meetings were themselves adaptations of the genre of the black church service. The mass meetings served as the space to draw people into the movement, encourage people toward further activism, and testify to anyone watching that the African American community was working toward desegregation, voting rights, and racial equality. In Martin Luther King, Jr.’s words, “Through these meetings we were able to generate the power and depth which finally galvanized the entire Negro community.” In these weekly or sometimes even nightly meetings, participants inhabited the familiar genres of the black church, song, prayer, and testimony. As they did, they remade these genres to respond directly to white supremacy and to enact the changes they sought to create. While scholars have studied the speeches men and women such as King, Ralph Abernathy, and Fannie Lou Hamer delivered at meetings (Wilson; Selby; Holmes; Brooks), scholars have yet to examine how civil rights mass meetings functioned through a range of genres and rhetors. My study addresses this absence and invigorates this discussion to demonstrate how the other meeting genres beyond the speech—song, prayer, and testimony—functioned to create energy, sustenance, and motivation for activists. Examining these collectively enacted genres, I show how rhetors adapted song, prayer, and testimony toward strategic interventions. I also examine how activists took these same genres up outside the meetings to circulate them in broader contexts for new audiences. By recovering and defining the mass meeting as a flexible repertoire of genres and then examining the redeployment of meeting genres outside the meeting, “Faithful Genres” contributes to histories of civil rights and African American rhetorics, genre studies, and histories of religious rhetorics.


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Shrinkage porosity as a volume change related casting defect in lamellar cast iron was reported in theliterature to form during solidification in connection to the dendrite coherency. The present work includesan experimental study on dendrite coherency – also called columnar-to-equiaxed transition in lamellar castiron using thermal analysis and expansion force measurements. Investigation was carried out in order tostudy the mechanism of dendrite coherency formation. Cylindrical test bars were cast from the same alloywith different pouring temperature, amount of inoculant and time between the addition of inoculant andstart of pouring the samples. Cooling rate and expansion force was recorded as a function of time. Anumerical algorithm based on temperature differences measured under solidification was used to inter-pret the solidification process. Three different methods have been compared to determine the columnarto equiaxed transition. The compared methods were based on registered temperature differences, basedon registered expansion forces during the volume change of the solidifying samples and based on the cal-culated released latent heat of crystallization. The obtained results indicate a considerable influence on theformation and progress of coherency due to variation of casting parameters. It has been shown that thecoherency is not a single event at a defined time moment rather a process progressing during a timeinterval.


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The First Decade of the Charleston Library Society by Anne King Gregorie Chinese Exclusion Acts, 1880-1904 by Ruth Boyd – Newberry High School The Germans and the German-Swiss in South Carolina, 1732-1765: Their Contribution to the Province by Gilbert P. Voigt – Wittenberg College Some Unexploited Fields in South Carolina History by D. D. Wallace – Wofford College