918 resultados para Assessment design


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Part 16: Performance Measurement Systems


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Design, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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There is an increasing concern to reduce the cost and overheads during the development of reliable systems. Selective protection of most critical parts of the systems represents a viable solution to obtain a high level of reliability at a fraction of the cost. In particular to design a selective fault mitigation strategy for processor-based systems, it is mandatory to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable registers in the register file as best candidates to be protected (hardened). This paper presents an application-based metric to estimate the criticality of each register from the microprocessor register file in microprocessor-based systems. The proposed metric relies on the combination of three different criteria based on common features of executed applications. The applicability and accuracy of our proposal have been evaluated in a set of applications running in different microprocessors. Results show a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previous approaches and regardless of the underlying architecture.


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Fundamental movement skills (FMS) competence is low in adolescent girls. An assessment tool for teachers is needed to monitor FMS in this demographic. The present study explored whether the Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment (CAMSA) is feasible for use by physical education (PE) teachers of Australian Year 7 girls in a school setting. Surveys, focus group interviews, and direct observation of 18 specialist PE teachers investigated teachers’ perceptions of this tool. Results indicated that the CAMSA was usable in a real-world school setting and was considered a promising means to assess FMS in Year 7 girls. However, future iterations may require minor logistical alterations and further training for teachers on how to utilize the assessment data to enhance teaching practice. These considerations could be used to improve future design, application, and training of the CAMSA in school-based PE.


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Objective: Significant life events such as severe health status changes or intensive medical treatment often trigger response shifts in individuals that may hamper the comparison of measurements over time. Drawing from the Oort model, this study aims at detecting response shift at the item level in psychosomatic inpatients and evaluating its impact on the validity of comparing repeated measurements. Study design and setting: Complete pretest and posttest data were available from 1188 patients who had filled out the ICD-10 Symptom Rating (ISR) scale at admission and discharge, on average 24 days after intake. Reconceptualization, reprioritization, and recalibration response shifts were explored applying tests of measurement invariance. In the item-level approach, all model parameters were constrained to be equal between pretest and posttest. If non-invariance was detected, these were linked to the different types of response shift. Results: When constraining across-occasion model parameters, model fit worsened as indicated by a significant Satorra–Bentler Chi-square difference test suggesting potential presence of response shifts. A close examination revealed presence of two types of response shift, i.e., (non)uniform recalibration and both higher- and lower-level reconceptualization response shifts leading to four model adjustments. Conclusions: Our analyses suggest that psychosomatic inpatients experienced some response shifts during their hospital stay. According to the hierarchy of measurement invariance, however, only one of the detected non-invariances is critical for unbiased mean comparisons over time, which did not have a substantial impact on estimating change. Hence, the use of the ISR can be recommended for outcomes assessment in clinical routine, as change score estimates do not seem hampered by response shift effects.


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The significant effects of the building industry on the natural environment are well documented and improving the environmental performance of buildings is an on-going challenge. This is particularly the case for projects with restrictive budgets and timelines and because many existing environmental assessment tools are designed to be used too late in the design process. The use of tools during the early design stages may assist in achieving greater improvements in a building’s environmental performance. However, user-friendly tools with the ability to comprehensively compare environmental information between various building assemblies and materials, which can be easily adopted during the early design stages of a project, are not readily available. This paper presents the progress to date in developing a tool which supports building designers in identifying and selecting preferred building assemblies with the aim of minimising a building’s life cycle energy demand. The tool is based on comprehensive energy performance data for a broad range of building assemblies across all Australian climate zones. Allowing for adjustments to a set of pre-defined and user-defined assemblies the designer is able to see how assemblies perform in relation to each other. This provides valuable information to support decision-making relating to minimising the life cycle energy demand of buildings.


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Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) are popular in both industrial and domestic applications because of its high efficiency, power density, and reliability as compared with the conventional types of electrical machines. Generally, the analytical models and their field solutions are preferable to provide an accurate insight of the PMSM performances, instead of using the finite element models, because the former takes a considerably shorter computational time. PMSM design could have different properties of either slotted or slotless, or varieties of magnet placement on the rotor. By focusing on semi-closed surface-mounted PMSMs, the 2D analytical subdomain model in [1] demonstrates an accurate prediction of the magnetic fields that can facilitate the evaluation of the global quantities of PMSMs, such as cogging torque (Tcog), back-EMF, and total harmonic distortion (THDv). Previously, researchers investigated the influences of the machine performance by a single factor, e.g., the variation of Tcog during changes of magnet pole-arc (αP) [2, 3], or slot-opening [2, 3]. These investigations normally considered two types of magnetization patterns, i.e., parallel (PaM) and radial magnetization (RM). Therefore, the motivation of our work hinges on predicting the optimum value of αP in designing a surface-mounted PMSM under influence of four different magnetization patterns, using the analytical subdomain model.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the new evidence-informed nursing assessment framework HIRAID (History, Identify Red flags, Assessment, Interventions, Diagnostics, reassessment and communication) on the quality of patient assessment and fundamental nontechnical skills including communication, decision making, task management and situational awareness. BACKGROUND: Assessment is a core component of nursing practice and underpins clinical decisions and the safe delivery of patient care. Yet there is no universal or validated system used to teach emergency nurses how to comprehensively assess and care for patients. DESIGN: A pre-post design was used. METHODS: The performance of thirty eight emergency nurses from five Australian hospitals was evaluated before and after undertaking education in the application of the HIRAID assessment framework. Video recordings of participant performance in immersive simulations of common presentations to the emergency department were evaluated, as well as participant documentation during the simulations. Paired parametric and nonparametric tests were used to compare changes from pre to postintervention. RESULTS: From pre to postintervention, participant performance increases were observed in the percentage of patient history elements collected, critical indicators of urgency collected and reported to medical officers, and patient reassessments performed. Participants also demonstrated improvement in each of the four nontechnical skills categories: communication, decision making, task management and situational awareness. CONCLUSION: The HIRAID assessment framework improves clinical patient assessments performed by emergency nurses and has the potential to enhance patient care. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: HIRAID should be considered for integration into clinical practice to provide nurses with a systematic approach to patient assessment and potentially improve the delivery of safe patient care.


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Due to high demand in engineering materials especially with high strength to weight ratio and advantageous material properties such as wear resistance and thermal stability or high entropy. This essential parametric enhancement has led to the development of Multi Component High Entropy Alloys (MCHEA). It has been proposed in this study to investigate the machinability characteristics of MCHEA. The MCHEA are usually amalgamation with multiple elements such as aluminium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, chromium and titanium with their individual concentrations ranging from 5-35% overall. The experimental design consists of basic characterization of the material and conducting machinability trails-milling. The basic material characterization consists of evaluating bulk hardness, microstructural image generation, microhardness and chemical composition using spectrometry. The milling trails are conducted using 2 flute, 30º helix ball nose solid carbide end-mill cutting tool with combination of cutting parameters such as constant cutting speed, 30 m/min; varied feed, 0.01 mm/tooth and 0.02mm/tooth; depth of cuts, 1.5 and 3 mm and coolant on. The outputs obtained from the machining trails are subjected to analysis such as cutting force. In addition, the surface roughness of the material is evaluated using 3D optical surface profilometer. Similarly, the solutions to alleviate the drawbacks are also exemplified during machining of MCHEA.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To assess a dialysis nurse practitioner (NP) model of care by examining satisfaction, quality of life (QOL) and clinical outcomes of haemodialysis patients and explore experiences of dialysis nurses.

DESIGN: Mixed methods.

METHODS: Database analyses of dialysis indices amongst a sample (n = 45) of haemodialysis patients; a survey (n = 27) examining patient experience, satisfaction and QOL; and in-depth interviews with a sample (n = 10) of nurses.

RESULTS: Nurses commended the NP role, with five themes emerging: "managing and co-ordinating", "streamlining and alleviating", "developing capability", "supporting innovation and quality" and "connecting rurally". Patients' average age was 66 years and 71% were male. Patients' satisfaction with the care they received was rated 3.5/4 or higher across seven parameters and the average QOL score was 7.9/10.

CONCLUSION: The NP model of care is effective in enhancing patient care within a collaborative framework. The challenge is to sustain, and enhance the model, through mentorship programs for potential candidates.


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Open learner models provide a way of showing teachers and students the learning progress of a student against expectations. Creating an effective interface to present a learner model is an important part in open learner modeling. Usefulness of the learner model relies on using a clear andeffective representation format to facilitate users’understanding of the information presented. In this paper, wepropose a range of open learner model representation formatsto display students’ learning task status and achievement interms of learning outcomes. We investigate different types ofrepresentation formats and data useful for users to inspect thelearner model. An interface design prototype has been built toprovide potential users with an evaluation platform thatenables investigation of these aspects. The results obtained willallow us to develop a more effective new open learner modelvisualisation tool.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a self-report measure of perceived and experienced stigma for use with adults with type 2 diabetes: the Type 2 Diabetes Stigma Assessment Scale (DSAS-2). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: An item pool was drafted based on qualitative data from 25 adults with type 2 diabetes and content from other health-related stigma questionnaires. Thirteen adults with type 2 diabetes completed 57 draft diabetes stigma items and participated in cognitive debriefing interviews. Based on participant feedback, the pool was reduced to 48 items with a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree). A total of 1,064 adults with type 2 diabetes completed a survey including these 48 items and other validated measures. Data were subject to principal components analysis and Spearman ρ correlations. RESULTS: The scale was reduced to 19 items, with an unforced three-factor solution indicative of three subscales: Treated Differently (6 items, α = 0.88), Blame and Judgment (7 items, α = 0.90), and Self-stigma (6 items, α = 0.90). A forced one-factor solution supported the calculation of a total score (α = 0.95). Satisfactory concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity were demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The 19-item DSAS-2 is a reliable and valid measure of type 2 diabetes stigma. A rigorous design and validation process has resulted in a relatively brief measure of perceived and experienced stigma in type 2 diabetes. The novel scale has satisfactory psychometric properties and is now available to facilitate much-needed research in this field.


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The project goal was to determine plant operations and maintenance worker’s level of exposure to mercury during routine and non-routine (i.e. turnarounds and inspections) maintenance events in eight gas processing plants. The project team prepared sampling and analysis plans designed to each plant’s process design and scheduled maintenance events. Occupational exposure sampling and monitoring efforts were focused on the measurement of mercury vapor concentration in worker breathing zone air during specific maintenance events including: pipe scrapping, process filter replacement, and process vessel inspection. Similar exposure groups were identified and worker breathing zone and ambient air samples were collected and analyzed for total mercury. Occupational exposure measurement techniques included portable field monitoring instruments, standard passive and active monitoring methods and an emerging passive absorption technology. Process sampling campaigns were focused on inlet gas streams, mercury removal unit outlets, treated gas, acid gas and sales gas. The results were used to identify process areas with increased potential for mercury exposure during maintenance events. Sampling methods used for the determination of total mercury in gas phase streams were based on the USEPA Methods 30B and EPA 1631 and EPA 1669. The results of four six-week long sampling campaigns have been evaluated and some conclusions and recommendations have been made. The author’s role in this project included the direction of all field phases of the project and the development and implementation of the sampling strategy. Additionally, the author participated in the development and implementation of the Quality Assurance Project Plan, Data Quality Objectives, and Similar Exposure Groups identification. All field generated data was reviewed by the author along with laboratory reports in order to generate conclusions and recommendations.


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Multiple indices of biotic integrity and biological condition gradient models have been developed and validated to assess ecological integrity in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region. With multiple groups such as Tribal, Federal, and State agencies as well as scientists and local watershed management or river-focused volunteer groups collecting data for bioassessment it is important that we determine the comparability of data and the effectiveness of indices applied to these data for assessment of natural systems. We evaluated the applicability of macroinvertebrate and fish community indices for assessing site integrity. Site quality (i.e., habitat condition) could be classified differently depending on which index was applied. This highlights the need to better understand the metrics driving index variation as well as reference conditions for effective communication and use of indices of biotic integrity in the Upper Midwest. We found the macroinvertebrate benthic community index for the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion and a coldwater fish index of biotic integrity for the Upper Midwest were most appropriate for use in the Big Manistee River watershed based on replicate sampling, ability to track trends over time and overall performance. We evaluated three sites where improper road stream crossings (culverts) were improved by replacing them with modern full-span structures using the most appropriate fish and macroinvertebrate IBIs. We used a before-after-control-impact paired series analytical design and found mixed results, with evidence of improvement in biotic integrity based on macroinvertebrate indices at some of the sites while most sites indicated no response in index score. Culvert replacements are often developed based on the potential, or the perception, that they will restore ecological integrity. As restoration practitioners, researchers and managers, we need to be transparent in our goals and objectives and monitor for those results specifically. The results of this research serve as an important model for the broader field of ecosystem restoration and support the argument that while biotic communities can respond to actions undertaken with the goal of overall restoration, practitioners should be realistic in their expectations and claims of predicted benefit, and then effectively evaluate the true impacts of the restoration activities.