966 resultados para Asbestos dust
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a deposição de óxido de alumínio no campo operatório do cirurgião-dentista durante a utilização do sistema de abrasão a ar em consultório odontológico, bem como a efetividade da sucção de alta potência na captação desse pó. Por meio de um dispositivo para a coleta das partículas nos locais correspondentes às posições e distâncias de trabalho do profissional, dentes artificiais foram abrasionados. O sistema de sucção empregado para aspiração das partículas foi o de alta potência com sugador de saliva convencional e sugador com abertura ampliada por funil. A mensuração das partículas foi determinada pela quantidade em massa de óxido de alumínio depositada em placas de Petri. Os resultados obtidos por meio de estatística descritiva gráfica revelaram que a maior quantidade de pó se encontrava a 20 cm do operador e na posição de trabalho 9h, quando foi utilizado o sugador de saliva convencional. Uma vez comprovado que a sucção não é totalmente eficiente na aspiração do pó de óxido de alumínio, reforça-se a importância da proteção individual apropriada para o emprego seguro do sistema de abrasão a ar para pacientes e, principalmente, para os profissionais que trabalham com este tipo de tecnologia.
OBJETIVO: Observar a ocorrência de amebas de vida livre dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria em amostras de poeira coletadas em hospitais. MÉTODOS: Foram coletadas 132 amostras de poeira em dois hospitais do município de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. Os locais da coleta foram: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Centro Cirúrgico, Isolamento de Moléstias Infecciosas, Berçário, Emergência e Cozinha. As amostras foram semeadas em três meios de cultura: meio de ágar não nutriente com Escherichia coli, meio de ágar infusão de soja e microcultivo em meio de Pavlova modificado por Giazzi. As amebas isoladas foram identificadas segundo critérios morfológicos. RESULTADOS: O índice geral de positividade para amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria, foi de 45,5%, sendo positivas 41,6% das amostras de poeira coletadas no hospital universitário e 50% no hospital estadual. Obtiveram-se 45,5% de positividade do gênero Acanthamoeba e 3,8% para amebas do gênero Naegleria. CONCLUSÕES: As amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, estavam presentes em todos os ambientes estudados dos dois hospitais, sendo que as espécies do gênero Acanthamoeba foram as isoladas com maior freqüência.
Na região de Rio Claro (SP), localiza-se o Pólo Cerâmico de Santa Gertrudes, responsável por cerca de 50% da produção nacional de revestimentos. Durante o beneficiamento da argila e preparação da massa, cerca de 2 a 3% argila fina é colocada em suspensão no ar, sendo quase toda retida nos filtros de manga. Esse material fino, por problemas de homogeneização ou tecnológico, representa perda de material e se constitui em um potencial agente de contaminação do ar e da água, necessitando ser armazenado. A presente pesquisa buscou viabilizar o aproveitamento do pó retido nos filtros, no próprio processo, através da granulação da massa por aspersão de barbotina preparada com o pó. Investigaram-se a composição ideal da barbotina e a influência dessa metodologia no produto final, comparando a massa granulada por aspersão com a massa-padrão.
Historicamente a convivência entre a mineração e a população sempre foi problemática, com prejuízos enormes para esta última, que, por problemas da falta de moradia, tem de conviver com a degradação do meio ambiente ao seu redor, como a poluição através da poeira, ruído e vibração. Esse trabalho, com dados coletados na mina subterrânea de carvão Trevo, na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina, coloca em evidência a necessidade da integração Empresa x Comunidade, no sentido da melhoria das técnicas de mineração e do meio ambiente, visando a uma convivência pacífica e tendo como um dos seus principais resultados alertar e despertar a consciência da Empresa ante aos reclamos da comunidade, demonstrando-se com dados, o perigo decorrente do planejamento de uma lavra sem levar em conta as habitações em superfície.
Two cases treated for hypertrophy of the frontal sinus are presented. In both patients, the excised frontal bone was inverted, and the resultant cavity was filled with either bone dust from the parietal region or Medpor. The first patient is shown with an excellent result after a follow-up period of 16 years. The second patient, who also achieved an excellent result, is presented after a follow-up period of 5 years. Using Medpor instead of bone dust resulted in the advantage that the operation could be performed with the patient under local anesthesia with sedation and prevention of an additional donor site. The use of Medpor has certain advantages over the use of hydroxyapatite, not least of which is its significant lower cost.
In the present work we numerically simulated the motion of particles coorbital to a small satellite under the Poynting-Robertson light drag effect in order to verify the symmetry suggested by Dermott et al. (1979, 1980) on their ring confinement model. The results reveal a more complex scenario, especially for very small particles (micrometer sizes), which present chaotic motion. Despite the complexity of the trajectories the particles remain confined inside the coorbital region. However, the dissipative force caused by the solar radiation also includes the radiation pressure component which can change this configuration. Our results show that the inclusion of the radiation pressure, which is not present in the original confinement model, can destroy the configuration in a time much shorter than the survival time predicted for a dust particle in a horseshoe orbit with a satellite.
Since the Voyager flybys, embedded moonlets have been proposed to explain some of the surprising structures observed in Saturn's narrow F ring. Experiments conducted with the Cassini spacecraft support this suggestion. Images of the F ring show bright compact spots, and seven occultations of stars by the F ring, monitored by ultraviolet and infrared experiments, revealed nine events of high optical depth. These results point to a large number of such objects, but it is not clear whether they are solid moonlets or rather loose particle aggregates. Subsequent images suggested an irregular motion of these objects so that a determination of their orbits consistent with the F ring failed. Some of these features seem to cross the whole ring. Here we show that these observations are explained by chaos in the F ring driven mainly by the 'shepherd' moons Prometheus and Pandora. It is characterized by a rather short Lyapunov time of about a few hundred orbital periods. Despite this chaotic diffusion, more than 93 per cent of the F-ring bodies remain confined within the F ring because of the shepherding, but also because of a weak radial mobility contrasted by an effective longitudinal diffusion. This chaotic stirring of all bodies involved prevents the formation of 'propellers' typical of moonlets, but their frequent ring crossings explain the multiple radial 'streaks' seen in the F ring. The related 'thermal' motion causes more frequent collisions between all bodies which steadily replenish F-ring dust and allow for ongoing fragmentation and re-accretion processes (ring recycling).
The system formed by the F ring and two close satellites, Prometheus and Pandora, has been analysed since the time that Voyager visited the planet Saturn. During the ring plane crossing in 1995 the satellites were found in different positions as predicted by the Voyager data. Besides the mutual effects of Prometheus and Pandora, they are also disturbed by a massive F ring. Showalter et al. [Icarus 100 (1992) 394] proposed that, the core of the ring has a mass which corresponds to a moonlet varying in size from 15 to 70 kin in radius which can prevent the ring from spreading due to dissipative forces, such as Poynting-Robertson drag and collisions. We have divided this work into two parts. Firstly we analysed the secular interactions between Prometheus-Pandora and a massive F ring using the secular theory. Our results show the variation in eccentricity and inclination of the satellites and the F ring taking into account a massive ring corresponding to a moonlet of different sizes. There is also a population of dust particles in the ring in the company of moonlets at different sizes [Icarus 109 (1997) 304]. We also analysed the behaviour of these particles under the effects of the Poynting-Robertson drag and radiation pressure. Our results show that the time scale proposed for a dust particle to leave the ring is much shorter than predicted before even in the presence of a coorbital moonlet. This result does not agree with the confinement model proposed by Dermott et al. [Nature 284 (1980) 309]. In 2004, Cassini mission will perform repeated observations of the whole system, including observations of the satellites and the F ring environment. These data will help us to better understand this system. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Carotenoids are natural pigments which are synthesized by plants and are responsible for the bright colors of various fruits and vegetables. There are several dozen carotenoids in the foods that we eat, and most of these carotenoids have antioxidant activity. beta-carotene has been best studied since, in most countries it is the most common carotenoid in fruits and vegetables. However, in the U.S., lycopene from tomatoes now is consumed in approximately the same amount as beta-carotene. Antioxidants (including carotenoids) have been studied for their ability to prevent chronic disease, beta-carotene and others carotenoids have antioxidant properties in vitro and in animal models. Mixtures of carotenoids or associations with others antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E) can increase their activity against free radicals. The use of animals models for studying carotenoids is limited since most of the animals do not absorb or metabolize carotenoids similarly to humans.Epidemiologic studies have shown an inverse relationship between presence of various cancers and dietary carotenoids or blood carotenoid levels. However, three out of four intervention trials using high dose beta-carotene supplements did not show protective effects against cancer or cardiovascular disease. Rather, the high risk population (smokers and asbestos workers) in these intervention trials showed an increase in cancer and angina cases. It appears that carotenoids (including beta-carotene) can promote health when taken at dietary levels, but may have adverse effects when taken in high dose by subjects who smoke or who have been exposed to asbestos. It will be the task of ongoing and future studies to define the populations that can benefit from carotenoids and to define the proper doses, lengths of treatment, and whether mixtures, lather than single carotenoids (e.g. beta-carotene) are more advantageous.
The high precision attained by cosmological data in the last few years has increased the interest in exact solutions. Analytic expressions for solutions in the Standard Model are presented here for all combinations of Lambda = 0, Lambda not equal 0, kappa = 0, and kappa = 0, in the presence and absence of radiation and nonrelativistic matter. The most complete case (here called the Lambda gamma CDM Model) has Lambda not equal 0, kappa not equal 0, and supposes the presence of radiation and dust. It exhibits clearly the recent onset of acceleration. The treatment includes particular models of interest such as the Lambda CDM Model (which includes the cosmological constant plus cold dark matter as source constituents).
In Tropical regions, the animal performance is often affected by climate conditions. This study aimed to evaluate covering materials in individual shelters, normally used to house dairy calves, and its influence on the calves physiology and performance. The design used was completely randomized, with a 2x3 factorial arrangement to compare the averages of 5% through the Tukey's test, i.e., both genders-and three types of covering in the shelters (Z - zinc; AC - asbestos cement; and WPAC - white-painted asbestos cement). Parameters evaluated included daily weight gain (DWG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed conversion (FC), rectal temperature (RT), and respiratory frequency (RF). Results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among males (1.04kg/day) and females (0.74kg/day) for DWG and interaction between gender and treatment (P < 0.05) for zinc covering (0.562kg/day for females and 1.120kg/day for males). Significant differences were also observed in FI of animals housed under shelters with the covering of zinc (48.35kgDM/day for females and 96.91 kgDM/day for males). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the FC and the RT, and there were significant differences (P < 0.05) for RF in the Z treatments (56.9 mov.min(-1)), WPAC (62.2 mov.min(-1)) and FC (70.25 mov.min-1). It was concluded that different covering materials did not affect performance and dry matter intake of dairy calves. However, the animals' physiology of thermoregulation was altered by the different covering materials used in individual shelters.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)