949 resultados para Areia Argilosa


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The quality and efficiency in straw cutting are determinants in the sowing process, according to the occurrence of "tamp" and stops, the magnitude of the straw removal or even the known effects of the seed "envelopment" where the cutting mechanism can not cut the remaining straw. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of different mechanisms for straw cutting of a seeder individualized in different amounts of crop coverage artificially added in a clay soil. The experiment was conducted at Unesp – Sao Paulo State University in the Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the College of Agricultural Sciences - Unesp, Botucatu. The experimental design was split plot with four replications, with main plots consisting of five quantities of black oat straw, in area with no-tillage system and subplots of three opening furrows mechanisms, which are: plane disk (PD), corrugated disk (CD) and wavy disk (WD). The wavy disk provided greater rolling resistance, reducing the speed of the set (tractor and equipment). The plane cutting disk showed the highest values of mobilized soil area, deeper penetration into the soil, requiring lower values of vertical force and higher values of lateral force. Regarding the type of waste and doses used, they offered no resistance to cutting and there was no change in the horizontal force on straw.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The land use conservation planning requires knowledge of the soil characteristics, natural susceptibility to erosion and the soil loss limit. In this context, the objectives of this study were to perform a detailed soil survey of Ribeirão das Perobas watershed, located in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo State and to determine and map the erodibility and soil loss tolerance of the soil classes found in the survey. The following techniques were used to perform the detailed soil survey: photopedology, field sampling, physical analysis, chemical analysis, and morphological description of the soil samples and profiles. The erodibility was determined by the methods described by Denardin (1990) and Mannigel et al. (2002), and the determination of soil loss tolerance followed the methodology of Mannigel et al. (2002). The results of erodibility determined by the methodology of Denardin (1990) were not discrepant and they did not distinguish soils that are known to have different susceptibility to erosion., w\Whereas, using the methodology of Mannigel et al. (2002), very high or very low erodibility values were observed in soils with extreme contents of sand silt or clay. The most influent variable to the soil loss tolerance results was the correction factor for the textural gradient of clay between soil horizons.


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The electrical measures of the soil have been used as variables that correlate with its characteristics. This study aimed at developing an electrical capacitance sensor of low cost, to evaluate its performance on the field and verify the correlation between the measurements of electrical capacitance with physical properties (sand, silt and clay) and chemical properties of soil (pH, MO, P resin, H + Al, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CTC and V%) and the moisture content. The data sampling was performed at the farm named "Capão da Onça" which belongs to the State University of Ponta Grossa. The samples collection was conducted in an area of approximately 13 hectares, totalizing 81 samples. In each sampling the electrical capacitance of the soil was measured. After the sensor withdrawal, soil samples were collected and sent to be analysed in the laboratory of the College of Agronomics Science of the Paulista State University. The measuring instrument used to collect data on electric capacitance of the soil a digital multimeter was used. The data were submitted to the analysis of correlation and regression. The developed system presented a low cost and it was capable to measuring variation of the electrical capacitance of the soil. The obtained measures satisfactorily correlated with the levels of clay and sand, and weakly with the moisture content. This had demonstrated the possibility to use a sensor to verify the soil texture in not homogeneous areas. The measures of the electrical capacitance of the soil obtained by the sensor had significantly correlated with the soil attributes: calcium, magnesium, pH, SB and CTC. These results had demonstrated the possibility to use a sensor for soil fertility control.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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O solo desempenha importante papel no ciclo do C, porém a substituição da floresta tropical por áreas cultivadas altera a dinâmica e o estoque desse elemento. Em uma frente pioneira de colonização no município de Itupiranga (PA), na Amazônia Oriental, foi desenvolvido este estudo com o objetivo de avaliar as consequências da substituição de floresta nativa por pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha no conteúdo de C de um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em área de floresta nativa (FN), floresta secundária de 8–10 anos (FS), pastagens de 1–2 anos (P1-2), de 5–7 anos (P5–7) e de 10–12 anos (P10–12), nas camadas de 0–2, 2–5 e 5–10 cm, para avaliar os teores e o estoque de C e realizar um fracionamento granulométrico da matéria orgânica. Após o desmatamento, a densidade do solo aumentou até a profundidade de 5 cm, sendo esse aumento maior nas pastagens mais antigas. As maiores mudanças no conteúdo de C ocorreram na camada superior do solo, havendo aumento nesse conteúdo com o tempo de implantação das pastagens. Nas camadas de 2–5 e 5–10 cm, o conteúdo de C se mostrou estável entre os tipos de cobertura vegetal avaliados. As maiores concentrações de C foram encontradas na fração silte, mas os maiores conteúdos de C ocorreram na fração argila, independentemente do tipo de cobertura vegetal. Um aumento da quantidade de C associado à fração areia, na forma de resíduos orgânicos pouco decompostos, foi observado nas pastagens, confirmando a maior sensibilidade dessa fração às mudanças de uso do solo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o tratamento de água bruta proveniente de um reservatório de água, utilizando instalação piloto de dupla filtração (DF), composta por filtro ascendente de pedregulho (FAP) e filtro rápido descendente de areia (FRD), seguida de uma unidade de pós-tratamento com carvão ativado granular (CAG). Adicionalmente, foi verificado o efeito da pré e interoxidação (entre o FAP e o FRD) na eficiência global do tratamento e na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados (SOH). Em função dos resultados obtidos, foi observado que a pré-oxidação melhorou a qualidade do efluente do FAP e a interoxidação favoreceu que resultassem valores menores de turbidez e cor no efluente do FRD. O processo de tratamento por adsorção em carvão ativado granular, utilizado como pós-tratamento, mostrou-se eficiente para assegurar a qualidade dos efluentes finais nos ensaios realizados, especialmente, em relação à remoção de matéria orgânica, cianobactérias e cor. As concentrações máximas de SOH encontrados nos efluentes do FRD e do FCAG não ultrapassaram os valores limites da Portaria nº 2.914/2011 do Ministério da Saúde.


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The adoption of no-till system (NTS) combined with crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been a strategy promoted in Brazil, aiming to maximize areas yield and increase agribusiness profitability. This study aimed to evaluate grains yield and phytotechnical attributes from maize and soybean culture by CLI system under NTS after winter annual pure and diversified pastures with the absence or presence of grazing animals. The experiment was installed in Castro (Parana State, Brazil) on in a dystrophic Humic Rhodic Hapludox with a clay texture, using experimental design of randomized complete blocks in 4 x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. Treatments included four pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) subjected or not to grazing animals during the winter. During 2008/09 and 2009/10 summers, the area was cultivated with soybeans and maize, respectively, with yield assessment of grains and phytotechnical attributes. Treatments did not alter the yield and weight of a thousand seeds (WTS) of soybeans. In maize culture, the grazing animal during the winter increased the plant population and grains yield, but gave slight decrease in WTS. Pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) did not interfere in soybean culture, but benefited the maize crop.


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Among the soils in the Mato Grosso do Sul, stand out in the Pantanal biome, the Spodosols. Despite being recorded in considerable extensions, few studies aiming to characterize and classify these soils were performed. The purpose of this study was to characterize and classify soils in three areas of two physiographic types in the Taquari river basin: bay and flooded fields. Two trenches were opened in the bay area (P1 and P2) and two in the flooded field (P3 and P4). The third area (saline) with high sodium levels was sampled for further studies. In the soils in both areas the sand fraction was predominant and the texture from sand to sandy loam, with the main constituent quartz. In the bay area, the soil organic carbon in the surface layer (P1) was (OC) > 80 g kg(-1), being diagnosed as Histic epipedon. In the other profiles the surface horizons had low OC levels which, associated with other properties, classified them as Ochric epipedons. In the soils of the bay area (P1 and P2), the pH ranged from 5.0 to 7.5, associated with dominance of Ca2+ and Mg2+, with base saturation above 50 % in some horizons. In the flooded fields (P3 and P4) the soil pH ranged from 4.9 to 5.9, H+ contents were high in the surface horizons (0.8-10.5 cmol(c) kg(-1)), Ca2+ and Mg-2 contents ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 cmol(c) kg(-1) and base saturation was < 50 %. In the soils of the bay area (P1 and P2) iron was accumulated (extracted by dithionite - Fed) and OC in the spodic horizon; in the P3 and P4 soils only Fed was accumulated (in the subsurface layers). According to the criteria adopted by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification (SiBCS) at the subgroup level, the soils were classified as: P1: Organic Hydromorphic Ferrohumiluvic Spodosol. P2: Typical Orthic Ferrohumiluvic Spodosol. P3: Typical Hydromorphic Ferroluvic Spodosol. P4: Arenic Orthic Ferroluvic Spodosol.


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Os solos hidromórficos, comuns na Amazônia e no Pantanal, estão sujeitos à alternância natural de períodos de alagamento e secamento, que conduzem a uma formação e características diferenciadas. Estes solos guardam estreita relação com a natureza do material de origem e com os processos de deposição e sedimentação. O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar as características químicas, morfológicas e mineralógicas de três perfis de solos do Pantanal Norte Matogrossense (Planossolo, Plintossolo e Gleissolo), a fim de interpretar as relações entre suas propriedades e o ambiente em que foram formados. Os Planossolos e Gleissolos possuem maior fertilidade natural, evidenciada pelos valores expressivos de CTC (capacidade de troca de cátions) e saturação por bases. Os menores teores de Fe2O3 do Planossolo estão relacionados com a redução e remoção do Fe durante sua gênese A mineralogia da fração areia dos solos é constituída principalmente de quartzo, nódulos e concreções de Fe e de Mn, e em menor grau, biotita, muscovita e traços de turmalina, magnetita, ilmenita, epídoto, zircão e rutilo. Os solos apresentaram perfil mineralógico semelhante na fração argila, constituído por caulinita, esmectita, ilita e interestratificados do tipo ilita-esmectita. A mineralogia da fração argila dos solos foi compatível com as diferenças químicas constatadas entre eles, pois o Planossolo apresentou argila de maior atividade relativa às esmectitas e interestratificados ilita/esmectita, com maior soma de bases trocáveis e CTC, enquanto o Plintossolo e o Gleissolo, cujo mineral predominante foi a caulinita, apresentaram baixo teor de bases trocáveis e menor CTC.