896 resultados para Animal sounds


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Well being of animals had been historically a public concern, since the beginning of human kind history. As world's population grows there is a need for food including meat. In the last decades there has been a great improvement in poultry production based on the careful control of several aspects, among which nutrition and management (environment, health and rearing systems). Nowadays, the search for good welfare conditions is a global tendency in animal production; however issues surrounding farm animal welfare or well-being, such as definitions, measurements, interpretation, and perception, continue to be controversial. It is known that the result of a broiler not adequately housed is a direct loss in production which leads towards a thought that health, welfare and productivity are intimately connected. In the other hand hints are found in the observation of behavioral responses as well as vocalization, which may provide more precise assessment to welfare. This has been possible due to the use of information technology applied to the field of ethology as well as the multidisciplinary view of the problem. This text provides a review on broiler's welfare issues since its definition to several way of trying to assess it adequately.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord that is mediated by CD4+ T lymphocytes specific to myelin components. In this study we compared development of EAE in Lewis rats from two colonies, one kept in pathogen-free conditions (CEMIB colony) and the other (Botucatu colony) kept in a conventional animal facility. Female Lewis rats were immunized with 100 µl of an emulsion containing 50 µg of myelin, associated with incomplete Freund's adjuvant plus Mycobacterium butyricum. Animals were daily evaluated for clinical score and weight. CEMIB colony presented high EAE incidence with clinical scores that varied from three to four along with significant weight losses. A variable disease incidence was observed in the Botucatu colony with clinical scores not higher than one and no weight loss. Immunological and histopathological characteristics were also compared after 20 days of immunization. Significant amounts of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were induced by myelin in cultures from CEMIB animals but not from the Botucatu colony. Significantly higher levels of anti-myelin IgG1 were detected in the CEMIB colony. Clear histopathological differences were also found. Cervical spinal cord sections from CEMIB animals showed typical perivascular inflammatory foci whereas samples from the Botucatu colony showed a scanty inflammatory infiltration. Helminths were found in animals from Botucatu colony but not, as expected, in the CEMIB pathogen-free animals. As the animals maintained in a conventional animal facility developed a very discrete clinical, and histopathological EAE in comparison to the rats kept in pathogen-free conditions, we believe that environmental factors such as intestinal parasites could underlie this resistance to EAE development, supporting the applicability of the hygiene hypothesis to EAE.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar a comparação das principais espécies de interesse agropecuário, em relação à eficiência de conversão das dietas em produtos de origem animal (carne ou ovo), produção de resíduo e potencial de emissão de metano, a partir da fermentação dos resíduos. Para isso, foram selecionadas cinco espécies de animais durante a fase de produção: 1) suínos, do nascimento ao abate (peso vivo (PV) final de 90 kg) ; 2) bovinos, do desmame ao abate (PV: 520 kg); 3) caprinos, do desmame ao abate (PV: 30 kg); 4) aves, durante toda a fase de postura (14,7 kg de ovos); 5) frango de corte, do nascimento ao abate (PV: 3,1 kg). Para a estimativa dos parâmetros propostos, foram medidos os dados do desempenho e efetuou-se a biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos produzidos pelos animais. de maneira geral, os dejetos dos ruminantes apresentaram altas concentrações de fibra e baixos potenciais de produção de biogás; no entanto, o menor desempenho destes animais na conversão do alimento em produto e a maior produção de dejetos fizeram com que eles apresentassem maiores produções de metano por kg de alimento produzido.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A utilização de funções matemáticas para descrever o crescimento animal é antiga. Elas permitem resumir informações em alguns pontos estratégicos do desenvolvimento ponderal e descrever a evolução do peso em função da idade do animal. Também é possível comparar taxas de crescimento de diferentes indivíduos em estados fisiológicos equivalentes. Os modelos de curvas de crescimento mais utilizados na avicultura são os derivados da função Richards, pois apresentam parâmetros que possibilitam interpretação biológica e portanto podem fornecer subsídios para seleção de uma determinada forma da curva de crescimento em aves. Também pode-se utilizar polinômios segmentados para descrever as mudanças de tendência da curva de crescimento animal. Entretanto, existem importantes fatores de variação para os parâmetros das curvas, como a espécie, o sistema de criação, o sexo e suas interações. A adequação dos modelos pode ser verificada pelos valores do coeficiente de determinação (R2), do quadrado médio do resíduo (QM res), do erro de predição médio (EPm), da facilidade de convergência dos dados e pela possibilidade de interpretação biológica dos parâmetros. Estudos envolvendo modelagem e descrição da curva de crescimento e seus componentes são amplamente discutidos na literatura. Porém, programas de seleção que visem a progressos genéticos para a forma da curva não são mencionados. A importância da avaliação dos parâmetros dos modelos de curvas de crescimento é ainda mais relevante já que os maiores ganhos genéticos para peso estão relacionados com seleção para pesos em idades próximas ao ponto de inflexão. A seleção para precocidade pode ser auxiliada com base nos parâmetros do modelo associados à variáveis que descrevem esta característica genética dos animais. Esses parâmetros estão relacionados a importantes características produtivas e reprodutivas e apresentam magnitudes diferentes, de acordo com a espécie, o sexo e o modelo utilizados na avaliação. Outra metodologia utilizada são os modelos de regressão aleatória, permitindo mudanças graduais nas covariâncias entre idades ao longo do tempo e predizendo variâncias e covariâncias em pontos contidos ao longo da trajetória estudada. A utilização de modelos de regressões aleatórias traz como vantagem a separação da variação da curva de crescimento fenotípica em seus diferentes efeitos genético aditivo e de ambiente permanente individual, mediante a determinação dos coeficientes de regressão aleatórios para esses diferentes efeitos. Além disto, não há necessidade de utilizar fatores de ajuste para a idade. Esta revisão teve por objetivos levantar os principais modelos matemáticos frequentistas utilizados no estudo de curvas de crescimento de aves, com maior ênfase nos empregados com a finalidade de estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos.


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We described a prophylactic and therapeutic effect of a DNA vaccine encoding the Mycobacterium leprae 65- kDa heat shock protein (DNA-hsp65) in experimental murine tuberculosis. However, high homology of the vaccine to the corresponding mammalian hsp60, together with the CpG motifs in the plasmidial vector, could trigger or exacerbate an autoimmune disease. In the present study, we evaluate the potential of DNA- hsp65 vaccination to induce or modulate arthritis in mice genetically selected for acute inflammatory reaction (AIR), either maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin). Mice immunized with DNA-hsp65 or injected with the corresponding DNA vector (DNAv) developed no arthritis, whereas pristane injection resulted in arthritis in 62% of AIRmax mice and 7.3% of AIRmin mice. Administered after pristane, DNA- hsp65 downregulated arthritis induction in AIRmax animals. Levels of interleukin (IL)- 12 were significantly lower in mice receiving pristane plus DNA- hsp65 or DNAv than in mice receiving pristane alone. However, when mice previously injected with pristane were inoculated with DNA- hsp65 or DNAv, the protective effect was significantly correlated with lower IL-6 and IL-12 levels and higher IL-10 levels. Our results strongly suggest that DNA-hsp65 has no arthritogenic potential and is actually protective against experimentally induced arthritis in mice.


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This paper examines the therapeutic possibilities offered by animal-based remedies in five Brazilian cities. Information was obtained through semi-structured questionnaires applied to 79 traders of medicinal animals at Sao Luis, Teresina, Joao Pessoa and Campina Grande (Northeastern) and Belem (Northern) Brazil. We recorded the use of 97 animal species as medicines, whose products were recommended for the treatment of 82 illnesses. The most frequently quoted treatments concerned the respiratory system (58 species; 407 use-citations), the osteomuscular system and conjunctive tissue (46 species; 384 use-citations), and the circulatory system (34 species; 124 use-citations). Mammals (27 species), followed by reptiles (24) and fishes (16) represented the bulk of medicinal species. In relation to users, 53% of the interviewees informed that zootherapeuticals resources were sought after by people from all social classes, while 47% stated that low income people were the main buyers. The notable use and commercialization of medicinal animals to alleviate and cure health problems and ailments in cities highlights the resilience of that resource in the folk medicine. Most remedies quoted by interviewees depend on wild-caught animals, including some species under official protection. Among other aspects, the harvesting of threatened species confers zootherapy a role in the discussions about biodiversity conservation in Brazil. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the phonological definition of trills in Brazilian Portuguese. The phonemic existence of two distinctive R's, one soft the other strong, is taken for granted. After reviewing the ideas of some Portuguese-speaking phoneticians on this matter, 146 occurrences of R's - recorded by two informants - were acoustically analyzed, the formants' general aspect and the length of the R segments were studied in the resulting spectrograms. The phonological table displayed in the conclusion does not include any trill. The soft phoneme /r/, instead, is classified as an interrupted apico-alveolar tap with a retroflex allophone. Naturalization between these two units is discarded.t


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The effects of acute oral administration of erythrinian alkaloids, Le. (+)-alpha-hydroxy-erysotrine, erythravine and (+)-11 alpha-hydroxy-erythravine isolated from the flowers of Erythrina mulungu were investigated in two animal models of anxiety in mice-the light-dark transition model (LDTM) and the elevated plus-maze (EPM). In the LDTM, erythravine (3, 10 mg/kg) and (+)-11 alpha-hydroxy-erythravine (10mg/kg) increased the time spent by the animals in the illuminated compartment and (+)-11 alpha-hydroxy-erythravine (3 mg/kg) increased the number of transitions between compartments of the LDTM, suggesting an anxiolytic-like effect of these erythrinian alkaloids. Nevertheless, the third alkaloid studied, (+)-alpha-hydroxy-erysotrine, did not change any behavioral response with the range of doses used (3-10 mg/kg). Since the oral administration of the crude extract of E. mulungu (EM) (100-400 mg/kg) did not modify the conventional measures of anxiety in the EPM, this animal model was not chosen to evaluate the anxiolytic properties of the isolated alkaloids. These results suggest that the alkaloids erythravine and (+)-11 alpha-hydroxy-erythravine are responsible for the anxiolytic effects of the crude extract of E. mulungu.


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The therapeutic and pathogenetic effects of Dolichos pruriens were evaluated using experimental models in rats. In the therapeutic experiment Wistar rats were housed in a heated environment (25 +/- 3 degrees C) to induce itch, and treated with ascending potencies D. pruriens (6 cH, 9 cH, 12 cH and 30 cH), each for 10 days. The positive control group received vehicle (ethanol 30% in water). The negative control group received no treatment and were kept at a standard temperature.In the pathogenetic experiment, all animals were kept at a temperature of 20+/-3 degrees C and treated for 30 consecutive days with D. pruriens 6 or 30 cH, or ethanol vehicle, or no treatment. The experiments were performed blind.The statistical analysis used Bartlett's test, followed by ANOVA/Tuckey-Krammer or Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn. The results point to the existence of therapeutic effects, with inhibition of the itching, skin lesions and fur thinning produced by heat, more evident in later observations, with the 9 12, and 30 cH potencies (Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn; P = 0.001). No changes were observed in the other parameters, such as open field activity and laterality of the itching. In the pathogenetic experiment, no changes were observed in any parameters examined. We conclude that the proposed experimental model demonstrates the therapeutic effect of D. pruriens, but not its pathogenetic effects.