982 resultados para Ancient Near East


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Forty-six species of Lutzomyia and one species of Brumptomyia were identified among 20,008 sand flies collected in central Amapá. L. squamiventris maripaensis, L. infraspinosa, L. umbratilis and L. ubiquitalis accounted for 66% of the specimens caught in light traps, and L. umbratilis was the commonest of the 16 species found on tree bases. Seven species of Lutzomyia including L. umbratilis were collected in a plantation of Caribbean pine. Sixty out of 511 female sand flies dissected were positive for flagellates. Among the sand flies from which Leishmania was isolated, promastigotes were observed in the salivary glands and foregut of 13 out of 21 females scored as having very heavy infections in the remainder of the gut, reinforcing the idea that salivary gland invasion may be part of the normal life cycle of Leishmania in nature. Salivary gland infections were detected in specimens of L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and L. spathotrichia. Parasites isolated from L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and also from one specimen of L. dendrophyla containing the remains of a bloodmeal, were compatible with Le. guyanensis by morphology and behaviour in hamsters.


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Identification of populations of Bulinus nasutus and B. globosus from East Africa is unreliable using characters of the shell. In this paper, a molecular method of identification is presented for each species based on DNA sequence variation within the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) as detected by a novel multiplexed SNaPshotTM assay. In total, snails from 7 localities from coastal Kenya were typed using this assay and variation within shell morphology was compared to reference material from Zanzibar. Four locations were found to contain B. nasutus and 2 locations were found to contain B. globosus. A mixed population containing both B. nasutus and B. globosus was found at Kinango. Morphometric variation between samples was considerable and UPGMA cluster analysis failed to differentiate species. The multiplex SNaPshotTM assay is an important development for more precise methods of identification of B. africanus group snails. The assay could be further broadened for identification of other snail intermediate host species.


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The aim of this work was to determine approaches that would improve the quality of ancient DNA (aDNA) present in coprolites to enhance the possibility of success in retrieving specific sequence targets. We worked with coprolites from South American archaeological sites in Brazil and Chile dating up to 7,000 years ago. Using established protocols for aDNA extraction we obtained samples showing high degradation as usually happens with this kind of material. The reconstructive polymerization pretreatment was essential to overcome the DNA degradation and the serial dilutions helped with to prevent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Moreover, the random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR has been shown to be a reliable technique for further experiments to recover specific aDNA sequences.


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A molecular paleoparasitological diagnostic approach was developed for Enterobius vermicularis. Ancient DNA was extracted from 27 coprolites from archaeological sites in Chile and USA. Enzymatic amplification of human mtDNA sequences confirmed the human origin. We designed primers specific to the E. vermicularis 5S ribosomal RNA spacer region and they allowed reproducible polymerase chain reaction identification of ancient material. We suggested that the paleoparasitological microscopic identification could accompany molecular diagnosis, which also opens the possibility of sequence analysis to understand parasite-host evolution.


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Diphyllobothrium pacificum has been reported as a human parasite from coprolites and skeletons in Peru and Chile. Our analysis of Chinchorro mummies from Chile provides the oldest evidence of D. pacificum directly associated with human mummies. These mummies date between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. The basis for our diagnosis is presented. We find that the size of the eggs in the mummies is smaller than other discoveries of D. pacificum. We suggest that this is due to the peculiar circumstances of preservation of parasite eggs within mummies and the release of immature eggs into the intestinal tract as the tapeworms decompose after the death of the host. This information is important to consider when making diagnoses from mummies.


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The aim of this intervention is to evaluate people's health at the start of the project and after one year to monitor people's phyical activity and to provide data


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The research examines general practitioners attitudes and how these effect the management of drug misusers within their practice. The methodology is quantitative in approach. The instrument used is a structured postal questionnaire. Participants include all general practitioners within the North East region of Ireland. Anonymity and confidentiality of all respondents are guaranteed. Data was collected over a six week period, under the following headings - attitudes and beliefs, factors influencing treatment, treatment options, training and demographics. Attitudes and beliefs towards drug users were measured using a five point Likert scale ranging from strongly agrees to strongly disagree. The data was analysed with the aid of a computer package, SPSS allowing descriptive statistics to be presented. Results indicate that the majority of respondents are male. There appears to be sympathy towards drug users and that treatment approaches should be holistic. However, there appears to be a major lack of confidence in treating and managing drug misusers. Patient, social and practice factors all influence the decision to the drug misuser. Treatment options are varied, ranging from methadone maintenance to referral for residential treatment. However, a number of respondents offer no treatment for drug misusers. General practitioners do not feel adequately trained in treating and/or managing this client group. Results indicate that improved communication, ongoing education and more research is needed in this area.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Analysis of TRIM5α and APOBEC3G genes suggests that these two restriction factors underwent strong positive selection throughout primate evolution. This pressure was possibly imposed by ancient exogenous retroviruses, of which endogenous retroviruses are remnants. Our study aims to assess in vitro the activity of these factors against ancient retroviruses by reconstructing their ancestral gag sequences, as well as the ancestral TRIM5α and APOBEC3G for primates. Based on evolutionary genomics approach, we reconstructed ancestors of the two largest families of human endogenous retroviruses (HERV), namely HERV-K and HERV-H, as well as primate ancestral TRIM5α and APOBEC3G variants. The oldest TRIM5α sequence was the catarhinne TRIM5α, common ancestor of Old World monkeys and hominoids, dated from 25 million years ago (mya). From the oldest, to the youngest, ancestral TRIM5α variants showed less restriction of HIV-1 in vitro [1]. Likewise three ancestral APOBEC3Gs sequences common to hominoids (18 mya), Old World monkeys, and catarhinnes (25 mya) were reconstructed. All ancestral APOBEC3G variants inhibited efficiently HIV-1Δvif in vitro, compared to modern APOBEC3Gs. The ability of Vif proteins (HIV-1, HIV-2, SIVmac and SIVagm) to counteract their activity tallied with the residue 128 on ancestral APOBEC3Gs. Moreover we are attempting to reconstruct older ancestral sequences of both restriction factors by using prosimian orthologue sequences. An infectious onemillion- years-old HERV-KCON previously reconstituted was shown to be resistant to modern TRIM5α and APOBEC3G [2]. Our ancestral TRIM5α and APOBEC3G variants were inactive against HERV-KCON. Besides we reconstructed chimeric HERV-K bearing ancestral capsids (up to 7 mya) that resulted in infectious viruses resistant to modern and ancestral TRIM5α. Likewise HERV-K viruses bearing ancestral nucleocapsids will be tested for ancestral and modern APOBEC3G restriction. In silico reconstruction and structural modeling of ancestral HERV-H capsids resulted in structures homologous to that of the gammaretrovirus MLV. Thus we are attempting to construct chimeric MLV virus bearing HERV-H ancestral capsids. These chimeric ancestral HERVs will be tested for infectivity and restriction by ancestral TRIM5α. Similarly chimeric MLV viruses bearing ancestral HERV-H nucleocapsids will be reconstructed and tested for APOBEC3G restriction.


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Very large subsidence, with up to 20 km thick sediment layers, is observed in the East Barents Sea basin. Subsidence started in early Paleozoic, accelerated in Permo-Triassic times, finished during the middle Cretaceous, and was followed by moderate uplift in Cenozoic times. The observed gravity signal suggests that the East Barents Sea is at present in isostatic balance and indicates that a mass excess is required in the lithosphere to produce the observed large subsidence. Several origins have been proposed for the mass excess. We use 1-D thermokinematic modeling and 2-D isostatic density models of continental lithosphere to evaluate these competing hypotheses. The crustal density in 2-D thermokinematic models resulting from pressure-, temperature-, and composition-dependent phase change models is computed along transects crossing the East Barents Sea. The results indicate the following. (1) Extension can only explain the observed subsidence provided that a 10 km thick serpentinized mantle lens beneath the basin center is present. We conclude that this is unlikely given that this highly serpentinized layer should be formed below a sedimentary basin with more than 10 km of sediments and crust at least 10 km thick. (2) Phase changes in a compositionally homogeneous crust do not provide enough mass excess to explain the present-day basin geometry. (3) Phase change induced densification of a preexisting lower crustal gabbroic body, interpreted as a mafic magmatic underplate, can explain the basin geometry and observed gravity anomalies. The following model is proposed for the formation of the East Barents Sea basin: (1) Devonian rifting and extension related magmatism resulted in moderate thinning of the crust and a mafic underplate below the central basin area explaining initial late Paleozoic subsidence. (2) East-west shortening during the Permian and Triassic resulted in densification of the previously emplaced mafic underplated body and enhanced subsidence dramatically, explaining the present-day deep basin geometry.


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Breastfeeding has important health benefits for both mother and child. Breastfed babies are less likely to report with gastric, respiratory and urinary tract infections and allergic diseases, while they are also less likely to become obese in later childhood. Improving breastfeeding initiation has become a national priority, and a national target has been set ̢?oto deliver an increase of two percentage points per annum in breastfeeding initiation rate, focusing especially on women from disadvantaged areas̢?. Despite improvements in data quality in previous years, it still remains difficult to construct an accurate and reliable picture of variations and trends in breastfeeding in the East Midlands. It is essential that nationally standardised data collection systems are put in place to enable effective and accurate monitoring and evaluation of breastfeeding status both at a local and national level.


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A set of life expectancy profiles for each Local Authority, County and Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the Region. These profiles highlight the causes of death that result in the largest reduction in life expectancy using England's mortality experience as the benchmark. They are part of wider programme of work aimed at supporting the regional Health Inequalities Task Group and local organisations in identifying key priorities for tackling health inequalities. This document contains all five county profiles in one: they are also available individually.


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This report by Trent Cancer Registry and EMPHO provides important information on variations in the incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers diagnosed in people living in the East Midlands (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate). In particular, it highlights large differences in incidence and mortality rates between different parts of the Region and identifies significant gaps in survival after diagnosis between the most affluent and most deprived areas.


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A set of life expectancy profiles for each Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the Region. These profiles show the causes of death that account for the largest shortfall in life expectancy in the most deprived areas of the PCT using the PCT's mortality experience as the benchmark. They are part of wider programme of work aimed at supporting the regional Health Inequalities Task Group and local organisations in identifying key priorities for tackling health inequalities.


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This is an analysis of health trends and inequalities in the East Midlands covering the period 1995 - 2006. Focusing on high-level health indicators, the report gives an overview of health in the East Midlands and evaluates regional trends in relation to national PSA targets. For the first time the report includes obesity prevalence data (adults and children) highlighting the growing importance of obesity within public health. The report also covers: - Life expectancy at birth - Mortality rate from circulatory disease in people aged under 75 - Mortality rate from cancer in people aged under 75 - Mortality rate from accidents in people of all ages - Suicide rate in people of all ages - Teenage pregnancy rate - Prevalence of cigarette smoking in people aged 16 and over (male/female)


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This is an analysis of health trends and inequalities in the East Midlands covering the period 1995 - 2007. Focusing on high-level health indicators, the report gives an overview of health in the East Midlands and evaluates regional trends.