994 resultados para Amostras de ar
Realizaram-se testes físico-mecânicos e físico-químicos em couro de tilápia vermelha (Oreochromis spp.) a fim de testar a sua resistência. As amostras foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com dois tratamentos: no T1, procedeu-se à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido longitudinal e, no T2, à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido transversal. Para os testes de determinação da resistência à tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo, foi utilizado o dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre as cargas de 100 ± 20mm/min, em ambiente climatizado (± 23ºC e UR do ar de 50%), por 24 horas. A espessura do couro variou de 0,61 a 0,75mm, mas não houve diferença entre os sentidos analisados. O couro apresentou maior resistência à tração no sentido transversal, 25,89N/mm², (P<0,01), comparado ao sentido longitudinal, 14,20 N/mm². O alongamento foi significativamente (P<0,05) maior no sentido longitudinal, 80,8%, em relação ao transversal, 62,6%. Não houve diferença para o rasgamento progressivo entre os tratamentos. O couro apresentou teor de óxido de cromo de 3,8%, graxa de 15,1% e pH e cifra diferencial de 3,5 e 0,5, respectivamente. Os valores nos testes de resistência e físico-químicos apresentados pelo couro indicam que ele pode ser utilizado para a confecção de vestuário e artefatos de couro em geral.
The ethanol is the most overused psychoactive drug over the world; this fact makes it one of the main substances required in toxicological exams nowadays. The development of an analytical method, adaptation or implementation of a method known, involves a process of validation that estimates its efficiency in the laboratory routine and credibility of the method. The stability is defined as the ability of the sample of material to keep the initial value of a quantitative measure for a defined period within specific limits when stored under defined conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the method of Gas chromatography and study the stability of ethanol in blood samples, considering the variables time and temperature of storage, and the presence of preservative and, with that check if the conditions of conservation and storage used in this study maintain the quality of the sample and preserve the originally amount of analyte present. Blood samples were collected from 10 volunteers to evaluate the method and to study the stability of ethanol. For the evaluation of the method, part of the samples was added to known concentrations of ethanol. In the study of stability, the other side of the pool of blood was placed in two containers: one containing the preservative sodium fluoride 1% and the anticoagulant heparin and the other only heparin, was added ethanol at a concentration of 0.6 g/L, fractionated in two bottles, one being stored at 4ºC (refrigerator) and another at -20ºC (freezer), the tests were performed on the same day (time zero) and after 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days of storage. The assessment found the difference in results during storage in relation to time zero. It used the technique of headspace associated with gas chromatography with the FID and capillary column with stationary phase of polyethylene. The best analysis of chromatographic conditions were: temperature of 50ºC (column), 150ºC (jet) and 250ºC (detector), with retention time for ethanol from 9.107 ± 0.026 and the tercbutanol (internal standard) of 8.170 ± 0.081 minutes, the ethanol being separated properly from acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol and 2-propanol, which are potential interfering in the determination of ethanol. The technique showed linearity in the concentration range of 0.01 and 3.2 g/L (0.8051 x + y = 0.6196; r2 = 0.999). The calibration curve showed the following equation of the line: y = x 0.7542 + 0.6545, with a linear correlation coefficient equal to 0.996. The average recovery was 100.2%, the coefficients of variation of accuracy and inter intra test showed values of up to 7.3%, the limit of detection and quantification was 0.01 g/L and showed coefficient of variation within the allowed. The analytical method evaluated in this study proved to be fast, efficient and practical, given the objective of this work satisfactorily. The study of stability has less than 20% difference in the response obtained under the conditions of storage and stipulated period, compared with the response obtained at time zero and at the significance level of 5%, no statistical difference in the concentration of ethanol was observed between analysis. The results reinforce the reliability of the method of gas chromatography and blood samples in search of ethanol, either in the toxicological, forensic, social or clinic
The main aim of this study was to compare the procedure for dehydration of Gracilaria birdiae prepared handmade and laboratory, collected in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The sample was collected in the Rio do Fogo beach in march 2009. The sample collected followed by two processing, the first the material prepared in laboratory was air-dried at 50°C for 24 hours in air-flow oven. The second the handmade sample was air-dried on the sun during three days. The extract was prepared in three different solvents: ethanol, hydroethanol and water, resulting in ethanol, hidroethanol and aqueous extracts from handmade and laboratory sample. In according with results only the ethanol extract was fractionated yielding the fractions hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. The different process to obtain Gracilaria birdiae resulted in the samples with different shades. The soluble solids content was higher in the laboratory sample. The chemical composition the both samples were characterized by presenting a considerable amounts of carbohydrates, with amior percentage protein and ash, respectively, in the handmade and laboratory sample. In two samples showed a low content of lipids and the lipid profile showed a higher proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, with the absence polyunsaturated handmade sample. The phytochemical screening by chemical reactions showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins the laboratory sample, presenting a greater diversity of bioactive compounds. Through of the analysis by thin layer chromatography was possible to identify the phytosterols β-sitosterol and stigmasterol the both samples, also suggest the presence of β-carotene and chlorophyll α the laboratory sample. The levels of total phenolics and flavonoids were more significant in the ethanol extract of the laboratory sample. The in vitro lethality showed that extracts of the laboratory sample and handmade from 125 to 500 μg/ mL, respectively, were highly lethal. In the evaluation of antioxidant capacity by the system β-carotene/ácido linoleic method and by DPPH radical scavernging assay, the ethanol extract from the laboratory process showed significantly greater activity than the other extracts, being and the first and second methods, respectively, lower and equivalent to the synthetic antioxidant BHT. The handmade ethanol extract has not demonstrated skill in deactivating free radicals, but showed activity in inhibiting lipid peroxidation, although the values were significantly lower than the laboratory sample. We conclude that the dehydration process in the laboratory is the most efficient technique to maintenance of the chemical composition present in the seaweed, providing beneficial properties such as antioxidant capacity. We emphasize that this property can be explored with the objective of adding commercial value to the final product, which will promote the expansion of production of this seaweed in the community of Rio do Fogo
Retinoic acid (RA) and hydroquinone (HQ) assets are widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, for having depigmenting properties and are largely produced in drugstores. To assist in the development of formulations containing the active RA and HQ National Forms of Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (2005 and 2012 ) proposes formulations with different excipients such as cetyl alcohol (AC), cetostearyl alcohol (ACT), methylparaben (MTP), propyl paraben ( PPB), glycerin (GLY), dipropylene glycol (DPG), imidazolidinil urea ( IMD ), cyclomethicone (CCM ), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), octyl stearate (ETO), EDTA, decil oleate (ODC) and hydroxipropymethyl celullose (HPMC). One of the difficulties found in most cosmetic formulations is the large number of incompatibilities between the components of the formulations, so the aim this study was to evaluate thermal stability and interactions between these active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients. The depigmenting agents were analyzed by DSC and TG and excipients were analyzed by TG. The dynamic thermogravimetric curves were obtained on a SHIMADZU thermobalance, model DTG-60, using an alumina crucible, at the heating rate of 10ºC min-1, in the temperature range of 25-900 ºC, under an atmosphere of nitrogen at 50 mL min-1. The DSC curves were obtained using Shimadzu calorimeter, model DSC-60, using aluminum crucible, at the heating rate of 10ºC min-1, in the temperature range of 25-400ºC. The thermogravimetric and calorimetric curves were analyzed using TASYS software SHIMADZU. In this study no were found interactions between AR and the following excipients: MTP, PPB, IMD, ODC, EDTA, CCM, ETO, HPMC. However, were found interactions with the following excipients: AC, ACT, BHT, GLI and DPG. For HQ were found interactions with IMD and DPG. Interactions remained even changing proportions of the mixtures and the ternary. Thus, the studies conducted with excipients of National Formulary from 2005 and 2012 showed that these new excipients do not interact by thermogravimetry with the active pharmaceutical ingredients of this study
Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances
O controle do ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), transmissor do vírus da leprose, deve ser realizado quando sua população atinge o nível de ação, obtido pelo monitoramento de sua população, por meio de amostragens. Objetivou-se determinar o tamanho da amostra aceitável para estimar a população do ácaro, para posterior tomada de decisão. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Cambuhy, Matão - SP, no ano agrícola 2003-2004. Escolheu-se ao acaso um talhão da variedade Valência, com oito anos de idade, plantada no espaçamento 7x3,5m, com 2.480 plantas. Nesse talhão, foram inspecionados 1; 2; 3; 5; 10 e 100% das plantas, o que corresponde a 25; 50; 74; 124; 248 e 2.480 plantas, respectivamente, em caminhamento no sentido das linhas de plantio. Foram amostrados 3 frutos ou, na ausência destes, eram analisados ramos. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, observa-se que a porcentagem de erro na estimativa da média para a porcentagem de frutos com presença de ácaros, quando se amostra apenas 1% das plantas (25 plantas), é de 50%, ou seja, para uma infestação de 10%, a variação da porcentagem de frutos infestados estaria entre 5 e 15%, levando o produtor a subestimar ou a superestimar o nível de infestação, aumentando os gastos com pulverizações desnecessárias ou um controle ineficiente do ácaro. Para que o erro na amostragem fique dentro da situação aceitável, de 20 a 30% (em média 25%) de erro, deveriam ser amostradas 105 plantas. Na porcentagem de frutos com mais de 10 ácaros, verifica-se que, para a situação aceitável (20 a 30%), devem ser inspecionadas 540 plantas.
Considerando que o armazenamento desempenha papel decisivo na manutenção da qualidade da semente, desenvolveu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e fitossanitária de sementes de algodão, tratadas quimicamente e armazenadas por doze meses. Foram utilizados dois lotes de sementes de algodão cv. DeltaPine-AC90, deslintados quimicamente, que foram submetidos aos tratamentos fungicidas e inseticidas: testemunha; Disulfoton + Carboxin + Thiram; Carbofuran + Carboxin + Thiram; Imidacloprid + Tolylfluanid + Pencycuron. As sementes foram armazenadas em armazém sem controle de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. Foram retiradas amostras de sementes no início do armazenamento e a cada dois meses e avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, à porcentagem de germinação, ao vigor (testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de germinação à baixa temperatura), à sanidade e à emergência das plântulas. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial, com quatro repetições. Verificou-se redução da germinação e do vigor de sementes em função do armazenamento. A redução da qualidade fisiológica associou-se com o aumento na ocorrência de Aspergillus sp. e Penicillium sp. nas sementes. A manutenção da qualidade de sementes de algodão foi obtida até o oitavo mês de armazenagem, podendo-se concluir que: a eficiência do tratamento químico de sementes de algodão depende da combinação de produtos utilizados; não se deve tratar com fungicida sementes de algodão com baixo nível de vigor; a ocorrência dos fungos Aspergillus sp. e Penicillium sp. aumentou com o período de armazenamento nas sementes sem tratamento e que a manutenção da qualidade de sementes de algodão para comercialização depende da sua qualidade inicial e do período de armazenamento.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram analisadas 72 amostras da água de dessedentação de frangos de corte, 18 da entrada e 54 dos bebedouros pendulares. As amostras foram submetidas às mensurações de coliformes totais, coliformes fecais, estreptococos fecais, Escherichia coli e organismos mesófilos, além da detecção da presença de Salmonella sp e da taxa de demanda de cloro. Os resultados evidenciaram uma elevada contaminação bacteriológica, já na primeira semana, com os indicadores na ordem de 10³ a 10(5). Não houve isolamento de nenhuma cepa de Salmonella sp, provavelmente por não haver ave infectada no plantel. A taxa de demanda de cloro mostrou-se elevada, devido ao maior acúmulo de matéria orgânica nos bebedouros, com o ápice na quinta semana (98,7%), seguida de uma leve diminuição na sexta semana (98,5%). As análises dos resultados evidenciam o bebedouro pendular como um instrumento depreciativo e ineficiente em relação às qualidades higiênico-sanitárias das águas fornecidas aos frangos de corte, contribuindo para um alto risco de contaminação por patógenos de veiculação hídrica. Preconizam-se a utilização de modelos de bebedouros menos deletérios e o monitoramento semanal de cloro residual nos bebedouros pendulares, a fim de se obter uma desinfecção satisfatória da água.
A temperatura interna das câmaras e o teor de água das sementes podem influenciar os resultados obtidos no teste de envelhecimento acelerado (EA) e, consequentemente, sua interpretação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes teores iniciais de água de sementes de feijão nos resultados do teste de envelhecimento acelerado e as condições de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar no interior de duas câmaras de envelhecimento e das caixas plásticas (câmaras internas), durante a condução do teste. Utilizaram-se amostras de quatro lotes de sementes de feijão, cujo teor de água inicial foi ajustado para 8, 10 e 12%. As sementes foram submetidas ao envelhecimento em câmaras jaquetada de água e de germinação tipo BOD. Durante a realização do teste, foram monitorados, com um registrador de dados, os valores da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar no interior das câmaras e das caixas plásticas, avaliados a cada 10 minutos, por sensores de cobre-constantan com bulbos seco e úmido, instalados no interior das mesmas. Verificou-se pequena variação de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar nas duas câmaras, sendo, porém, menor na jaquetada. em função da umidade relativa do ar na câmara jaquetada ter sido mais elevada, as sementes envelhecidas nessa câmara, apresentaram teor de água mais alto do que aquelas envelhecidas na BOD. Ambas as câmaras podem ser utilizadas para a realização do teste de envelhecimento acelerado de sementes de feijão.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
It is a case study that reports the construction of metal truss bridge in the river Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1912 and 1916. From testimonials on steel bridges in Brazil and worldwide including foundations. Documentary research from procurement of projects and contracts was performed. A chronology of construction, with a description of the equipment used and its original budget with the Brazilian government. Still, we used interviews and surveys with experimental sampling / testimonies, laboratory tests. This study aims to analyze historically and technically the Bridge over the River Potengi, emphasizing primarily the construction process, the qualities and characteristics of the materials used and the technological, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural properties of cement and concrete used in its construction. Taking as conclusions that cements pozolônicos ensured a good durability to the concrete in a hundred-year period and that the solution employed with the compressed air caissons was right