992 resultados para Alveolar osteitis


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Objective To compare the cardiorespiratory effects and incidence of gastroesophageal reflux with the use of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or endotracheal tube (ET) in anesthetized cats during spontaneous (SV) or controlled ventilation (CV).Study design Prospective randomized experimental trial.Animals Thirty-two adult crossbred cats, weighing 2.7 +/- 0.4 kg.Methods the cats were sedated with intramuscular (IM) methotrimeprazine (0.5 mg kg(-1)) and buprenorphine (0.005 mg kg(-1)), followed 30 minutes later by induction of anesthesia with intravenous (IV) thiopental (12.5-20 mg kg(-1)). An ET was used in 16 cats and an LMA in the remaining 16 animals. Anesthesia was maintained with 0.5 minimum alveolar concentration (0.6%) of halothane in oxygen using a Mapleson D breathing system. Cats in both groups were further divided into two equal groups (n = 8), undergoing either SV or CV. Neuromuscular blockade with pancuronium (0.06 mg kg(-1)) was used to facilitate CV. Heart and respiratory rates, direct arterial blood pressure, capnometry (PE'CO2) and arterial blood gases were measured. Gastric reflux and possible aspiration was investigated by intragastric administration of 5 mL of radiographic contrast immediately after induction of anesthesia. Cervical and thoracic radiographs were taken at the end of anesthesia. Data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls, Kruskal-Wallis or Friedman test where appropriate.Results Values for PaCO2 and PE'CO2 were higher in spontaneously breathing cats with the LMA when compared with other groups. Values of PaO2 and hemoglobin oxygen saturation did not differ between groups. Gastroesophageal reflux occurred in four of eight and two of eight cats undergoing CV with ET or LMA, respectively. There was no tracheal or pulmonary aspiration in any cases.Conclusions and clinical relevance the use of an LMA may be used as an alternative to endotracheal intubation in anesthetized cats. Although aspiration was not observed, gastric reflux may occur in mechanically ventilated animals.


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The effects of atropine and methotrimeprazine on epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmias were evaluated in halothane-anesthetized dogs. Ten mixed-breed dogs were assigned to 3 treatments (saline, atropine, and methotrimeprazine) in a randomized complete block design. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with halothane (1.5 minimum alveolar concentration) in oxygen. Controlled ventilation was used throughout to maintain eucapnia. Saline, atropine (0.05 mg/kg, IV) or methotrimeprazine (0.5 mg/kg, IV) were administered and, 5 minutes later the arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine (ADE) was measured by IV infusion of progressively increasing infusion rates of epinephrine, until the ventricular arrhythmia criterion was met (at least 4 ectopic ventricular contractions (EVCs) during a 15-second period). Data were analyzed using a student's t-test for ADE values and multivariate profile analysis for heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and rate pressure product (RPP). The ADE increased in atropine- and methotrimeprazine-treated groups, whereas 1 and 4 animals from these groups did not develop any ventricular arrhythmia, respectively. Epinephrine induced multiform premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) in the atropine group, whereas ventricular escape beats were observed in the control and methotrimeprazine groups. Heart rate and RPP decreased, and ABP increased at the time of ADE observation in the control group. Epinephrine infusion in the atropine group caused marked increases in HR, ABP, and RPP, which were associated with pulsus alternans in 2 animals. It was concluded that 1) the presence of cholinergic blockade influences the type of ventricular arrhythmia induced by epinephrine; 2) increased ADE values recorded following atropine administration must be cautiously interpreted, since in this situation the PVCs were associated with signs of increased myocardial work and ventricular failure; and 3) the use of a broader arrhythmia criterion (EVCs instead of PVCs) may not allow a direct comparison between ADE values, since it includes ventricular arrhythmias mediated by different mechanisms.


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Objective To compare the cardiorespiratory changes induced by equipotent concentrations of halothane (HAL), isoflurane (ISO) and sevollurane (SEVO) before and after hemorrhage.Study design. Prospective, randomized clinical trial.Animals. Twenty-four healthy adult dogs weighing 15.4 +/- 3.4 kg (mean +/- SD).Methods. Animals were randomly allocated to one of three groups (n = 8 per group). In each group, anesthesia was maintained with 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration of HAL (1.3%), ISO (1.9%,) and SEVO (3.5%) in oxygen. Controlled ventilation was performed to maintain eucapnia. Cardiorespiratory variables were evaluated at baseline (between 60 and 90 minutes after induction), immediately after and 30 minutes after the withdrawal of 32 mL kg(-1) of blood (400% of the estimated blood volume) over a 30-minute period.Results. During baseline conditions, ISO and SEVO resulted in higher cardiac index (CI) than HAL. Heart rates were higher with SEVO at baseline. while mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure did not differ between groups. Although heart rate values were higher for ISO and SEVO after hemorrhage, only ISO resulted in a higher CI when compared with HAL. In ISO-anesthetized dogs, MAP was higher immediately after hemorrhage, and this was related to better maintenance of CI and to an increase in systemic vascular resistance index from baseline.Conclusions. Although the hemodynamic responses of ISO and SEVO are similar in normovolaemic dogs, ISO results in better maintenance of circulatory function during the early period following a massive blood loss. Clinical relevance Inhaled anesthetics should be used judiciously in animals presented with blood loss. However, if an inhalational agent is to be used under these circumstances, ISO may provide better hemodynamic stability than SEVO or HAL.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose of reviewLung ultrasound at the bedside can provide accurate information on lung status in critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.Recent findingsLung ultrasound can replace bedside chest radiography and lung computed tomography for assessment of pleural effusion, pneumothorax, alveolar- interstitial syndrome, lung consolidation, pulmonary abscess and lung recruitment/de-recruitment. It can also accurately determine the type of lung morphology at the bedside (focal or diffuse aeration loss), and therefore it is useful for optimizing positive end-expiratory pressure. The learning curve is brief, so most intensive care physicians will be able to use it after a few weeks of training.SummaryLung ultrasound is noninvasive, easily repeatable and allows assessment of changes in lung aeration induced by the various therapies. It is among the most promising bedside techniques for monitoring patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first organs affected by hypoperfusion during hemorrhagic shock. The hemodynamics and oxygen transport variables during hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation can be affected by the anesthetics used. In a model of pressure-guided hemorrhagic shock in dogs, we studied the effects of three halogenated anesthetics - halothane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane - at equipotent concentrations on gastric oxygenation. Thirty dogs were anesthetized with 1.0 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) of either halothane, sevoflurane, or isoflurane. A gastric tonometer was placed in the stomach to determine mucosal gastric CO2 (PgCO(2)) and for the calculation of gastric-arterial PCO2 gradient (PCO2 gap). The dogs were splenectomized and hemorrhaged to hold mean arterial pressure at 40-50 mm Hg over 45 min and then resuscitated with the shed blood volume. Hemodynamics, systemic oxygenation, and PCO2 gap were measured at baseline, after 45 min of hemorrhage, and at 15 and 60 min after blood resuscitation. Hemorrhage induced reductions of mean arterial pressure and cardiac index, while systemic oxygen extraction increased (p < .05), without significant differences among groups (p > .05). Halothane group showed significant lower PCO2 gap values than the other groups (p < .05). After 60 min of shed blood replacement, all groups restored hemodynamics, systemic oxygenation, and PCO2 gap to the prehemorrhage levels (p > .05), without significant differences among groups (p > .05). We conclude that halothane is superior to preserve the gastric mucosal perfusion in comparison to isoflurane and sevoflurane, in dogs submitted to pressure-guided hemorrhagic shock at equipotent doses of halogenated anesthetics.


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Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether pancreas transplantation (PT) is a suitable method for controlling histopathologic changes in lungs of alloxan-induced diabetic rats.Methods. Sixty inbred male Lewis rats were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups: NC, 20 nondiabetic control rats; DC, 20 untreated diabetic control rats; and PT, 20 diabetic rats that received syngeneic PT from normal donor Lewis rats. Each group was further divided into 2 subgroups of 10 rats each, which were killed after 4 and 12 weeks of follow-up. Clinical and laboratory parameters, fresh and fixed lung weights, and fixed lung volumes were recorded for all rats. Total number of alveoli, alveolar perimeter, alveolar surface area, and alveolar epithelial (AE) and endothelial capillary (EC) basal laminae thickening were randomly measured in 5 rats from each subgroup by using an image analyzer. For light microscopy, 250 alveoli were analyzed in each subgroup. For electron microscopy, 50 electron micrographs were examined for each subgroup.Results. The DC rats showed elevated blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels, with insulin blood levels significantly lower than the NC rats (P < .001). Fresh and fixed lung weights and fixed volumes were significantly reduced in these rats, although their proportions to body weight were increased at 12 weeks (P < .01). The total number of alveoli in diabetic rats was higher than in control rats, whereas alveolar perimeter and surface area were significantly diminished (P < .01). AE and EC basal laminae were significantly thicker in DC than in NC (P < .01). Successful PT corrected all clinical and metabolic changes in diabetic rats, with sustained normoglycemia throughout the study. Morphologic and morphometric changes observed in diabetic lungs were completely prevented in PT rats from 4 weeks after transplant.Conclusion. We conclude that PT can control morphologic and ultrastructural changes in pulmonary parenchyma, suggesting a promising perspective for preventing other chronic diabetic lesions.


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Scorpaena plumieri venomous fish inflicted severe injuries in humans characterized by systemic effects and cardiovascular abnormalities. Although cardiotoxic and hypotensive effects induced in rats by this venom have been studied, little is known about their effect on bronchial epithelial permeability and airway inflammation in mice. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether the intraplantar or intraperitoneal injection of S. plumieri venom results in systemic response, and whether this event initiates acute lung injure. We found that BALB/c mice developed neutrophilic infiltrates, areas of lung hemorrhage and alveolar macrophage activation within 24 h after injection with S. plumieri venom. These histopathological changes were associated with an early increase in BAL fluid protein and early induction of cytokines, chemokines and matrix metaloproteinases, followed by a later increase in BAL fluid neutrophils. These findings provide clear evidence that the injection of S. plumieri venom in footpad or peritoneal cavity of mice results in venom deposition in the airway and initiates a sustained inflammatory response in the lungs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This report describes a case of a 49-year-old man with cough, recurrent hemoptysis, and dyspnea during 18 months, presenting with radiological findings of alveolar infiltrate and cystic lesions in left upper lobe. Laboratory studies revealed normocytic hypochromic anemia and normal coagulation tests. C-reactive protein and mucoproteins were negative. Serum protein electrophoresis and complement, urinalysis, serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, and 24-hour urine protein were normal. Tests for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and anti-glomerular-basement membrane antibodies were negative. Tests for connective tissue diseases were all negative. Histological findings were consistent with those of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Radiological findings are discussed.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos morfológicos da exposição crônica à inalação de fumaça do tabaco e o do consumo de álcool nos pulmões e no crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle, tabaco, álcool e tabaco + álcool, e acompanhados por um período de 260 dias. No final do periodo foi realizada análise morfológica dos pulmões por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. O crescimento dos ratos foi investigado através da medição do comprimento focinho-ânus, peso corporal e índice de massa corporal. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos expostos às drogas apresentaram peso e comprimento significativamente menores que os do grupo controle. As percentagens de bronquiolite e alveolite, e o diâmetro alveolar médio foram maiores nos grupos expostos à fumaça do tabaco, mas sem significancia estatística quando comparadas ao grupo controle. A microscopia eletrônica revelou apoptose mais intensa e lesões degenerativas no grupo de fumantes, enquanto lesões degenerativas nos corpos lamelares foram mais intensas com a associação de ambas as drogas. CONCLUSÕES: Este modelo experimental mostrou alterações morfológicas observadas por microscopia eletrônica, principalmente devido à exposição ao tabaco. Tanto o alcool como o tabaco prejudicaram o crescimento dos animais, o tabaco mostrando um efeito maior sobre o comprimento e o álcool sobre o peso corporal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Meconium (MEC) is a potent inactivator of pulmonary surfactant. The authors studied the effects of polyethylene glycol addition to the exogenous surfactant over the lung mechanics and volumes. Human meconium was administrated to newborn rabbits. Animals were ventilated for 20 minutes and dynamic compliance, ventilatory pressure, and tidal volume were recorded. Animals were randomized into 3 study groups: MEC group (without surfactant therapy); S100 group (100 mg/kg surfactant); and PEG group (100 mg/kg porcine surfactant plus 5% PEG). After ventilation, a pulmonary pressure-volume curve was built. Histological analysis was carried out to calculate the mean alveolar size (Lm) and the distortion index (DI). Both groups treated with surfactant showed higher values of dynamic pulmonary compliance and lower ventilatory pressure, compared with the MEC group (P .05). S100 group had a larger maximum lung volume, V30, compared with the MEC group (P .05). Lm and DI values were smaller in the groups treated with surfactant than in the MEC group (P .05). No differences were observed between the S100 and PEG groups. Animals treated with surfactant showed significant improvement in pulmonary function as compared to nontreated animals. PEG added to exogenous surfactant did not improve lung mechanics or volumes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)