982 resultados para Alien confinement


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The onset of filamentation, following the interaction of a relatively long (tau(L) similar or equal to 1 ns) and intense (I-L similar or equal to 5 x 10(14) W/cm(2)) laser pulse with a neopentane filled gas bag target, has been experimentally studied via the proton radiography technique, in conditions of direct relevance to the indirect drive inertial confinement fusion scheme. The density gradients associated with filamentation onset have been spatially resolved yielding direct and unambiguous evidence of filament formation and quantitative information about the filamentation mechanism in agreement with previous theoretical modelings. Experimental data confirm that, once spatially smoothed laser beams are used, filamentation is not a relevant phenomenon during the heating laser beams propagation through typical hohlraum gas fills.


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Structural defects in ion crystals can be formed during a linear quench of the transverse trapping frequency across the mechanical instability from a linear chain to a zigzag structure. The density of defects after the sweep can be conveniently described by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). In particular, the number of kinks in the zigzag ordering can be derived from a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for the order parameter, here the zigzag transverse size, under the assumption that the ions are continuously laser cooled. In a linear Paul trap, the transition becomes inhomogeneous, since the charge density is larger in the center and more rarefied at the edges. During the linear quench, the mechanical instability is first crossed in the center of the chain, and a front, at which the mechanical instability is crossed during the quench, is identified that propagates along the chain from the center to the edges. If the velocity of this front is smaller than the sound velocity, the dynamics become adiabatic even in the thermodynamic limit and no defect is produced. Otherwise, the nucleation of kinks is reduced with respect to the case in which the charges are homogeneously distributed, leading to a new scaling of the density of kinks with the quenching rate. The analytical predictions are verified numerically by integrating the Langevin equations of motion of the ions, in the presence of a time-dependent transverse confinement. We argue that the non-equilibrium dynamics of an ion chain in a Paul trap constitutes an ideal scenario to test the inhomogeneous extension of the KZM, which lacks experimental evidence to date.


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We study the ground-state phase diagram of ultracold dipolar gases in highly anisotropic traps. Starting from a one-dimensional geometry, by ramping down the transverse confinement along one direction, the gas reaches various planar distributions of dipoles. At large linear densities, when the dipolar gas exhibits a crystal-like phase, critical values of the transverse frequency exist below which the configuration exhibits transverse patterns. These critical values are found by means of a classical theory, and are in full agreement with classical Monte Carlo simulations. The study of the quantum system is performed numerically with Monte Carlo techniques and shows that the quantum fluctuations smoothen the transition and make it completely disappear in a gas phase. These predictions could be experimentally tested and would allow one to reveal the effect of zero-point motion on self-organized mesoscopic structures of matter waves, such as the transverse pattern of the zigzag chain.


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Sweat bees (Halictidae) exhibit great interspecific and intraspecific diversity in their social organisation, yet there is remarkably little information on the sociogenetic organisation of any species. Lasioglossum malachurum is a eusocial sweat bee with an annual lifecycle that exhibits considerable variation in its social organisation across its wide geographic range from northern to southern Europe. We collected all adults from 31 L. malachurum nests at Eichkogl, Austria, near the latitudinal centre of its distribution, and genotyped 148 workers using 5 highly variable microsatellite loci developed for this species. Nests were often queenless (48% of nests) during the second phase of worker activity, when colonies were provisioning the sexual brood. Pedigree reconstruction and estimates of nestmate genetic relatedness demonstrated that nests often (32% of nests) contained alien workers, probably as a result of worker drifting from their natal to a foreign nest. Queen effective mating frequency was variable (harmonic mean m(e) = 1.24), but sometimes high (maximum 2.7). These data demonstrate that nests of L. malachurum do not have a classical eusocial sociogenetic organisation (monogyny, monandry) and thereby pose a challenge to exclusively relatedness based arguments for the evolution of eusociality in the taxon.


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A one-pot sol-gel synthesis method has been developed for the incorporation of metal nanoparticles into mesoporous oxide thin films deposited on various plane substrates by spin-coating and on the inner surface of fused silica capillaries by dip-coating. The size, the metal loading and the stoichiometry of the metal nanoparticles could be precisely controlled by following this methodology. In the first step, polymer stabilized Pt50Sn50 and Pt90Sn10 nanoparticles were obtained by a solvent-reduction method. Then, the nanoparticles were added to a metal oxide precursor sol, which was destabilized by solvent evaporation. After calcination, the obtained materials were tested in the hydrogenation of citral in both batch and continuous modes. The highest selectivity of 30% towards the unsaturated alcohols was obtained over supported Pt90Sn10 nanoparticles with a preferential formation of the cis-isomer (nerol) due to a unique confinement of the bimetallic nanoparticles in the mesoporous framework. The selectivity towards the unsaturated alcohols was further improved to 56% over the PtRu5Sn nanoparticles supported by impregnation onto mesoporous silica films. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alloparental care was investigated in the biparental West African cichlid, Pelvicachromis pulcher. Non-breeding adults typically consumed young conspecifics but this trait was inhibited in both sexes during reproductive attempts. Alien conspecific young were accepted into the brood if they were of a similar age/developmental stage to the parents' own young but not if they were much older or much younger. If not accepted they were consumed by whichever adult located them. Parents separated from their brood for up to 4 days accepted their young on reunion but separation for more than 4 days resulted in the young being consumed. This latter response occurred if chemical stimuli from the young were available during the separation but not if visual stimuli were available. In this latter case parental responsiveness was maintained. Both sexes of this externally fertilizing species appeared to have the same information about their young and showed the same changes in responsiveness and the same discriminatory abilities. (C) 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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We have tested soft X-ray lasing in neon-like germanium with cylindrical targets where wave guiding and plasma confinement may affect lasing. An intense soft X-ray laser beam of 0.05 MW peak power and a narrow beam divergence (8 mrad) was produced at 23.6 nm with a 4 cm long straight cylindrical target of 0.72 mm inner diameter. Bending the cylindrical target to form a toroidal shape increased the lasing intensity by a factor of 3 accompanied with reduction of the beam divergence from 8 to 6 mrad.


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Guided compression offers an attractive route to explore some of the physics issues of hot electron heating and transport in the fast ignition route to inertial confinement fusion, whilst avoiding the difficulties associated with establishing the stability of the channel formation pulse. X-ray images are presented that show that the guided foil remains hydrodynamically stable during the acceleration phase, which is confirmed by two-dimensional simulations. An integrated conical compression/fast electron heating experiment is presented that confirms that this approach deserves detailed study. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-664X(00)02809-3].


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The fast ignitor scheme for inertial confinement fusion requires forward driving of the critical density surface by light pressure (hole boring) to allow energy deposition close to the dense fuel. The recession velocity of the critical density surface has been observed to be nu/c = 0.015 at an irradiance of 1.0 x 10(19) W cm(-2) at a wavelength of 1.05 micron, in quantitative agreement with modeling. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a plasma density channel preformed in a gas jet target has been studied. At neutral densities below 3.0 X 10(19) cm(-3) a strong interaction between the pulse and the channel walls was observed, there was clear evidence of pulse confinement, and the laser irradiance was significantly increased compared to an interaction with neutral gas. At higher gas densities, however, the radial uniformity and length of the channel were both found to be adversely affected by refractive defocusing of the prepulse used to generate the channel.


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The second derivative of a Langmuir probe characteristic is used to establish the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in both a tandem and hybrid multicusp H- ion source. Moveable probes are used to establish the spatial variation of the EEDF. The negative ion density is measured by laser induced photo-detachment. In the case of the hybrid source the EEDF consists of a cold Maxwellian in the central region of the source; the electron temperature increases with increasing discharge current (rising from 0.3 eV at 1 A to 1.2 eV at 50 A when the pressure is 0.4 Pa). A hot-electron tail exists in the EEDF of the driver region adjacent to each filament which is shown to consist of a distinct group of primary electrons at low pressure (0.08 Pa) but becomes degraded mainly through inelastic collisions at higher pressures (0.27 Pa). The tandem source, on the other hand, has a single driver region which extends throughout the central region. The primary electron confinement times are much longer so that even at the lowest pressure considered (0.07 Pa) the primaries are degraded. In both cases the measured EEDF at specific locations and values of discharge operating parameters are used to establish the rate coefficients for the processes of importance in H- production and destruction.


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Schottky-barrier structures with a resistive metal electrode are examined using the 4-point probe method where the probes are connected to the metal electrode only. The observation of a significant decrease in resistance with increasing temperature (over a range of similar to 100 K) in the diode resistance-temperature (R(D)-T) characteristic is considered due to charge carrier confinement to the metal electrode at low temperature (high resistance), with the semiconductor progressively opening up as a parallel current carrying channel (low resistance) with increasing temperature due to increasing thermionic emission across the barrier. A simple model is constructed, based on thermionic emission at quasi-zero bias, that generates good fits to the experimental data. The negative differential resistance (NDR) region in the R(D)-T characteristic is a general effect and is demonstrated across a broad temperature range for a variety of Schottky structures grown on Si-, GaAs- and InP-substrates. In addition the NDR effect is harnessed in micro-scaled Pd/n-InP devices for the detection of low levels of hydrogen in an ambient atmosphere of nitrogen.


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The excitation of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguide modes in subwavelength dielectric ridges deposited on a thin gold film has been characterized and optimized at telecommunication wavelengths. The experimental data on the electromagnetic mode structure obtained using scanning near-field optical microscopy have been directly compared to full vectorial three-dimensional finite element method simulations. Two excitation geometries have been investigated where SPPs are excited outside or inside the dielectric tapered region adjoint to the waveguide. The dependence of the efficiency of the SPP guided mode excitation on the taper opening angle has been measured and modeled. Single-mode guiding and strong lateral mode confinement of dielectric-loaded SPP waveguide modes have been characterized with the near-field measurements and compared to the effective-index method model.


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When vessels operate within harbours or over a density interface in an estuary, the seabed or interface may be close to the tip of the propeller blades. The presence of this boundary will have an effect on the propeller wash and this can affect the erosion of the boundary. The influence of such a boundary on the characteristics of a propeller wash was studied in experiments using a horizontal fixed boundary to confine a propeller jet. Detailed velocity measurements within the jet were obtained using a 3D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system. The bottom stream of a propeller jet was found to expand at a faster rate due to the reduction in pressure beneath the jet caused by the suppression of the replacement fluid. The boundary was found to significantly increase the axial velocities close to it, and reduce the rate of decay of the maximum axial velocity due to the confinement, reducing the height of the jet. Three zones within the propeller wash were identified, the first being before the jet impacted the boundary, the second in which the boundary layer developed at the fixed boundary, followed by a fully developed boundary layer region. Predictive equations to estimate the influence of the boundary have been developed and are presented.


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Demonstration of a tunable conductivity of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces drew significant attention to the development of oxide electronic structures where electronic confinement can be reduced to the nanometer range. While the mechanisms for the conductivity modulation are quite different and include metal insulator phase transition and surface charge writing, generally it is implied that this effect is a result of electrical modification of the LaAlO3 surface (either due to electrochemical dissociation of surface adsorbates or free charge deposition) leading to the change in the two-dimensional electron. gas (2DEG) density at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) interface. In this paper, using piezoresponse force microscopy we demonstrate a switchable electromechanical response of the LAO overlayer, which we attribute to the motion of oxygen vacancies through the LAO layer thickness. These electrically induced reversible changes in bulk stoichiometry of the LAO layer are a signature of a possible additional mechanism for nanoscale oxide 2DEG control on LAO/STO interfaces.