992 resultados para Air temperature


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Stable isotope data obtained from snow and ice cores retrieved from an altitude of 5340m on Mt. Logan (60°30'N; 140°36'W) indicate that "isotopic seasons" are not generally in phase with calendar seasons. The former are phase lagged with respect to the latter by up to several months and appear to be correlated with SST'S and ocean heat transfer curves and/or the position of the Aleutian low rather than with air temperature or the temperature difference between the ocean surface and the core site.


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Models that help predict fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) levels in environmental waters can be important tools for resource managers. In this study, we used animal activity along with antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA), land cover, and other variables to build models that predict bacteria levels in coastal ponds that discharge into an estuary. Photographic wildlife monitoring was used to estimate terrestrial and aquatic wildlife activity prior to sampling. Increased duck activity was an important predictor of increased FCB in coastal ponds. Terrestrial animals like deer and raccoon, although abundant, were not significant in our model. Various land cover types, rainfall, tide, solar irradiation, air temperature, and season parameters, in combination with duck activity, were significant predictors of increased FCB. It appears that tidal ponds allow for settling of bacteria under most conditions. We propose that these models can be used to test different development styles and wildlife management techniques to reduce bacterial loading into downstream shellfish harvesting and contact recreation areas.


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This study assessed the physico-chemical quality of River Ogun, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria. Four locations were chosen spatially along the water course to reflect a consideration of all possible human activities that are capable of changing the quality of river water. The water samples were collected monthly for seven consecutive months (December 2011 – June 2012) at the four sampling stations. pH, air temperature (℃), water temperature (℃), conductivity (µs/cm) and total dissolved solids (mg/L) were conducted in-situ with the use of HANNA Combo pH and EC multi meter Hi 98129 and Mercury-in-glass thermometer while dissolved oxygen (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L), phosphate (mg/L), alkalinity (mg/L) and hardness (mg/L) were determined ex-situ using standard methods. Results showed that dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentration, total hardness and nitrate were above the maximum permissible limit of National Administration for Food, Drugs and Control (NAFDAC), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water during certain months of the study period. Results also showed that water temperature and conductivity were within the permissible limits of all the standards excluding FEPA. However, total dissolved solids and alkalinity were within the permissible limits of all the standards. Adejuwon and Adelakun, (2012) also reported similar findings on Rivers Lala, Yobo and Agodo in Ewekoro local government area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Since most of the parameters measured were above the maximum permissible limits of the national and international standards, it can be concluded that the water is unfit for domestic uses, drinking and aquacultural purposes and therefore needs to be treated if it is to be used at all. The low dissolved oxygen values for the first four months was too low i.e. < 5 mg/L. This is most likely as a result of the amount of effluents discharged into the river. To prevent mass extinction of aquatic organisms due to anoxic conditions, proper regulations should be implemented to reduce the organic load the river receives.


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基于静态箱式法,在内蒙古典型羊草草原围栏与自由放牧样地对土壤呼吸作用及其影响因子进行连续两年野外对比观测。结果表明,围栏内外土壤呼吸作用的日、季动态差异不大,日动态呈单峰型曲线,高峰值一般出现在午间11:0014:00,最低值出现在凌晨1:003:00。从整个生长季节来看,土壤呼吸作用的最大值出现在6月中旬到7月底,随后逐渐降低。整个观测期间围栏与放牧样地土壤呼吸作用平均值分别是219.18 mg CO2•m-2•h-1和111.27 mg CO2•m-2•h-1,围栏样地土壤呼吸作用明显高于放牧样地,可能与土壤含水量改善和生物量增加有关。对影响土壤呼吸作用的因子分析表明,放牧使土壤含水量和相对湿度明显降低,而对气温、大气CO2浓度和光合有效辐射的影响并不大,且放牧使羊草净光合速率的影响明显增加,而对气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度影响不大。围栏样地土壤呼吸作用与各影响因子的相关性从大到小依次为土壤含水量、净光合速率、气温、相对湿度、大气CO2浓度、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和光合有效辐射,其中土壤含水量和气温是影响土壤呼吸作用的主要环境因子,净光合速率是主要的生物因子。尽管放牧改变了土壤呼吸速率,但土壤呼吸作用各影响因子的排列顺序基本上没有改变,只是发生了量的变化。选择目前常用的土壤呼吸作用水热因子模型,在放牧与围栏羊草草原分别进行了验证和评估。在低温低湿条件下,土壤呼吸作用主要受温度调控,然而,随着温度升高和水分增加,温度单因子模型不能模拟水分对土壤呼吸作用的激发作用。在干旱半干旱的典型草原区,土壤呼吸作用主要受土壤含水量影响,而如果把温度的调控作用考虑进去能进一步提高模型的预测能力。在围栏样地,水热双因子线性模型的相关系数高于其它模型,可以解释土壤呼吸作用82%以上的变化情况,而对于放牧样地来说,指数模型、指数-乘幂模型和指数-Arrhenius方程的相关系数(R2=0.87-0.88)高于线性模型(R2=0.73-0.79)。 在温室实验中,通过模拟典型草原优势植物种羊草不同密度对土壤呼吸作用的影响,采用根系生物量梯度外推法对羊草种群根呼吸作用与微生物呼吸作用进行了区分。结果表明,羊草根系呼吸速率在生长初期最大, 达到33.5 mg CO2•gDW-1•h-1, 随着植物生长逐渐降低而趋于稳定, 在1.1~2.0 mg CO2•gDW-1•h-1之间变动。整个生长季节根呼吸作用占土壤呼吸总量比例从9.7%逐渐上升到52.9%,平均值为36.8%。尽管随着生长根呼吸速率逐渐降低, 但根系生物量的增加却使根呼吸作用所占比例不断升高。


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土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环中的重要环节,是土壤与大气之间碳交换的主要输出途径。草地生态系统土壤呼吸作用研究在全球碳循环研究中占有十分重要的地位和作用。本研究选取我国内蒙古锡林郭勒盟典型草原区内的克氏针茅草原作为研究对象,基于Li-6400-09便携式土壤呼吸观测系统2005年生长季的野外观测资料,研究了克氏针茅草原土壤呼吸速率的日、生长季动态及其影响因子。研究结果表明: (1) 2005年生长季,克氏针茅草原土壤呼吸速率的日、生长季动态均呈单峰型曲线变化;日最大值和最小值分别出现在10:0013:00和凌晨4:00左右;生长季日均最大值(0.14mgCO2m-2s-1)出现在6月份,日均最小值(0.03mgCO2m-2s-1)出现在8月份。与以往典型草原土壤呼吸研究相比,峰值和最低值出现时间均提前。 (2) 在日尺度上,随着生长期的变化,控制土壤呼吸变化的环境因子有所不同。其中生长季初期和末期土壤呼吸速率日动态的限制因子主要为总辐射,而生长季中期,控制因子为气温和土壤含水量(010cm、1020cm)。在整个生长季的尺度上,影响土壤呼吸动态的环境因子主要为土壤含水量(010cm、1020cm、2030cm)、总辐射和土壤温度(10cm、15cm、20cm),其协同作用可解释土壤呼吸变化的92%。其中约有72%的土壤呼吸作用变异是由表层土壤含水量(010cm、1020cm)和总辐射共同决定的,而010cm土壤含水量可单独解释土壤呼吸生长季变异的51%。 (3) 克氏针茅草原地上生物量的生长季变化呈单峰曲线型,8月份达到峰值。地下生物量和总生物量(地上和地下之和)在整个生长季的变化比较平缓,但在6月份和9月份分别出现一个峰值。其中,地上生物量是决定同一时间不同地点土壤呼吸速率变化的主要影响因素;而地下生物量对同一地点不同时间土壤呼吸速率变化的作用更为显著。其中地下生物量可解释土壤呼吸速率在整个生长季变异的25%。 (4) 通过灰色关联度方法综合分析环境因子与生物因子(地上和地下生物量)得到各影响因子与日均土壤呼吸速率生长季变化密切程度的相对顺序:0~10cm土壤含水量>地下生物量>10~20cm土壤含水量>20~30cm土壤含水量>气温>20cm土壤温度>5cm土壤温度>15cm土壤温度>10cm土壤温度>地上生物量>总辐射。结果表明:在2005年生长季,土壤含水量(0~10cm)是控制克氏针茅草原日均土壤呼吸速率生长季变化的主导影响因素,其次是植被的地下生物量。气温与土壤呼吸生长季变化的密切程度大于各层土壤温度。而地上生物量和总辐射对日均土壤呼吸生长季变化的影响最弱。


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The present investigation dealt with the climatic and some physico-chemical conditions of the Kaptai lake with respect to their monthly variation. Air temperature was found always higher than water temperature. Vertical variation in temperature (0.8-4.7°C) was observed in all months. The water level fluctuates appreciably throughout the year. Wide seasonal fluctuations were also noted in water transparency. The lake was found to be slightly hard and alkaline pH. Dissolved oxygen (DO) (6.4-9.1 mg/l) and free carbondioxide (4.7- 6.0 mg/l) contents showed favourable condition for aquatic lives. DO at different depth has shown no wide variation (1.0-2.4 mg/1). Conductivity ranged between 91.9±7.1 and 106.4 ±5.2 mS/cm.


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The toxicity of xenobiotic in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by many factors such as ambient temperature, water hardness, pond soil type, etc. In the present study, it was observed that air temperature, water hardness and soil sediment have profound influence on the toxicity of deltamethrin to common carp fry (ay. length 3.5 ± 0.5 cm, ay. weight 0.58 ± 0.25 g); 96h LC(sub)50 values for common carp at 38.07 ± 2.20°C maximum and 27.86 ± 1.22°C minimum air temperature in soft and very hard water were 0.102 and 0.495 µg lˉ¹, respectively. This value had increased significantly to 2.37 and 3.02 µg at 30.55 ± 1.21°C maximum and 26.04 ± 0.61°C minimum air temperature, respectively. When sediment was included, 96h LC(sub)50 at 38.07°C maximum temperature in very hard water was 1.808 µg 1ˉ¹ and this had increased to 8.073 µg 1ˉ¹ when tested at 30.55°C maximum temperature. Due to the 7.5°C increase in maximum and 1.7°C in minimum temperature, toxicity increased significantly. Lower toxicity in very hard water in comparison to soft water may be due to the lower solubility of deltarnethrin and high level of calcium. Adsorption reaction of deltamethrin with clay, humus, FeOOH, MnOOH and particulate organic carbon, and complexation reaction with dissolved organic carbon were responsible for the lowered toxicity in the experiment with sediment. Exposure time had no significant effect on acute toxicity of deltamethrin.


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The culture of the of green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea was conducted under natural conditions at the same place simultaneously in five different media, viz., medium-I (inorganic medium), medium-II (powdered whole-pulse medium), medium-III (medium of pulse bran), medium-IV (mixed medium = 50% inorganic medium + 50% whole-pulse powder medium), medium-V (mixed medium = 50% inorganic medium + 50% pulse bran medium). The culture was done in 500 ml conical flask. Growth rates of C. ellipsoidea in five different media were different and reached maximum cell densities of 0.63 x 10^6 cells per ml in 8 days in medium-I, 4.02 x 10^6 cells per ml in 10 days in medium-II, 3.62 x 10^6 cells per ml in 9 days in medium-III, 4.38 x 10^6 cells per ml in 11 days in medium-IV and 4.36 x 10^6 cells per ml in 11 days in medium-V. The range of air temperature was 20 to 33°C and that of culture media was 24 to 32°C and light intensity was 2000 to 7000 lux during the culture period. The inexpensive culture media were found to be significantly useful for algal culture.


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The hydrography of the Cochin harbour is studied with reference to air temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH. The analysis of the data shows unique hydrographical characteristics which are influenced by the monsoon rains. The uniqueness lies mainly in the fluctuations of salinity which registers as low as 0.6‰ during monsoon period to near sea conditions (29.4‰) during the summer period. The dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH also showed fluctuations corresponding to seasons.


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The paper describes the technical and operational features of a composite equipment for simultaneous measurement of five important parameters, warp load, boat speed, water temperature, water salinity and air temperature pertaining to the craft, gear and the environment. The equipment is designed for continuous measurement in small and medium crafts easily without disturbance to routine fishing operations. The system operated on 9V supply, is suitable for portable operations from one vessel to another. The compact electronic meter kept in the wheel-house displays the data one by one in engineering units.


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The present overview summarizes data from one year's study during the period of 1379 to 1380 in the regions by "Anzali" lagoon called "Abkenar" and "Hendkhale". Specimens from this lagoon obtained weekly during mordad and shahrivar mounths (July 21 to september 21). The study included 67 types of 5 phytoplanktonal phylum. In "Abkenar" region Cyanobacters with maximum of 97% and minimum of 64.5% of total combination of phytoplanktones made the dominating combination during the period of study , while in "hendkhale" chyrsophyta with maximum of 89% and minimum of 38.7% of total phytoplanktonal was the dominating figure at the same period of time. Researches on ecological parameteres showed that the avarage dissolved oxygen in -Abkenar" and "hendlchale" regions was 10.7 and 8.0 mg/lit respectivly, also total rate of Phosphat in these regions was 0.085 and 0.15 mg/lit respectivly. This study showed that the rates of Nitrat and Amonium in "Abkenar" region was 0.043 and 0.79 mg / lit while for the same substances in "Ilendkhale" measured 0.08 and 0.7 mg I lit respective. Also the avarage rate of chlorophyll a in these two areas measured 58,38 and 40.45 j.un /ht respectivly. Depending on results of correlation cofficient in "Abkenar" region we had Cyanobacters , water and air temperature , Chlorophyll a and total amount of Phosphat as a poitive correlation with transparency while Amonium and Nitrat showed , a negative correlation , EC and finally dissolved oxygen showed a very low rate of correlation coffiocient. To perform this research 5 genus of Cyanobacteres horn "Anzali" lagoon have been isolated and cultured in a laboratorial conditions Later by using Mouse Bioassay method one of these genus identified as a toxic algae. Levels of LD50 with intra peritoneal injection of toxin on mouse in 24 hours was 660 mg/kg and Levels of LC50 by using Bioassay method on Artemia and Daphnia has been shown 618 and 1000 mg kg respectively. Also the physiological effects of were investigated. algae on two types of Cypronides family called Cyprinus carpi° and Hypophrthabnichthys Resultes of blood analyses of Cypronides who were feeded by toxic algae showed a significant decline (P < 0.05) in white and red blood cells and their hematocrites. Levels of LDH , SGOT and SGPT in their blood serum had a significant increase in porportion to control group (P < 0.05) but there was no evidance a differences in Total Protein levels. Pathological studies show damage and destruction of hepato pancreas and kidney of these fishes. Signs and symptoms of intoxication caused by Cyanobacter called Planktohrix agardlltii in mouse and fish show heptotoxic character. This toxin belongs to cyclicpeptides of microcystines group.


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Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) has potential of becoming the mainstream of renewable energy in the urban environment. BIPV has significant influence on the thermal performance of building envelope and changes radiation energy balance by adding or replacing conventional building elements in urban areas. PTEBU model was developed to evaluate the effect of photovoltaic (PV) system on the microclimate of urban canopy layer. PTEBU model consists of four sub-models: PV thermal model, PV electrical performance model, building energy consumption model, and urban canyon energy budget model. PTEBU model is forced with temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation above the roof level and incorporates detailed data of PV system and urban canyon in Tianjin, China. The simulation results show that PV roof and PV façade with ventilated air gap significantly change the building surface temperature and sensible heat flux density, but the air temperature of urban canyon with PV module varies little compared with the urban canyon of no PV. The PV module also changes the magnitude and pattern of diurnal variation of the storage heat flux and the net radiation for the urban canyon with PV increase slightly. The increase in the PV conversion efficiency not only improves the PV power output, but also reduces the urban canyon air temperature. © 2006.


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It is generally recognized that BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) has the potential to become a major source of renewable energy in the urban environment. The actual output of a PV module in the field is a function of orientation, total irradiance, spectral irradiance, wind speed, air temperature, soiling and various system-related losses. In urban areas, the attenuation of solar radiation due to air pollution is obvious, and the solar spectral content subsequently changes. The urban air temperature is higher than that in the surrounding countryside, and the wind speed in urban areas is usually less than that in rural areas. Three different models of PV power are used to investigate the effect of urban climate on PV performance. The results show that the dimming of solar radiation in the urban environment is the main reason for the decrease of PV module output using the climatic data of urban and rural sites in Mexico City for year 2003. The urban PV conversion efficiency is higher than that of the rural PV system because the PV module temperature in the urban areas is slightly lower than that in the rural areas in the case. The DC power output of PV seems to be underestimated if the spectral response of PV in the urban environment is not taken into account based on the urban hourly meteorological data of Sao Paulo for year 2004. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaics) has progressed in the past years and become an element to be considered in city planning. BIPV has influence on microclimate in urban environments and the performance of BIPV is also affected by urban climate. The effect of BIPV on urban microclimate can be summarized under the following four aspects. The change of absorptivity and emissivity from original building surface to PV will change urban radiation balance. After installation of PV, building cooling load will be reduced because of PV shading effect, so urban anthropogenic heat also decreases to some extent. Because PV can reduce carbon dioxide emissions which is one of the reasons for urban heat island, BIPV is useful to mitigate this phenomena. The anthropogenic heat will alter after using BIPV, because partial replacement of fossil fuel means to change sensible heat from fossil fuel to solar energy. Different urban microclimate may have various effects on BIPV performance that can be analyzed from two perspectives. Firstly, BIPV performance may decline with the increase of air temperature in densely built areas because many factors in urban areas cause higher temperature than that of the surrounding countryside. Secondly, the change of solar irradiance at the ground level under urban air pollution will lead to the variation of BIPV performance because total solar irradiance usually is reduced and each solar cell has a different spectral response characteristic. The thermal model and performance model of ventilated BIPV according to actual meteorologic data in Tianjin(China) are combined to predict PV temperature and power output in the city of Tianjin. Then, using dynamic building energy model, cooling load is calculated after BIPV installation. The calculation made based in Tianjin shows that it is necessary to pay attention to and further analyze interaction between them to decrease urban pollution, improve BIPV Performance and reduce colling load. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.


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Using a simplified mathematical model, a preliminary design strategy for steady stack ventilation in multi-storey atrium buildings is developed. By non-dimensionalising the governing equations of flow, two key dimensionless parameters are identified - a ventilation performance indicator, λ, and atrium enhancement parameter, E - which quantify the performance of the ventilation system and the effectiveness of the atrium in assisting flows. Analytical expressions are determined to inform the vent sizes needed to provide the desired balance between indoor air temperature, ventilation flow rate and heat inputs for any distribution of occupants within the building, and also to ensure unidirectional flow. Dimensionless charts for determining the required combination of design variables are presented with a view to informing first-order design guidance for naturally ventilated buildings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.