976 resultados para Air -- Pollution -- Analysis
Best management practices in green lodging are sustainable or “green” business strategies designed to enhance the lodging product from the perspective of owners, operators and guests. For guests, these practices should enhance their experience while for owners and operators, generate positive returns on investments. Best management practices in green lodging typically starts with a clear understanding of each lodging firm’s role in society, its impact on the environment and strategies developed to mitigate negative environmental externalities generated from the production of lodging goods and services. Negative externalities of hotel operations manifest themselves in energy and water usage, waste generation and air pollution. Hence, best management practices in green lodging are dynamic, cost effective, innovative, stakeholder driven and environmentally sound technical and behavioral solutions that attempt to ameliorate or eliminate the negative environmental externalities associated with lodging operations, while simultaneously generate positive returns on green investments. Thus, best management practices in green lodging should reduce lodging firms’ operating costs, increase guest satisfaction, reduce or eliminate the negative environmental impacts associated with hotel operations while simultaneously enhance business operations.
Climate and air pollution, among others, are responsible factors for increase of health vulnerability of the populations that live in urban centers. Climate changes combined with high concentrations of atmospheric pollutants are usually associated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to model in different ways the climate and health relation, specifically for the children and elderly population which live in São Paulo. Therefore, data of meteorological variables, air pollutants, hospitalizations and deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases a in 11-year period (2000-2010) were used. By using modeling via generalized estimating equations, the relative risk was obtained. By dynamic regression, it was possible to predict the number of deaths through the atmospheric variables and the betabinomial-poisson model was able to estimate the number of deaths and simulate scenarios. The results showed that the risk of hospitalizations due to asthma increases approximately twice for children exposed to high concentrations of particulate matter than children who are not exposed. The risk of death by acute myocardial infarction in elderly increase in 3%, 6%, 4% and 9% due to high concentrations CO, SO2, O3 and PM10, respectively. Regarding the dynamic regression modeling, the results showed that deaths by respiratory diseases can be predicted consistently. The beta-binomial-poisson model was able to reproduce an average number of deaths by heart insufficiency. In the region of Santo Amaro the observed number was 2.462 and the simulated was 2.508, in the Sé region 4.308 were observed and 4.426 simulated, which allowed for the generation of scenarios that may be used as a parameter for decision. Making with these results, it is possible to contribute for methodologies that can improve the understanding of the relation between climate and health and proved support to managers in environmental planning and public health policies.
Measurements of tree heights and crown sizes are essential in long-term monitoring of spatially distributed forests to assess the health of forests over time. In Switzerland, in 1994 and 1997, more than 4'500 trees have been recorded in a 8x8 km plot within the Sanasilva Inventory, which comprises the Swiss Level I sites of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests' (ICP Forests). Tree heights and crown sizes were measured for the dominant and co-dominant trees (n = 1,723), resulting in a data set from 171 plots in Switzerland, spreading over a broad range of climatic gradient and forest characteristics (species recorded = 20). Average tree height was 22.1 m, average DBH 34.6 cm and crown diameter 6.5 m. The data set presented here is open to use and shall foster research in allometric equation modelling.
The transport of people and goods contributes to the deterioration of the environment in urban areas because of the generation of pollution, such as, air, noise, soil, water or visual degradation. The heavy vehicles that use diesel as fuel are mainly responsible for the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), contributing to participation of the transport sector in air pollution. In addition, there is emission of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) whose main component is carbon dioxide (CO2). In most major cities, public transportation is often considered as a less polluting alternative compared to the private vehicle, in view of the potential to reduce, per passenger, the emissions of GHG and air pollutants. The study area was the city of Uberlândia and the objects of study were the trunk lines of the Sistema Integrado de Transporte (SIT). The emissions of NOx, PM and CO2 were estimated through the bottom-up approach which used the route of each bus line and also fuel consumption obtained through simulation from the TSIS software. The software has some result limitations, there are no report about the emission of pollutants by bus, and it is not able to change specifications for the fuel used by the fleet. The results obtained through calculations of pollutants and GHG emission by the bottom-up approach show that the emission is higher when using fuel comsuption obtained in simulation than using distance. For the results considering fuel and distance there was a reduction in emissions comparing ethanol and diesel.
The main driver for the investigation of fast pyrolysis oil marine fuel blends is EU directive 2012/33/EU which aims to cut the sulphur content of marine fuel and thereby reduce air pollution caused by marine vessels. The aim of this study was to investigate the miscibility of 3- and 4- component blends containing pyrolysis oil, 1-butanol, biodiesel (RME) and/or marine gas oil (MGO). The ideal blend would be a stable homogenous product with a minimum amount of butanol, whilst maximising the amount of pyrolysis oil. A successful blend would have properties suitable for use in marine engines. In order to successfully utilise a marine fuel blend in commercial vessels it should meet minimum specification requirements such as a flash point ≥60°C. Blends of pyrolysis oil, RME, MGO and 1-butanol were evaluated and characterised. The mixed blends were inspected after 48 hours for homogeneity and the results plotted on a tri-plot phase diagram. Homogenous samples were tested for water content, pH, acid number, viscosity and flash point as these give indicate a blend’s suitability for engine testing. The work forms part of the ReShip Project which is funded by Norwegian industry partners and the Research Council of Norway (The ENERGIX programme).
We analyzed projections of current and future ambient temperatures along the eastern United States in relationship to the thermal tolerance of harbor seals in air. Using the earth systems model (HadGEM2-ES) and representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5, which are indicative of two different atmospheric CO2 concentrations, we were able to examine possible shifts in distribution based on three metrics: current preferences, the thermal limit of juveniles, and the thermal limits of adults. Our analysis focused on average ambient temperatures because harbor seals are least effective at regulating their body temperature in air, making them most susceptible to rising air temperatures in the coming years. Our study focused on the months of May, June, and August from 2041-2060 (2050) and 2061-2080 (2070) as these are the historic months in which harbor seals are known to annually come ashore to pup, breed, and molt. May, June, and August are also some of the warmest months of the year. We found that breeding colonies along the eastern United States will be limited by the thermal tolerance of juvenile harbor seals in air, while their foraging range will extend as far south as the thermal tolerance of adult harbor seals in air. Our analysis revealed that in 2070, harbor seal pups should be absent from the United States coastline nearing the end of the summer due to exceptionally high air temperatures.
Calcification in many invertebrate species is predicted to decline due to ocean acidification. The potential effects of elevated CO2 and reduced carbonate saturation state on other species, such as fish, are less well understood. Fish otoliths (earbones) are composed of aragonite, and thus, might be susceptible to either the reduced availability of carbonate ions in seawater at low pH, or to changes in extracellular concentrations of bicarbonate and carbonate ions caused by acid-base regulation in fish exposed to high pCO2. We reared larvae of the clownfish Amphiprion percula from hatching to settlement at three pHNBS and pCO2 levels (control: ~pH 8.15 and 404 µatm CO2; intermediate: pH 7.8 and 1050 µatm CO2; extreme: pH 7.6 and 1721 µatm CO2) to test the possible effects of ocean acidification on otolith development. There was no effect of the intermediate treatment (pH 7.8 and 1050 µatm CO2) on otolith size, shape, symmetry between left and right otoliths, or otolith elemental chemistry, compared with controls. However, in the more extreme treatment (pH 7.6 and 1721 µatm CO2) otolith area and maximum length were larger than controls, although no other traits were significantly affected. Our results support the hypothesis that pH regulation in the otolith endolymph can lead to increased precipitation of CaCO3 in otoliths of larval fish exposed to elevated CO2, as proposed by an earlier study, however, our results also show that sensitivity varies considerably among species. Importantly, our results suggest that otolith development in clownfishes is robust to even the more pessimistic changes in ocean chemistry predicted to occur by 2100.
Underground hardrock mining can be very energy intensive and in large part this can be attributed to the power consumption of underground ventilation systems. In general, the power consumed by a mine’s ventilation system and its overall scale are closely related to the amount of diesel power in operation. This is because diesel exhaust is a major source of underground air pollution, including diesel particulate matter (DPM), NO2 and heat, and because regulations tie air volumes to diesel engines. Furthermore, assuming the size of airways remains constant, the power consumption of the main system increases exponentially with the volume of air supplied to the mine. Therefore large diesel fleets lead to increased energy consumption and can also necessitate large capital expenditures on ventilation infrastructure in order to manage power requirements. Meeting ventilation requirements for equipment in a heading can result in a similar scenario with the biggest pieces leading to higher energy consumption and potentially necessitating larger ventilation tubing and taller drifts. Depending on the climate where the mine is located, large volumes of air can have a third impact on ventilation costs if heating or cooling the air is necessary. Annual heating and cooling costs, as well as the cost of the associated infrastructure, are directly related to the volume of air sent underground. This thesis considers electric mining equipment as a means for reducing the intensity and cost of energy consumption at underground, hardrock mines. Potentially, electric equipment could greatly reduce the volume of air needed to ventilate an entire mine as well as individual headings because they do not emit many of the contaminants found in diesel exhaust and because regulations do not connect air volumes to electric motors. Because of the exponential relationship between power consumption and air volumes, this could greatly reduce the amount of power required for mine ventilation as well as the capital cost of ventilation infrastructure. As heating and cooling costs are also directly linked to air volumes, the cost and energy intensity of heating and cooling the air would also be significantly reduced. A further incentive is that powering equipment from the grid is substantially cheaper than fuelling them with diesel and can also produce far fewer GHGs. Therefore, by eliminating diesel from the underground workers will enjoy safer working conditions and operators and society at large will gain from a smaller impact on the environment. Despite their significant potential, in order to produce a credible economic assessment of electric mining equipment their impact on underground systems must be understood and considered in their evaluation. Accordingly, a good deal of this thesis reviews technical considerations related to the use of electric mining equipment, especially ones that impact the economics of their implementation. The goal of this thesis will then be to present the economic potential of implementing the equipment, as well as to outline the key inputs which are necessary to support an evaluation and to provide a model and an approach which can be used by others if the relevant information is available and acceptable assumptions can be made.
Die zunehmende Luftverschmutzung aufgrund des steigenden Energiebedarfs und Mobilitätsanspruchs der Bevölkerung, insbesondere in urbanen Gebieten, erhöht das Gefährdungspotential für die Gesundheit und verschlechtert so die Lebensqualität. Neben der Vermeidung von Emissionen toxischer Gase als mittel- und langfristig optimale Maßnahme zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität, stellt der Abbau emittierter Luftschadstoffe ein geeignetes und kurzfristig wirksames Mittel dar. Ein solcher Abbau kann durch Photokatalyse erzielt werden, allerdings nutzen Photokatalysatoren, die auf dem Halbleiter Titandioxid (TiO2) basieren, das solare Emissionsspektrum nur geringfüfig aus und sind in Innenräumen und anderen UV-schwachen Bereichen nicht wirksam. Um diese Nachteile zu überwinden, wurde ein Photokatalysator entwickelt und hergestellt, der aus TiO2 (P25) als UV-aktiver Photokatalysator und als Trägermaterial sowie einem seinerseits im Vis-Bereich photoaktiven Porphyrazin-Farbstoff als Beschichtung besteht. Die sterisch anspruchsvollen und in der Peripherie mit acht Bindungsmotiven für TiO2 versehenen Farbstoffmoleküle wurden zu diesem Zweck auf der Halbleiteroberfläche immobilisiert. Die so gebildeten Porphyrazin-Titandioxid-Hybride wurde ausführlich charakterisiert. Dabei wurden unter anderem die Bindung der Farbstoffe auf der Titandioxidoberfläche mittels Adsorptionsisothermen und die UV/Vis-spektroskopischen Eigenschaften des Hybridmaterials untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der photokatalytischen Aktivitäten der Einzelkomponenten und des Hybridmaterials wurden diese auf die Fähigkeit zur Bildung von Singulett-Sauerstoff, Wasserstoffperoxid und Hydroxylradikalen hin sowie in einem an die ISO-22197-1 angelehnten Verfahren auf die Fähigkeit zum Abbau von NO hin jeweils bei Bestrahlung in drei Wellenlängenbereichen (UV-Strahlung, blaues Licht und rotes Licht) geprüft. Darüber hinaus konnte die Aktivität des Hybridmaterials bei der Photodynamischen Inaktivierung (PDI) von Bakterien unter UV- und Rotlichtbestrahlung im Vergleich zum reinen Ttandioxid bestimmt werden. Die Charakterisierung des Hybridmaterials ergab, dass die Farbstoffmoleküle in einer neutralen Suspension nahezu irreversibel in einer monomolekularen Schicht mit einer Bindungsenergie von -41.43 kJ/mol an die Oberfläche gebunden sind und das Hybridmaterial mit hohen Extinktionskoeffizienten von bis zu 105 M-1cm-1 in großen Bereichen des UV/Vis-Spektrums Photonen absorbiert. Das Spektrum des Hybridmaterials setzt sich dabei additiv aus den beiden Einzelspektren zusammen. Die Auswirkungen der Charakterisierungsergebnisse auf die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies wurden ausführlich diskutiert. Der Vergleich der Aktivitäten in Bezug auf die Bildung der reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies zeigte, dass die Aktivität des Hybridmaterials bis auf die bei der Bildung von Hydroxylradikalen unter UV-Bestrahlung in allen Versuchen deutlich höher war als die Aktivität des reinen Titandioxids. Im Gegensatz zu reinem Titandioxid erzeugte das Hybridmaterial in allen untersuchten Wellenlängenbereichen Mengen an Singulett-Sauerstoff, die photophysikalisch eindeutig detektierbar waren. Zur Erklärung und Deutung dieser Beobachtungen wurde eine differenzierte Diskussion geführt, die die Ergebnisse der Hybridpartikelcharakterisierung aufgreift und implementiert. Der Vergleich der NO-Abbaueffizienzen ergab bei allen Experimenten durchgängig deutlich höhere Werte für das Hybridmaterial. Zudem wurden durch das Hybridmaterial nachgewiesenermaßen wesentlich geringere Mengen des unerwünschten Nebenprodukts des Abbaus (NO2) gebildet. Im Zuge der Diskussion wurden verschiedene mögliche Mechanismen der „sauberen“ Oxidation zu Nitrat durch das Hybridmaterial vorgestellt. Untersuchungen zur Photodynamischen Inaktivierung verschiedener Bakterien ergaben, dass das Hybridmaterial neben einer zu P25 ähnlichen Aktivität unter UV-Bestrahlung, anders als P25, auch eine PDI verschiedener Bakterien unter Rotlichtbestrahlung erreicht.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Exhaust emissions from diesel engines are a substantial source of air pollution in this country. In recognition of this fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has issued strict new regulations due to take effect -in 1991 and 1994 that will drastically reduce the amount of some pollutants these engines will be allowed to emit. The technology is not currently available to produce diesel engines that can meet these regulations without large penalties in engine performance and efficiency. One technique that offers promise of being able to reduce emissions from both existing engines and new engines is alcohol fumigation.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The objective of the research project was to seek acceptable solutions to the air pollution problem created in the asphalt recycling process using modified conventional equipment.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
O crescimento das receitas com o turismo em Portugal é evidente.Com ele abriram-se portas ao surgimento de novos negócios nas áreas do turismo que ao mesmo tempo estimulam a atração de visitantes ao País. Os passeios turísticos pela cidade são um negócio de sucesso e proliferaram por todo o território nacional. O problema reside na escolha dos veículos que essas empresas têm vindo a adotar, veículos muito presentes nos chamados países do terceiro mundo e por isso associados aosmesmos. O presente trabalho tem por finalidade a elaboração de uma proposta de veículo vocacionadoao passeio turístico no plano urbano, uma proposta que leva em conta fatores ambientais, na ótica da diminuição da poluição atmosférica e da sustentabilidade dos recursos materiais, um veículo que trata das questões ergonómicas e das limitações do terreno inerentes ao meio urbanístico. O trabalho procurará ainda dar resposta às questões relacionadas com a função e a ética no design, já na fase de projeto, serão aplicadas ferramentas sistémicas que permitirão estabelecer as relações lógico dedutivas, assegurando que a proposta vai ao encontro daquilo a que os potenciais clientes pretendem.