980 resultados para Adaptive radiation
Alterations to the genetic code – codon reassignments – have occurred many times in life’s history, despite the fact that genomes are coadapted to their genetic codes and therefore alterations are likely to be maladaptive. A potential mechanism for adaptive codon reassignment, which could trigger either a temporary period of codon ambiguity or a permanent genetic code change, is the reactivation of a pseudogene by a nonsense suppressor mutant transfer RNA. I examine the population genetics of each stage of this process and find that pseudogene rescue is plausible and also readily explains some features of extant variability in genetic codes.
A poor representation of cloud structure in a general circulation model (GCM) is widely recognised as a potential source of error in the radiation budget. Here, we develop a new way of representing both horizontal and vertical cloud structure in a radiation scheme. This combines the ‘Tripleclouds’ parametrization, which introduces inhomogeneity by using two cloudy regions in each layer as opposed to one, each with different water content values, with ‘exponential-random’ overlap, in which clouds in adjacent layers are not overlapped maximally, but according to a vertical decorrelation scale. This paper, Part I of two, aims to parametrize the two effects such that they can be used in a GCM. To achieve this, we first review a number of studies for a globally applicable value of fractional standard deviation of water content for use in Tripleclouds. We obtain a value of 0.75 ± 0.18 from a variety of different types of observations, with no apparent dependence on cloud type or gridbox size. Then, through a second short review, we create a parametrization of decorrelation scale for use in exponential-random overlap, which varies the scale linearly with latitude from 2.9 km at the Equator to 0.4 km at the poles. When applied to radar data, both components are found to have radiative impacts capable of offsetting biases caused by cloud misrepresentation. Part II of this paper implements Tripleclouds and exponential-random overlap into a radiation code and examines both their individual and combined impacts on the global radiation budget using re-analysis data.
Reliably representing both horizontal cloud inhomogeneity and vertical cloud overlap is fundamentally important for the radiation budget of a general circulation model. Here, we build on the work of Part One of this two-part paper by applying a pair of parameterisations that account for horizontal inhomogeneity and vertical overlap to global re-analysis data. These are applied both together and separately in an attempt to quantify the effects of poor representation of the two components on radiation budget. Horizontal inhomogeneity is accounted for using the “Tripleclouds” scheme, which uses two regions of cloud in each layer of a gridbox as opposed to one; vertical overlap is accounted for using “exponential-random” overlap, which aligns vertically continuous cloud according to a decorrelation height. These are applied to a sample of scenes from a year of ERA-40 data. The largest radiative effect of horizontal inhomogeneity is found to be in areas of marine stratocumulus; the effect of vertical overlap is found to be fairly uniform, but with larger individual short-wave and long-wave effects in areas of deep, tropical convection. The combined effect of the two parameterisations is found to reduce the magnitude of the net top-of-atmosphere cloud radiative forcing (CRF) by 2.25 W m−2, with shifts of up to 10 W m−2 in areas of marine stratocumulus. The effects of the uncertainty in our parameterisations on radiation budget is also investigated. It is found that the uncertainty in the impact of horizontal inhomogeneity is of order ±60%, while the uncertainty in the impact of vertical overlap is much smaller. This suggests an insensitivity of the radiation budget to the exact nature of the global decorrelation height distribution derived in Part One.
A year-long field study of the thermal environment in university classrooms was conducted from March 2005 to May 2006 in Chongqing, China. This paper presents the occupants’ thermal sensation votes and discusses the occupants’ adaptive response and perception of the thermal environment in a naturally conditioned space. Comparisons between the Actual Mean Vote (AMV) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) have been made as well as between the Actual Percentage of Dissatisfied (APD) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD). The adaptive thermal comfort zone for the naturally conditioned space for Chongqing, which has hot summer and cold winter climatic characteristics, has been proposed based on the field study results. The Chongqing adaptive comfort range is broader than that of the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 in general, but in the extreme cold and hot months, it is narrower. The thermal conditions in classrooms in Chongqing in summer and winter are severe. Behavioural adaptation such as changing clothing, adjusting indoor air velocity, taking hot/cold drinks, etc., as well as psychological adaptation, has played a role in adapting to the thermal environment.
Infrared optical-multilayer filters and materials were exposed to the space environment of low Earth orbit on LDEF. This paper summarizes the effects of that environment on the physical and optical properties of the filters and materials flown.
Improving methodology for Phase I dose-finding studies is currently of great interest in pharmaceutical and medical research. This article discusses the current atmosphere and attitude towards adaptive designs and focuses on the influence of Bayesian approaches.
A simple parameter adaptive controller design methodology is introduced in which steady-state servo tracking properties provide the major control objective. This is achieved without cancellation of process zeros and hence the underlying design can be applied to non-minimum phase systems. As with other self-tuning algorithms, the design (user specified) polynomials of the proposed algorithm define the performance capabilities of the resulting controller. However, with the appropriate definition of these polynomials, the synthesis technique can be shown to admit different adaptive control strategies, e.g. self-tuning PID and self-tuning pole-placement controllers. The algorithm can therefore be thought of as an embodiment of other self-tuning design techniques. The performances of some of the resulting controllers are illustrated using simulation examples and the on-line application to an experimental apparatus.
This paper considers the use of a discrete-time deadbeat control action on systems affected by noise. Variations on the standard controller form are discussed and comparisons are made with controllers in which noise rejection is a higher priority objective. Both load and random disturbances are considered in the system description, although the aim of the deadbeat design remains as a tailoring of reference input variations. Finally, the use of such a deadbeat action within a self-tuning control framework is shown to satisfy, under certain conditions, the self-tuning property, generally though only when an extended form of least-squares estimation is incorporated.
Self-organizing neural networks have been implemented in a wide range of application areas such as speech processing, image processing, optimization and robotics. Recent variations to the basic model proposed by the authors enable it to order state space using a subset of the input vector and to apply a local adaptation procedure that does not rely on a predefined test duration limit. Both these variations have been incorporated into a new feature map architecture that forms an integral part of an Hybrid Learning System (HLS) based on a genetic-based classifier system. Problems are represented within HLS as objects characterized by environmental features. Objects controlled by the system have preset targets set against a subset of their features. The system's objective is to achieve these targets by evolving a behavioural repertoire that efficiently explores and exploits the problem environment. Feature maps encode two types of knowledge within HLS — long-term memory traces of useful regularities within the environment and the classifier performance data calibrated against an object's feature states and targets. Self-organization of these networks constitutes non-genetic-based (experience-driven) learning within HLS. This paper presents a description of the HLS architecture and an analysis of the modified feature map implementing associative memory. Initial results are presented that demonstrate the behaviour of the system on a simple control task.
Infrared multilayer interference filters have been used extensively in satellite radiometers for about 15 years. Filters manufactured by the University of Reading have been used in Nimbus 5, 6, and 7, TIROS N, and the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The ability of the filters to withstand the space environment in these applications is critical; if degradation takes place, the effects would range from worsening of signal-to-noise performance to complete system failure. An experiment on the LDEF will enable the filters, for the first time, to be subjected to authoritative spectral measurements following space exposure to ascertain their suitability for spacecraft use and to permit an understanding of degradation mechanisms.
The authors describe a learning classifier system (LCS) which employs genetic algorithms (GA) for adaptive online diagnosis of power transmission network faults. The system monitors switchgear indications produced by a transmission network, reporting fault diagnoses on any patterns indicative of faulted components. The system evaluates the accuracy of diagnoses via a fault simulator developed by National Grid Co. and adapts to reflect the current network topology by use of genetic algorithms.