899 resultados para Acute and chronic treatment
Leukocyte adhesion is of pivotal functional importance. The adhesion involves several different adhesion molecules, the most important of which are the leukocyte ß2-integrins (CD11/CD18), the intercellular adhesion molecules, and the selectins. We and others have extensively studied the specificity and binding sites in the integrins and the intercellular adhesion molecules for their receptors and ligands. The integrins have to become activated to exert their functions but the possible mechanisms of activation remain poorly understood. Importantly, a few novel intercellular adhesion molecules have been recently described, which seem to function only in specific tissues. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly apparent that changes in integrins and intercellular adhesion molecules are associated with a number of acute and chronic diseases.
The involvement of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the control of body fluid homeostasis has been extensively investigated in the past few years. In the present study, we reviewed the recent results obtained using different approaches to investigate the effects of glucocorticoids on the mechanisms of oxytocin and vasopressin synthesis and secretion in response to acute and chronic plasma volume and osmolality changes. The data presented here suggest that glucocorticoids are not only involved in the mechanisms underlying the fast release but also in the transcriptional events that lead to decreased synthesis and secretion of these neuropeptides, particularly oxytocin, under diverse experimental conditions of altered fluid volume and tonicity. The endocannabinoid system, through its effects on glutamatergic neurotransmission within the hypothalamus and the nuclear factor κB-mediated transcriptional activity, seems to be also involved in the specific mechanisms by which glucocorticoids exert their central effects on neurohypophyseal hormone synthesis and secretion.
À tout âge, l’exercice physique peut être bénéfique au fonctionnement cognitif. Étant quotidiennement confrontés à des situations d’apprentissage, l’enfant et l’adolescent constituent une population particulièrement susceptible de profiter de ces bienfaits. Cependant, il importe de préciser et d’étudier les facteurs qui influencent la relation entre l’exercice physique et la cognition. L’objectif général de cette thèse était d’examiner, à l’aide de mesures électrophysiologiques, les effets aigus et chroniques de l’exercice physique sur les mécanismes neurophysiologiques du fonctionnement cognitif de l’enfant. Une première étude a apprécié la durée des effets aigus de l’exercice physique. Les résultats de ces travaux suggèrent qu’une séance ponctuelle d’exercice physique augmente la vigilance pendant au moins 30 min. Toujours dans un contexte d’effets aigus de l’exercice, l’impact de la demande cognitive de la tâche et de l’âge ont été examinés dans une seconde étude. Les résultats ne révèlent aucune interaction avec l’âge, cependant ils indiquent une spécificité pour les processus plus complexes du traitement de l’information. Enfin, une troisième étude a évalué l’effet de l’exercice physique chronique dans le cadre d’un programme d’activités physiques de 12 semaines. Aucun changement n’a été observé quant à l’aptitude cardiovasculaire ou la performance cognitive suite au programme. Une condition physique initialement élevée des participants pourrait expliquer ce résultat. En résumé, peu importe la condition physique de l’enfant, un exercice physique aigu d’intensité moyenne est bénéfique à la vigilance et à certains aspects du traitement cognitif de l’information. Les effets observés semblent suffisamment durables pour avoir un impact positif sur l’apprentissage en classe après une récréation ou un cours d’éducation physique.
Objectif : Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre l’effet du stress sur la douleur aiguë et chronique. Devis expérimental : 16 patients souffrant de douleur chronique lombalgique et 18 sujets contrôles ont participé à une étude d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et ont collecté des échantillons de salive afin de quantifier les niveaux d’hormone de stress (i.e. cortisol) la journée de l’étude (réponse réactive) et durant les sept jours consécutifs suivants (réponse basale). Étude 1 : Une première étude a examiné le lien entre les niveaux de cortisol basal, le volume de l’hippocampe et l’activité cérébrale évoquée par la douleur thermique chez des patients souffrant de douleur chronique et les sujets contrôles. Les résultats révèlent que les patients souffrant de douleur chronique avaient des niveaux de cortisol plus élevés que ceux des sujets contrôles. Chez ces patients, un niveau élevé de cortisol était associé à un plus petit volume de l'hippocampe et à davantage d’activation dans le gyrus parahippocampique antérieure (une région impliquée dans l'anxiété anticipatoire et l'apprentissage associatif). De plus, une analyse de médiation a montré que le niveau de cortisol basal et la force de la réponse parahippocampique explique statistiquement l’association négative entre le volume de l'hippocampe et l'intensité de la douleur chronique. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’activité endocrinienne plus élevée chez les patients ayant un plus petit hippocampe modifie le fonctionnement du complexe hippocampique et contribue à l’intensité de la douleur chronique. Étude 2 : La deuxième étude a évalué la contribution de la réponse de stress réactif aux différences interindividuelles dans la perception de la douleur aiguë chez des patients souffrant de douleur chronique et chez des sujets normaux. Les deux groupes ont montré des augmentations significatives du niveau de cortisol en réponse à des stimulations nocives administrées dans un contexte d’IRM suggérant ainsi que la réactivité de l’axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien est préservée chez les patients lombalgiques. De plus, les individus présentant une réponse hormonale de stress plus forte ont rapporté moins de douleur et ont montré une réduction de l'activation cérébrale dans le noyau accumbens, dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur (CCA), le cortex somatosensoriel primaire, et l'insula postérieure. Des analyses de médiation ont indiqué que la douleur liée à l'activité du CCA explique statistiquement la relation entre la réponse de stress et le désagrément de la douleur rapportée par les participants. Enfin, des analyses complémentaires ont révélé que le stress réduit la connectivité fonctionnelle entre le CCA et le tronc cérébral pendant la douleur aiguë. Ces résultats indiquent que le stress réactif module la douleur et contribue à la variabilité interindividuelle de l'activité cérébrale et la réponse affective à la douleur. Discussion : Conjointement, ces études suggèrent dans un premier temps que la douleur chronique peut être exacerbée par une réponse physiologique inadéquate de l'organisme exposé à un stress récurrent, et en un second temps, que le CCA contribuerait à l'analgésie induite par le stress. Sur le plan conceptuel, ces études renforcent le point de vue prédominant suggérant que la douleur chronique induit des changements dans les systèmes cérébraux régissant les fonctions motivationnelles et affective de la douleur.
El estado nutricional es un indicador de calidad de vida de los individuos; la malnutrición se ha constituido en una problemática de la población infantil de países en vía de desarrollo cuya reducción se ha incluido en los objetivos del Milenio; para su abordaje, Colombia implementó el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica Alimentaria y Nutricional SISVAN- que desde 1998, ha recopilado información del estado nutricional de niños y niñas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal con un análisis evolutivo (pruebas ANOVA y Bonferoni) de la malnutrición en infantes de Bogotá, con base en los reportes del SISVAN desde 1998 al 2009. La clasificación nutricional se determinó mediante gráficas de la NCHS. Empleamos software SPSS 15. Resultados: 1836.903 registros totales depurados (895638 niñas y 941265 niños), pertenecientes a 20 localidades de Bogotá. La prevalencia de malnutrición encontrada varía según el indicador antropométrico utilizado (Peso/Edad, Talla/Edad y Peso/Talla), así: desnutrición global varía de 2.6%(1998) a 2.8%(2009); de 1.5%(1998) a 1.6%(2009) para sobrepeso y para obesidad 0.8% según el indicador Peso/Edad para ambos géneros. Indicador Talla/Edad: prevalencias de 5.1%(1998) a 4.8%(2009) para desnutrición crónica y retraso de crecimiento de 11.7%(1998) a 11.1% (2009). Indicador Peso/Talla se encuentra: 12.7%(1998) a 12.6%(2009) para desnutrición aguda, 4.9%(1998) a 4.2%(2009) para sobrepeso y para obesidad de 4.8%(1998) a 4.0%(2009). Conclusiones: Existen diferencias significativas entre las prevalencias de desnutrición, sobrepeso y obesidad durante los años de reporte del SISVAN, observándose una tendencia al decrecimiento en obesidad, desnutrición aguda y crónica, y a un comportamiento sin variaciones para sobrepeso.
Introducción: La desnutrición infantil es una importante preocupación en países en desarrollo y se relaciona con condiciones de pobreza. Metodología: Estudio secundario de una muestra de 1.232 datos de menores de cinco años con diagnóstico nutricional obtenido en forma retrospectiva en la evaluación del SISVAN año 2009 para Bogotá. Se utilizó para el procesamiento de la información Epi Info 6.04 y SPSS 17.0. Resultados: Se encontró que el 37.2% de los menores está en riesgo de desnutrición, el 27.3% tiene desnutrición aguda y el 7.2% desnutrición crónica. Fontibón y Chapinero presentan la mayor desnutrición aguda y crónica respectivamente. Los menores con reducidos ingresos familiares, de estrato uno, con madres que estudian y trabajan, divorciadas o viudas, o que sean desplazados actuales presentan mayor riesgo de desnutrición. La desnutrición aguda es mayor en los niños con desplazamientos mayores de un año o con esquemas de vacunación incompleto. Cuando se presentan inadecuadas condiciones de saneamiento, peso al nacer inferior a 2000 gramos, madres con escolaridad primaria o grupos etáreos entre 3 y 5 años se observa mayor desnutrición crónica. Quienes reciben lactancia materna exclusiva presentan menor desnutrición aguda y crónica. Conclusiones: En la población estudiada, el riesgo de desnutrición está por encima de la desnutrición aguda y crónica. Los resultados sugieren que la desnutrición y el riesgo de desnutrición pueden ser reducidos mejorando educación materna, saneamiento, prolongando la lactancia y cumpliendo esquemas de vacunación.
El uso de la terapia electroconvulsiva en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia resistente a manejo farmacológico suscita en la actualidad diferentes posiciones respecto a su utilidad y eficacia en el control del espectro de síntomas presentados por este tipo de pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la terapia electroconvulsiva en esquizofrenia resistente a tratamiento farmacológico. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron dos estudios aleatorizados controlados y siete estudios abiertos cuasi experimentales. Se excluyeron 12 estudios y otros cinco estudios se clasificaron en curso, es decir, que a la fecha no se han terminado ni publicado. Resultados: La evidencia disponible, respalda el uso de la terapia electroconvulsiva como terapia coadyuvante al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con esquizofrenia refractaria. Un grupo de cuatro estudios cuasi experimentales mostró reducción clínicamente significativa de la escala BPRS al igual que los dos estudios aleatorizados controlados. El grupo restante de tres estudios cuasi experimentales, mostró reducción clínicamente significativa de la escala PANSS. Estos resultados, se dan en el marco de la existencia de pocos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados disponibles. Conclusiones: La TEC combinada con medicamento antipsicótico provee la mejor opción terapéutica en el tratamiento agudo y a largo plazo de la esquizofrenia refractaria. Es necesaria la realización de estudios clínicos que aporten mayor nivel de evidencia.
Antral follicle growth in cattle occurs in two distinct phases; the first 'slow' growth phase spans the time from antrum acquisition to a size of approximately 3 mm detectable by transrectal ultrasound, and the second 'fast' phase is gondadotrophin-dependent and includes cohort growth, dominant follicle (DF) selection, and DF growth. This review summarises current concepts of the relative roles FSH and LH, ovarian and metabolic hormones play mainly in the second phase of antral follicle growth in animals of different reproductive and nutritional states. It is proposed that differential FSH response may enable one cohort follicle to become selected, and that follicular secretions, particularly inhibin, suppress FSH and thus are responsible for DF selection and dominance. Acute dependence of the DF on LH pulses will determine DF lifespan, and the LH pulse profile can be influenced by metabolic hormones such as leptin, providing one possible link for nutritional state and reproduction. Direct ovarian effects of acute and chronic changes in growth hormone, insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I have been described on cohort follicles, DF oestrogen activity and on DF growth. Influences of metabolic hormones on early antral follicles undergoing their first 'slow' growth phase are less well described, yet metabolic hormones appear to enhance growth into the cohort available for FSH-induced emergence, and may influence subsequent developmental competence of oocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In nutritional sciences there is much interest in dietary modulation of the human gut. The gastrointestinal tract, particularly the colon, is very heavily populated with bacteria. Most bacteria are benign; however, certain gut species are pathogenic and may be involved in the onset of acute and chronic disorders. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are thought to be beneficial and are common targets for dietary intervention. Prebiotic is a non-viable food ingredient selectively metabolized by beneficial intestinal bacteria. Dietary modulation of the gut microflora by prebiotics is designed to improve health by stimulating numbers and/or activities of the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Having an 'optimal' gut microflora can increase resistance to pathogenic bacteria, lower blood ammonia, increase stimulation of the immune response and reduce the risk of cancer. This chapter examines how prebiotics are being applied to the improvement of human health and reviews the scientific evidence behind their use.
Functional foods is an often-used term applied to dietary ingredients that serve to improve consumer health. Over the last few decades, these foods have gained in popularity with sales continuing to increase rapidly. Recent scientific, and some lay, reports have shown the popularity of both probiotics and prebiotics. These serve to elicit changes in the gut microbiota composition that increase populations of purported beneficial gut bacterial genera, for example, lactobacilli or bifidobacteria. Probiotics use live microbial feed additions, whereas prebiotics target indigenous flora components. As gastrointestinal disorders are prevalent in terms of human health, both probiotics and prebiotics serve an important role in the prophylactic management of various acute and chronic gut derived conditions. Examples include protection from gastroenteritis and some inflammatory conditions.
This paper describes a structural design technique for rehabilitation robot intended for upper-limb post-stroke therapy. First, a novel approach to a rehabilitation robot is proposed and the features of the robot are explained. Second, the direct kinematics and the inverse kinematics of the proposed robot structure are derived. Finally, a mechanical design procedure is explained that achieves a compromise between the required motion range and assuring the workspace safety. The suitability of a portable escort type structure for upper limb rehabilitation of both acute and chronic stroke is discussed
Satellite cells represent the stem cell population of adult skeletal muscle. The molecular mechanisms that control the proliferation of satellite cells are not well understood. In this study, we show that in response to injury, myofibres activate Wnt ligand transcription and activate a reporter cell line that is sensitive to the canonical Wnt-signalling pathway. Activated satellite cells on isolated cultured myofibres show robust expression of activated-β-catenin (Act-β-Cat), a key downstream transcriptional coactivator of canonical Wnt signalling. We provide evidence that the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins act on satellite cells in a ligand-specific manner. Overexpression of Wnt1, Wnt3a or Wnt5a protein causes a dramatic increase in satellite-cell proliferation. By contrast, exposure of satellite cells to Wnt4 or Wnt6 diminishes this process. Moreover, we show that the prolonged satellite-cell quiescence induced by inhibitory Wnt is reversible and exposing inhibited satellite cells to stimulatory Wnt signalling restores their proliferation rate. Stimulatory Wnt proteins induce premature satellite cell BrdU incorporation as well as nuclear translocation of Act-β-Cat. Finally, we provide evidence that the Act-β-Cat translocation observed in single fibres during in vitro culture also occurs in cases of acute and chronic skeletal muscle regeneration in rodents and humans. We propose that Wnt proteins may be key factors that regulate the rate of satellite-cell proliferation on adult muscle fibres during the wound-healing response.
Cardiac myocyte death, whether through necrotic or apoptotic mechanisms, is a contributing factor to many cardiac pathologies. Although necrosis and apoptosis are the widely accepted forms of cell death, they may utilize the same cell death machinery. The environment within the cell probably dictates the final outcome, producing a spectrum of response between the two extremes. This review examines the probable mechanisms involved in myocyte death. Caspases, the generally accepted executioners of apoptosis, are significant in executing cardiac myocyte death, but other proteases (e.g., calpains, cathepsins) also promote cell death, and these are discussed. The two principal cell death pathways (death receptor- and mitochondrial-mediated) are described in relation to the emerging structural information for the principal proteins, and they are discussed relative to current understanding of myocyte cell death mechanisms. Whereas the mitochondrial pathway is probably a significant factor in myocyte death in both acute and chronic phases of myocardial diseases, the death receptor pathway may prove significant in the longer term. The Bcl-2 family of proteins are key regulators of the mitochondrial death pathway. These proteins are described and their possible functions are discussed. The commitment to cell death is also influenced by protein kinase cascades that are activated in the cell. Whereas certain pathways are cytoprotective (e.g., phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase), the roles of other kinases are less clear. Since myocyte death is implicated in a number of cardiac pathologies, attenuation of the death pathways may prove important in ameliorating such disease states, and possible therapeutic strategies are explored.
Triatoma infestans, the main vector of Chagas disease, has nearly been eliminated from Brazil. Nevertheless, other triatominae species are involved in the domiciliation process, including Triatoma rubrovaria in Rio Grande do Sul State (RS). Previous studies showed that 1.6% of the T rubrovaria specimens collected at the rural district of Quarai, RS, were naturally infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. In this study, five T. cruzi isolates obtained from infected triatomines were characterized molecularly and biologically. Genotyping of the T cruzi isolates showed that they belong to lineage IIc of T cruzi (TCIIc). Biological characterization showed miotropism and myositis during acute and chronic phases of infection, respectively. Virulence and mortality rates were variable among isolates. To our knowledge, this study corresponds to the first characterization of T cruzi isolates from T rubrovaria and the first description of TCIIc in the sylvatic cycle of T cruzi from the southern region of Brazil.
Toxoplasmosis is one zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Goats, amongst the production animals, are one of the species most susceptible to this parasite, being one them main involved agents in ovine and goat abortions, determining great economic losses and implications for public health, since the presence it parasite in the products of goat origin, consist in one of the main sources of infection for the man. In this study 244 blood samples in 8 farms situated in 4 cities from the Sertão do Cabugi region, Rio Grande do Norte State, northeast of Brazil and, tested by ELISA assay. The results had shown a prevalence of 47.13% for anti- T. gondii antibodies and a significant association between positivity and variable evaluated as age, locality and property. The IgG avidity assay evaluated in 115 positive samples was carried to discriminate acute and chronic infection. Twelve samples (10.4%) had presented antibodies of low avidity while 103 (89.6%) presented high avidity antibodies; indicating that most of the animals was precocious exposure to the parasite. Significant difference was verified only for the variable sex. We also evaluate the capacity of recombinant adenoviruses codifying SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and CMV in inducing activation of specific immune response in goat. These 109 animals received 109 pfu of the AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3, AdCMV or PBS in vaccine protocol with 3 immunizations. Serum samples of the each animal, before and after mmunization, had been submitted to the ELISA. The results demonstrate that the immunizations had induced the production of IgG antibodies specific against T. gondii proteins